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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Dr. Amina Yusuf Jega

Area of specialization:Natural Product Chemistry and Drug Discovery

List of Selected Publications

Untitled Document

1.            A.J. Yusuf, M.I. Abdullahi, A.K. Haruna, A.M. Musa, M.S. Abdullahi, Z.Y.Y. Ibrahim, M.E. Halilu and Odiba O.J. (2015). Phytochemical and antimicrobial evaluation of the methanol stem bark extract of Neocarya macrophylla. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 7(1): 477-481. Available online at www.jocpr.com. ISSN 0975-7384.

2.            Yusuf A.J., Galadima A., Garba, Z.N. and Nasir I. (2015). Determination of some Heavy Metals in Soil Sample from Illela Garage in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences. 5(2): 8-10. Available online at www.isca.in or www.isca.me. ISSN 2231-606X.

3.            M. I. Abdullahi, A. K. Haruna, A.M. Musa, M.A Alhassan, A. Umar, A. J. Yusuf, A. Uba and Z.Y.Y. Ibrahim. (2015). Preliminary Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Evaluation of the Methanolic Leaf Extract of Ochna kibbiensis Hutz and Dalz (Ochnaceae). Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 7(2): 626-631. Available online at www.jocpr.com. ISSN 0975-7384.

4.            Yusuf AJ, Abdullahi MI, Haruna AK, Idris AY and Musa AM. (2015). Preliminary Phytochemical Screening, Toxicological and Antivenin property of the stem bark of Neocarya macrophylla on Naja nigricollis venom. African Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development, 7(1): 6-10. Available online at www.ajopred.com. ISSN-0794-800X.

5.            Yusuf A.J., Abdullahi M.I., Haruna A.K., Musa A.M., Ibrahim Z.Y.Y. and Uba A. (2015). Acute Toxicity Studies and Evaluation of Analgesic Property of the Methanol Stem Bark Extract of Neocarya macrophylla. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences. 5(Suppl1): 061-064. Available online at www.japsonline.com. ISSN 2231-3354.

6.            Yusuf AJ, Abdullahi MI, Haruna AK, Idris AY and Musa AM. (2015). Isolation and Characterization of Stigmasterol and Bis-(5,7-diacetyl-catechin-4’-α-rhamnopyranoside) from the Stem bark of Neocarya macrophylla (Sabine) Prance (Chrysobalanaceae). Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science. 21(1): 15-22. Available online at http://www.ajol.info/index.php/njbas/index. ISSN 0794-5698.

7.            A. Uba, M. I. Abdullahi, A. J. Yusuf, L. Mansur, Z.Y.Y. Ibrahim, Nasir I. and F.T. Abdullahi. (2015). Mineral Profile, Proximate and Amino Acid Composition of Three Dates Varieties (Phoenix Dactylifera L.). Der Pharma Chemica. 7(5): 48-53. Available online at www.derpharmachemica.com. ISSN 0975-413X.

8.            Ibrahim I. A. A. and Yusuf A. J. (2015). Evaluation of folic acid and iron in jute leaf consumed in Nigeria. Der Pharmacia Sinica. 6(6): 68-71. Available online at www.pelagiaresearchlibrary.com. ISSN 0976-8688.

9.            M. I. Abdullahi, Ahmad Uba, Abdallahi Yaro, O. Maxwell, A.J. Yusuf, S. Kabir, A.M. Alhasan, A. Umar, S.S. Bello and I. Nasir. (2015). Phytochemical Screening, Acute Toxicity study and Evaluation of Antidiabetic properties of the methanolic leaf extract of Vernonia glaberrima (Asteraceae). J. Pharm. Chem. Biol. Sci. 3(2):169-177.Available online at www.jpcbs.info. ISSN 2348-7658.

10.         M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. Umar, A. M. Alhasan, A. J. Yusuf, A. Yunusa, S. S. Bello, I. Nasir, Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, K. M. Musa and M. Aminu. (2015). Studies on phytochemical constituents, toxicity, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Vernonia glaberrima. Der Pharma Chemica. 7(7):273-278.Available online at www.derpharmachemica.com. ISSN 0975-413X.

11.         Ibrahim I. A. A. and Yusuf A. J. (2015). Assessment of folic acid and iron in cabbage consumed in Bauchi state. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 7(7): 248-251. Available online at www.pelagiaresearchlibrary.com. ISSN 0975-7384.

12.         Alebiosu C. O. and Yusuf A. J. (2015). Phytochemical Screening, Thin-layer Chromatographic Studies and UV Analysis of Extracts of Citrullus lanatus. J. Pharm. Chem. Biol. Sci. 214-220. Available online at www.jpcbs.info. ISSN 2348-7658.

13.         Ibrahim I. A. A. and Yusuf A. J. (2015). Extraction and physicochemical analysis of Citrus sinesis seed oil (sweet orange). European Journal of Experimental Biology. 5(7): 77-81. Available online at www.pelagiaresearchlibrary.com. ISSN 2248-9215.

14.         Ibrahim I. A. A. and Yusuf A. J. (2015). Quantitative determination of iron and folic acid in Lactuca sativa (Lettuce) plant. Advances in Applied Science Research. 6(7):112-115. Available online at www.pelagiaresearchlibrary.com. ISSN 0976-8610.

15.         Yusuf A. J., Alebiosu C. O., Odumosu B. T., Mailafiya M. M., Yahaya M. and Ibrahim Z. Y. Y. (2015). Efficacy of Crude extract and Fractions of Citrullus lanatus against some selected micro-organisms. Sky Journal of Microbiology Research. 3(5): 067-072. Available online at http://skyjournals.org/SJMR. ISSN 2315-876X.

16.         Abdullahi M. I., Uba A., Alebiosu C. O.,  Alhasan A. M. , Mode S., A. Umar , Nasir I, Bello S. S., Ibrahim Z. Y. Y., Yunusa A. and Yusuf A. J. (2015). Antimicrobial Properties of the methanol Leaf extract of Vernonia glaberrima. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 9(37): 914-918. Available online at www.academicjournals.org/AJPP. ISSN 1996-0816.

17.         M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. Yunusa, H. A. Kaita, A. H. Yaro, S. Hassan, A. M. Alhasan, A. Umar, I. Nasir, Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, C. O. Alebiosu and A. J. Yusuf. (2015). Evaluation of the Antimalarial Effect of the Methanolic Leaf Extract of Vernonia glaberrima (Asteraceae). IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS). 10(5): 06-09. Available online at www.iosrjournals.org. ISSN 2278-7676.

18.         Ibrahim Z. Y. Y, Abdullahi M. I., Musa A. M., Maje I. M., Yusuf A. J. and Aliyu I. M. (2015). Acute Toxicity Profile and Plasmodium berghei Inhibitory Activity of Ochnaschweinfurthiana (F. Hoffm) Ochnaceae Leaf Extract in Laboratory Animals. International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Research (IJPSR). 6(10): 1302-1306.Available online at: http://www.ijpsr.info/. ISSN 0975-9492.

19.         M. Chindo, Ibrahim I. A. A. and Yusuf A. J. (2015). Comparative study of hepatitis B and C virus co-infection among HIV negative and HIV positive patients attending ATBU teaching hospital, Bauchi. Advances in Applied Science Research. 6(11): 1-5.  Available online at www.pelagiaresearchlibrary.com. ISSN 0976-8610.

20.         Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, A. M. Musa, M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. J. Yusuf, M. G. Magaji, I. M. Aliyu and J. Ya’u. (2015). Phytochemical and Antinociceptive studies on the leaf extract of Ochna schweinfurthiana (Ochnaceae). International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry. 4(4): 838-843. Available online at www.ijapbc.com. ISSN 2277-4688.

21.         M. E. Halilu, M. Yahaya, S. M. Dangoggo, K. J. Umar, G. Ibrahim, M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, S. I. B. Baburo, M. A. Garba and A. J. Yusuf. (2016). Isolation and Characterization of Di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate from the Leaves of Combretum micranthum (Altum) Combretceae. International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability. 2(2): 15-20. ISSN: 2488-9229.

22.         A. Uba, M. I. Abdullahi, A. J. Yusuf, S. S. Bello, I. Nasir, Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, M. Yahaya, A. Muratala and H. A. Tambari. (2016). Physicochemical and Elemental Analysis of Different Brands of Natron and Potash in Sokoto State. IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC). 9(6): 51-54. www.iosrjournals.org. ISSN 2278-5736.

23.         A. Uba, M. I. Abdullahi, A. J. Yusuf, I. Nasir, Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, M. Yahaya, A. Umar. (2016). Chemical Assessment of Different Brands of Commercial Table Salts sold in Sokoto Central Market, Sokoto. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences. 6(8): 1 – 11. Available online at www.isca.in or www.isca.me. ISSN 2231-606X.

24.         A. Uba, S.I.B. Baburo,A.I. Tsafe, M. Achor, M. I. Abdullahi, M.E. Halilu, C. Mohammad, M. Yahaya and A. J. Yusuf (2016): Determination of Selected Heavy Metals in Some Medicinal Plants Marketed in Three Major Selling-outlets within Sokoto Metropolis-Nigeria. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR). 2(10): 866-872. Available online at www.onlinejournal.in.  ISSN: 2454-1362.

25.         Abdullahi M. Ismail, Aliyu M. Musa, Tajuddeen Nasir, Mohammed G. Magaji, Yusuf A. Jega and Iliya Ibrahim (2016): Anti-proliferative study and isolation of Ochnaflavone from the ethyl acetate-soluble fraction of Ochna kibbiensis Hutch & Dalziel. Natural Product Research, 1-4. Available online at http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/gnpl20. ISSN: 1478-6419.

26.         M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. J. Yusuf, I. Nasir, A. Muntaka, A. M. Alhasan, C. O. Alebiosu, M. Yahaya, S. D. Yunusa and M. Sadiq. (2016). Phytochemical analysis, Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Studies on the n-Hexane Soluble Fraction of Vernonia glaberrima. International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability. 2(4): 16-23. ISSN: 2488-9229.

27.         Bello S. S., Jega A. Y, Mshelia H.E and Lawwali H. (2016). Analysis of some brands of detergents sold in Sokoto International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability. 2(4): ISSN: 2488-9229.

28.         I. Nasir, A. J. Yusuf, M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. Muntaka, S. S. Bello, A. Umar, A. M. Alhasan, C. O. Alebiosu, M. Yahaya, M. Kabir and S. Ibrahim.. (2017). Evaluation of Acute Toxicity, Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Effects of the n-Butanol Leaf Extract of Vernonia glaberrima. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences 14 (2): 2470 – 2477. ISSN: 1596-8499.

29.         A. Uba, M. G. Liman, M. Yahaya, M. I. Abdullahi and A. J. Yusuf. (2017). Physicochemical and Heavy Metal Analysis of Raw, Treated Water and Sludge from a Treatment Plant in Sokoto, Nigeria. FUW Trends in Science and Technology Journal. 2(1A): 65-68. ISSN: 20485170.

30.         M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, Amina J. Yusuf, A. Olowo-okere, I. Nasir, A. Muntaka, A.M. Alhasan, S. S. Bello, C. O. Alebiosu, M. Yahaya and H. Abubakar. (2017). Comparative antimicrobial activity of fractions of Vernonia glaberrima against selected human pathogens. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioresources. 15(1): 169-174. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jpb.vl4i2.10. ISSN 0189-8442.

31.         Amina J. Yusuf, Musa I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, I. Nasir, A. Muntaka, Alhassan M. Alhasan, Celestina O. Alebiosu, M. Yahaya and A. Isah. (2017). Effect of Ethylacetate soluble fraction of Vernonia glaberrima Welw. Ex. O. Hoffm in murine models of pain. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research. 2(1): 5-8. ISSN 2579-1419.

32.         Maria M. Mailafiya, Umar U. Pateh, I. Iliya, Amina J. Yusuf, Garba T. Mohammed and A. Sanusi. (2017). Isolation of β-sitosterol from the methanol leaf extract of Leptadenia hastata (Pers.) Decne (Asclepiaceae). Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research. 2(2): 132-138. ISSN 2579-1419.

34.         Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Aleku G. A., Ibrahim I. A. A., Alebiosu C. O., Yahaya M. et al. (2018). Antimicrobial activity of stigmasterol from the stem bark of Neocarya macrophylla. Journal of Medicinal Plants for Economic Development. 2(1): a38. 1-5. http://doi.org/10.4102/jomped.v2i1.38. ISSN 2519-559X.

35.         L. G. Hassan, H. E. Mshelia, K. J. Umar, S. M. Kangiwa, C. Ogbiko and A. J. Yusuf. (2018). Phytochemical screening, isolation and characterization of Beta-sitosterol from ethylacetate extract of stem bark of Entada africana (Fabaceae) Guill. et Perr. Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria. 43(3): 540-546. ISSN 0795-2066.

36.         A. Olowo-okere, A. J. Yusuf, A. B. Shuaibu, M. I. Abdullahi, G. A. Aleku, T. Nuhu, H. Y. Ungokore and I. A. Ogunyinka. (2018). Antibacterial and Anti-biofilm activities of Neocarya macrophylla against clinical bacterial isolates. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 14(1): 111-119. ISSN 0189-8434.

37.         A. Muntaka, A. Musa, Mohammed G. Magaji, Ibrahim M. Aliyu and Amina J. Yusuf. (2018). A comparative in-vitro bioavailability and bioequivalence studies on different brands of tinidazole tablets using simulated dissolution profiles. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research. 3(2):115 – 118.ISSN: 2579-1419.

38.         Abdulrazaq Sanusi1, Halimatu S. Hassan, Yahaya M. Sani, Aliyu M. Musa, Umar U. Pateh, Mohamed G. Magaji, Maryam A. Mahmoud, Amina J. Yusuf and Maria M. Mailafiya. (2018). Preliminary phytochemical and anticonvulsant studies on the root extracts of Ficus capensis Thunb. (Moraceae). Journal of Pharmacy and Bioresources, Vol. 15 no. 1, pp. 1-9. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jpb.v15i1.1.

39.         Amina Yusuf Jega, Musa Ismail Abdullahi, Amina Idris Rufa’i, Asma’u Baba Bala, Hassan Abubakar, Muntaka Abdulrahman, Celestina Oluranti Alebiosu, Aminu Ahmed Biambo and Millicent Ladi Umaru. (2019). Effect of Saponin-rich fractions of Neocarya macrophylla on murine models of pain and inflammation. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences. 12: 349–355. Doi 10.3923/ajbs.2019.349.355. ISSN 1996-3351.

40.         A. J. Yusuf and M. I. Abdullahi. (2019). The phytochemical and pharmacological actions of Entada africana Guill. & Perr. Heliyon. 5; e02332. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02332.

41.         Yusuf A. J.; Abdullahi M. I.; Musa A. M.; Haruna A. K.; Mzozoyana V; Abubakar H. (2019). Antisnake venom activity and isolation of quercetin from the leaf of Neocarya macrophylla (Sabine) Prance ex F. White (Malpighiales: Chrysobalanaceae). Braz. J. Biol. Sci. vol. 6, No. 13, p. 381-389. ISSN 2358-2731. DOI: 10.21472/bjbs.061306.

42.         Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Musa A. M., Haruna A. K., Mzozoyana V. & Abubakar H. (2019). Bioactive (+)-Catechin-3ꞌ-O-rhamnopyranoside from Neocarya macrophylla (Sabine) Prance (Chrysobalanaceae), Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, DOI:10.1080/2314808X.2019.1673549.

43.         Yusuf AJ, Abdullahi MI, Muhammad AA. (2019). Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Ochna Schweinfurthiana: a review. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 4(6): 76-80. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22270/ujpr.v4i6.341

45.         Oyeniyi Yinka James and Yusuf A. J. (2019). Quantitative effects of formulation process variables on antitumor activities of doxorubicin nanoparticles. Braz. J. Technol., Curitiba, v. 2, n. 4, p. 967-983, oct./dec. 2019. ISSN 2595-5748. http://www.brazilianjournals.com/index.php/BJT/article/view/6942.

46.         Alebiosu C.O., Sule M. I., Pateh U. U., Abdullahi M. I., Yusuf A. J. & Umaru M. L (2019). In vivo antimalarial studies of the methanol extract of Centaurea perrottetii DC (Asteraceae). Nigeria Journal of Pharm Biomed Research, 4: 102 –107. ISSN: 2579-1419. Available online at http://unimaid.edu.ng/journals-pharmacy.html

47.         A.J. Yusuf, M.I. Abdullahi, A.M. Musa, A.K. Haruna, V. Mzozoyana, A.A. Biambo, H. Abubakar. (2020). A bioactive flavan-3-ol from the stem bark of Neocarya macrophylla. Scientific African 7: e00273: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sciaf.2020.e00273

48.         Abubakar H., Musa A. M., Abdullahi M. I. and Yusuf A. J. (2020). Antifungal effects of Tapinanthus globiferus growing on Vitex doniana against some fungal isolates. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 5(1): 42 – 46. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22270/ujpr.v5i1.361

49.         Halilu, M.E., October, N., Ugwah-Oguejiofor, C.J., Yusuf A.J. and Nefai, M.S. (2020). Anti-snake venom and analgesic activities of extracts and betulinic and oleanolic acids isolated from Parinari curatellifolia. Journal of Medicinal Plants for Economic Development 4(1), a77. https://doi.org/10.4102/jomped.v4i1.77

50.         M. M. Mailafiya, Umar U. Pateh, H. S. Hassan, M. I. Sule, A. J. Yusuf and A. H. Bila. (2020). Isolation and Characterization of Stigmasterol Glycoside from the Root Bark of Leptadenia hastata. FUW Trends in Science & Technology Journal, 5(2): 394 – 398. www.ftstjournal.com

51.         L. G. Hassan, A. J. Yusuf, N. Mustapha, C. Ogbiko, M. D. Mustapha. (2020). Phytochemical screening and In vitro anti-snake venom activity of the methanol leaf and stem bark extracts of Leptadenia hastata (Asteraceae) against Naja nigricollis. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences, 7(3): 11 – 14. DOI: 10.21276/apjhs.2020.7.3.3

52.         U. Z. Gwandu, S. M. Dangoggo, U. Z. Faruk, E. M. Halilu, A. J. Yusuf and M. M. Mailafiya. (2020). Isolation and Characterization of Oleanolic Acid Benzoate from the Ethylacetate Leaves Extracts of Vernonia ambigua (Kotschy Ex. Peyr). J. Chem. Soc. Nigeria, Vol. 45, No.5, pp 871 – 876. ISSN 0795-2066. https://doi.org/10.46602/jcsn.v45i5.518.

53.         Amina J. Yusuf, Musa I. Abdullahi, Aisha M. Umar, Fatima Musa. (2020). Effect of lupeol from Vernonia glaberrima (Asteraceae) on pain and inflammation. Journal of Medicinal Plants for Economic Development, 4(1): a84. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/jomped.v4i1.84.

54.         Abubakar H., Musa A. M., Abdullahi M. I. and Yusuf A. J. (2020). Isolation and characterization of some flavonoids from the leaf of Tapinanthus globiferus growing on Vitex doniana. Braz. J. Biol. Sci., 2020, Vol. 7, No. 16, p. 239-245. https://doi.org/10.21472/bjbs(2020)071611

55.         A.J. Yusuf, M.I. Abdullahi and J.Y. Oyeniyi. (2020). Vernonia glaberrima: Review on taxonomical, bioactive constituents and biological activities. A Book Chapter in Secondary Metabolites of Medicinal Herbs (Biochemistry and Therapeutics) published by Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. Pp. 107 – 113.

56.         A. Sanusi, H.S. Hassan, Y.M. Sani, U.U. Pateh, A.M. Musa, M.I. Abdullahi, A.J. Yusuf, M.M. Mailafiya, D. Garba. (2020). Isolation of Triterpenes Esters from the roots extract of Ficus capensis Thunb. (Moraceae). J. Pharm. Res. Dev. & Pract. 4(1): 88 – 98.

57.         Kasimu Ghandi Ibrahim and Amina Yusuf Jega (2020). Exploring the Potentials of Curcumin as a Single Agent in the Management of Metabolic Syndrome. Annals of Basic and Medical Sciences, Vol. 1 No. 1 Jul. - Dec. 2020. doi.org/10.51658/ABMS.202011.2. https://www.abms.udusok.org.

58.         Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Musa A. M., Haruna A. K. (2020). Effect of Neocarya macrophylla Root on Naja nigricollis venom. West African Journal of Pharmacology and Drug Research, 34(1): 21-28. eISSN:0303-691X https://www.ajol.info/index.php/wajpdr/article/view/218441.

59.         Hassan, L.G., Salihu, M., Yusuf, A.J. (2020). Natural Product Chemistry: Building a Sustainable and Desirable Health Care. Science Journal of Advanced and Cognitive Research, Volume 1 Issue, Pp 9 – 21. ISSN 2736-1667.

60.         Amina Yusuf Jega, Musa Ismail Abdullahi, Aliyu M. Musa, Haruna A. Kaita, Mzozoyana Vuyisa. (2021). Biochemical evaluation and molecular docking assessment of Glucosamines from Neocarya macrophylla fruits against Naja nigricollis venom. Carbohydrate Research. pp 1 – 10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carres.2021.108436

61.         Amina Jega Yusuf, Musa Ismail Abdullahi, Aliyu Muhammad Musa, Hassan Abubakar, Abubakar Muhammad Amali, Asma’u Hamza Nasir. (2021). Potential inhibitors of SARS CoV-2 from Neocarya macrophylla: Chemoinformatic and Molecular modeling studies against three key targets. Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, DOI: 10.4274/tjps.galenos.2021.57527.

63.         Muhammad K. Buhari, Sani M. Dangoggo, Misbahu L. Mohammed,
Hassan Abubakar, Abubakar A. Muhammad, Mubarak B. Dambatta

and Amina J. Yusuf. (2022). Isolation and characterization of some flavonoids from the leaf of Tapinanthus globiferus growing on Acacia nilotica. Caliphate Journal of Science and Technology, 1, 40-45. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/cajost.v4i1.6.


64.         Muhktar Tukur, Hassan Abubakar and Amina J. Yusuf. (2022). Phytochemical and Antifungal Studies of Tapinanthus globiferus extract and fractions. Caliphate Journal of Science and Technology, 1, 71-77. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/cajost.v4i1.9.

65.         Adebisi, I.M., Yabo, H.U., Fajobi, S.J., Ugwah-Oguejiofor, C.J., Muhammad, A.A. and Yusuf, A.J. (2022), In Vitro Uterotonic Activity of Launea taraxacifolia (wild) Fractions. The FASEB Journal, 36: https://doi.org/10.1096/fasebj.2022.36.S1.R3620

66.         Johnson Titilayo Omolara, Adegboyega Abayomi Emmanuel, Ojo Oluwafemi Adeleke, Yusuf Amina Jega, Iwaloye Opeyemi, Ugwah-Oguejiofor Chinenye Jane, Asomadu Rita Onyekachukwu, Chukwuma Ifeoma Felicia, Ejembi Stephen Adakole, Ugwuja Emmanuel Ike, Alotaibi Saqer S., Albogami Sarah M., Batiha Gaber El-Saber, Rajab Bodour S., Conte-Junior Carlos Adam. (2022). A Computational Approach to Elucidate the Interactions of Chemicals from Artemisia annua Targeted Toward SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibition for COVID-19 Treatment. Frontiers in Medicine. Vol 9; https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmed.2022.907583

67.         Hassan, L. G., Salihu, M. and Yusuf, A. J. (2022). Potentials of Parkia biglobosa and Annona senegalensis as antidote to snake species common in northwestern Nigeria: review, Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 13(1): 7 – 12. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bajopas.v13i1.2S

68.         Alebiosu C. O, Sule M. I, Pateh U. U, Abdullahi M. I., Musa A.M., Yusuf A. J and Idowu T. (2022). Isolation and structure elucidation of quercetin-derivative (amino-flavone) from Centaurea perrottetii DC (Asteraceae). Caliphate Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 4. No. 2, DOI: 10.4314/cajost.v4i2.14


69.         Titilayo Omolara Johnson, Abayomi Emmanuel Adegboyeg, Grace I. Johnson, Ngozi L. Umedum, Olasunkanmi D. Bamidele, Ayodele O. Elekan, Christopher Tarkaa, Asma’u Mahe, Adamu Abdulrahman, Olugbenga E. Adeyemi, Desmond Okafor, Amina J. Yusuf, Odunayo C. Atewolara-Odule, Abdulrazaq O. Ogunmoye & Tanko Ishaya (2022): Uncovering the inhibitory potentials of Phyllanthus nivosus leaf and its bioactive compounds against Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase for malaria therapy, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1080/07391102.2022.2146750.

70.         Mukhtar T, Mansur Y.I., Abubakar H, Yusuf A. J. Isolation and characterization of Kaempferol from Tapinanthus globiferus growing on Balanites aegyptiaca. Plant Biotechnology Persa 2022; 4(2): 43-47. ISSN: 2676-7414. DOI: 10.52547/pbp.4.2.11.

71.         Abubakar H, Alam, O, Tukur M, Muazu A, Yusuf A. J. Phytochemical, Toxicological and in vitro Antifungal Studies of Mitracarpus hirtus L. Plant Biotechnology Persa 2022; 4(2): 48-56. ISSN: 2676-7414. DOI: 10.52547/pbp.4.2.3

72.         M.D. Mustapha, L.G. Hassan, K. J. Umar, K. Abubakar, H.E. Mshelia A.J. Yusuf. Phytochemical screening and cytotoxic effects of Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst (Ebenaceae) root bark extract using Brine Shrimp (Artemia salina) Test. AJBAR Vol. 1(6): 1-7 (2022), doi.org/10.55639/607.1625

73.         J. I Achika, A.J. Yusuf, R.G Ayo, D.U. Liman, Flavonoids from Nige
rian Indigenous Medicinal Plants and their Bioactivities: A Review, Phytomedicine Plus (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phyplu.2023.100405.

74.         Yusuf, A.J.; Abdullahi, M.I.; Nasir, I.; Yunusa, A.; Alebiosu, C.O.; Muhammad, A.A. Isolation and Characterization of Prophylactic Antimalarial Agents from Ochna kibbiensis Leaves. Drug. Drug Candidates 2023, 2, 37-51. https://doi.org/10.3390/ddc2010003.


75.         Bature H. B., Tsafe A. I., Zauro S. A., & Yusuf A. J. (2022). Effect of Neocarya macrophylla Leaves Extracts on Murine Model of Pain. Fudma Journal of Sciences, 6(5), 264 - 269. https://doi.org/10.33003/fjs-2022-0605-1752

76.         Nasir Ibrahim, Musa Aminu, Abdullahi Musa Ismail, Yusuf Amina Jega, Awwalu Salisu. (2023). RP-HPLC Method Developed for the Determination of Metformin in Human Saliva. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, J. Pharm. Res. 2023; 22(1): 37–41. https://doi.org/10.18579/jopcr/v22.1.MS230206

List of conferences/workshops/seminar Papers

Untitled Document

1.            M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. Umar, A. M. Alhassan, A. J. Yusuf, S. S. Bello, I. Nasir and Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim (2015). Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activities of the Methanolic Leaf Extract of Vernonia glaberrima in rodents. 13th National Conference and Scientific Meeting of the Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. 10th – 14th August, 2015.

2.            Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, A. M. Musa, M. I. Abdullahi, A. J. Yusuf, I. M. Maje and I. M. Aliyu (2015). Phytochemical, Toxicological and Antimalarial Studies on Methanol leaf extract of Ochna schweinfurthiana. 13th National Conference and Scientific Meeting of the Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. 10th – 14th August, 2015.

 3.           M. M. Mailafiya, U. U. Pateh, I. Iliya and A. J. Yusuf (2015). Toxicity Studies and Anti-Snake Venom Neutralization of the Leaves of Leptadenia hastata (Asclepiadaceae).13th National Conference and Scientific Meeting of the Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. 10th – 14th August, 2015.

4.            Yusuf A. J., Alebiosu C.O. and Ibrahim Z. Y. Y. (2015). Evaluation of antimicrobial Activities of Fractions from Leaves of Citrullus lanatus (Curcurbitaceae)” 38th Annual General Meeting & Scientific Conference of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology (NSM), Multipurpose Hall, University of Lagos, Nigeria. 1st – 5th September, 2015.

5.            Okolo Ephraim Ayegba, Jega Amina Yusuf and Mailafiya Manager Maria (2015). Phytochemicals Isolated from Three Anti-snake Venom Plants Obtained from Northern Nigeria.38th International Conference of Chemical Society of Nigeria & 5th Congress of FASC, International Conference Centre in Abuja, Federal Capital Territory (ABUJA 2015). 6th – 11th September 2015.

6.            M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. J. Yusuf, Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, I. Nasir, A.M. Alhasan and A. Umar (2015). Biological Investigations of Vernonia glaberimma. 38th International Conference of Chemical Society of Nigeria & 5th Congress of FASC, International Conference Centre in Abuja, Federal Capital Territory (ABUJA 2015). 6th – 11th September 2015.

7.            Yusuf A.J., Mailafiya M.M., Okolo E.A. and Ibrahim Z.Y.Y. (2015). Toxicological and Analgesic Studies of Some Medicinal Plants in Northern Nigeria. 38th Annual Conference of the West African Society for Pharmacology – Societe Ouest Africaine de Pharmacologie (WASP-SOAP). Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 18th – 22nd October, 2015.

8.            Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, A. M. Musa, M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. J. Yusuf, M. G. Magaji and J. Ya’u. (2015). Effect of Ochna schweinfurthiana (Ochnaceae) Leaf Extract on Chemically-induced and Mechanically-induced Pain in Mice. 38th Annual Conference of the West African Society for Pharmacology – Societe Ouest Africaine de Pharmacologie (WASP-SOAP). Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 18th – 22nd October, 2015.

9.            Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Haruna A. K., Musa A. M., Uba A., Nasir I., Yahaya M., Mailafiya M. M., Halilu M. E. and Ibrahim Z. Y. Y. (2015). Snake Venom Neutralization of Stem Bark of Neocarya macrophylla. Maiden Conference/Congress of TSN organized by the Federal University of Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) in collaboration with Toxinology Society of Nigeria (TSN). Banquet Hall, Presidential Lodge, Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria. 22nd – 25th November, 2015.

10.          Uba A., Abdullahi M. I., Amali A. A., Yusuf A. J., Mathias S. N., and Ibrahim Z. Y. Y. (2015). Chemistry of Toxic Chemicals-The Cyanide Compounds. Maiden Conference/Congress of TSN organized by the Federal University of Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) in collaboration with Toxinology Society of Nigeria (TSN). Banquet Hall, Presidential Lodge, Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria. 22nd – 25th November, 2015.

11.          Uba A., Yahaya M., Yerima M., Abdullahi M. I., Mshelia H. E. and Yusuf A. J. (2015). Chemical Incompatibility: A Diverse Source of Toxic Substances. Maiden Conference/Congress of TSN organized by the Federal University of Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) in collaboration with Toxinology Society of Nigeria (TSN). Banquet Hall, Presidential Lodge, Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria. 22nd – 25th November, 2015.

12.          Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, A. A. Muhammad, A. J. Yusuf and I. M. Aliyu. (2015). Comparative Study of the Level of Toxicity of Plant Parts of Some Selected Plants from Moringaceae Family: A Review. Maiden Conference/Congress of TSN organized by the Federal University of Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) in collaboration with Toxinology Society of Nigeria (TSN). Banquet Hall, Presidential Lodge, Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria. 22nd – 25th November, 2015.

13.          Uba, A., Yusuf A. J., Lawal M., Ibrahim Z. Y. Y. and Gele A.M. (2016). Preliminary antibacterial Evaluation on crude extracts and Fractions of Accacia sieberana (Fabaceae). 13th Scientific Conf. & 29th AGM of the Nig. Soc. of Pharmacognosy in Collaboration with Raw Materials Research and Dev. Council, 24th -27th Feb. 2016, 17 Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja Nigeria.

14.          A. J. Yusuf, M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, S. S. Bello, A. Umar, A. M. Alhasan, C. O. Alebiosu, I. Nasir and A. Muntaka. (2016). Preliminary Phytochemical Screening, Acute Toxicity, Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Studies of the Chloroform Soluble Fraction of Vernonia glaberrima Leaves. 50th Anniversary Conference of Science Association of Nigeria (SAN). University of Abuja, Main Campus (Airport Road), Abuja, Nigeria. 24th – 28th April, 2016.

15.          M Yahaya, S M Dangoggo, ME Halilu, K.J. Umar, A. Uba, and A. J. Yusuf. (2016). Di-(Ethyl hexyl) Phthalate from the Leaves of Combretum micranthum. 50th Anniversary Conference of Science Association of Nigeria, 24th-28th April, 2016 ETF hall University of Abuja, Abuja- Nigeria.

16.          A. Uba, M. I. Abdullahi, I. Nasir, S. S. Bello and A. J. Yusuf (2016). Analgesic Property of Hexane and Ethylacetate Soluble Fractions of Leaves of Vernonia glaberrima. 14th Annual Conference and Scientific Meeting of Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. 11th – 15th August, 2016.

17.          A. J. Yusuf, A. M. Musa, M. I. Abdullahi, A. K. Haruna, A. Uba, Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, M. Yahaya and C. O. Alebiosu. (2016). Acute Toxicity and Preliminary Phytochemical Screening of the Methanol Leaf, Root and Stem bark of Neocarya macrophylla. 14th Annual Conference and Scientific Meeting of Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. 11th – 15th August, 2016.

18.          Nasir I, M. I. Abdullahi, A. J. Yusuf, A. Uba, A. Muntaka and S. S. Bello. (2016). Evaluation of Acute Toxicity, Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Effects of the n-Butanol Leaf Extract of Vernonia glaberrima. 11th UNILAG Annual Research Conference and Fair. Multipurpose Halls, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos. 8th – 10th November, 2016.

19.          A. J. Yusuf, M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, I. Nasir, S. S. Bello, A. Muntaka, C. O. Alebiosu, M. Yahaya. (2017). Antimicrobial activity of n-Hexane Soluble Fraction of Vernonia glaberrima Welw. Ex O. Hoffm (Asteraceae). 12th International Conference on Arts and Science for Sustainable Development held at Conference Hall, Kaduna State University, Kaduna State, Nigeria. 6th – 9th February. 2017.

20.          Sanusi A., Hassan H. S., Yusuf A. J., Mailafiya M. M. and Abubakar H. (2017). Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Studies of the Saponin Fraction of the Root bark of Terminalia avicenoides Guill. and Perr. (Combretaceae). 5th Scientific Conference and Workshop of Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Branch held at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, A. B. U Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. 18th – 21st April, 2017.

21.          Abdullahi M. I., Musa A. M., Yusuf A. J., Yahaya M., Nasir I. and Ibrahim Z. Y. Y. (2017). In vitro snake venom detoxifying effect of the Extracts of Neocarya macrophylla. 5th Scientific Conference and Workshop of Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Branch held at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, A. B. U Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. 18th – 21st April, 2017.

22.          Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Adamu H. W., Yahaya M., Abubakar H., Sanusi A., Mailafiya M. M., Alebiosu C. O., Muntaka A. and  Nasir I. (2017). Antimicrobial activity of Stigmasterol and Oil from n-Hexane Soluble Fraction of Stem bark of Neocarya macrophylla (Sabine) Prance (Chrysobalanaceae). 12th UNILAG Annual Research Conference and Fair. Jelili Omotola Halls, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria. 15th – 17th August, 2017.

23.          Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Musa A. M., Bello S. S., Mailafiya M. M., Alebiosu C. O., Muntaka A.,Sanusi A., Ibrahim Malami, M. Yahaya and  Nasir I. (2017). Antivenin flavonoid glycoside from the stem bark of Neocarya macrophylla (Chrysobalanaceae). 15th National Conference and Scientific Meeting of the Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia held at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. 21st – 25th August, 2017.

24.          Olowo-Okere A., Yusuf A. J., Shuaibu A.B., Abdullahi M. I., Nuhu T., Ungokore H.Y., Ilyas U., Atata R.F.(2017). Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Activities of Leaf Extract of Neocarya macrophylla against Human Pathogens. 15th National Conference and Scientific Meeting of the Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia held at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. 21st – 25th August, 2017.

25.          A. J. Yusuf, M. I. Abdullahi, A. M. Musa, A. K. Haruna, C. O. Alebiosu, M. Yahaya, H. W. Adamu, M. M. Mailafiya, A. Sanusi, Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim and H. Abubakar. (2017). Isolation of Catechin and Epicatechin from the stem bark of Neocarya macrophylla (Sabine) Prance (Chrysobalanaceae). 40th Annual International Conference, Workshop and Exhibition of the Chemical Society of Nigeria tagged Kadacity 2017, held at the Dialogue Resource Center, IT Academy Conference Hall No 35, Ali Akilu Road Kaduna, State, Nigeria. 17th – 22nd September 2017.

26.          Abdullahi M. I., Musa A. M., A. K. Haruna, Yusuf A. J. and Muntaka A. (2018). Isolation of phospholipase A2 inhibitor from Neocarya macrophylla. 16th National Conference and Scientific Meeting of the Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia held at Chida International Hotel, Jabi, Abuja, Nigeria. 12th – 16th August, 2018.

27.          Yusuf AJ, Abdullahi MI, Musa AM and Haruna AK. (2019). Phytochemical and Antisnake venom activity of Neocarya macrophylla. 4th ACS Nigeria International Chemical Sciences Chapter and Symposium held at the University of Lagos from 3rd to 6th March, 2019.

28.          Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Musa A. M., Musa F., Sanusi A., Gayari M. S. (2019). Effect of catechin-3-O-rhamnopyranoside from the stem bark of Neocarya macrophylla on pain and inflammation. 4th Annual International Conference of the Faculty of Science held at the Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano-Nigeria from 8th – 11th July, 2019.

29.          A. J. Yusuf, M. I. Abdullahi, M. A. Alhassan, Nasir I., Umar A. M. and Musa F. (2019). Bioactive lupeol from Vernonia glaberrima (Asteraceae). 53rd Anniversary Conference of Science Association of Nigeria (SAN) held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. 14th – 18th July, 2019.

30.          Abubakar Hassan, Musa Aliyu Muhammad, Abdullahi Musa I., Yusuf A. J., Mukhtar Tukur, Yahaya Salman Maiyama (2019). Antifungal studies of methanol leaf extract of Tapinanthus globiferus (a. Rich) Tiegh. 53rd Anniversary Conference of Science Association of Nigeria (SAN) held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. 14th – 18th July, 2019.

31.          Nasir I., Musa A., Yusuf A.J., Awwalu S. (2019). Quality assessment of some selected brands of metronidazole tablet marketed in Sokoto metropolis. 53rd Anniversary Conference of Science Association of Nigeria (SAN) held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. 14th – 18th July, 2019.

32.          Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Musa A. M., Haruna A. K., Abubakar H. (2019). Neocarya macrophylla root extracts possess antivenin principles against Naja nigricollis venom. 14th UNILAG Annual Research Conference and Fair (An International Conference of the Sciences and Humanities) held at Jelili Omotola Halls, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos. 21st – 23rd August, 2019.

33.          Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Musa A. M., Haruna A. K., Abubakar H., Sanusi A. (2019). Isolation and antisnake venom activity of glucosamines from the fruit of Neocarya macrophylla. 4th International Conference of the Society for Medicinal Plants and Economic Development (SOMPED) held at the National Open University of Nigeria, NOUN (Headquarters) University village, Jabi Airport Road, Abuja Nigeria. 26th – 29th August 2019.

34.          Mshelia H. E., N October, A. J. Yusuf, I. Malami, S. N. Mathias and C. J. Ugwah-Oguejiofor. (2019). Antisnake venom and analgesic activities of betulinic and oleanolic acids isolated from ethylacetate fraction of Parinari curatellifolia (Planch Ex. Benth) stem bark extract. 4th International Conference of the Society for Medicinal Plants and Economic Development (SOMPED) held at the National Open University of Nigeria, NOUN (Headquarters) University village, Jabi Airport Road, Abuja Nigeria. 26th – 29th August 2019.

35.          Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Musa A. M., Alebiosu C.O, Abdulrahman A. and Mailafiya M.M. (2019). Evaluation of analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of the saponin-rich fractions of the stem bark and root bark of Neocarya macrophylla. 17th National Conference and Scientific Meeting of the Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia held at Nigerian National Merit Award House, 22 Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria. 25th – 30th August, 2019.

36.          Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Musa A. M., A. K. Haruna, Alhassan M. A., Gayari M. S. (2019). Quercetin from the methanol leaf extract of Neocarya macrophylla (Sabine) Prance (Chrysobalanaceae). 42nd Annual Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN)/ACRICE-4 International Conference held at the Academy Inn, Agidingbi, Ikeja, Lagos between 8th – 13th September, 2019.

37.          A. J. Yusuf, M. I. Abdullahi, A. A. Muhammad, H. Abubakar (2020). An acylated flavanone glycoside from the stem bark of Entada africana Guill & Perr. 5th Annual Symposium of the American Chemical Society, Nigeria International Chemical Sciences Chapter held at Sokoto State University, Sokoto between 1st – 4th March, 2020

38.          L. G. Hassan, A. J. Yusuf., N. Muhammad, M. D. Mustapha. (2020). Phytochemical and Phospholipase A2 Enzyme Inhibition Potential of Leaf and Stem bark Leptadenia hastate. 5th Annual Symposium of the American Chemical Society, Nigeria International Chemical Sciences Chapter held at Sokoto State University, Sokoto between 1st – 4th March, 2020

39.          T. Muktar, A. I. Tsafe, M. L. Mohammed, A. J. Yusuf, H. Abubakar, K. Musa, A. S. Muazu. (2020). Phytochemical and Antifungal studies of Tapinanthus globiferus growing on Balanites aegyptica leaves. 5th Annual Symposium of the American Chemical Society, Nigeria International Chemical Sciences Chapter held at Sokoto State University, Sokoto between 1st – 4th March, 2020

40.          L. G. Hassan, M. Salihu, A. J. Yusuf (2020). Natural Products Chemistry: Building a Sustainable and Desirable Healthcare. 5th Annual Symposium of the American Chemical Society, Nigeria International Chemical Sciences Chapter held at Sokoto State University, Sokoto between 1st – 4th March, 2020

41.          A. Ishaq, M. Tukur, H. Abubakar, Y. M. Sahabi, A. Y. Jega. (2020). Phytochemical screening and Synergystic activity of Amoxicillin and Ethanol extract of Euphorbia hirta leaves. 5th Annual Symposium of the American Chemical Society, Nigeria International Chemical Sciences Chapter held at Sokoto State University, Sokoto between 1st – 4th March, 2020

42.          H. Abubakar, A. J. Yusuf, M. I. Abdullahi, H. E. Mshelia, M.Tukur, A. S. Muazu, H. Y. Ungokore. (2020). Phytochemical screening and In vitro Antimicrobial evaluation of combination of Amoxicillin and methanol leaf extract of Tapinanthus globiferus (A. Rich) Tiegh growing on Azadirachta indica. 5th Annual Symposium of the American Chemical Society, Nigeria International Chemical Sciences Chapter held at Sokoto State University, Sokoto between 1st – 4th March, 2020

43.          R. Adamu, L. G. Hassan, A. I. Tsafe, K. Abubakar, A. J. Yusuf, H. E. Mshelia, Z. I. S/G Adiya (2020). Phytochemical screening, isolation and characterization of Oleanolic acid derivative from n-hexane extract of Abrus precatorious leaves. 5th Annual Symposium of the American Chemical Society, Nigeria International Chemical Sciences Chapter held at Sokoto State University, Sokoto between 1st – 4th March, 2020

44.          Yusuf, A. J., Abdullahi, M. I., Alebiosu, C. O., Mailafiya, M. M. (2020). In Silico approach of Stigmasterol from the roots of Neocarya macrophylla as SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein inhibitor. 18th National Scientific Conference (Virtual Edition) of the Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia held at University of Nigeria Nsukka. 24th – 26th August, 2020.

45.          Amina Yusuf Jega, Musa Ismail Abdullahi, Aliyu Muhammad Musa, Hassan Abubakar, Abubakar Muhammad Amali. (2020). Potential inhibitors of SARS CoV-2 from Neocarya macrophylla: Chemoinformatic and Molecular modelling studies against three key targets. International Conference of Pharmacy and Health Sciences 2020, 3rd Joint Conference UNAIR-USM is organized by Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in collaboration with School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) held between 27th – 28th October, 2020.

46.          Amina Jega Yusuf, Musa Ismaila Abdullahi, Aliyu Muhammad Musa. (2020). Identification of novel compounds from Neocarya macrophylla against toxins from Naja nigricollis using computational approach. 6th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry session Round Table on Natural Products 10.3390/ECMC2020-07697 (registering DOI) held between 1st – 30th November, 2020.

47.          Amina J. Yusuf. (2021). ‘Steroids from the roots of Neocarya macrophylla Sabine (Prance)’. Celebrating Women in Chemistry Virtual Conference and Career Event held at the University of Nottingham on the 8th March 2021.

48.          L. G. Hassan, M. Salihu, A. J. Yusuf. (2022). Potentials of Pakia biglobosa and Annona senegalensis as Antidote to Common Northwest Nigerian Snake Species-(Review). TRENDS IN BASIC AND APPLIED SCIENCES – 2022 Conference held at the College of Natural and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bayero University, Kano between 8th and 10th February, 2022.

49.          Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Nasir I., Yunusa A. and Muhammad A. A. (2022). Effect of Ochna Kibbiensis Leaves on Plasmodium berghei. Emerging Scientist organized by the Asian Council of Science Editors jointly with the Academy of Excellence in Biosciences hosted virtually from February 20-21, 2022 at Faisalabad, Pakistan

50.          L. G. Hassan, M. Salihu, A. J. Yusuf., L. Abubakar. (2022). Snake venom detoxification potential of selected Nigerian medicinal plants. 7th Annual Symposium of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Nigerian Chemical Sciences Chapter held at Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Maitama, Abuja held between 6th – 9th March, 2022.

51.          Yusuf AJ, Mohammed BS, Abdullahi MI, Adegboyega AE, Alhassan MA. (2022). Molecular Docking Studies of Chemical Constituents of Adansonia digitata targeting the DNMT1 Protein. Drug Discovery Africa – 2022 held at Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria between 19th – 23rd September, 2022

52.          Abdullahi M. I., Nasir I., Muhammad A. A., Yusuf A. J. (2022). In vitro detoxifying effect of a multi-component herbal theraphy for the management of snake envenomation. Western African Network of Natural Products Research Scientists (WANNPRES) held virtually between 12th to 13th October, 2022


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