Dr. Aminu Biambo Ahmed

Area of specialization: | Pharmacoeconomics and Health Outcomes Research |
Email: | biambo.aminu@udusok.edu.ng |
Phone: |
List of Selected Publications
1. Kabiru Abubakar, Aminu A Biambo, Aliyu Samaila, Nuruddeen Usman, Sani B Abubakar and Adamu Muhammad (2015). Factors responsible for proliferation of drug hawking in Sokoto Metropolis, North Western Nigeria. Basic Research Journal of Medicine and Clinical Sciences, 4(4), 151-5. Available at: http://basicresearchjournals.org/medicine/content/May%2015.html. ISSN 2315-6864. Indexed: Directory of Research Journal indexing (DRJI), International Scientific Indexing (ISI), Infobase Index. |
2. Maxwell O Adibe, Aminu A Biambo, Abdulmuminu Isah, Aliyu Samaila and Nuruddeen Usman (2016). Evaluation of drug therapy problems among patients receiving care in some National Orthopedic Hospital in Nigeria. Journal of Science and Practice of Pharmacy, 3(1), 105–114. Available at: http://www.jsppharm.org/home/achieve.php?vol=3&no=1&yr=2016. ISSN: 2449-0458 (print); 2449-0466 (electronic). Indexed: Index Copernicus, African Index Medicus, Embase, Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, AJOL. |
3. Aliyu S, Aminu AB, Usman N and Benjamin GG (2017). An Exploratory Study on Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting by Physicians in a Tertiary Hospital in North-Western Nigeria. Nigerian Hospital Practice, 20(1-3), 14-19. Available at: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/nhp/issue/archive. ISSN 1597-7889. Indexed: African Journal Online (AJOL). |
4. Aliyu, S., Okanta, J.M., Ukwe, C.V., Adibe, M.O., Biambo, A.A., Usman, N. and Isah, A. (2017). Pattern of antihypertensive drugs use in hypertension-type 2 diabetes comorbidity in a tertiary hospital in North-western Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 16(1), 11-16. Available at: https://journals.abu.edu.ng/njps/. ISSN: 0189-823X. Indexed: Google Scholar, Publons. |
5. A. Samaila, A. A. Biambo, N. Usman, and A. D. Musa. (2018). Community pharmacists’ awareness and level of participation in primary health care in Sokoto metropolis. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 14(2), 147-156. Available at: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njpr/ article/view/181696. ISSN 0189-8434, e-ISSN 2635-3555. Indexed: African Journal Online (AJOL). |
6. Aminu A Biambo, Maxwell O Adibe, Hamidu M Liman, Chinwe V Ukwe. (2018). Health-related quality of life of HIV-infected patients taking different antiretroviral regimens at a tertiary healthcare facility in northern Nigeria. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 17(3), 549-557. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/tjpr.v17i3.23. ISSN: 1596-5996 (print); 1596-9827 (electronic). Indexed: Science Citation Index, Scopus, Embase, Index Copernicus, African Index Medicus, AJOL etc. |
7. Biambo, A. A., Adibe, M. O., Usman, N., Samaila, A., Liman, H.M., and Ukwe, C.V. (2018). Health-related quality of life and its predictors in HIV-infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy at a Nigerian tertiary healthcare facility. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 17(1), 57–67. Available at: https://journals.abu.edu.ng/njps/pdf/297.pdf. ISSN: 0189-823X. Indexed: Google Scholar, Publons |
8. Biambo, A. A., Usman, N., Samaila, A. and Ibrahim, H. (2018). Evaluation of drug therapy problems and their predictors among type 2 diabetic outpatients at a tertiary health care facility, North-Western Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 17(2), 69-78. Available at: https://journals.abu.edu.ng/njps/pdf/315.pdf. ISSN: 0189-823X. Indexed: Google Scholar, Publons |
9. Usman N, Samaila A, Biambo AA and Umar MM. (2018). A study of prescribing pattern of antihypertensive drugs among general practitioners in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Nigerian Hospital Practice, 22(3-6), 31-35. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/nhp/article/ view/180449. ISSN 1597-7889. Indexed: African Journal Online (AJOL). |
10. Aliyu Samaila, Aminu A. Biambo, Nuruddeen Usman and Hussaina H. Aliyu. (2018). Drug related problems and implications for pharmaceutical care interventions in hypertensive outpatients in a Nigerian hospital. Journal of Science and Practice of Pharmacy, 5(2), 281–286. Available at: http://www.jsppharm.org/home/achieve.php? vol=5&no=2&yr=2018. ISSN: 2449-0458 (print); 2449-0466 (electronic). Indexed: Index Copernicus, African Index Medicus, Embase, Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, AJOL. |
11. Biambo AA, Usman N, Samaila A, Ija AM and Abubakar K. (2018). Evaluation of blood pressure control and its predictors among hypertensive patients receiving treatment in a Nigerian hospital. African Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development, 10(2), 91-98. Available at: https://ajopred.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/AJOPRED-102-Aritcle-05.pdf. ISBN 0794-800X. Indexed: Google Scholar |
12. Amina Yusuf Jega, Musa Ismail Abdullahi, Amina Idris Rufa'i, Asma'u Baba Bala, Hassan Abubakar, Muntaka Abdulrahman, Celestina Oluranti Alebiosu, Aminu Ahmed Biambo and Millicent Ladi Umaru (2019). Effect of Saponin-rich Fractions of Neocarya macrophylla on Murine Models of Pain and Inflammation. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences, 12(2), 349-355. DOI: 10.3923/ajbs.2019.349.355. ISSN 1996-3351. Indexed: ASCI-Database, Asian Digital Library, Cambridge Scientific Abstract, Google Scholar |
13. Aliyu S, Usman N, Aminu AB, Nafiu M. (2019). Virological Response Observed in a Patient Receiving Tenofovir for Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection in a Tertiary Hospital in North-Western Nigeria. Nigerian Hospital Practice, 23(1-3), 16-19. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/nhp/ issue/archive. ISSN 1597-7889. Indexed: African Journal Online (AJOL). |
14. Aminu A Biambo, Aliyu Samaila, Nuruddeen Usman and Hamidu M Liman. (2019). Evaluation of CD4 Count Progression in HIV-Infected Patients on Different Classes of Antiretroviral Regimens. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 15(1), 19-26. http://www.nigjpharmres.com/ojs/index.php/NigJPharmRes/index. ISSN 0189-8434, e-ISSN 2635-3555. Indexed: African Journal Online (AJOL). |
15. Roland Nnaemeka Okoro, Jamiu Olakunle Muslim and Aminu Ahmed Biambo. (2020). Quality of life of pharmacy students in Northern Nigeria. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 28(4), 395-404. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijpp.12624. Indexed: Medline, Embase, Scopus |
16. Roland N Okoro and Aminu A Biambo. (2020). Pharmacy students' perceived professionalism and application of bioethical principles: Implications for teaching pharmacy ethics for patient-centred pharmacy practice. Pharmacy Education, 20(1), 158-167. https://doi.org/10.46542/pe.2020.201.158167. ISSN: 1477-2701, Indexed: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI - Web of Science), Embase and Scopus. |
17. A.J. Yusuf, M.I. Abdullahi, A.M. Musa, A.K. Haruna, V. Mzozoyana, A.A. Biambo, H. Abubakar. (2020). A bioactive flavan-3-ol from the stem bark of Neocarya macrophylla. Scientific African, 7, e00273. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sciaf.2020.e00273. Indexed: Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), INSPEC. |
18. Biambo AA, Aliyu UM, Adibe MO, Samaila A, Usman N, Abubakar KK and Ukwe CV. (2020). Toxicity Profile of Chemotherapeutic Agents among Cancer Patients Receiving Care in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Care Facility. Journal of Basic and Social Pharmacy Research, 1(5), 53-64. Available at: https://www.jbspr.com/article-6-volume-1-issue-5-2020/. ISSN: 2705-3245. Indexed: Google Scholar |
19. Roland Nnaemeka Okoro, Deborah Oyine Aluh, Aminu Ahmed Biambo, Erick Wesley Hedima, Kennedy Emeka Oluigbo. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on pharmacy education: Perspectives of Nigerian undergraduate pharmacy students. Pharmacy Education, 20(2), 242-248. https://doi.org/10.46542/pe.2020.202.242248. ISSN: 1477-2701. Indexed: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI - Web of Science), Embase and Scopus. |
20. Roland N. Okoro, Aminu A. Biambo, Muslim O. Jamiu. (2021). Perceived stress and its predictors, stressors and coping strategies among undergraduate pharmacy students in northern Nigeria. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 13(8). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2021.03.014. ISSN: 1877-1297. Indexed: Scopus, Google Scholar |
21. Aminu A. Biambo, Aliyu Samaila, Nuruddeen Usman, Ummulkulsum D. Abubakar, Badamasi S. Nuhu, Sadiq A. Hussaini, Saida S. Mansur, Adebayo S. Adebisi. (2021). Schizophrenic Symptoms Resolution and Its Predictors among Schizophrenic Inpatients Receiving Treatment in a Nigerian Neuropsychiatric Hospital. West African Journal of Pharmacy, 32(1), 74 – 85. ISSN: 1118-9098. Indexed: African Index Medicus, Google Scholar |
22. Aminu A. Biambo, Maxwell O. Adibe, Usman M. Aliyu, Aliyu Samaila, Nuruddeen Usman, Nafiu Abdullahi and Chinwe V. Ukwe. (2021). Anticancer Drug Utilisation for Cancer Chemotherapy in a Nigerian Health Care Facility. Nigeria Journal of Pharmacy, 55(2). Indexed: Crossref, Google Scholar Conference Papers Presented
23. Aliyu Samaila, Usman Nuruddeen, Aminu Ahmed Biambo, Abdullahi Mu’awiya (2016). Outpatient Prescribing Pattern of Antipsychotic Drugs in a Tertiary Hospital in North Western Nigeria. Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia 14th Annual National Conference & Scientific Meeting, OOU, Sagamu, Nigeria, 11th – 15th July. |
24. Biambo, A. A., Samaila, A., Usman, N., and Idris, M. Z. (2017). Factors associated with the prognosis of children admitted with cerebral malaria in a tertiary healthcare facility in Nigeria. Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia 15th Annual National Conference & Scientific Meeting, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria, 21st – 25th August. |
25. Aminu A Biambo, Aliyu Samaila, Nuruddeen Usman, Badamasi S Nuhu, and Ummulkulsum D Abubakar. (2018). Schizophrenic Symptoms Resolution among Schizophrenic Inpatients Receiving Treatment in a Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital North-Western Nigeria. Neuroscience Society of Nigeria 16th National Scientific Conference, Federal University Dutse, Dutse, Jigawa State 6th – 10th August. |
26. Usman N, Biambo AA, Samaila A and Umar MM. (2018). Evaluation of prescription pattern of anti-hypertensive drugs for out-patients at a tertiary hospital in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia 16th Annual National Conference & Scientific Meeting, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Abuja, Nigeria, 12th – 16th August. |
27. Biambo AA, Usman N, Samaila A and Ibrahim H. (2018). Patients’ sociodemographic and clinical characteristics associated with drug therapy problems among Type 2 diabetic outpatients in a tertiary health care facility, North-Western Nigeria. Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia 16th Annual National Conference & Scientific Meeting, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Abuja, Nigeria, 12th – 16th August. |
28. Biambo, A. A., Adibe, M. O., Aliyu, U. M., Usman, N., Samaila, A., Abubakar, K. K. and Ukwe, C. V. (2019). Hepatotoxicity of Platinum-based Combinations Used for Cancer Chemotherapy in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Care Facility. 1st International Conference on Biologics Research and Development held at University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria from 21st – 25th July |
29. Biambo, A. A., Adibe, M. O., Aliyu, U. M., Samaila, A., Usman, N., Abdullahi, N. and Ukwe, C. V. (2019). Anticancer Drug Utilisation among Breast and Cervical Cancer Patients Receiving Care in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Care Facility. Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia 17th Annual National Conference & Scientific Meeting, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Abuja, Nigeria, 25th – 30th August. |
30. Biambo, A. A., Adibe, M. O., Aliyu, U. M., Samaila, A., Usman, N., Naibee, A. M., Abubakar, M. A. and Ukwe, C. V. (2020). Survival of Patients with Breast Cancer and its Predictors in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Care Facility. Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia 18th Annual National Conference & Scientific Meeting (Virtual), University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria, 24th – 26th August. |