Computer Science

The programme is designed to provide training in the theory, principles and application of computer science in order to produce graduates with efficient practical knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of the global Information Technology drive. The programme covers various aspects of the field including: programming languages, artificial intelligence, systems analysis and design, communications and networking, computer graphics and information technology. Graduates of the programme will serve in public institutions and private enterprises including financial institutions, software industries, oil companies, research centers, manufacturing industries, health and educational institutions and self-reliance in software development and applications in information technologies.
The objectives of the programme are to:
- create in students the enthusiasm for computer science and its capabilities;
- equip the students with intellectual stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying;
- provide a broad based knowledge and skills in computer science;
- prepare students to acquire industrial work experience;
- equip students with transferable skills in information technology;
- instil in students an appreciation of the application of computer in an industrial, economic, technological and social context; and
- prepare students for higher studies and professional advancement in computer science and related disciplines.
Our Mission
The Department’s mission is to pursue and disseminate knowledge of computer science through research, teaching and community service for the benefit of humanity irrespective of race, creed, religion, gender, nationality or ethnicity.
Our Vision
The vision of the Department is to be amongst the foremost computer science departments in Africa and the world through knowledge creation, teaching, community service and collaborative research.
List of Academic Programs

Head of Department
(Computer Sciences)