Prof. A. M. Bui
Area of specialization: | Artificial Intelligence |
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Phone: | 09033760371 |
List of Selected Publications
1. B. Muhammad and A. T. Yusuf, (2010). Query Expansion: Is It Necessary in Textual Case-Based Reasoning? Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Vol 19 (2),pages:269-276.ISSN:0331-8753.URL: B. Muhammad, N. Wiratunga R. Lothian and R. Glassey (2013). Contextual Sentiment Analysis for Social Media using High-Coverage lexicon. In M. Bramer and M. Petridis (Eds.) Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXX. Springer Int’l Publications. ISBN: 978-3-319-02621-3. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-02621-3_6
3. B. Muhammad, N. Wiratunga R. Lothian and R. Glassey (2013). Domain-based Lexicon Enhancement for Sentiment Analysis. In proceedings of the British Computer Society’s Special Interest Group in Artificial Intelligence Int’l Workshop on Social Media Mining. CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 1110. ISSN: 1613-0073. URN: nbn:de:0074-1110-6
4. Almu and A. B. Muhammad (2013). Automating Lectures Timetable Using Constraint Satisfaction Technique. Continental Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(3): 23-30. ISSN 1597-9928. DOI: 10.5707/cjapplsci.2013.
5. B. Muhammad and A. Almu (2013), Faqcase: A Textual Case-Based Reasoning System. The International Journal of Engineering and Science, 2(8): 01-08. ISSN 2319-1813. ANED :09.1913/02810108
6. B. Muhammad, N. Wiratunga and R. Lothian (2014). A Hybrid Sentiment Lexicon for Social Media Mining. In proceedings of the 26 th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI2014). Pages 461 – 468. IEEE. ISBN: 978-1-4799- 6572-4. DOI: 10.1109/ICTAI.2014.76
7. B. Muhammad, N.Wiratunga and R. Lothian (2015). Context-aware Sentiment Analysis for Social Media. In M.M. Gaber (eds), Advances in Social Media Mining. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer International Publications. ISBN: 978-3-319- 18457-9. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-18458-6_5
8. B. Muhammad, N.Wiratunga and R. Lothian (2016). Contextual Sentiment Analysis for Social Media Genres. Knowledge-based Systems. Vol. 108. Pages 92 – 101. Elsevier. ISSN: 0950-7051. DOI:
9. B. Muhammad and A.A. Dahiru, (2019). Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis of Web Discussion Posts Using SentiWordNet. Journal of Computer Science and its Applications Vol. 26 (2). A publication of the Nigeria Computer Society (NCS). ISSN: 2006-5523. DOI: 10.4314/jcsia.v26i2.1
10. B. Muhammad and S. Shehu and M. B. Aliyu (2018). A Study of Score Extraction Strategies from SentiWordNet for Sentiment Analysis of social media. In proceedings of 27th Nigeria Computer Society’s National Conference. Pp: 83 – 92, ISSN: 2141 – 9663
11. A.Y. Tambuwal and A. B. Muhammad (2018). Simulation Analysis of a New Startup Algorithm for TCP New Reno. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Vol. 5(4) e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072. pages 7 - 14
12. Almu and A. B. Muhammad (2017), Image-based Processing of Naira Currency Recognition. Annals. Computer Science Series Vol. 15 (1). Mirton Publishing House. e- ISSN:2065-7471, p-ISSN 1583-7165. Pages 169 – 173. (Indexed in Index Copernicus International)
13. J. Bassey and A. B. Muhammad (2019). Harnessing Social Media for Decision Support. In proceedings of AITP 2 nd International Conference on Information Technology in Education and Development (ITED2019) pp: 83-90. ISBN: 978-97835911-7-7.
14. Babakura, A. Roko, A. B. Muhammad, I. Saidu and J. Ewalefoh (2019). Prediction of Student’s Performance using Selected Classification Methods: A Data Mining Approach. International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Vol. 8, (3), Pp: 276 – 284. ISSN : 2277-5420
15. S. Suleiman, A. Lawal, U. Usman, S. U. Gulumbe and A. B. Muhammad (2019). Students Academic Performance Prediction using Factor Analysis based Neural Network. International Journal of Data Science and Analysis (IJDSA) Vol 5(4). ISSN(online): 2575-1891, DOI: 10.11648/j.ijdsa.20190504.12
16. Roko, A. Shehu, A. B. Muhammad, I. Saidu, (2019). N-gram Based Query Structuring System for Effective XML Retrieval. International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology Vol. VIII, (IV), Pp: 1 - 10. ISSN: 2319-7900. DOI : 10.18535/ijact
17. A.I. Abubakar, A. Roko, A.B. Muhammad and I. Saidu, (2019). Hausa WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Resource. International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology 4(8): Pp: 279-285, ISSN 2415-6272 (Print), ISSN 2415-6264 (Online), DOI:10.21276/sjeat.2019.4.8.2
18. U. Usman, Y. Musa, A. B. Muhammad, and Y. Zakari (2019). On The Burr X-Topp Leone Distribution. Anale Seria Informatică. Vol. XVII (2). e-ISSN:2065-7471, p-ISSN 1583-7165. Pages: 206 – 208.
19. A. Roko, A. Babakura, A. B. Muhammad, and I. Saidu (2020). ReEstimated Ergodic Hidden Markov Model for Decision Support Among Subsystems in Intelligent Building. Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, Vol 12, PP: 1 – 10, ISSN: 2164-6627, DOI: 10.1166/asem.2020.2633
20. A.I. Abubakar, A. Roko, A.B. Muhammad, I. Saidu (2021). An Enhanced Feature Acquisition for Sentiment Analysis of English and Hausa Tweets. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 12 (9) Pages: 102 – 110. ISSN : 2156-5570 (Online), ISSN : 2158-107X (Print), DOI: 10.14569/IJACSA.2021.0120913
21. U. Usman, S. Suleiman, A. B. Muhammad, I. S. Yar’adua (2021) An Investigation Of Crimes Rates Using Co-Kriging And Inverse Distance Weights In Katsina State, Nigeria. FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 5 No. 3, Pages 385 – 389, ISSN online: 2616- 1370, ISSN print: 2645 – 2944, DOI:
22. H. L. Abba, A. Roko, A. B. Muhammad, A. Usman, A. Almu (2022). Enhanced Semantic Similarity Detection of Program Code Using Siamese Neural Network. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 14 Issue: 02 Pages: 5353-5360, ISSN: 0975-0290. DOI: 10.35444/IJANA.2022.14205
23. Roko, A. Lawal, A.B. Muhammad, and A. Usman (2022). Improved Parameter-Free 3D Object Retrieval (IP3DOR) System with Hierarchical Clustering. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 14 Issue: 03 Pages: 5455-5463, ISSN: 0975- 0290. DOI: 10.35444/IJANA.2022.14306
24. I. Abubakar, A. Roko, A. B. Muhammad and I. Saidu (2022). A Deep Learning approach to Sentiment Analysis of English and Hausa Tweets. In Proceedings of the Nigeria Computer Society Conference on Smart, Secure and Sustainable Nation.
25. Babakura, A. Roko, A. B. Muhammad, I. Saidu, and M. A. Yusuf (2022). MFES Framework for Efficient Feature Selection Among Subsystems in Intelligent Building. In: Pandian, A.P., Fernando, X., Haoxiang, W. (eds) Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Vol. 117. Springer, Singapore.
26. Usman, A. Roko, A.B. Muhammad, and A. Almu (2022). Enhancing Personalized Book Recommender System. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 14 Issue: 03 Pages: 5486-5492, ISSN: 0975-0290. DOI: 10.35444/IJANA.2022.14311
27. B. Muhammad and A. S. Magaji (2022). Harnessing Emotion Knowledge for Sentiment Classification. Accepted for publication in Transaction on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.