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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Prof. A. M. Sokoto MCSN, MICCON, MSESN

Area of specialization:Renewable Energy

List of Selected Publications

Sani Nasiru Alhaji; Sulaiman Asma’u Umar, Sokoto Muhammad Abdullahi, Shehu Kasimu, Salisu Aliyu. Pytoremidiation of Nickel, Lead and Manganese in Simulated Waste water 5(2): 30-36. International Journal of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy. DOI:10.11648/i.ijmpem.20200502.12
F.J. Owuna, M.U. Dabai, M.A. Sokoto, S.M. Dangoggo, B.U. Bagudo, U.A. Birnin-Yauri, L.G. Hassan , I.Sada, A.L. Abubakar., M.S. Jibrin. Chemical Modification of Vegetable Oils For the Production of Biolubricants Using Trimethlol Propane: A Review. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum.20: 75-82
Halliru, A.; Hassan, L.G. and Muhammad, A.S. Optimization of Levulinic AcidProduction from Groundnut Shell Using Taguchi Orthogonal Array Design. Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 12(1): 337-343. Doi.org/10.4314/bajopas.v12i1.51S
Muhammad Abdullahi Sokoto, Bijoy Biswas , Jitendra Kumar, Thallada Bhaskar. Slow pyrolysis of Defatted Seeds Cakes of African star apple and silk cotton for production of bio-oil. Journal of Renewable Energy 146(2020);1710-1716. doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2019.07.145
F. I. Jumare, A. M. Magashi , A. B. Rabah , A. M. Sokoto and M. U. Hizbullahi. Biohydrolysis of Banana and Plantain Peels for the Production of Biofuel. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews 3(2): 1-11, DOI: 10.9734/JENRR/2019/v3i230095
Ernest C. Agwamba, Lawal G. Hassan, Achor Muhammad. Abdullahi M. Sokoto. Taguchi Optimization of Carboxymethylation Process and Effect of Reaction Efficiency on Swelling Capacity. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences 07(5): 528 – 536)
E.C. Agwamba, L.G. Hassan. A.M. Sokoto and M. Achor. Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Mango Starch Bio-composite Derivatives. Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria, 44(6): 1165 – 11172
Bayawa Muhammad, Lubabatu Mu’azu Jodi, Lawal Gusau Hassan, Lawal Abubakar & Abdullahi Muhammad Sokoto: Optimization of reaction variables of ultrasound-assisted transesterification of Abelmoscusesculentus seed oil into biodiesel, Biofuels, DOI: 10.1080/17597269.2019.1580969.
F. J. Owuna,, M. U. Dabai1, M. A. Sokoto, U.Z. Faruq and A. L. Abubakar. Formulation of Lubricant from Calabash Seed Oil. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports Research 3(1): 1- 8, 2018; DOI: 10.9734/JERR/2018/45457
Owuna Friday Junior, Dabai Musa Usman, Sokoto Muhammad Abdullahi, Muhammad Chika, Abubakar Aminu Lailaba. Use of Lagenaria Siceraria Seed Oil for the Production of Environmentally Friendly Biolubricant. American Journal of Applied and Industrial Chemistry 2018; 2(1): 1-7, doi: 10.11648/j.ajaic.20180201.11
Nasir Anka Garba, Ibrahim K. Muduru, Mohammed A. Sokoto & Sani M. Dangoggo (2018) Production of liquid hydrocarbons from millet husk via catalytic hydrodeoxygenation in NiO/Al2O3 catalysts .Ecology and the Environment 222: 125-130 Doi:10.2495/EQ180121
M.A. Sokoto A.B. Muhammad. A. Sanda, S. Haruna, L.G. Hassan. Effect of Reaction Variables on Biodiesel Production from Canary Melon Seed Oil Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability 5:19-24
M. U. Dabai, F. J. Owuna1, M. A. Sokoto and A. L. Abubakar. Assessment of Quality Parameters of Ecofriendly Biolubricant from Waste Cooking Palm Oil Asian Journal of Applied Chemistry Research 1(4): 1-11, DOI: 10.9734/AJACR/2018/43051
Abdullahi Muhammad Sokoto and Thallada Bhaskar . Pyrolysis of Waste Castor Seed Cake: A Thermo-Kinetics Study European Journal of Sustainable Development Research, 2(2), 18
L.G. Hassan, A. Uba, S. W. Hassan, S. Yusuf1, M.A.Sokoto and A. N. Itodo. Evaluation of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Removal from Tannery Wastewater using Activated Carbon from Terminalia catappa Nutshells Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability 6:36-41
Aminu Bayawa Muhammad, Ismaila Mudi, Abdullahi Muhammad Sokoto, Garba Musa Argungu & Muhammad Nurudeen Almustapha. Lube oil from blends of Nigerian Escravos light and Agbabu bitumen by empirical modelling. Petroleum Science and Technology, 36:23, 1968-1976, DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2018.1522338
Chika Muhammad, Muhammad Sabiu Jibrin, Muhammad Mukhtar, Abdullahi Muhammad Sokoto, Aliyu Sarkin Baki. Appraisal of Physicochemical Properties of Castor Oil Biodiesel Blends with Petro-diesel. Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability 6:1-4
M. A. Sokoto, Y. M. Sahabi, M.G. Liman, L.G. Hassan(2018 ); Prospect of African Bush Mango, kapok, Sesame, and Avocado Seeds Oils as a Feedstock for Biodiesel Production over CaSO4/Al2O3 Catalyst .IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC) 2(2):58-62. DOI: 10.9790/5736-1102025862
Abdullahi Muhammad Sokoto, Ibrahim Kabir Muduru, S. M. Dangoggo, N. U.Anka & Lawal Gusau Hassan (2017) Optimization of furfural production from millet husk using response surface methodology. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, And Environmental Effects pp 1-6. DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2017.1405120
J. Sani, A.M. Sokoto, A.D. Tambuwal and N.A. Garba. Effect of NiO/SiO2 on Thermochemical Conversion of Waste Cooking Oil to Hydrocarbon. Heliyon Journal DOI 10.1016/j.heliyon2017.e00304
M.A. Sokoto, L.G. Hassan and M.G. Liman. Non-isothermal Kinetics Studies of Triplochiton Scleroxylon (African White Wood) Sawdust Using Thermogravimetry. International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology 5(3): 54-58
M.A.Sokoto, Rawel Singh, Bhavy, B, Kirishna, Jitendra Kumar, Thallada Bhaskar. Non-isothermal Kinetic study of De-oiled seed cake of African Star Apple (Chrosophyllum albidium) Using thermogravimetry. Heliyon Journal DOI 10.1016/j.heliyon2016.e00172
Hadi Bashar, Abdullahi Muhammad Sokoto, Mahmud Muhammad Garba and Aminu Bayawa Muhammad. Effect of Neat Kaolin and CuO/Kaolin on the Yield and Composition of Products from Pyrolysis of Polystyrene Waste. Journal of Energy Source Part A. 39(2): 148-153 DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2016.1201548
M.A. Sokoto, L.G. Hassan, N.A. Sani and K.J. Umar. Prospect of Deffated Cake of Balanite aegyptiaca and Lagenaria vulgaris seed cake for Bioethanol production. International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability, 2(2):116 – 121.
S.Muhammed,N.A. Sani and K.J. Umar, M.A. Sokoto. Analysis of Nutrients, Total polypehenols and Antioxidant Activity of Ginger bread Plum(Neocarya Macrophylla fruits from Sokoto. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology 29(1): 20- 25. Available online www.ijopaast.in
M.A. Sokoto. A Technical Report entitled “Kinetics and Pyrolysis Studies of Selected Biomass Using Thermochemical Techniques” in Compendium of Research Training Fellowship for Developing Countries Scientist (RTF-DCS) 133 -154
Hassan, U. Hassan L.G., Umar, K.J, Wasagu, R.S.U. Sani, N.A and Sokoto, A.M. Physicochemical Analysis of Citrullus ecirrhosus (Wild Melon) Seeds Oil. Equity Journal of Science and Technology, 1(1): 7- 9.
M.A. Sokoto, L.G. Hassan, M. A. Salleh, S.M. Dangoggo, and H.G. Ahmad. Thermo-chemical Properties of Lagenaria vulgaris , Lagenaria Ladle and Cucurbita pepo de-oiled Cakes. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology 18(1): 12- 17. Available online www.ijopaast.in
M.A. Sokoto, L.G. Hassan, S.M. Dangoggo, and H.G. Ahmad and M. A. Salleh (2013): Assessment of Lagenaria vulgaris Seed Cake for Bioethanol and Biohydrogen Production. 2013 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science IPCBEE vol 54: 64 -70 DOI:107763
M.A. Sokoto, L.G. Hassan, M. A. Salleh, S.M. Dangoggo, and H.G. Ahmad. Quality Assessment and Optimization of Biodiesel from Lagenaria vulgaris (Calabash) Seeds Oil. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology 15(1): 55-56. Available online www.ijopaast.in
Jodi M. L., Birnin-Yauri U. A., Yahaya Y. and Sokoto M. A. The use of Some Plants in Water Purification. Global Advanced Research Journal of Chemistry and Material Science Vol. 1(4):071-075, http://garj.org/garjest/index.htm
M.A. Sokoto, L.G. Hassan, S.M. Dangoggo, H.G. Ahmad, J. Nasir and M. A. Salleh. Effect of Catalyst Concentration and Temperature on Transesterification of Oil Extracted from the Curcuvita pepo (pumpkin) Seeds. Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy,16(1&2): 57- 63
M.A. Sokoto, L.G. Hassan, S.M. Dangoggo, H.A. Gwandu, A.Uba. Influence of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters on Fuel properties of Biodiesel produced from the seeds Oil of Curcuvita pepo. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 19(1): 81-86.
L.G. Hassan, M.U. Muhammad, K.J. Umar and M.A. Sokoto. Comparative Study on the Proximate Minerals Content of the Seed and Pulp of Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa). Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 16 (2):174 – 177
L.G. Hassan, A.S Muhammad, S.M. Dangoggo and M.J. Ladan. Physico-Chemical and Biofuel Properties of Silk Cotton Seeds Oil (Ceiba pentandra L.). Journal of Biological and Environmental Science for the Tropics. 4(2):71-74.
L.G. Hassan, M.A. Sokoto, S.M. Dangoggo and M.J. Ladan. Proximate, Amino Acids and Minerals Composition of Silk Cotton Seeds (Ceiba pentandra L.). African Journal of Natural Sciences. 9:29-35.
L.G. Hassan, K.J. Umar, J.O. Adeyemi and Muhammad A.S. Physico-Chemical Analysis of Albizia lebbeck L. Seed Oil. Bulletin of Science Association of Nigeria 26: 368 – 372
L.G. Hassan, K.J. Umar, S. Abdullahi and Muhammad A.S. Proximate Composition and Physicochemical Properties of Seed and Oil of Cassia siamea. Bulletin of Science Association of Nigeria 26: 373 – 380.
Muhammad A. Sokoto: (2015) Biomass and Biofuels: A Case Study of Nigeria. Biomass and Biofuels. A Book Chapter Published in Advanced Bio-refineries for Sustainable Production and Distribution. CRC press. PP 343 – 364. ISBN 978146659595316
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