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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Master of Philosophy in Soil Science

Admission Requirements

  1. Five (5) O’ level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and two other relevant subjects.
  2. Bachelors degree B.Sc. (Agric.), B. (Agric.) of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto or any other recognized institution with minimum of Second Class Honours Lower Division.
  3. Masters degree in Soil Science (M.Sc.) of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto or any other recognized institution with a CGPA of less than 4.00 but atleast 3.00 in either 5.0 point scale or 4.0 point scale or its equivalent.
  4. Masters Degree in related areas with a minimum CGPA of less than 4.00 on 5.0 point scale or its equivalent.
  5. In addition to (i – iv) above, candidate must satisfy the matriculation requirements of Usmanu Danfodiyo University.
  6. Any other qualification acceptable to the Board of Postgraduate School and the Senate of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University.
Course CodeTitleUnit
SCI 851 ICT and Computer Applications in Soil Science3 (2 + 1)
SCI 852 Management and EntrepreneurshipStudies 2 (1 + 1)
SOI 851 Research Methodology3 (2 + 1)
SOI 852 Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition3 (2 + 1)
SOI 853 Soil Physics2 (1 +1)
SOI 854 Soil Chemistry2 (1 + 1)
SOI 855 Advanced Pedology and Edapology2 (1 + 1)
SOI 856Soil Mineralogy3 (2+ 1)
SOI 898 Seminar2 (2 + 0)
SOI 899 Dissertation12(0+12)

Pedology/Soil Survey and Land Use Planning/Soil Mineralogy/Edapology Specialization

Course CodeTitleUnit
Course CodeCourse TitleUnits
SOI 857Advanced Remote Sensing2 (1+ 1)
SOI 858Advanced Analytical Techniques2 (1+ 1)
SOI 859Soil Survey and Land Use Planning2 (1+ 1)
SOI 860Soil Conservation and Management2 (1+ 1)
SOI 861Soilscape Ecology2 (1+ 1)

Soil Chemistry/Soil Fertility Specialization

Course CodeTitleUnit
SOI 860Soil Conservation and Management2 (1+ 1)
SOI 862Soil and Plant Analysis2 (1+ 1)
SOI 863Soil–Water-Plant Relationships2 (1+ 1)
SOI 864Fertilizer and Fertilizer Technology2 (1+ 1)
SOI 865Soil Physical Chemistry2 (1+ 1)
SOI 866Soil Hydrology2 (1+ 1)
SOI 869Management of Problem Soils3 (2 + 1)

Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry Specialization

Course CodeTitleUnit
SOI 861Soilscape Ecology2 (1+ 1)
SOI 862Soil and Plant Analysis2 (1+ 1)
SOI 863Soil-Water-Plant Relationships2 (1+ 1)
SOI 865Soil Physical Chemistry2 (1+ 1)
SOI 867Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry2 (1+ 1)

Soil Physics / Soil Conservation and Management Specialization

Course CodeTitleUnit
SOI 860Soil Conservation and Management2 (1+ 1)
SOI 863Soil -Water -Plant Relationships2 (1+ 1)
SOI 866Soil Hydrology2 (1+ 1)

Environmental Soil Science Specialization

Course CodeTitleUnit
SOI 860Soil Conservation and Management2 (1+ 1)
SOI 861Soilscape Ecology2 (1+ 1)
SOI 865Soil Physical Chemistry2 (1+ 1)
SOI 868Soil Environmental Chemistry2 (1 + 1)