Dr. A.T. Getso
Brief Biography
He hailed from Kano State of Nigeria. He had his Primary School Leaving Certificate in 1978, Grade II Certificate in 1983 and Diploma in Sharia and Civil Law in 1987. He obtained his LL.B and LL.M degrees from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in 1990 and 1998 respectively. He then got his Ph.D from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto in 2012. He equally have a Diploma in Computer Studies. He hold various Faculty positions that included Deputy Dean of Law, Faculty Examinations Officer, PG Coordinator, two-times Head of Department of Private and Business Law, and that of Islamic Law Department. He is married with children.Area of specialization: | Islamic Law |
Email: | getso.abubakar@udusok.edu.ng |
Phone: | 08032096108 |
List of Selected Publications
1. A. T. Getso., Introduction to the General Principles of Liability for Animals Under Islamic Law of Torts, UDUS Law Journal, (2005) Vol. 1 No. 6, PP. 115-127.2. A. T. Getso., The Tort of Defamation under the Nigerian Law of Tort, UDUS Law Journal, (2009), Vol. 7, PP. 224-241.
3. A. T. Getso., Revisiting the Legal Personality of a Company: Corporate Liability Versus Personal Liability, Journal of Private and Business Law, (2007) Vol. 1, No. PP. 71-92.
4. A. T. Getso., The Concept of Damanah under Islamic Law, Journal of Private and Busness Law, (2009), Vol. II, PP. 62-78.
5. Mahmud M.D and A. T. Getso., An Overview of the Institutional Framework for the Regulation of Telecommunications in Nigeria, Private and Business Law Journal, Volume 1 No 1 (June 2013 NSU-PBLJ), PP.194-202.
6. Mahmud, M. D. and A. T. Getso., “The Legal Regime of Telecommunications Sector in Nigeria,” UNIMAID Journal of Public Law, Volume 3 No 2 (July 2014 Unimaid JPL), ISSN 1596-0617 pp. 186-195.
7. Mahmud, M. D, A. T. Getso, and Marshall, J. B, The Challenges of Virtual Money and the Global Financial Market (A paper co-authored with A. T. Getso and Marshall, J. B, presented at the 49th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Association of Law Teachers, NALT, on 22nd May, 2016) pp657-665.
8. A. T. Getso., Women’s Right to Liberty and Security of Person under International Law, A book chapter in Nigerian Law and Practice in a Globalised World. (2010) published by Faculty of Law, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto ISBN 978-978-48583-1 PP.28-33.
9. A. T. Getso., Women’s Right to own and Dispose of Property in Islamic Law, A book chapter in Legal Prisms Directions in Nigerian Law and Development (2012) ISBN 978-978-923-015-0 PP.11-23.
10. A. T. Getso., Some Reflections on Women’s Right to Equal Protection under International Law, accepted for publication in Journal of Private and Business Law, UDUS.