Leadership Accounting Development And Networking (LADAN) Research Centre

(Leadership Accounting Development And Networking Research Centre (LADAN))
The concept of establishing Research Centres in Universities by Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN) was mooted by ANAN as far back as 2009. It however materialized in 2011, when ANAN built and donated the Governmental and Financial Accounting Research Centre at the Nasarawa State University, Keffi. After the establishment of the Centre, ANAN subsequently established eight (8) other Research Centres in Universities across the country. The eight is outside the Centre for Financial Accounting and Research (CEFAR) located at the Nigerian College of Accountancy, Kwall, Plateau State, the Training Arm of ANAN.
The philosophy behind the ANAN Research Centres is anchored on the stern belief of ANAN that one of the most efficacious means of propagating or Advancing the Science of Accountancy, a mandate con.ferred on ANAN by its establishment Act, is through coordinated researches. The Research Centres is also a way of giving back to the society in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility
Leadership, Accounting Development and Networking (Ladan) Research Centre
The Leadership, Accounting Development and Networking (Ladan) Research Centre built and donated to UDUS by ANAN is the 7th of such Centres donated by ANAN to Universities. It was commissioned on 18th April, 2019, under the leadership of Alhaji Shehu Usman Ladan, FCNA, the then President of ANAN, whose name (LADAN) was used in couching the name of the Centre. Professor Abdullahi Abdu Zuru was the Vice Chancellor of UDUS at the time.
By the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding signing by ANAN and UDUS, dated 18th April, 2019, to regulate the operation of the Research Centre, the parties agreed to do the following among others:
- Collaborate in the conduct of postgraduate research in accounting in various fields
- Collaborate in a number of academic activities
- Dissemination of Research Materials
- Exchange of information and expertise
- The appointment of a Director, who is an academic staff of UDUS and shall be a member of ANAN.
It was on this strength of (e) above that Dr. Aliyu Mustapha, FCNA became the pioneer Director of the Centre.
Our Mission
To inculcate research spirit, Accounting professional skills and knowledge in the University graduates and interested participants with a view to empowering them to become wealth-creators in accounting profession.
Our Vision
To empower students with accounting ability and capacity in a bid to make them productive and contribute significantly toward sustainable national socio-economic and human development. The Center also envisages to provide a platform for e-research by providing ICT support services for researchers.
Objective of the Center
The establishment of UDUS-LADAN research Centre is in line with the directive of the Federal Government that entrepreneurship education be included in the curriculum of all Nigeria Universities for all students irrespective of their courses of study. This will also help to actualize the philosophy, vision and goal of the UDUS. The specific objectives of the UDUS-EDC are to be:
I. Providing opportunities for entrepreneurial education in the University;
II. Imparting entrepreneurial skills in students, staffs, and members of the external community;
III. Creating and promoting entrepreneurial awareness and opportunities within and outside the University environment;
IV. Enhancing the capacity and potential of practicing entrepreneurs who desire to learn practical entrepreneurial skills;
V. Providing supportive programmes to Small and Medium Enterprises operators in the community as well as mentoring their activities;
VI. Making employers of labour in the UDUS graduates, thereby reducing the level of unemployment in the country;
VII. Contributing to and enhancing the development and growth of entrepreneurship in the country