Faculty of Allied Health Sciences

Faculty of Allied Health Sciences In Brief
The Faculty of Allied Health Sciences was established in August 2019 by the Senate of the University with the aim of training nurses and allied health workers who will provide the nursing and allied health services to the Northern Nigeria and the country in general.
The faculty has graduated 100 students as 2 sets of students from Departments of Nursing and Radiogrphy in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 sessions. Currently, the faculty has 421 students enrolled in the Departments of Nursing Sciences and Radiogrpahy.
To produce excellent and qualitative undergraduate and post-graduate nurses and healthcare workers that will provide effective and efficient patient care to individuals, families and communities. To serve as the Centre of Excellent for Nursing and Health Sciences’ research and services.
To be a Centre of Excellent in Teaching, Research and Community Service in Nursing and Health Care services in order to promote and restore health, as well as prevent diseases and alleviate sufferings of human population.