Prof Abor Isa Garba

Brief Biography
Experienced and passionate Mathematics Lecturer with over twenty-nine years of experience in lecturing, teaching and mentoring students with different backgrounds. Dedicated team leader with the ability to effectively manage and achieve project goals, leveraging complex pure mathematics concepts to the understanding of almost every student. Pioneered the establishment of an effective University Results Management System, (as the director of exams and registration at the Federal University Birnin Kebbi), standard staff multipurpose cooperative society as well as an excellent pre-degree School of Basic Studies. Headed several university committees and supervised more than 200 undergraduate projects and over 40 postgraduates’ thesis/dissertations to completion. Bringing forth a proven track record of effectively researching and analyzing business processes and procedures and designing and implementing business solutions especially for cooperative societies. Spearheaded and won several grands ( NNPC-EIA/EBA, NIRSAL-EDI,) while others are ongoing in TetFAIR and the CBN TIES. Attended several trainings from the foremost Lagos Business School (LBS, EDC- PAU).
Area of specialization: | Mathematics ( Algebra/Functional Analysis) |
Email: | |
Phone: | (+234)8069791313, 09059692829 |
List of Selected Publications
1. Danbaba A. and G. A. Isa, (2002), “Projection of Soft Drinks Consumption in Sokoto State: An Application of Morkov Chain Model”, Nigerian Journal of Pure and Applied Science, 11:73-79. ISSN: 0794-56982. S. U. Gulumbe and G. A. Isa, (2003), “A Model of Multi-Attribute Decision Making Problem”, Nigerian Journal of Pure and Applied Science, 12:87 - 92. ISSN: 0794-5698
3. G. A. Isa, (2009), “Integer Sequence A161720”, The on-line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequence, Published Electronically at
4. A. I. Garba and A.A. Ibrahim, (2010), “A new Method of Constructing a Variety of Finite Group Based on Some Succession Scheme”, Int. Journal of Physical Science, 2( 3):23 – 26. ISSN: 1992-1950,DOI: Page 5 of 10 Index to Google Scholar: (h5-index: 12 and h5-medianx:16)
5. A. I. Garba, A. Wakili, and B.A. Modu (2010), “Some Algebraic and Topological Properties of Finite Groups with Prime Order”, Int. Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences , 2( 1) 15 – 19. ISSN:2141- 8748
6. A. A. Ibrahim and A. I. Garba (2011), “On the use of Automata in the study of a class of (123)- Avoiding Permutation Patterns in Circuit Design and in Number Theory”. Journal of Science and Technology Research, 10(1) 71-78. ISSN:1596-9649
7. Ibrahim M., Ibrahim A. A. and G. A. Isa, (2012) “ Algebraic Theoretic Properties of the (132) – Avoiding Class of AUNU Permutation Patterns: Application in Graph”, Int. Journal of Mathematical and Computational Analysis, 4(1) 48-55.
8. M. S. Magami, A. A. Ibrahim, G. A. Isa and Aminu U. (2012) ., “Construction of Association Scheme Using Some (132) Avoiding Class of AUNU Patterns”, ABACUS, The Journal of Mathematical Association of Nigeria, 39(2)165-173. ISSN: 0001-3099, OCLC Number 7878452. Index to Google Scholar: (h5-index: 18 and h5-medianx:27)
9. Z. Ibrahim, A. A. Ibrahim and A. I. Garba, (2014) “Modeling of Sokoto Cement Production Process Using a Finite Automata Scheme: An Analysis of the Detailed Model”, Int. Journal of Computational Engineering Research, 4(5) 68-74: ISSN 2250-3005.
10. Z. Ibrahim, A. A. Ibrahim, A. I. Garba and D.M. Sahabi, (2014) “Modeling of Sokoto Cement Production Process Using a Finite Automata Scheme Compact Model”, IOSR, Journal of Applied Physics, 6(3) 34-37 : ISSN (e) : 2278 – 4861.
11. A. I. Garba and J. Abubakar, (2015), “Construction of an Algebraic Structure Using a Concatenation Map”, Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences”. 23(2) 117 – 120 ISSN: 0794-5698: DOI:
12. I. J. Uwanta, A. I. Garba and M. Sani (2015), “Dufour and Heat Sourse Effects on Heat Mass Tranfer Flow Past an Infinite Vertical Plate with Variable Thermal Conduction” , Int. Journal of Enginearing, 5(8)47-59: ISSN: 2250-3021.
13. Chun P. B., Ibrahim A. A. and Garba A. I.; (2016), “Algebraic Theoretic Properties of the NonAssociative Class of (132)-Avoiding Patterns of AUNU Permutation: Application in the Generation and Analysis of General Cyclic Codes”. Computer Science and Information Technology. 4(1) 45 – 47.ISSN: 2229 - 4333 DOI: 10.13189/csit.2016.040201.
14. Chun P. B., Ibrahim A. A. and Garba A. I.; (2016), “Algebraic Theoretic Properties of the NonAssociative Class of (132)-Avoiding Patterns of AUNU Permutation: Application in the Generation and Analysis of General Linear Codes”. IOSR Journal of Mathematics. 12(1) 01 – 03. Page 6 of 10 e-ISSN: 2278 - 5728 DOI: 10.9790/5728.12130103
15. Ibrahim A. A., Chun P. B., Garba A. I. and Mustafa A.; (2016), “A Standard Generator/Parity Check Matrix for Codes from the Tables Due to the Non-associative (123)-Avoiding Patterns of AUNU Numbers”. Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics, 4(2) 39 – 41. ISSN: 2331 - 6470 : DOI: 10.13189/ujam.2016.040202
16. Garba A. I., Ejima O., Aremu, K. O., and Hamisu U., (2017). “Non – Standard Young’s Tableaux of Γ1 Non –deranged Permutation Group”. Global Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 5(1) 21-23: ISSN: 2307-9002,
17. Ibrahim M., Ibrahim A. A., Garba A. I. and Aremu K. O.,(2017), Accent on Γ1 non-deranged Permutation Group 𝐺𝑝. International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability, 4(2) 51-55, ISSN: 2488-9229
18. Ibrahim M., Garba A. I. (2018), “Exceedance on Γ1 non-deranged Permutation”, Proceedings of Annual National Conference of Mathematical Association on Nigeria (MAN), 197-201, ISBN: 97-35224-6-9
19. Garba A.I., A. Yusuf and A. Hassan ,(2018), Some Topological Properties of a Constructed Algebraic Structure” Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, 45(March, 2018),21-26: ISSN: 1116- 4336 Index to Google Scholar:
20. A. I. Garba and J. Abubakar, (2018), “Some Compact Operators on Hilbert C*-Modules”, Nigerian Journal of Mathematical Physics. ISSN: 1116-4336 Indexed to Google Scholar:
21. Aremu, K. O., Buoro, S., Garba A. I., and Ibrahim A. H. (2018). “On the Direct and Skew Sums of Γ1 Non – deranged Permutations”. Punjab Journal of Mathematics and Computer Resaerch, 50(3) 43-51: ISSN: 1016-2526) Index to Google Scholar and others: (h5-index: 14 and h5-medianx:22)
22. Garba A. I., Ibrahim M., (2018), “Descent on Γ1 non-deranged Permutation Group”, Journal of Mathematical Association on Nigeria (ABACUS), 46(1)12-18, ISSN: 0001-3099.
23. A.I.Garba, A. Mustafa and I. Suleiman, (2019), “On Some Permutation Statistics of the AUNU Pattern 𝜔𝑖 ∈ 𝐺𝑝”, Annals. Computer Science, 17(2) 36-38. ISSN:1583-7471 Indexed to Copernicus:
24. A. I. Garba, and Ibrahim M., (2019), “Inversion and Major Index on Γ1 Non –deranged Permutations”. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science, 4(10)122 – 126: ISSN: 2454-6194
25. Ibrahim M. and A. I. Garba,., (2019), “Motzkin Paths and Motzkin Polynomials of Γ1 Non –deranged Permutations ”. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science, 4(10)119 – 123: ISSN: 2454-6194:
26. A.I. Garba., Y. Zakari and A. Hassan (2019), “on the fuzzy nature of constructed algebraic structure”, Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences,12(1):146 – 150: ISSN: 2006 – 2019
27. Aremu, K. O., Garba A. I., and Ibrahim M and Buoro, S.,. (2019). “Restricted Bijections on Γ1 Non –deranged Permutation Group”. Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, 25(8) 462-477: ISSN:2395-4205 Index to Google Schollar: (h5-index: 7 and h5-median:8)
28. Ibrahim M. and Garba A. I., (2019), “Decent on Γ1 Non –deranged Permutation Group”. Journal of The Mathematical Association of Nigeria, ABACUS, 46(1)12-18: ISSN: 0001-3099, OCLC Number 7878452. Index to Google Scholar: (h5-index: 18 and h5-medianx:27)
29. A. I. Garba and A. Yusuf, (2020), “On Vector Space Ordered by Reflexive Cones”, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT), 66(3) 1-4. ISSN: 2231-5373:
30. Suleiman I., Garba A. I. and Mustafa A., (2020), “On Some Non-Deranged Permutation: A New Method of Constructions” International Journal of Research Granthalayah, 8(3) 309-314, ISSN: 2394-3629 DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3742870
31. A. YUSUF, A. I. GARBA and B. NAKONE, (2020), “On the dual space of cone normed spaces” Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer science. 27(1):38 – 45: ISSN: 2395-4205 Indexed to Google Scholar and others: (h5-index 7 and h5-median 8) 32. A. H. Ibrahim, A. I. Garba, H. Usman, J. Abubakar and A. B. Abubakar,( 2020), “ Derivative – Free RMIL Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Convex Constrained Equations”, Thai Journal of Mathematics, 18(1)211 – 231: ISSN: 1686 – 2029
33. A. I. Gaba, O. Ejima and K. O. Aremu, (2020), “ Vertex Relations of Order Divisor Graphs of Subgroups of Finite Groups” Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society, 39(3)315 – 322 : ISSN: 0189 – 8965
34. M. S. Abdullahi, P. Kumam, J. Abubakar and A. I. Garba, (2020), “ Coincidence and Self – Coincidence of Maps Between Digital Immages”, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 50(2)605 – 628. ISSN: 1230 3429 DOI: 101275/TMNA.2020.055
35. O. Ejima, A. I. Garba and M. S. Magami, (2020), “On the Inverse Power Graph of Finite Groups”, Nigerian Journal of Mathematical Physics.58(August – December) 13 – 18: ISSN: 1116-4336
36. A. I. Gaba, B. Alhassan, (2021), “Some Topological Properties Of An Involution Permutation Metric Spaces” Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society, Vol. 40, Issue 1, pp. 17-29, 2021
37. A. I. Garba, (2019), “Permutation Group”, Printed and Published by Amal Printing and Publishing Nig. Ltd, Kaduna – Nigeria.
38. A. I. Garba and H. S. mungadi,(2020), “ An introductory Approach to Fields and Vector Spaces” ”, Printed and Published by Amal Printing and Publishing Nig. Ltd, Kaduna – Nigeria. Page 8 of 10
39. A. I. Garba, I. Munir (In Press), “ An introductory Approach to Lebesgue Measures and Integrals” 40. A. I. Garba, I. Munir, (2023), Book Chapter for the NUC-UG 1 Book Series for CCMASS
1. 19th Regional Workshop on Functional Analysis, Deff. Equ. And Applications, Institute of Mathematical Science, Accra – Ghana, July, 7 – 12, 2013.
2. 18th Regional Workshop on Functional Analysis, Deff. Equ. And Applications, Institute of Mathematical Science, Accra – Ghana, July, 10 – 21, 2012. TITLE OF PAPER PRESENTED: “Hilbert C* - Modules: A Review”
3. 16th Regional Workshop on Functional Analysis, Diff. Equ. And Applications, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Accra-Ghana, July, 4-10. 2010. TITLE OF PAPER PRESENTED: “ Generating the aminu Numbers Using modulo arithmetic and some consequences”
4. 14th Regional Workshop on Functional Analysis, Deff. Equ. And Applications, Institute of Mathematical Science, Accra – Ghana, July, 21 – 27, 2008.
5. 13th Regional Workshop on Functional Analysis, Diff. Equ. And Applications, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Accra – Ghana, July, 9 – 15, 2007.
6. International Conference on Development Studies, University of Abuja, F.C.T., Nigeria, April, 13- 16, 2010. TITLE OF PAPER PRESENTED: “Some Algebraic and Topological Properties of Groups With Prime Order”.
7. International Conference on Research and Development, Universite National du Benin, Abomey – Calavi, Cotonou, Republic of Benin, Nov, 24-27 2009. TITLE OF PAPERPRESENTED: “A New Method of Constructing a Variety of Finite Groups Based on Some Succession Scheme”.
8. Sub-Sahara Workshop on Mathematical Analysis and Optimization, Organized by ICTP, Trieste, Italy and Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria, Held at Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nov, 3rd – 22nd ,2008.
9. Sub- Saharan Workshops on Mathematical Analysis and Optimization, Organized by ICTP, Trieste, Italy and Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria, Held at Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nov, 5 – 22 ,2007.
1. A two months Bench Work at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, (IMS), Accra, Ghana, November 15th 2009 - January 24th - 2010; Hosted at the Department of Mathematics, University of Ghana.
2. 2010 Banach Algebras Workshop, Organized by National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, Nigeria, 4 th - 18th April, 2010. Bench
3. CIMPA Research Schools, Number Theory and Algorithm, Bamako - Mali, November 15 – 26, 2010.
4. ICT Training Programme on LaTex Typesetting System, Organized by Computer Resource Centre, F.U.T, Akure, Nigeria, July 7 – 8, 2009.
5. Research Seminar on Functional Analysis, Organized by National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, Nigeria, 1 - 5 December, 2003.
6. Refresher Foundation Course, on Mathematical Analysis, Organized by National University Commission (NUC), Abuja, In Collaboration with ICTP, Italy, France, May 24 - June 14, 2009.
7. Workshop on the Use of MATLAB/SIMULINK for the Modeling, Analysis Design and Simulation of System, Organized by National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, Nigeria, Nov 30 – 6 December, 2003
8. Pan African Congress of Mathematicians, (PACOM), NMC, Abuja, June 30th – July 8th , 2013.
9. 53rd Annual Conference of Mathematical Association of Nigeria, ABU, Zaria, August 28th – September 2nd , 2016.
10. 37th Annual Conference of The Nigerian Mathematical Society, BUK, Kano, 8 th - 11th May, 2018.
11. 38 th Annual Conference of The Nigerian Mathematical Society, UN, Nsukka, 18 th - 21 th June, 2019
12. 39th Annual Conference of The Nigerian Mathematical Society, RUN, Ede, April 22nd – 23rd, 2021 13. 40 th Annual Conference of The Nigerian Mathematical Society, UDU,Sokoto, June 18th – 23rd, 2023
ORCID ID: https:///0000-0002-7205-4871 GOOGLE SCHOOLAR: