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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Dr. A.M.Fakandu

Brief Biography

Dr. Ali Muhammed Fakandu hails from Ilella Local Government Area of Sokoto State. He holds Ph.D. in Information Science from Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya, MSc. in Library and Information Science, Bachelor of Library and Information Science and Diploma in Library and Information Science from Bayero University, Kano. He is a lecturer at the Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Education and Extension Services. He is a Certified Librarian of Nigeria (CLN), Member of Nigerian Library Association (MNLA), Member Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU). His areas of research interest include; Knowledge Management, information management, management information systems. He has several Conference/workshops papers presented and over thirty (30) publications in local and international journals and book chapter contributions.

Area of specialization:Library and Information Science

List of Selected Publications


1.Fakandu, A.M. (2023). Exploring Knowledge Management Practices in providing Effective Library Services for Maximum productivity. In F. Ayodele, T.M. Garba, M.A. Yusuf, M.A. Sharada & M. Abbas (eds) Management of Adult and Non-Formal Education for Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria. A Book in Honour of Professor Bala Zakari. Kano, BUK. ISBN: 9789787914816
2.Fakandu, A.M.& Yabagi, A. (2023). ICT as Enabler for the Adoption of Knowledge Management Practices in Selected north-west Nigeria Federal University Libraries. Journal of ICT Development, Applications and Research, 5(1), 35 – 44, ISSN: 2636-7432 (Print) 2636-7440 (Online) Available online at credencepressltd.com. DOI: http://doi.org/10.47524/jictdar.v5i1.36 
3.Fakandu, A.M. & Wamae, P. (2022) Adoption of Knowledge Acquisition Practices for service Delivery in Selected North-West Nigeria Federal University libraries. Journal of Library Services and Technologies, Volume 4 (1), 44-53. ISSN: 2616-1354 (Print) 2636-7424DOI:http://doi.org/10.47524/jlst.v4i1.45 
4.Fakandu, A.M. & Abdullahi, M.A. (2022) Assessing Knowledge Sharing Practices among Librarians: A Case Study of Abdullahi Fodiyo Library, Sokoto, Nigeria. Lafiya Journal of Library and Information Science (LJLIS)1(1).208-217. ISSN:2814-0702(Print)2814-0710
5.Fakandu, A.M., Musa, J.S. & Ibrahim, I.I. (2021). Towards implementing knowledge management in academic libraries. Library and Information Perspectives and Research, 3(1), 94-103. ISSN:2672-5886 (Print) 2672-5894DOI: http://doi.org/10.47524/lipr.31.11
6.Fakandu, A.M & Kasim, A. (2021) Library and Information services as Tools for Capacity Building in National Sustainability. Continental Journal of Education Research, 13(2). ISSN: 21414181
7.Balarabe, A.A., Fakandu, A.M., Idris, I.S. & Usman, I. (2020). Thr Use of Suggestion Box as a means Communication and Promotion of Public Relation Services. The Experience of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Library, Sokoto, Nigeria. Journal of the Nigerian Library Association, (NLA).53(1).pp.24-33.
8.Kasim, A. & Fakandu, A.M. (2020). Assessing ICT literacy among paraprofessional librarians for service delivery at Abdullahi Fodiyo Library, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto: An International Journal of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Vol.17 (2). pp. 191-200. ISSN: 1597-4316. AJOL
9.Umar, B.F, Suleiman, Y.M., Fakandu, A.M. & Aliyu, S. (2020) Evolution of Library Policy. Policy and Librarianship. Owerri: Springfield Publishers Ltd. pp.47-68. ISBN: 9789788500483
10.Fakandu, A.M. & Maina, K.C. (2019) Adoption of Knowledge Organization Practices for service Delivery in Selected North-West Nigeria Federal University libraries. Journal of Applied Information Science Technology (JAIST), Vol.12 (2).pp.179-186. ISSN:22141-1913.
11.Chemulwo, J.M. & Fakandu, A.M. (2019) Equitable access to education and development in acknowledgeable society as advocated by UNESCO. Educational Research and Review. 14(6). 200-205. ISSN:1990-3839. DOI:10.5897/ERR2018.3647B
12.Usman, I. & Fakandu, A.M. (2018). Intellectual Freedom and the Impacts of Electronic resources in Academic Libraries. Journal of Applied Information Science Technology (JAIST), 11(1), 64-72. ISSN:22141-1913
14.Fakandu, A.M.& Kasim, A. (2017). School Library Services: A Necessity. An International Journal of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Vol.14 (2). pp. 191-200. ISSN: 1597-4316 AJOL https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ict/article/view/164840
15.Sadiku, S.A, Fakandu, A.M. & Usman, I (2016). E-Government Implementation Status in Nigeria: Opportunities and Challenges. Ebonyi Journal of Library and Information Science, Vol.3 (1). pp.255-270.
16.Fakandu, A.M., Musa, M.A, & Mohammed, M.K. (2016). Problems Militating Against Utilization of Information Resources in Special Libraries: A case study of SON Libraries. Jewel Journal of Librarianship. Vol.10 pp.110-20. ISSN:2141-2908
17.Fakandu, A.M. & Idris I.S. (2015). New Trend in the Provision of Reference and Information Services in Academic Libraries. Jewel Journal of Librarianship. Vol. 9. pp. 96-105. ISSN:2141-2908
18.Fakandu, A.M. & Usman, I. (2015). Information Resources Provision in Special Libraries: Case Study of Standards Organisation of Nigerian Libraries (S.O.N.L). Journal of Library Science and Technology Vol.3 (4), pp.34-42. ISSN:2141-6257
19.Fakandu, A.M. & Usman I. (2015). Selective Dissemination of Information Services (SDI): A Literature Review. Owena Journal of Library and Information Science, Vol.6 (1&2) pp.69-80. ISSN:0188-3092
20.Mohammed, M.K. & Fakandu A.M. (2015). Information and Communication Technology Literacy and Job Performance of Staff in Abdullahi Fodiyo Library, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Sokoto Journal of the Social Sciences UDUS.5(1) 75-85. ISSN:1595-2738
21.Fakandu, A.M.& Musa, J. (2015) Assessment of Collection Security problems In Usmanu Danfodiyo University Library, Sokoto Jewel Journal of Librarianship. 8(1), 63-69. ISSN:2141-3908
22.Fakandu, A.M. & Ahmad, D.B. (2014). Accessibility and Use of Law Library Resources By Faculty of Law Members in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. African Journal of Information and Knowledge Management. 1(2),1-11. ISSN:2384-6690
23.Mohammed, M.K. & Fakandu, A.M. (2014). Digitization Projects in Tertiary Institution Libraries in North-West Nigeria. Sokoto Educational Review. 15(2),32-38. ISSN:079436653DOI: https:doi.org/10.35386/ser.v15i2.166 .
24.Gadanga, A.T., Umar, A.A. & Fakandu, A.M. (2014). Continuing Education For Public Librarians: A Nnecessity. Jewel Journal of Librarianship. Vol. 6 (1), pp.124-132. ISSN:2141-2908
25.Fakandu, A.M., Lawal, M.M. & Bayero, A.D. (2014). Attitude of Librarian Towards Computerized Cataloguing System in Academic Library. Journal of Library Science and Technology Vol.3 (2)
26.Dahiru, A.B. & Fakandu, A.M. (2014). The Problems and Prospects of Digitizing Arabic/Ajami Manuscripts in Abdullahi Fodiyo Library, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Jewel Journal of Librarianship. 6(1),116-123. ISSN:2141-3908
27.Jabo, S.M. & Fakandu, A.M. (2013). Information Needs and Seeking Behaviour of Undergraduate Students in Nigerian Universities. A case Study of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. Ghana Library Journal. 25(2),106-116. ISSN:0855-3033
28.Fakandu, A.M & Bayero A.D. (2013). Utilization of Information Resources by Users of Academic Libraries. A Case Study of Abdullahi Fodiyo Library, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Information Trends. Vol. 10. 1-10. ISSN:0189-4404
29.Jabo, S.M. & Fakandu, A.M. (2013). The Impact of Public Card Catalogue on Information Retrieval in Nigerian University Libraries: A Case Study of Abdullahi Fodiyo Library, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Jewel Journal of Librarianship, Vol.5 (2), pp.117-121. ISSN:2141-2908
30.Kpakiko, M.M. & Fakandu, A.M. (2013). Economic Impact of Telecommunications and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria. Journal of Social Science and Public Affairs Vol. 3 (2), pp.75-83.


1.Fakandu, A.M. & Mabera, S.U. (2023). Impacts of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Knowledge Management practices in Post COVID 19 Era for Sustainable Education in Nigeria. Paper presented at the 8th National Conference (FEES 2023). Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. On 11th Monday to 13th Wednesday September, 2023 at the University Auditorium permanent site
2.Fakandu, A.M. & Tsagem, A.M. (2023) Challenges in Knowledge Management Processes in the 21st Century Academic Libraries for Effective services Delivery. Conference Paper at 1st International Conference on Emerging Information Knowledge System and Globalization in Education (ICEIKSGE -2023) Federal University, Dutsima Katsina State. On Monday 4th to Thursday 8th June, 2023 at Conference Room, University Library, Main Campus
3.Fakandu, A.M. (2019) Adoption of Knowledge Management Practices in Selected North-West Nigeria Federal University Libraries. Seminar Paper presented at the 39th Kenyatta University Postgraduate Seminar held on Friday 6th December, 2019 at Kenyatta University Postgraduate Board Room 2, Nairobi, Kenya
4.El-Kalash, K.I & Fakandu, A.M. (2018) In Search of Innovative Library and Information practice: the need for an Infopreneurial Content in the Library and Information Science (LIS) Curriculum of Nigeria. Conference paper presented at Nigerian Library Association (NLA) Kano Chapter. Sunday 11th to Wednesday 14th February, 2018. At Kano State Library Board Conference Room
5.Fakandu, A.M. & Tsagem, A.M. (2018) Uses of social media in knowledge Sharing in Academic Libraries: A Review. Conference paper presented at Nigerian Library Association (NLA) Sokoto Chapter. Tuesday 4th to Wednesday 5th December, 2018. Held at Sultan Muhammad Maccido Institute for Qur’anic and General Studies Main Theater


1.Nigeria Students Association, Kenyatta University, Kenya. Certificate of Meritorious Services as Academic Advisor. 2017/2018/2019