Dr.I.U Karaye

Brief Biography
Dr. Karaye, Ibrahim Umar Born on 29th December, 1978. Dr. Karaye enrolled into Alhaji Alhaji Model Primary School Kofar Marke Sokoto between 1986-1991. He then proceeded to Government Secondary School Farfaru now Sani Dingyadi Unity Secondary School. After his J.S.L.C. Examination, he then proceeded to the prestigious Nagarta College, Sokoto from1994 to 1997 where he obtained his Senior Secondary Certificate where he performed excellently. He attended Usmanu Danfodiyo University, sokoto between1997 to 2001where he obtained B.Sc. in Botany and later in 2012, he got his M. Sc. in Botany from the same institution. Dr. Karaye obtained his Ph D in Plant Biology (Plant Physiology) in 2024 at the Department of Plant Biology, Bayer I University Kano-Nigeria. He started his academic career as a Graduate Assistant in the year 2008 and rose through the ranks the current Lecturer I in the then Department of Biological Sciences, where he is involved in the teaching of both undergraduate and post graduate students in Departments of Biology and Plant Science. Dr. Karaye held and holds some sensitive positions in the day to day running of the University. Worthy of being mentioned include: member of University Landscaping between 2011to 2018. Secretary Departmental Board between 2011 to. Secretary, Departmental Dress Code between 2012 and 2018. Botany unit Examination Officer between 2012 and 2018. Departmental Examination Officer between 2014 and 2018. Member, Welfare Committee of BOSON Conference, tagged Sokoto 2017. Dr. Karaye held several positions in the Faculty of Science now Faculty of Chemical and Life Sciences, they include Member, Faculty of Science Students Handbook Review Committee in the year 2018. Member, Faculty of Science Examination Misconduct Committee in the years he served as Examination Officer. Member, Faculty of Science Space Allocation and Timetable Committee 2018. Dr. Karaye currently holds the role of Examination Officer, Department of Plant Science and PG Representative of the Department of Microbiology, UDUS. Dr. Karaye is happily married with children.
Area of specialization: | PLANT PHYSIOLOGY |
Email: | ikaraye@udusok.edu.ng,ikaraye09@yahoo.com |
Phone: | +2348036548980, +2349020875263 |
List of Selected Publications
Ibrahim, A.D., Dogondaji, A.A., Aliero, A.A., Yakubu, S.E., Yusuf, S. B. and Karaye, I.U. (2011). Volatile organic compounds production during spoilage of African horned Cucumber Fruits. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology, 2 (3):296-302.Ibrahim, A.D., Jumare, F. I., Manga, S. B., Rabah, A. B and Karaye, I.U. (2011). Studies on Bioethanol Production using Gardenia erubescens Fruits as Substrate. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research, 6 (2):99-105.
Karaye, I. U., Aliero, A. A., Muhammad, S., and Bilbis, L. S. (2012). Comparative Evaluation of Amino acid composition and Volatile Organic Compounds of Selected Nigerian Cucurbits. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition .11 (12): 1161-1165.
Karaye, I. U., Aliero, A. A., Muhammad, S. and Bilbis, L.S.(2013). Evaluation of Nutrient and Anti- nutrient Contents of Selected Nigerian Cucurbits Seeds. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.4 (1):137-142.
Ladan, M.U., Abubakar, U., Adamu, T., Bunza, M.D.A., Karaye, I.U. and Magami, I. M. (2013). Perception and Treatment of Urinary Schistomiasis infection among the Inhabitants of Selected Villages near Gusau Dam site, Zamfara state, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology,34(1): 113-118. I. U. Karaye, A. A. Aliero, and Adili, I.S. (2014). Effects of Butachlor and Pendimethalin herbicides on Seed Germination and early Seedling Growth of two species of Cowpea. Annals of Biological Sciences.2(4):11-15. Ladan, M.U., Bunza, M.D.A.,Karaye, I.U.Mainasara, M. M., Nasir, M., S. M. Yelwa and Salihu, A. (2019). Prevalence of Urinary Schistomiasis in Two Selected Communities in Shinkafi Local Government Area, Zamfara state Nigeria. Savanna Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 1(1): 64-69.
Karaye, I.U., Shehu, A., Sulaiman, B. and Hannatu, M. L. (2019). Study on the effect of different concentration of drumstick (Moringa oleifera) leaf extract on seed germination and early seedling growth of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). Journal of Sciences and Multidisciplinary, 11 (2):79-88.
Yelwa, S.M., Nwanko, C. T., Magami, I. M., Karaye, I.U. and Ladan, M. U. (2019). Diversity and Abundance of Macro Invertebrates of Kware lake, Sokoto, Nigeria. Proceedings of the 10 TH International Conference of the Nigerian Association of Hydrological Sciences (NAHS), Sokoto 2019.
Yelwa, S.M., Magami, I. M., Karaye, I.U. and Ladan, M. U. (2019).The Assessment of Water Quality at Kanye dam via Biotic indices and Macro Invertebrates’ Analysis.Proceedings of the 10 TH International Conference of the Nigerian Association of Hydrological Sciences (NAHS), Sokoto 2019.
Karaye, I.U., Ladan, M.U., Adili, I.S., Shehu, A., Lawal, H.M. and Sahabi, M.H. (2020). Biochemical Characterization of the Seed oil in sesame and Watermelon for Production of Biodiesel,International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability, 6(2):1-7.
Karaye, I.U., Ladan, M.U., Shehu, Z. H., Adili, I.S, Lawal, H.M and Shehu, A. (2020). Phytochemistry and Proximate Composition of Fruit pulp and Seed of Desert date, Balanites aegyptiaca (Del.), International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability,6(2):1-9.
Karaye, I.U., Ladan, M.U., Shehu, A. ,Adili, I.S., Lawal, H.M. and Abdulqadir, H. (2021). Proximate and Phytochemical Constituents of Parkiabiglobosa (Jacq.) Fruit. Savannah Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(1); 1-4.
Ladan, M.U., Abubakar, U., Adamu, T., Bunza, M.D.A., Karaye, I.U. and Magami, I. (2013). Perception and Treatment Practices of Urinary Schistomiasis Infection among the Inhabitants of selected Villages near Gusau Dam site, Zamfara state, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, ISSN 1117 4145. 34(1): 113-118.
Karaye, I.U., Hayatu, M., Mustapha, Y. and Sani, L.A. (2021).Oil Extraction and GC-MS Analysis of the Seed Oil of three Nigerian Cucurbits. International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability (IJSGS).
Karaye, I.U., Hayatu, M., Mustapha, Y. and Sani, L.A. (2021). Nutritional and Antinutritional Properties of the seeds of six Selected Nigerian Cucurbits Germplasm. Journal of Plant Development, 28:139-150.
Karaye, I.U., Hayatu, M., Mustapha, Y. and Sani, L.A. (2021). Quantification and Analysis of the Seed Oil of three Nigerian Cucurbits. Savannah Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences,4(1):36-43.
KARAYE, Ibrahim Umar, MAISHANU, Sa’idu, Muhammad, ANKA, Sule Aliyu, SHEHU, Abubakar, MUHAMMMAD, Lawal Hannatu, ADILI, Shafi’u Isma’ila, MUSA, Aisha. (2022). Nutritional and Extractable oil Profile in the Seeds of Sesamum indicum (Linn.) and Moringa oleifera (Lam.) Grown in Sokoto, Nigeria. Journal of Plant Development. Vol. 29, Dec 2022: 69-77
G. List of Published Books (Please provide titles, Name of Publishers, URL links and ISBN number) Fardami, AY, Mamuda, B., Kangiwa, AI, Isma’il, HY, Karaye, IU, Sanusi, , Ibrahim, UB and Ibrahim, A. (2020). Bacteriological Analysis of Drinking Water in Zamfara North Senatorial District, Nigeria; Brief Overview. Chapter 4. Theory and Applications of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 3:
Paper on:Local Uses and Conservation Status of On-Farm Tree Species in Badaka Sub-County Budaka District, Eastern Uganda by Adili,S.I., Tambari, U., Karaye, I.U.,Wurno, M.S. and Singh, D. (2024).International Journal of Agriculture and Earth Science (IJAES). 10(1):38-49.