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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Bachelor of Fisheries

History of the Programme

The programme is designed to produce high level manpower for management, development and exploitation of freshwater and marine fisheries resources including aquaculture for sustainable socioeconomic advancement of the fisheries sub-sector of the economy. It is structured to inculcate sound theoretical and practical knowledge on the complexities, interactions and dynamics of fisheries system, their management strategies, including exchange of information through modern communication technologies. The curriculum is designed for knowledge acquisition through lectures, field and laboratory practical and industrial works experience. The logic and rationale of the programme has the potentials for self-reliance, creativity, morality and leadership skills. Graduates should possess the capacity in pursuing career opportunities in public fisheries establishments, academic, research and relevant corporate enterprises


The objectives of the programme are to:

  1. produce graduates with entrepreneurial skills geared towards job creation and self employment in fisheries and aquaculture
  2. produce personnel with managerial and leadership skills in the fisheries and aquaculture industry
  3. equip students with sound theoretical knowledge and skills as teachers, scientists and researchers in fisheries and related disciplines
  4. prepare graduates for higher studies and professional advancement in fisheries and allied sciences
  5. produce personnel who would contribute meaningfully to the national development goals in the fisheries sub-sector of the economy
  6. produce persons of high intellectual and moral integrity who are relevant to themselves and the society
  7. equip students with sufficient skills in the application of modern fisheries management and aquaculture and technologies
  8. develop in students the capacity for communication and extension of modern fisheries and aquaculture technologies

Admission Requirements

(i) UME Entry Mode:                      

Five O Level Credit Passes in English language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology or Agricultural Science.

(ii)  Direct Entry:                             

Five O Level Credit Passes in English language, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Biology or Agricultural Science and Physics in addition to ND or HND in Fisheries or related disciplines with a minimum of lower Credit or advanced level qualification such as IJMB.

Mode of Study

The programme shall be full time.


Eighty-four (84) calendar months for the UME candidates and seventy-two (72) calendar months for students admitted directly into the 200 level.
