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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Dr. Nakone Bello

Area of specialization:Space Dynamics (Restricted Three Body Problem

List of Selected Publications

1 Singh, J. and Bello, N. (2014), Motion around L 4 in the perturbed relativistic R3BP. Astrophysics and Space Science, 351(2),491-497 ISSN: 0004-640X https://doi.org/10.1007/s10509-014-1870-6
2 Singh, J. and Bello, N. (2014). Effect of Radiation pressure on stability of L 4,5 in the relativistic R3BP. Astrophysics and Space Science, 351(2),483-490 ISSN:0004-640X https://doi.org/10.1007/s10509-014-1858-2
3 Singh, J. and Bello, N. (2014), Effect of perturbations in the Coriolis and centrifugal forces on the stability of L 4 in the Relativist R3BP. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 35,701-713 ISSN: 0250-6335 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12036-014-9307-8
4 Singh, J. and Bello, N. (2014), On the Stability of L 4,5 in the Relativist R3BP with radiating secondary. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 35,685-700ISSN: 0250-6335 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12036-014-9309-6
5 Bello, N. and Singh, J.(2015). Motion around L 4,5 in the relativistic R3BP with smaller triaxial primary. Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society, 34, 361-368 ISSN:0189- 8965 https://doi.org/10.1016/J.Jnnms.2015.07.001
6 Bello, N. and Singh, J.(2015). On the Stability of L 4,5 in the relativistic R3BP with Oblate Secondary and Radiating Primary. Advances in Astronomy, 1-12 ISSN:1687-7977 https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/489120
7 Bello, N. and Singh, J. (2015). On the Stability of L 4,5 in the relativistic R3BP for Smaller Primary Triaxial Rigid Body and Bigger Oblate Spheriod. The African Review of Physics, 10.161-170 ISSN:2223-6589
8 Bello, N. and Singh, J. (2016). On the Stability of Triangular Points in the relativistic R3BP with oblate primaries and bigger radiating. Advances in Space Research. 57,576-587 ISSN:0273-1177 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2015.10044
9 Singh, J. and Bello, N. (2016). Existence and Stability of Triangular Points in the Relativistic R3BP when the bigger primary is a triaxial rigid body and a source of radiation. International Journal of Advanced Astronomy, 4(1), 43-48 ISSN:2312-7414 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijaa.v4i1.5711
10 Bello, N. and Singh, J. (2016). Stability of Triangular points in the relativistic R3BP when the bigger primary is an oblate Spheroid. Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories, 14(1), 51-64 ISSN:1726-037X https://doi.org/10.1080/1726037X.2016.1177930
11 Bello, N. and Singh, J. (2016). On The Stability of The Triangular points in the relativistic R3BP with a bigger triaxial primary. Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories, 14(2), 119-136 ISSN:1726-037X https://doi.org/10.1080/1726037X.2016.1250499.
12 Bello, N. and Singh, J. (2016). On the Stability of L 4,5 in the Perturbed relativist R3BP with a triaxial bigger primary. International Journal of Advanced Astronomy, 4(2), 76-81 ISSN:2312-7414 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijaa.v4i2.6251.
13 Bello, N. and Singh, J. (2016). Existence and Linear Stability of Triangular pontsin the Perturbed relativist R3BP when the bigger primary is an oblate spheroid. International Journal of Advanced Astronomy, 4(1), 49-56 ISSN:2312-7414 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijaa.v4i1.5893.
14 Singh, J. and Bello, N. (2016). Existence and Stability of Triangular Points in the Relativist R3BP when the Primaries are Triaxial Rigid Bodies and Source of Radiation. Journal of Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology. 4(1);131 ISSN:2329-6542 https://doi.org/10.4172/2329-6542.1000131.
15 Bello, N (2016). Effect of Perturbation In The Coriolis Force On The Stability Of L4,5 In The Relativistic R3bp Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society 35, 510-522.
16 Bello, N and Hussain, A.A (2017). Collinear Equilibrium Points In the Relativistic R3BP when the Bigger Primary is a Triaxial Rigid Body, International Frontier Science Letters. 11,45-56 ISSN: 2349-4484 https://doi.org/10.18052/www.xcipress.com/IFSL.11.45
17 Singh, J. and Bello, N. (2017). On the Stability L 4,5 . In the Photogravitational Relativist R3BP, Differential Equation and Dynamical Systems. 25(1),29-37 ISSN:0971-3514 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12591-014-0236-4.
18 Singh, J. and Bello, N. (2017). On the Stability of Collinear Equilibrium Points In the Relativistic R3BP with a smaller Oblate Primary. Journal of Space Exploration, 6(1), 1-12 ISSN: 2319-9822.
19 Bello Nakone, AlhajiJibrilAlkali and AbubakarRoko (2018). A fixed point iterative method for the solution of two-point boundary value problem for a second order differential equations. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 57, 2515-2520. ISSN: 1110-0168 https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aej.2017.09.010.
20 Bello, N., & Umar, A. (2018). On the stability of triangular points in the relativistic R3BP when the bigger primary is oblate and the smaller one radiating with application on Cen X- 4 binary system. Results in Physics, 9, 1067-1076. ISSN: 2211-3797 https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2018.03.043
21 Bello Nakone, AbubakarRoko and Aminu Mustafa (2018). Numerical solution of a linear third order multi-point boundary value problems using fixed point iterative method. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 12(3), 625-631. ISSN: 1935-0090 https://dx.doi.org/10.18576/amis
22 Bello, N. and Singh, J. (2018) On Motion around the Collinear Equilibrium Points in the Relativistic R3BP with a Smaller Triaxial Primary. International Frontier Science Letters, 13, 1-11. ISSN: 2349-4484, doi:10.18052/www.scipress.com/IFSL.13.1
23 Mustafa, A. and Nakone, B. (2018). Shifted Chebyshev Spectral Collocation Method for Solving One-Dimentional Advection Diffusion Equation. ASUU Journal of Science, 3, 46- 57.
24 Nakone Bello&AminuAbubakarHussain (2019). Stability of The Collinear Points with Perturbing Forces in The Relativistic R3BP. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 27(2), 107-122. ISSN: 1749-3889.
25 Yusuf, A., Garba, A. I., &Nakone, B. (2020). On the dual space of cone normed spaces. Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, 27(1), 38-45. ISSN: 2094- 0343
26 Bello, N., Aishetu, U., &Hussain, A. A. (2021). Locations of L 4,5 of a dust grain type II comet tail in Solar-Jupiter system in the photogravitational relativistic R3BP. IOP SciNotes, 2(4), 045001. ISSN: 2633-1357 https://doi.org/10.1088/2633-1357/ac27fd
27 Mutawakilu, I., Bello,N.,&Aminu, M. (2023). A [(2n+ 9)]^th Degree Polynomial Approximation Method for Solving Eight Order Linear Boundary Value Problems. International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability, 9(2), 135-150. ISSN: 2488-9229 https://doi.org/10.57233/ijsgs.v9i4.555
28 Bello Nakone, Ibrahim Mutawakilu, &Aminu, M. (2023). Maclaurin Series Solution for Seventh Order Boundary Value Problems. International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability.9(4) 77-84 ISSN: 2488-9229 https://doi.org/10.57233/ijsgs.v9i2.468.
29 Bello Nakone and Ibrahim Mutawakil (2023). Eleventh Degree polynomial Series solution approach of special non-linear fourth order boundary value problems 3(1) 048-054 ISSN: 2955-1145 https://doi.org/10.56919/usci.2431.0065.
30 Bello Nakone and Ibrahim Mutawakil (2023). Numerical solution of eighth order two point boundary value problems by taylor series method 3(1) 055-062 ISSN: 2955-1145 https://doi.org/10.56919/usci.2431.006.
1. Foundation Postgraduate Course in Mathematical Analysis at National Mathematical Center Abuja, 19 th June to 14 th July 1995.
2. Postgraduate Course in Optimization at National Mathematical Center Abuja, 28 th February to 20 th March 1999.
3. Workshop on Natural Fluid Mechanics at National Mathematical Center Abuja, 4 th to 24 th April 1999.
4. Foundation Postgraduate Course on the Methods and applications of Optimal Theory at National Mathematical Center Abuja, 10 th to 23 rd October 1999.
5. Seminar on the Solitary and Cnoidal Waves in Shallow Water and Blood Flow in the Arteries A Survey and Review Organized by at National Mathematical Center Abuja, 4 th to 24 th , April 1999
6. Seminar on Optimization in Human Locomotion Studies and Development of a Symbolic Manipulation Program for use in Human Locomotion Studies Organized by at National Mathematical Center Abuja, 28 th February, to 20 th , March 1999
7. Foundation Postgraduate Course in Statistical Inference at National Mathematical Center Abuja, 12 th November, to 1 st December, 2000.
8. Foundation Postgraduate Course in Statistical Method at National Mathematical Center Abuja, 18 th March, to 6 th April, 2001.
9. A Research Oriented Course in Computational Mathematics and Application (Control Theory) at National Mathematical Center Abuja, 12 th to 30 th August, 2001.
10. Effective and Algorithms in Algebra CIMPA-UNESCO Niamey Niger, 9 th to 18 th January, 2002.
11. Refresher Foundation Course on Mathematical Analysis Organized by National University Commission (NUC) Abuja, Nigeria in Collaboration with The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics [ICTP] Trieste, Italy 24 th May, to 14 th June, 2009
12. Foundation Postgraduate Course on Astronomy and Astrophysics at National Mathematical Center Abuja, 26 th September, to 8 th October, 2010.
13. Level 1 The Sub-Saharan Workshop on Mathematical Analysis and Optimization at Abakaliki, Nigeria 5 th to 25 th November, 2006.
14. 12 th Edward A. Bouchet/Abdussalam Regional Workshop on Functional Analysis, Differential Equation and Application Legon-Accra, Ghana. 9 th -16 th July, 2007
15. The Sub-Saharan Workshop on Mathematical Analysis and Optimization at Abakaliki, Nigeria 5 th to 25 th November, 2007.
16. Renconters Benin-Bresil De Mathematiques 1 ere Edition: OptimisatonUniversite D’ Abomey-Calvi, Benin 3 rd to 22 nd September 2007.
17. 13 th Edward A. Bouchet/Abdussalam Regional Workshop on Functional Analysis, Differential Equation and Application Legon-Accra, Ghana. 15 th July, 2007.
18. 27 th Annual National Conference on the Nigeria Mathematical Society (NMS) Held at University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria from 28 th to 30 th May, 2008.
19. Fourth Series of the International School on Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics by International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Application (ICMPA- UNESCO) Cotonou, Benin 25 th October, - 7 th November, 2008.
20. EcoleMathematiqueAfricaine (AlgebreetGeometrie, Ondelettes et EDPs) Organisee a Maradi du 12 th au 23 rd December 2016.
21. Second Buea International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and CIMPA School on Real and Complex Analysis with Application to Other Sciences, at the University of Buea, Cameroon 2 nd to 13 th May 2011
22. Renconters Benin-BresilTenueal’Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences Physiques de I’ Universite D’ Abomey-Calvi Benin 18 th au 31 st Juillet 2011.
23. 31 st Annual National Conference on the Nigeria Mathematical Society (NMS) Held at Department of Mathematics Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria from 2 nd to 5 th October, 2012.
24. 33 rd Annual National Conference and General Meeting of the Nigeria Mathematical Society (NMS) Held at Mathematics Institute, African University of Science and Technology from 27 th to 30 th May, 2014.
25. 35 th Annual National Conference of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria (MAN) Held at Department Mathematics, Federal University of Technology,Minna from 3 rd to 6 th May, 2016.
26. 57 th Annual National Conference of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria (MAN) Held at BayeroUniversit, Kano from 29 th August to 3 rd September, 2021
27. 40 st Annual National Conference on the Nigeria Mathematical Society (NMS) Held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, from 18 th to 23 rd June, 2023.
1. Nakone Bello and AminuAbubakarHussain(2018). The Influence of Poynting-Robertson drags on the locations of triangular equilibrium points in the photogravitational relativistic R3BP. A Paper Presented at 37 th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Mathematical Society (NMS) held at Bayaro University Kano, Kano State, Nigeria on 8 th – 11 th May, 2018
2. Abubakar, R. Doraisamy, S. and Nakone, B. (2018). Effective Predicate Identification Algorithm for XML Retrieval. Fourth International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management (CAMP). Held at Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia 26 th -28 th March, 2018
3. Saidu, I. Mohammed, A. Nakone, B. and Tanimu, S. M. (2018). Synchronized Load-Aware Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Broadband Network. SMARTGRENNS, 337-343.
4. Mustafa, A. and Bello, N. (2019). Derivation of a Type Linear Multistep Methods Using Chebyshev Polynomial as Basis Function for Solving ODEs. Proceeding of September 2019 56 th Annual National Conference of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria (MAN) Held at Rivers State University, Port Harcourt from 1 st to 6 th September, 2019. 437-442
5. A. Audu, R. V. K. Singh, S. Muhammed, B. Nakone, O. O. Ishaq (2020). On the Efficiency of Calibration Ratio-Cum-Product Estimators of Population Mean. Paper Presented atRSS-NLG Conference Proceedings Held at Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta from 5 th to 6 th February 2020.
6. Mustafa, A. and Bello, N. (2021). New Fixed-Point Iterative Algorithm for the Approximate Solution of Bratus Boundary Value Problem, Paper Presented at 57 th Annual National Conference of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria (MAN) Held at Bayero University Kano from 29 th August to 3 rd September, 2021.
7. On Natural Convective Flow Due to Commencement of Induced Magnetic Field and Non- Linear Thermal Radiation, Paper Presented at 57 th Annual National Conference of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria (MAN) Held at Bayero University Kano from 29 th August to 3 rd September, 2021.
ORCID_NUMBER https://orcid.org/0009-0005-0148-4160,
Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citation?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=sSoKDHEAAAAJ,
LinkedIn ID:https://www.linkedin.com/in/bello-nakone-33688362/?originalSubdomain=ng