Prof. A.U Moreh
Area of specialization: | Solid State Physics (thin film technology) |
Email: | |
Phone: | +2348036029358 |
List of Selected Publications
1 O. Akinlade, A.M. Umar and L.A. Hussain (1996). Structure of Some liquid transition metals using integral equation theory: Pramana Journal of physics ISSN: 0304-4289 (Print) 0973-7111 (Online), Vol.47, Issue 4, Pp271-281. DOI:-2 A.U. Moreh and B. Hamza (2012). Effect of thickness on Optical properties of CuAlS2 thin films Grown by two stage vacuum thermal Evaporation method: Journal of physical sciences and innovation, ISSN: 2277-0119, Vol.4, Pp59-66.
3 A.U. Moreh, M.Momoh and B. Hamza (2013). Influence of substrate temperature on optical properties of Nano structured CuAlS2 Thin Films Grown by Two stages vacuum Thermal Evaporation technique. International Journal of Engineering Sciences Invention, ISSN: 2319-6726, Vol. 2 Issue 1, pp48-52, Indexed in Google Scholar, EBSCO HOST etc. Doi: 26.6718/0214852.
4 B. Hamza, A.U Moreh and M. Momoh (2013). Forecasting the inside room temperature and relative humidity for an adobe onion store. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) ISSN: 2278-1684, Vol.5, Issue 3, pp 34-39. Doi: 10.9790/1684-0533439
5 B. Hamza, M. Momoh, A.U Moreh and A.A.L. Madukwe (2013). Controlling the periodic heat flux of solar radiation into an adobe storage system for onion part (i) effect of sealed water-pond. International Journal of Engineering science invention, ISSN: 2319-6726, Vol. 2, Issue 1. Pp 42-47. Indexed in Google Scholar, EBSCO HOST etc., Doi: 26.6718/0214247.
6 A.U Moreh, M. Momoh and B. Hamza (2013).The effect of sulfurization temperature on structural properties of CuAlS2 thin films. IOSR Journal of applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), ISSN: 2278-4861, Vol.3, Issue 1, pp12-17. Doi: 10.9790/4861-0311217
7 B. Hamza and A.U. Moreh (2013). Time delay and dimensionless factor: The Influence of clay wall thickness on the two dynamical characteristics of building. Journal of Physical Physical sciences and innovation, ISSN: 2277-0119, Vol.5, No.1, pp139-146.
8 A.U. Moreh, M.Momoh, H.N. Yahya, K. U. Isah and B.Hamza (2013).The effect of thickness on Structural properties of CuAlS2 thin films grown by thermal evaporation technique. Journal of physical Science and innovations, ISSN2277-0119,vol.5,No. 2, Pp111-118
9 A.U. Moreh, M.Momoh, B. Hamza, S. Abdullahi, H.N. Yahya, S.Namadi and S.Umar (2014). Influence of substrate temperature on electrical resistivity and surface morphology of CuAlS2 thin films prepared by vacuum thermal evaporation method. International journal of Nano and Material sciences, ISSN: 2166-0182, vol.3, No.1, pp47- 55.
10 S. Abdullahi, A. U. Moreh, B. Hamza, U. Sadiyya, Z. Abdullahi, M. A. Wara, H. Kamaludeen, M.A. Kebbe and U.F. Monsurat (2014). Optical characterization of Fluorine doped Tin Oxide (ITO) deposited by spray pyrolysis technique and annealed under Nitrogen atmosphere. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies (IJIAS), ISSN 2028-9324 Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 947-955 DOI: 10.1038/ijias.
11 S. Abdullahi, A. U. Moreh, B. Hamza, M. A. Wara, H. Kamaluddeen, M.A. Kebbe, U.F. Monsurat (2014). Optical characterization of Fluorine doped Tin Oxide deposited by spray pyrolysis technique and annealed in open air. International Journal of Recent Researches in Physics and Chemical Sciences, ISSN: 2350-1030, Vol.1, Issue2, pp1-7.
12 A. U. Moreh, B. Hamza, S. Abdullahi, A. Bala, Z. Abdullahi and M.S. Shehu (2014). Effect of Post annealing temperature on structural properties of ZnS thin films grown by Spray Pyrolysis technique. International journal of Innovations and Applied studies, ISSN: 2028-9324, vol.9, No.2, pp913-917. DOI: 10.1038/ijias.
13 S. Abdullahi, A. U. Moreh, B. Hamza, U. Sadiyya, Z. Abdullahi, M. A. Wara, H. Kamaluddeen, M.A. Kebbe and U.F. Monsurat (2014). Electrical characterization of Fluorine doped Tin Oxide deposited by spray pyrolysis technique and annealed under Nitrogen atmosphere. International Journal of Nano and Material Sciences, ISSN: 2166-0182, Vol 3(1), PP 41-46.
14 Y.M. Ahijjo, A.N. Baba-Kutigi, M. Momoh and A.U. Moreh (2015). A Review of Sequential Extraction Method for Lead in Samples: A Case Study of Artisanal Mines of Sokoto Basin (Zamfara State). International Journal of scientific Research in Science and Technology, Print ISSN: 2395-6011, Online ISSN: 2395-602X, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp105-109 DOI: 10.32628/IJSRST151225.
15 A. U. Moreh, M. Momoh, S. Abdullahi, J.S. Shehu, M.O. Mustapha and N.C. Martha (2015). The Role Of Annealing Temperature On Optical Properties Of ZnO Thin Films Prepared By Spray Pyrolysis Techniques. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) ISSN: 3159-0040 Vol. 2 Issue 8
16 M. Momoh, S. Abdullahi and A.U Moreh (2015). Influence of Thickness on Electrical and Structural Properties of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Thin Films Prepared by RF Sputtering Technique. International Journal of Recent Research in Physics and Chemical Sciences (IJRRPCS), ISSN: 2350-1030, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp: 38-43.
17 Moreh A.U., Momoh M., Hamza B., Argungu G.M. and Abdullahi S. (2015). Structural Properties of ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis Method. Nigerian Journal of Solar Energy, ISSN: 0794-9537, Vol. 26, Pp 71-76.
18 A.U. Moreh, M. Momoh, I. Buhari, S.B. Sharafa, Y. M. Ahijjo and F. Sani (2015). Impact of Annealing Temperature on Optical Properties of ZnS Thin Films Grown by Spray Pyrolysis Technique. American International Journal of Contemporary Scientific Research (AIJCSR), ISSN: 2349-4425, Volume 2, Issue 5, Pp 12-19.
19 Abdullahi S., Momoh M., Moreh A.U., Isah K.U. and Argungu G.M. (2015). Influence of Thickness on Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films prepared by Radio Frequency Sputtering Technique. Nigerian Journal of Solar Energy, ISSN: 0794-9537, Vol.26, Pp66-70.
20 G.M. Argungu, A. U. Moreh, S. Abdullahi, B. Hamza, S. Aliyu, K. A. Dabai, and B. A. Maiyama (2016). Performance Evaluation and Cost of Energy from 2.0 Kw (Guangmang) Wind Turbine at Danjawa Renewable Energy Model Village, Sokoto, Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) e-ISSN: 2278-4861.Volume 8, Issue 6, PP 28-34. Doi: 10.9790/4861-0806042834.
21 S. Abdullahi, M. Momoh, A. U. Moreh, A. M. Bayawa, B. Hamza, G. M. Argungu, O. T. Popoola (2017). Growth Mechanism and Influence of Annealing Temperature on Structural and Compositional Properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin Films Deposited by RF Sputtering Method from a Compound Target. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and technology, Print ISSN: 2395-6011, Online ISSN: 2395-602X, Volume 3, Issue 1, Pp 95-102. DOI: 32628/IJSRST17316.
22 S. Abdullahi, M. Momoh, A. U. Moreh, A. M. Bayawa, B. Hamza, G. M. Argungu, O. T. Popoola (2017). Influence of Annealing Temperature on Optical and Electrical Properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin Films Deposited by Sputtering Method from a Single Quaternary Target. International Journal of scientific Research in Science and Technology, Print ISSN: 2395-6011, Online ISSN: 2395-602X, Volume 3, Issue 1, Pp 77-82. DOI: 32628/IJSRST17317 23 Hamza B., Uwanta I. J., Mohammed A., Moreh A. U., Argungu G. M., Abdullahi S., Namadi S., Umar S. and Bala A. (2017). Thermo-physical property test on clay bricks Molded with different organic additives. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Research (IJASER), ISSN: 2277 – 9442, Vol. 5, Issue 2. DOI: 10.6080/ipajaser 6005.
24 A. U. Moreh, S. Aliyu and S. Abdullahi (2017). Study of influence of sulfurisation temperature on the resistivity and surface morphology of thermally evaporated CuAlS2 thin films. International Journal of Advanced in Scientific Research and Engineering Technology ( IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, vol 3, Issue 11, Doi: 10.7324/IJASRE.2017.32550
25 S. Abdullahi, M. Momoh, A.U. Moreh, A.M. Bayawa, M. B. Abdullahi and I. Atiku (2017). Comparative Studies on Thin Film of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis and RF Sputtering Technique. Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology (SJET), ISSN: 2347-9523, Vol 5(7) PP 365-372, DOI: 10.21276/sjet.
26 A.U Moreh and G. M. Argungu (2020). On the effect of substrate temperature on structural properties of CuAlS2 thin films grown by two stage vacuum thermal evaporation method. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN: 2454-8006, Vol XX, Issue XX, Doi: 10.7324/IJASRE. Accepted for publication.
27 S. Abullahi, M. Momoh, A.U. Moreh, G.M. Argungu, A. Bala, S. Namadi M.B. Abdullahi and B.A. Maiyama (2017). The role of air annealing on the structural and electrical properties of ZnO thin film deposited by rf sputtering technique. Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology (SJET), ISSN: 2321-435(online) and ISSN 2347-9523 (print).Doi:10.21276/jet 2017.5.12.6
28 K.A. Mustapha, A.U. Moreh and H.T. Sulu (2019). Structural Characterization of RF-Sputtered CZTS Thin Films. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), Volume 5, Issue 9, E-ISSN: 2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE.2019.33481
29A. U. Moreh and H. T. Sulu (2020). Effect of Annealing On Structural Properties of Indium Tin Oxide ITO Grown By Radio Frequency Sputtering. Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology (SJET), ISSN: 2347-9523, DOI: 10.21276/sjet Accepted for publication
30 A. U. Moreh and H. T. Sulu (2020). Impact of Thickness on Optical Properties of Indium Tin Oxide Prepared by Radio Frequency sputtering. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Research (IJASER), ISSN: 2277 – 9442, Vol xx, Issue xx, DOi: 10.6080.ipajaser.xx. Accepted for publication
List of conferences/workshops/seminar Papers
1 M. Momoh, S. Abdullahi and A.U. Moreh (2014). Influence of thickness on electrical and structural properties of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) thin films prepared by RF sputtering technique. A paper presented at International Conference on Renewable Energy Systems and Applications, hosted by World Academy of Science (WASET), Paris, France, June 26 – 27, 2014.
2 A.U. Moreh, M. Momoh, H.N. Yahya, B. Hamza, I.G. Saidu and S. Abdullahi (2014) Effect Of Thickness On Structural And Electrical Properties Of CuAlS2 Thin Films Grown By Two Stage Vacuum Thermal Evaporation Technique. A paper presented at International Conference on Renewable Energy Systems and Applications, hosted by World Academy of Science (WASET), Paris, France, June 26 - 27, 2014.
3 B. Hamza, M. Momoh, A.U. Moreh and S. Abdullahi (2012). The effect of clay wall thickness on the time lag and decrement factor. A paper presented at 1st Africa International Conference on Renewable Energy SOLAR AFRICA, hosted by Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, 12th – 15th December, 2012.
4 A.U. Moreh (2000). Renewable Energy Technologies with respect to Small Hydro Technology. A paper presented at Physics week, organized by National Association of Physics Students NAPS, UDUS chapter, 12th July 2000.
5 S. Abdullahi, S.Y. Abubakar and A. U. Moreh (1994). Performance analyses of Global Solar radiation with cloud cover in Sokoto, Nigeria. A paper presented at National solar Energy Forum NASEF annual conference, Sokoto, November 14th – 18th 2011.
6 Musa Momoh and Abubakar Moreh (1994). Problems affecting physics and Mathematics in Nigeria. A paper presented at the Mathematical Association of Nigeria 31st annual conference, Uyo, 29th March – 1st April 1994.
7 A.U. Moreh (2017). Guidelines for writing Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) report. A paper presented at an orientation lecture on guidelines for writing an undergraduate project and SIWES report for final year physics student, organized by National Association of Physics Students NAPS, UDUS chapter, 21st January 2017.
8 A.U. Moreh (2017). Student Industrial Work Experience SIWES. A paper presented at an annual Physics week organized by National Association of Physics Students NAPS, UDUS chapter, 25th March 2017
9 G. M. Argungu, M.Musa, M. M. Garba, S. Aliyu, K. A. Dabai, A.U. Moreh & B. S. Hamza (2017) Empirical Models for Estimation of Global Solar Radiation using Sunshine Hours, Temperatures and Relative Humidity for Sokoto, North-West Nigeria. A paper presented at Biennal Africa International Conference on Renewable Energy SOLAR AFRICA 2017, held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University,Sokoto, 6th and 8th February, 2017.
10 S. Abdullahi, A. U. Moreh and S. Namadi (2019). Determination of optical properties of Pure Honey Obtained from Different Locations. A paper presented at the 53rd Annual Conference of Science Association of Nigeria, (Sokoto 2019). Held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria, Sunday 14th to Thursday 18th July, 2019.