Centre for Agric. & Pastoral Research

(Centre for Agric. & Pastoral Research)
You are welcome to the official web page of the Centre for Agricultural and Pastoral Research (CAPAR), Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. Sequel to approval by the Governing Council of the University, the Centre was established in April 2010 to promote research and development in agriculture and pastoralism. The authority, management, structure, research and development activities of the Centre are guided by an approved Statute. The University has been involved in teaching, research and community service in agricultural, veterinary and social sciences for about three decades.
The scientists in these fields have recorded landmark contributions to food and pastoral productions at the local, national and international levels. Thus, this Centre is an important outfit of the University for harnessing the material and human resources for effective research, capacity building, community service and dissemination of research findings in all areas of agriculture and pastoralism.The Centre is situated in Dabagi Farm, Kilometer 33 along Sokoto-Gusau road in the north-west agro-ecological zone of Nigeria.
The farm, which was originally established as a dairy farm, was acquired from the defunct Sokoto State Government by the University in 1985 for teaching and research activities. The farm has a total land area of 512 ha, comprising of 80 ha of arable land, 20 ha forest reserve and 412 ha of uncultivated land. A section of the farm has been developed for dairy facilities, feed mill and staff quarters.
Our Mission
To conduct research, develop skills and disseminate information for enhanced agricultural and pastoral production.
Our Vision
To be a centre of excellence for the development of improved technologies, capacity building, and as a source of information for sustainable exploitation of agricultural and pastoral resources.