Dr. N. M. Koko
Brief Biography
PUBLIC FINANCE/ PUBLIC POLICYArea of specialization: | Local Government Administration; Fiscal Federalism |
Email: | Muhammad.nuruddeen@udusok.edu.ng |
Phone: | 08066008123 |
List of Selected Publications
List of publications with links to the publishers *N. M. Koko, A. M. Tayeb PhD, & S. Z. B. Razali PhD (2022) Local Government System in Nigeria: Legal, Fiscal and Political Overview. EDUCATUM Journal of Social Sciences, 8(2), 23-31. https://doi.org/10.37134/ejoss.vol8.2.3.2022
*N. M. Koko, A. M. Tayeb PhD, & S. Z. B. Razali PhD (2021) Restructuring State-Local Relations in Nigeria: Issues and Perspectives. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 6 (8) pp. 406-415. e-ISSN : 2504-8562. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47405/mjssh.v6i8.908. Available at: https://www.msocialsciences.com/index.php/mjssh/article/view/908/689 *N. M. Koko, A. M. Tayeb PhD, & S. Z. B. Razali PhD (2021) The National Assembly and the Management of Revenue Allocation in Nigeria. In L, Vasa and R. Huseynouv (Eds.) Iksad International Congress on Social Sciences-VI Proceedings Book. Institute of Economic Development and Social Research, Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary, ISBN: 9786257636292. Pp. 437-447. Available at https://f0b47925-b258-4468-8ac3-68a0e42cc408.filesusr.com/ugd/614b1f_eec3b24b6df44f03a799e81e08b7eee5.pdf
*N. M. Koko & S. Z. B. Razali (2020). Reflections on the Existing Revenue Allocation Formula in Nigeria. In (Eds.) Contemporary Issues in Nigerian Public Administration: A Festschrift in Honour of Prof. (Bar.) Ishaq Isola Omoleke. Pp. 194-214. Hafcom Publishing.
*N. M. Koko & A. M. Tayeb. (2019). ‘The 1999 Constitution and the Revenue Allocation Act in Nigeria: Congruent and Incongruent’. Sokoto Journal of Management Studies Vol. 19 (2), pp 91-104. ISSN: 21411670. * U. M. Gummi, Koko, N. M. & Mu’awuyya, A. (2018). ‘The 2017 Budget and the Role of Private Sector: Implications for Economic Recovery. Sokoto Journal of Management Studies. Vol. 17 (4) pp 1- 17. (Special Conference Edition)
*N. M. Koko, Y. T Baba & U. M. Gummi. (2018). ‘Managing Revenue Allocation in Nigeria: An Appraisal of the Institutional Structures. Sokoto Journal of Management Studies. Vol. 17 (4) pp 246- 264. (Special Conference Edition)
*N. M. Koko & B. B. Kasim. (2017). ‘Comparing the Politics of Revenue Allocation in Nigeria and Ethiopia: Trends and Challenges’. Ilorin Journal of Administration and Development Vol. 3 (2), pp 37-48. ISSN: 25367358 *U. M. Gummi & N. M. Koko, (2016) The Basic Imperatives of Islamic Welfare State. Sokoto Journal of Management Studies. Vol. 11 (1), pp. 253-270. ISSN: 2141-1670.
*Kasim, B. B. and Koko, N. M. (2014) Devolution of Taxation Powers and Balancing of Revenue among the Lower Federating Units in Nigeria. In S. A.S. Aruwa and R.A. Akindele (Eds.) A Century of Public Sector and Corporate Governance in Nigera: 1914-2014. Faculty of Administration, Nassarawa State University, Keffi. Vol 1. ISSN: 1696-085X. pp. 66-77.
*Koko, N.M. (2014) Corruption, Indiscipline, and the Challenges of Development in Nigeria. In A. Bako, M. Murtala, Y. Ismaila, and M. A. Rufai (Eds.) Issues on Nigerian Peoples and Culture (pp.213-221). Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil. ISBN:9781255374.
*Koko, N. M. (2013) Electoral Malpractice and State Collapse in Nigeria: Lessons for Future Elections. International Journal of Current Research. Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.854-857. ISSN:0975833X.
*Koko, N. M. (2013) Prevalence of Poverty and Insecurity Potentialities in North Western States of Nigeria: Facts and Challenges. Hassan Usman Katsina Journal of Arts Management and Social Sciences. Vol 1, 04 pp.642-650. ISSN:2006 487X.