Curriculum Studies & Educational Tech.
The Department was a unit under the ‘Department of Education’ which was set up in October, 1977 with 35 students (offering either B. A. (Ed) or B.Sc. (Ed) courses) and three academic staff. The unit became a full-fledge Department in 2009 bearing the name: Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology. From October, 1977 to October, 1980, the old Department of Education operated a three-term system and examination were conducted at the end of each term. From October, 1980 to date, the Department has (in line with the rest of the University) been operating a two-semester system. Final examinations are held at the end of each semester.
The student’s enrolment has risen from 35 in 1977 to 509 in 2018. The core staff strength of the Department also rose from 3 in 1977 to 16, 14 academic and 2 non-academic
The B. Sc. Ed programmes that the Department offers are:
B, Sc. Ed (Economics)
B. Sc. Ed (Geography)
B. Sc. Ed (Social Studies)
B.Sc Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
The students offer Education courses in the Department and other Departments in
the Faculty, while teaching subjects are taken from various discipline Departments.
The Department also offers PG programmes such as:
1) M. Ed. Curriculum Studies
2) M. Ed. Language Education
3) M. Ed. Educational Technology
4) M. Phil/ PhD. Curriculum Studies
5) M. Phil/PhD. Language Education
6) M. Phil/PhD. Educational Technology
The philosophy of the Department is) is to train students with appropriate knowledge, skills, and aptitude to meet the growing demand for manpower for the teaching of the social science subjects at secondary school level. The Department also meets the minimum standard of the NUC in terms of course units requirement for producing graduates with ample opportunities in the education sector. Such graduates will make significant contributions at both the global educational scene and the realization of the philosophy and intents of Nigeria’s National Policy on Education.
The objectives of the programmes in the Department are to:
1) Instil in students a sound knowledge of Social Science Education as course and its delivery in classroom situations within a minimum period of 3 and 4 years depending on mode of entry.
2)Provide students with broad and balanced knowledge of theories and methods in teaching Social Science Education.
3)Cultivate in students the ability to apply their knowledge and skills in Social Science Education to the understanding and provision of possible solutions to societal problems in Nigerian educational system.
4)Prepare students for higher studies and Economics Education and related discipline
Our Vision
The vision of the department is to be centre of excellence for the training of social science teachers that will contribute to the national development
Our Mission
To produce quality social science teachers to meet the education demand of the 21st century and beyond, provide community services to all under the most conducive environment in line with the national policy on education.