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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Pharm. Abdulrahman Muntaka

Area of specialization:Pharmaceutical Analysis

List of Selected Publications

Untitled Document

1. M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. J. Yusuf, I. Nasir, A. Muntaka, A. M. Alhasan, C. O. Alebiosu, M. Yahaya, S. D. Yunusa and M. Sadiq. (2016). Phytochemical analysis, Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Studies on the n-Hexane Soluble Fraction of Vernonia glaberrima. International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability. 2(4): 16-23. ISSN: 2488-9229.

2. A. J. Yusuf, M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, I. Nasir, A. Muntaka, A.M. Alhasan, C. O. Alebiosu, M. Yahaya, and A. Isah (2017). Effect of Ethylacetate leaf extract of Vernonia glaberrimawelw.Ex O Hoffm (Asteraeae) in murine models of Pain Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and biomedical Research. 2(1):5-8. ISSN: 2579-1419

3. Ibrahim M. Aliyu, Abdulkadir U. Zezi, Muhammed G. Magaji, Ibrahim Abdu-Aguye, Zakiyyah Y. Y. Ibrahim, Ibrahim Atiku, Abdulrahman Muntaka. (2017) Anti-histaminic and bronchodilatory activities of aqueous and methanol extracts of Calotropis procera (Ait) R.Br. root bark on allergic asthma in rodents. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioresource 14(2): 128-137. ISSN 0189-8442. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jpb.v14i2.4

4. M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, Amina J. Yusuf, A. Olowo-okere, I. Nasir, A. Muntaka, A.M. Alhasan, S. S. Bello, C. O. Alebiosu, M. Yahaya and H. Abubakar. (2017). Comparative antimicrobial activity of fractions of Vernonia glaberrima against selected human pathogens. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioresources. 15(1): 169-174. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jpb.vl4i2.10. ISSN 0189-8442.

5. I. Nasir, A. J. Yusuf, M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. Muntaka, S. S. Bello,A. Umar, A. M. Alhasan, C. O. Alebiosu, M. Yahaya, M. Kabir and S. Ibrahim.. (2017). Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Effects of the n-Butanol Leaf Extract of Vernonia glaberrima. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences 14 (2): 2470 – 2477. ISSN: 1596-8499.

6. A. Muntaqa, A. Musa, M.A. Usman A.Y. Idris and A. Olowo-Okere (2018) Quality Control Assessment of four Brands of Tinidazole Tablets marketed within Katsina Metropolis, Katsina-Nigeria Bima Journal of Science and Technology (BJST), Faculty of Science, Gombe State University vol 2 (2) 97-106 ISSN 25366041

7. A. Muntaka, A. Musa, M.G. Magaji, I. M. Aliyu and A.J. Yusuf. (2018). A Comparative in-vitro bioavailability and bioequivalence studies on different brands of tinidazole tablets using simulated dissolution profiles. Nigerian journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical research 3(2):115-118, ISSN: 2579-1419

8. Amina Yusuf Jega, Musa Ismail Abdullahi, Amina Idris Rufa’i, Asma’u Baba Bala, Hassan Abubakar, Abdulrahman Muntaka, Celestina Oluranti Alebiosu, Aminu Ahmed Biambo and Millicent Ladi Umaru. (2019). Effect of Saponin-rich fractions of the stem bark and root of Neocarya macrophylla on pain and inflammation: A comparative study. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences. 12: 349 – 355. Doi10.3923/ajbs.2019.349.355. ISSN 1996-3351

9. A. Muntaka, M.A. Usman, A. Musa A.Y. Idris and A. Olowo-Okere (2021) Quality Control Assessment of four Brands of Tinidazole Tablets marketed within Kaduna city, Nigeria Bima Journal of Science and Technology (BJST), Faculty of Science, Gombe State University Vol 5 (2) 315-321 ISSN: 2536-6041

10. SS Bello, A. Muntaka and M. A. Tijjani (2022). A Comparative determination of Ascobic acid in Apple (Malus Pumila), lime (Citrus Aurantiifolia) and Watermelon (Citrullu Lanatus) using Uv-Spectrophotometric and Titrimetric Methods. Nigerian journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical research 3(1):115-118, ISSN: 28-35

11. Halilu, E., Abdurrahman, A., Mathias, S., Ugwah-Oguejiofor, C., Abdulrahman, M. & Abubakar, S. (2021). Phytochemical and antioxidant activity of Cadaba farinosa Forssk stem bark extracts. In P. Ramasami (Ed.), Volume 1 Pharmaceutical Applications (pp. 19-30). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110710823-0022

12. Antidiarrhoeal and anti-emetic Activities of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Ficus Thonningii Blume in Young Chicks authored by Rabiu G Tijjani, Bilyaminu Abubakar, Nafiu Aminu, Abdulrahman Muntaka, Saida M Sani, Ibrahim A Nasir & Milicent L Umar* with Manuscript No.: SSU/CaJoST/202302029

List of conferences/workshops/seminar Papers

Untitled Document

1. A. J. Yusuf, M. I. Abdullahi,A. Uba, S. S. Bello, A. Umar, A. M. Alhasan, C. O. Alebiosu, I. Nasir and A. Muntaka. (2016). Preliminary Phytochemical Screening, Acute Toxicity, Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Studies of the Chloroform Soluble Fraction of Vernonia glaberrima Leaves. 50th Anniversary Conference of Science Association of Nigeria (SAN). University of Abuja, Main Campus (Airport Road), Abuja, Nigeria. 24th – 28th April, 2016.

2. Nasir I, Abdullahi, M. I. Yusuf, A. J. Uba, A. Muntaka A. and Bello. S. S. (2016). Evaluation of Acute Toxicity, Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Effects of the Butanol Leaf Extract of Vernonia glaberrima. 11th UNILAG Annual Research Conference and Fair. Multipurpose Halls, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos. 8th – 10th November, 2016.

3. A. J. Yusuf ,M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, I. Nasir, S. S. Bello, A. Muntaka, C. O. Alebiosu, M. Yahaya. (2017). Antimicrobial activity of n-Hexane Soluble Fraction of Vernonia glaberrima Welw. Ex O. Hoffm (Asteraceae). 12th International Conference on Arts and Science for Sustainable Development held at Conference Hall, Kaduna State University, Kaduna State, Nigeria. 6th – 9th February. 2017.

4. Musa A. and Muntaka A. (2017) Development and validation of spectrophotometric methods for estimation of tinidazole in simulated biological pH. 5th NAPA Scientific Conference and Workshop. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. 18th -10th April, 2017

5. Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Adamu H. W., Yahaya M., Abubakar H., Sanusi A., Mailafiya M. M., Alebiosu C. O., A. Muntaka and Nasir I. (2017). Antimicrobial activity of Stigmasterol and Oil from n-Hexane Soluble Fraction of Stem bark of Neocarya macrophylla (Sabine) Prance (Chrysobalanaceae). 12th UNILAG Annual Research Conference and Fair. Jelili Omotola Halls, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria. 15th – 17th August, 2017

6. A. Muntaka (2017). Are Statins Safe? Risk Benefit Assessment of Statins Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar Series held at the Faculty Board Room on the 24, May, 2017, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto.

7. Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Musa A. M., Alebiosu C.O, Abdulrahman M. and Mailafiya M.M. (2019). Evaluation of the analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of the saponin-rich fractions of the stem bark and root bark of Neocarya macrophylla. 17th National Conference and Scientific Meeting of the Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia held at National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research & Development (NIPRD), Idu, Abuja, Nigeria. 25th – 30thAugust, 2019.