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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Mal. Auwal Gambo

Area of specialization:Virology

List of Selected Publications

1. Mangga HK, Bala JA, Balakrishnan KN, Bukar AM Lawan Z, Gambo A, Jesse FFA Noordin MM and Mohd-Azmi M-L (2022). Genome-Wide Analysis and Molecular Characterization of Orf Virus Strain UPM/HSN-20 Isolated From Goat in Malaysia. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:877149
2. Gambo A,Inabo H.I, Aminu M(2021). Prevalence of Rotavirus and Cryptosporidium parvum Co infections among Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in Zaria, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology, 35(2): 5916-5924
3. Gambo S, Mohammad U-K, Baki A.S, Bello A and Gambo A. (2017). Incidence of Salmonella species isolated from presumptive Typhoid fever patients attending Specialist Hospital Sokoto. Scholarly Journal of Biological Sciences. 6(2) 23-27. ISSN 2315-6147
4. Baki A.S, Bello A, Mohammad U-K, Farouq A.A, Yahaya M.A, Gambo A, Ahmad U.S, Zaid S, Yabo Y.A (2017). A Survey for Onchomycosis among Patients Attending General Hospital Ammanawa, Sokoto State, Nigeria. Chronicle Journal of Environmental Science. 1(2) 006
5. Baki A.S, Mohammad U-K, Farouq A.A, Gambo A, Bello A, YahayaM.A , Ahmad U.S, Zaid S, (2017). Isolation and Characterization of Yeast from Traditionally Fermented Cow Milk and Their Application in the Production of Biosurfacant. Clinical Biotechnology and Microbiology. 1(5) 198-206. ISSN: 2575-4750
6. Baki A.S, Bello A, Mohammad U-K, Farouq A.A, Yahaya M.A, Gambo A, Ahmad U.S, Zaid S (2017). Comparative Study on the efficacy of Acidic and Enzymatic Hydrolysis for the production of Bioethanol using Cellulose (Sawdust). Chronicle Journal of Environmental Science. 1(2) 006
7. Gambo A. Inabo H.I. Aminu M. Farouq A.A, Baki S.A and Muhammad A. (2016). Prevalence of Rotavirus Infections among Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in Zaria, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology, 30(2):3501-3505. ISSN 0794-1293
8. AliyuSarkiBaki , Abdulrahman Bello, UmmulKalthumMohammad,AhmadAliyuFarouq, Muhammad AliyuYahaya, AuwalGambo, Umar Salisu Ahmad, ShehuZaid(2016). Scientific Journal of Microbiology. 5(11) 134-141. ISSN 2322-2948
9. Gambo A., Inabo H.I., Aminu M (2014).Prevalence of Cryptosporidiumoocysts Among Children with Acute Gastroenteritit in Zaria, Nigeria.Bayero Journal of Pure ana Applied Sciences, 7(2): 155-159. ISSN: 2006-6996
10. UsmanAbdulkadirAbdulmumin, Manga S.B, Shinkafi S.A, Rabah A.B, Gambo A. and OdehPatrik A (2014). Fungi associated with carpets and floor dust samples as an indicator for indoor air quality.Annals of Biological Sciences, 2(4): 16-19. ISSN: 2348-1927