Prof. Bashir Garba

Area of specialization: | Fuel Chemistry |
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Phone: | 08036783215 |
List of Selected Publications
B. Garba, A. N. Eboatu, Effect of Flame Retardant Treatment on the Thermal Behaviour of some Tropical Timbers", Journal of Applied Polymer Science (An International Journal), Vol.39, 109-118 (1990), John Wiley & Sons, IncB. Garba, A. S. Sambo and M. M. Mosugu, "Effects of Chemical Coatings on the Performance of Solar Collector Plates", Renewable Energy (An International Journal), Vol.1, No. 5/6, 661-665 (1991), Pergamon Press Plc.
B. Garba, A. S. Sambo and B. G. Danshehu, "Effect of Design Parameters on the Performance of Improved Wood-Burning Stoves", Nigerian Journal of Solar Energy, Vol.10, 85-94 (1999)
B. Garba, A. S. Sambo, "Effect of Opening Parameters on Biogas Production Rate", Renewable Energy, (An International Journal) Vol. 6, No. 3, 333-334 (1995).
B. Garba, A. S. Sambo, "Comparative Performance Studies of Woods in Improved Wood-Burning Stoves", Renewable Energy Technology and the Environment, A. A. M. Sayigh (Edt): Proceedings of the 2nd World Renewable Energy Congress Reading, UK, 13-18 September, Vol. 2, 1106-1110 (1992), International Proceedings.
B. Garba, A. N. Eboatu, and I. O. Akpabio, "Flame Retardant Treatment of Some Tropical timbers, Fire and Materials (An International Journal), Vol.17, 39-42 (1993).
B. Garba, A. N. Eboatu, and A. I. Okopi, "Possible use of Superphosphate Fertiliser as Flame Retardant formulation on Some Cellulose Textile Materials", Proceedings of the 2nd Beijing International Symposium/Exhibition on Flame-Retardant, October 11-15, Beijing, China 3-6 (1993). Geological Publishing House, Beijing China, International Proceedings.
B. Garba, A. N. Eboatu, and M. A. Atta-Elmannan, "Effect of Flame Retardant Treatment on Energy of Pyrolysis/Combustion of Wood Cellulose, Fire and Materials, (An International Journal), Vol.18, 381-383 (1994). John Wiley & Sons Publishers.
B. Garba, A. A. Zuru and L. G. Hassan, "Effect of Flame-Retardant Treatment on the Thermal Characteristics of Some Lingnocellulosic Materials, International Journal of Polymeric Material Vol.29, 139-145 (1994), Gordon and Breadi Science Publishers.
B. Garba, F. W. Abdulrahaman and M. E. Obaseki, "Effect of Some Halogenated Flame-Retardant on Thermal Characteristics of Selected Tropical Materials, Fire and Materials (An International Journal), Vol.19, 191-195 (1995), John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
B. Garba, A. S. Sambo, "Comparative Performance Studies of Two Metallic Fuelwood Stoves, Nigerian Journal of Solar Energy, Vol.12, 19-27 (1994).
B. Garba, F. W. Abdulrahaman and M. E. Obaseki,"Effect of Ammonium Hydrogen Carbonate and Sodium Bromide on the Flammability of Hardboard, Fire and Materials (An International Journal) Vol.20, 297-299 (1996).
B. Garba, A. N. Eboatu and F. W. Abdulrahaman, "Effect of Dimthoyl Urea as Flame Retardant Formulation on Some Cellulosic Fabric Materials, Fire and Materials (An International Journal), Vol.20, No.3 (1996), 155-157.
B. Garba, "Effect of Temperature and Retention Period on Biogas Production from Lignocellulosic Material, Renewable Energy Technology and the Environment, A. A. N. Sayigh (Edt), Proceedings of the 3rd World Renewable Energy Congress, Denver, Vol.II, 938-941 (1996). International Proceedings.
B. Garba, A. T. Atiku and A. S. Sambo, "Environmental Study on the Performance of Multi-Booster Solar Dryer, Renewable Energy Technology and the Environment, A. A. M. Sayigh (Edt), Proceedings of the 3rd World Renewable energy Congress, Vol., 1671-1675 (1996). International Proceedings.
B. Garba, A. S. Sambo and U. A. Ali, "Effect of Some Meteorological Parameters on the Performance of Basin-Type Solar Still for Distilled Water Production in a Tropical Area, Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.4, No.1, 30-37 (1996).
B. Garba, "Effect of Zinc Borate as flame Retardant Formulation on Some Tropical Woods, in Proceedings of the 6th European Meeting on Fire Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Lille (France), September 24-26 (1997). International Proceedings.
B. Garba and A. A. L. Maduekwe, Verifying the ASHRAE Cler Sky Modeel in the Sokoto Environment, Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.I, 1-6 (1996).
B. Garba, Effect of Some Finishing treatment on the Thermal Characteristics of Some Cellulosic Fabric Materials, in Fire Retardancy of Polymers: The Use of Intumescence, G. Camino, M. Le Bras, S. Bourbigot & R. Delobel (Edt) Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (1998). International Proceedings.
B. Garba, A. T. Atiku and A. A. L. Maduekwe, Mathematical Modelling of some Renewable Energy Systems: A Case Study of Solar Cooker, Solar Still, Solar Water Heater, Saw Dust and Improved Wood burning Stoves, Nigerian Journal Of Renewable Energy, No.4, No.2, I-II (1996)
B. Garba, A. T. Atiku, Studies on the Mechanical Properties of Some Construction Materials for Improved Wood-Burning stove, Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.4, Vol.2, 38-43 (1996).
B. Garba, A. A. Zuru and A. S. Sambo, Effect of Slurry Concentration on biogas production from cattle dung, Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.4, No.2, 64-74 (1996).
A. A. L. Maduekwe and B. Garba, Characteristics of the Monthly Average Hourly Diffuse Irradiance at Lagos and Zaria, Nigerian Journal of renewable Energy, Vol.4, No.2, 64-74 (1996).
B. Garba and A. A. L. Maduekwe, Mechanistic Study of Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate as Flame suppressant for Wood Cellulose, International Journal of Polymeric Material, Vol.38, pp 21-35 (1997).
A. A. L. Maduekwe and B. Garba, Sustaining Rural development: Evaluating the Public Relations Approach of the Renewable Energy Research Centre in the Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Rural Sociological Association, Held at the Usmanu Danfodio University Sokoto 5-8 March 1996. Pp125-131 (2001).
B. Garba and A. T. Atiku, Thermal Studies on some Tropical Tree Species and their Performance in Improved Wood Burning Stoves, Nigerian Journal Of Renewable Energy, Vol.5, 16-20, 1997.
A. A. L. Maduekwe, B. Garba and A. T. Atiku, Experimental Determination of Optimum annual Clearing Frequency and Costs for Transparent Covers used in solar Devices in Sokoto, Nigeria in Nigeria Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.5, 1 & 2, 119-124, 1997.
B. Garba, U. P. Ojukwu and B. I. Anigbogu, Ethanol production from a Tree Leave Yam (Dioscorea Dumetorum) as an Alternative source of Fuel or Fuel Extender, Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.5, Nos. 1 & 2, 10-11, 1997.
Usman B. Kyiogwom, Rades M. J. and B. Garba, Economics of Household energy Consumption and it's Environmental Implications in a Semi-Arid Area of Northern Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Renewable energy, Vol.5, Nos.1 & 2, 61-63, 1997.
B. Garba, A. T. Atiku and A. S. Sambo, Comparative Studies on the Performances of Two Passive Solar Dryers in a Tropical Area, Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.5, 1 & 2, 112-118, 1997.
B. Garba, Effects of Some Cellulosic Fabric Material in Fire Retardancy of Polymers: The use of Intumescence, G. Camino, M Le Bias, S. Bourbigot and R. Delobel (Edt), Royal Chemical Society, Cambridge (1998).
B. Garba and A. T. Atiku, Hydrogen Production using Photovotaic Solar Energy in Sokoto, Nigeria: A Preliminary Investigation, Renewable Energy (Energy Efficiency, Policy and the Environment), Part , pp. 1832-1835 91998), Pergamon press. International Proceedings.
B. Garba, A. T. Atiku and M. Aliyu, Preliminary Studies on Biogas Production from Human Excreta, Renewable Energy (Energy Efficiency, policy and the Environment) Part , pp. 2032-2035 (1998), Pergamon press. International Proceedings.
B. Garba, A. T. Atiku and M. Aliyu, determination of Silica from White Sand of Different Rivers in Nigeria for Solar Cell Production, Proceeding of the world Renewable Energy Congress V WREC (2000), pp. 2489-2492, Elsevier Sciences Ltd. International Proceedings.
B. Garba, U. P. Ojukwu, Biodegradation of water hyacinth (Eichhoria crassipes) as an alternative source of fuel: A Review, Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.7, Nos. 1 & 2, 12-15, 1998.
B. Garba, Mechanism and Biochemistry in Biogas Production, Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol. 7, Nos. 1 & 2, 12-16 (1999).
B. Garba and A. T. Atiku, Studies on Energy Consumption Pattern of Some Areas in Nigeria, in Proceedings the Third Workshop on Energy and Environment, organised by the International Energy Foundation in Tripoli-Libya, 20-21, October 1998. International Proceedings.
B. Garba Challenges in Energy Biotechnology with Special Reference to Biogas Technology, Proc. Biotech. Soc., 20-36 (1999).
B. Garba, M. Musa and A. T. Atiku, "Studies on the Chemical Composition of Distillate yield from solar distillation system" Accepted for Publication in Vol. 14/15 of Nigerian Journal of Solar Energy, November 1st, 2000.
B. Garba, "Growth and Development of Sokoto Energy Research Centre, Proceedings of the Usmanu Danfodio University Sokoto Silver Jubilee Workshop held at Admin. Conference room, Chapter 25, pp.189-201 (2001).
B. Garba, Farewell to Smokey Energy, Published in Crystal Magazine of January 2000. B. Garba, Comparative Studies on a Multi-Booster Solar Cooker with Three Different Types of Box Type Cooker under Tropical Condition, Accepted for Publication in the Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress VII 29 June-5 July, 2002 Cologne Germany. A. A. M. Sayigh (Edt). International Proceedings.
B. Garba and A. Mohammed, Effect of Operating Temperature on the Output Of Photovoltaic Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress VII 29 June-5 July, 2002 Cologne Germany. A. A. M. Sayigh (Edt). International Proceedings.
B. Garba and A. Sanda, Comparative Studies on Biogas Production from Different Substances Under Tropical Condition, Accepted for Publication in the Proceedings at the World Renewable Energy Congress VII 29 June-5 July, 2002 Cologne Germany. A. A. M. Sayigh (Edt). International Proceedings.
A. Uba and B. Garba, "Effect of some Inert Polymeric Materials on Biogas Generation", Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.9, Nos.1 & 2, 60-63 (2000) A. Sanda, B. Garba and A. D. Tambawal, "A Comparative Study on Biogas Production from Cow, Goat and Chicken Dungs", Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.9, 1 & 2, 64-66 (2000).
B. Z. Abubakar and B. Garba, Socio-Economic Impact of Wind Electricity Conversion of Farmers at Sayya-Gidan Gada Village of Sokoto State: Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.9, 1 & 2, 76-78 (2000).
B. G. Danshehu and B. Garba, "Economic Analysis of Solar Water Heating System", Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.9, 1 & 2, 88- 90, (2000).
F. W. Abdulrahaman, B. Garba and A. U. Mohmmed, "Effect of NPK Fertiliser and Alums Flame Suppress for Cellulose Fabric Materials", Accepted, Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences July 2002.
J. I. Eze, B. Garba and A. T. Atiku, "The Application of Biogas Slurry (Biofertiliser) in Crop Production, NJRE Vol.6, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 81-83, 1998.
F. W. Abdulrahaman, B. Garba and A. U. Mohmmed, "Effect of Alum and NPK Fertiliser as Flame Suppressant for Cellulose Fabric Materials", Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol.11, pp. 9-19 (2002).
B. Garba and A. Uba, "Biogas Generation from Ornamental Plant", Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.10, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 59-61, (2002).
F. W. Abdulrahaman, A. U. Mohmmed and B. Garba, "Effect Flame Retardant on Thermal Behaviour of some Fibrous Materials", Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.10, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 90-93, (2002).
B. Garba and A. M. Bashir, "Study on Energy Consumption Pattern of some Rural Areas in Nigeria", Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.10, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 101-104, (2002).
A. A. L. Maduekwe, W. Balogun and B. Garba, "Controlling the Periodic Flux of Solar Radiation into an Adobe Storage System for Onion: part 1-Slab and Foam Roof Combination, "Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.10, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 105-113, (2002).
A. A. L. Maduekwe, A. Zaki and B. Garba, "Controlling the Periodic Flux of Solar Radiation into an Adobe storage System for Onions: part 11-Slab and Air Gap Roof Combination," Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.10, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 114-119, (2002).
B. Garba, A. A. Zuru, A. S. Sambo, U. A. B/Yauri " Kinetic Study of Methane and Biogas Production From Cow Dung", Nig. Journal of Solar Energy,Vol. 14, pp 100-110, 2003.
B. G. Danshehu, and B. Garba, “Effect of Absorber Orientation on the Performance of Solar Flat-Plate Collector”, “Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.12, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 39-44, (2004).
B. G. Danshehu, A. S. Sambo and B. Garba, “ Performance Studies of Some Flat-Plate Collectors for Water Heating”, Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.12, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 45-52, (2004).
B. G. Danshehu, A. S. Sambo and B. Garba, “Simulation Studies on Community-Based Solar Water Heater” Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.12, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 70-74, (2004).
B. Garba, L. G. Hassan and M. Mohammed,” Effect of Some Finishing Treatment on the Thermal Characteristics of Some Cellulosic Fabric Materials” Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.12, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 113-123, (2004)
D. M. Sahabi, R. A. Shehu, M. J. Ladan and B. Garba, “ Levels of some Alkaline and Heavy Metals in Soils of Selected Fadama Areas Around the Sokoto Metropolis, Nigeria”, Journal of Agriculture and Environment, vol. 3, No.2, pp 381-387, December 2002.
B. Garba, B. S. Sagagi and S. Habibu, “Effect of Potassium Aluminium Sulphate as Flame Suppressant on Some Cellulosic Materials” Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology, Vol. 15 (1&2) of 2005.
B. U. Bagudo, B. Garba, L. G. Hassan and S. M. Dangoggo. The Influence of Surface Area on the Mesophilic Biomethanization of Selected Organic Wastes. Accepted for Publication in the Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy (NJRE), 11th July, 2007.
B. U. Bagudo, B. Garba, L. G. Hassan and S. M. Dangoggo. The Influence of Slurry Concentration on the Mesophilic Biomethanization of Organic Wastes. Accepted for Publication in the Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences(NJBAS), 30th October, 2007.
B. U. Bagudo, B. Garba, L. G. Hassan, S. M. Dangoggo and M. Aliyu. Fertilizer Quality of the Spent Slurries of Selected Organic Waste Materials. Accepted for Publication in the Kabawa Journal of Science Education, 2007.
B. S. Sagagi, B. Garba and F. Danladi. Effects of Finishing Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Namuzu (Cellulosic Fabric Materials). Accepted for Publication, Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (BAJOPAS), October 2008.
B. S. Sagagi, B. Garba and N. S. Usman. “Studies on Biogas Production from Fruits and Vegetable Waste”, Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (BAJOPAS), Vol. 2(1), PP 115-118, 2009.
B. Garba, S. M. Dangoggo, B. U. Bagudo and L. G. Hassan, “Kinetics of Catalytic Biomethanization of Selected Organic Waste Materials” Accepted, Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences.
M. Ndana, B. Garba, L.G. Hassan and U. Z. Faruk, “Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties of Biodiesel Produced from Some Vegetable Oils of Nigerian Origin” Accepted, Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 1 of June 2011.
A. S. Sambo, B.Garba I. H. Zarma and M. M. Gaji, “Electricity Generation and the Present Challenges in the Nigerian Power Sector” Journal of Energy and Power Engineering (International), Vol. 6, 2012.
B. Garba, S. M. Gumel and M. B. Babayo, Chapter in a Book, Global Dynamics in Science and Technology, “Effect of Operational Parameters on Biodiesel Production”, Published by KUST and printed by ABU Press Ltd, 2012, pages 11- 20
Gumel, S. M. Garba, B. and Ibrahim, H. T., “Comparison of Ascobic Acid Content of Some Selected Fresh and Dried Tropical Vegetables”, CHEMSEARCH Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, December 2012, pages 8-10 Bayero University Kano .
B. Garba, and S. M. Gumel, Chapter in a Book titled – Emerging Kano: Researches in Science and Technology, “Jatropha Curcas: A potential Energy Resources for the Future”. Pages 51-70. Published by KUST and printed by ABU Press Ltd, 2012.
B. Garba and S. Aliyu, “Studies on the Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Selected Clay Samples”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol. 2, no 7, July 2013.
Ndana, M., Garba, B., Hassan, L. G. and Faruk U. Z., “ Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties of Biodiesel Produced from Some Vegetable oils of Nigeria Origin”, Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 4, No 1, 67-71, 2011.
Ndana, M., Garba, B., Hassan, L. G. and Faruk U. Z., “ Effect of Storage on Stability of Biodiesel from Selected Seeds Oils”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology, Vol. 13(1), Pp 10-18, 2012.
Ndana, M., Garba, B., Hassan, L. G. and Faruk U. Z.,, “Optimization of Biodiesel Production from the Oils of Azadirachta Indica and Risinus Communis via Two Step Integrated Free Fatty Acid Esterification and Alkaline Catalized Transesterification”, Nigerian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 25, 2343-2358, 2012.
Saidu, I., Garba, B. and Keiron, F. “Role of pH in the Formation of Struvite in Wastewater Treatment Plants”, Proceedings of the International Academic Conference on Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, No.2, pp 55- 61. January, 29-30 2015.
Saidu, I., Garba, B. and Umar, A. “Current Trends on the Use of UV Irradiation in Drinking Water Disinfection”, Proceedings of the International Academic Conference on Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, No.2, pp 17-26. January, 29-30 2015.
Saidu, I., Garba, B. and Aliyu, Y. “Combined Heat and Power Generation of Electricity from Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste”, Proceedings of the International Academic Conference on Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, No.1, pp 1-10. January, 29-30 2015.
Saidu, I. Aliyu, Y. Gumel, S. M. and Garba, B. “Current Trends in the Production of Bioethanol from Sugarcane” Proceedings of the International Academic Conference on Sustainable Future, PP 11-18, Vol. 3, No.1, June 18, 2015.
Saidu, I; Shuaibu, M; and Garba, B. “The Impacts of Primary Air Pollutants on Human Health” Proceedings of the International Academic Conference on Achieving the Millenium Development Goals” Vol. 6(1), Oxford Research and Publications International, Pp 91-98, 2015.
Saidu, I. ;Bello. Gumel, S. M. and Garba, B. “Study of the Transformation and Morphology of Struvite and Newberyte Using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Proceedings of the International Academic Conference on Achieving the Millenium Development Goals” Vol. 6(2), Oxford Research and Publications International, Pp 111-120, 2015.
Saidu, I. Aliyu, Y. Gumel, S. M. and Garba, B. “Current Trends in the Production of Bioethanol from Sugarcane” Journal of Contemporary Education and Management (JCEM), Vol. 3(2), Pp 27-38, July 2015.
Aliyu S, B. Garba, B G Danshehu, G. M Argungu, and A D Isah (2014) “Physico-Chemical Analysis of Gwarmi Clay Deposit, Wurno Local Government Area of Sokoto State, Nigeria” The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES), 3(6), 62-67, ISSN (e): 2319-1813, ISSN (p): 2319-1805) DOI:1307.1024. Index in Copernicus etc.
Aliyu S, B. Garba, B. G. Danshehu, and A. D. Isah (2014).” Studies on the Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Selected Clay Samples” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2 (7), 171-183. (ISSN: 2278-0181, WWW.IJRT.ORG) DOI:10.17677. Indexed by Google Scholar etc.