Prof. Aminu Sanda

Area of specialization: | Plant Science (Bio-Energy Studies) |
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List of Selected Publications
⦁ A. Sanda, B. Garba and A.D Tambuwal, (2001) A Comparative Studies on Biogas Production from Cow, Goat and Chicken dung. Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, 9(1x2) page 64-66. (1SSN:1115-0610)⦁ A. Sanda and B.L. Aliero, (2005): Diversification of Feedstock for Biogas Generation, Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy, 13 (1x2): 40-44. (ISSN: 1115-0610)
⦁ A. Sanda and H.K. Shehu, (2006) Studies on Soft rot of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). In Sokoto State. Nigerian journal of Renewable Energy 14 (lx2): 16-20. (1SSN:1115-0610)
⦁ A. Sanda and I. Nouhou (2011) Mathematical Modeling of the drying of Jatropha curcas blends, Nigerian Journal of Education, 10(1): 144-151 (1SSN: 1597-2682;
⦁ A. Sanda and H.K Shehu (2012). Physico-Chemical Properties of Jatropha curcas L. Specie, from upland and lowland soils as a medium for the establishment of the specie. Nigerian Journal of Education, 10(2): page 168-173 (ISSN:1597-2682)
⦁ A. Sanda, Aliero B.L, Aliero A: A. Hassan L.G. (2012) Effect of Planting Method and Source of Germplasm on the growth of Jatropha curcas L, in Sokoto, Nigeria. International Journals off Phyto fuels and allied Sciences: 1(1): 92 - 96 (ISSN 2354-1784):
⦁ A. Sanda, Aliero, B.L. Aliero, A.A Hassan L.G. (2012) Effect of Physiological age of stem cutting on the growth of Jatropha curcase in Sokoto. International Journal of Phyto fules and Allied Sciences1 (1): 87-91 (ISSN 2354-1784)
⦁ A. Sanda and H.K Shehu (2013). Effect of varying Depth and Soaking time on the germination of Jatropha curcas in Sokoto. International journal of Phyto fuels and allied sciences, 2(1): 93-101,( ISSN: 2354- 1784)
⦁ Sanda, A. Tambuwal A.D. (2013) Bio Diesel Potentials of Jatropha Curcas in Sokoto State: international Journal of Phyto fules and Allied Sciences2(1): 57-63 (1SSN 2354-1784).
⦁ Lawal, M.D., Fabiyi, J.P, George, B.D.J., Adamu, Y. Kabir, A., Alayande, M.O., Raji, A.A., Usman M. and A. Sanda (2016).A preliminary study on the monthly dynamics of cattle tick infestation in Sokoto North Western Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 43(1): 296 - 300, ISSN: 0331-2062; Index – AJOL
⦁ M. Mamuda and A. Sanda (2017). Suitability of Bio-Based Oil Compared to conventional Apex 990 oil as lubricants in metal forming. African Journal of Renewable and Alternative Energy. (AJRAE) 2(1): 106-155. (ISSN: 2006-0394) Index - SCOPUS, EBSCO
⦁ J. Sani, S. Samir, II Rikoto, A.D Tambuwal, A. Sanda, S.M Maishanu, and and M.M Ladan (2017). Production and Characterization of Heterogeneous catalyst (Cao) from snail shell for biodiesel production using waste cooking oil. Innovative Energy and Research 6(21): 12- 21. (1SSN:0794-9537; DOI; 10.4172/2576-1463. 1000162
⦁ S.A Anka and A. Sanda (2017) Influence of herbaceous cover crops interaction on soil physical properties in Nigeria's Sudan Savanna. International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research. 5 (12): 2001- 205, (ISSN: 2350-1 561; DOI 10.15739/1JAPR. 17.024; Index SCOPUS, EBSCO, CROSSREF
⦁ A. Sanda and S.A Anka (2017). Effects of recycled plant used as Bio- fertilizers on early growth of maize in North-Western Nigeria. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Letters (Research and Reviews in Biosciences) 12(3): 131-136 (1SSN: 2454-9304; DOI 2350 1561). Index Google scholar
⦁ A.M. Haidara, A. Sanda, I.M Magami (2018). Waste Water Treatment Potentials of water lettuce (pistia stratiotes L) and water Hyacinth (Elchhornia crassifes mart solns). Keys to environmental conservation and national development. Proceeding of the 6th Bennial National Conference of the Forests and Forest Products Society. Held at General Biology Laboratory, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto on the 23rd - 27th April, 2018: 226-233, vol. 1 proceedings. (ISSN:978-978-55 193-4-1)
⦁ M.A. Sokoto, A.B. Muhammad, A. Sanda, S. Haruna, L.G. Hassan (2018). Effect of Reaction Variables on Biodiesel Production from Canary Melon Seed Oil. Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability, 5(2018): 19-24, ISSN: 0794-9537; Index- Google Scholar, EBSC0, SCOPU
⦁ Abdulrashid Muhammad Haidara, Ibrahim Muhammad Magami,A.Sanda(2018) Bioremediation of Aquaculturall Effluents Using Hydrophytes Science 2578/8698, ISSN Online: 2578-8698; Online ISSN: 2578-870 1; DOI - 10.1 1648/ 20 1 80204. 1 1; Index-Science
⦁ A.S. Muhammad, B. Mahmud, I. Bello, A.M. Nasiru, I.U. Mohammed, A. Sanda S.A. Anka (2018) Effect of variety and seed dressing chemical on root rot and damping-off diseases of cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L.) in Sokoto North-Western Nigeria. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (1JMR)4(12): 153-157, ISSN-2455-3662; Index: Google Scholar, Yahoo India, Academia, ESJI.
⦁ Muhammad AbdullahiYahaya, SaniAbdullahi Fana, SuleAliyuAnka and A. Sanda (2018) Malaria prevalence, mosquito abundance, and species composition in Argungu Kebbi State, Nigeria: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (JMR) (Peer Review Journal) Paper Accepted-201812-01-002806; Manuscript Number: 122-306
⦁ Lawal, M.D., Mohammed, L., Mahmuda, A., Bello, A., Mohammed, H.B. and Sanda A.(2018) Ectoparasite Fauna of Pigs from Zuru, Kebbi State, Nigeria: Direct Research Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (1) :20- 22, DOI: 10.26765/ DRJBB.2018.73051SSN: 4372-2608, Index Google Scholar, J-Gate.
⦁ Muhammad A.S., Mohammed I.U., Ameh M., Bello I., Haliru B.S., Bagudo H.A., Sanda A. (2018) Isolation and Identification of Fungi Associated with the Spoilage of Sweet Orange (Citrus Sinensis L.) and Banana (Musa sapientum L) in Sokoto Metropolis, Journal of Applied Biotechnology and Bioengineering.5(3) 172-182 ISSN: 2572-8466. Indexing ORCiD Member Organization.
⦁ Muhammad AS, Sajo AY, Bello I, Haliru BS, Bagudo H.A. Mohammed I.U. Sanda A. (2018). Effect of Variety and Apron Star on Incidence and Severity of Cercospora Leaf Spot Disease of Cowpea (Vignaunguiculata) in Sokoto, North-Western Nigeria, Journal of Applied Biotechnology & Bioengineering.5 (1 ): pg. 11-15. ISSN: 2572-8466, Indexing ORCiD Member Organization. DOI 10.15406/jab.2018.05.00.
⦁ Aliyu Muhmuda Mansur Sani Tukur Adamu Aminu Sanda and Lauwali Galadima Gobir [2020] In vivo Anthelminthic Activity of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of senna italica on Rats with Hymenolepis diminuta Infection Advance in Research , 18 to 26
⦁ Mnasur Sani mahmuda Aliyu Tukur adamu Aminu Sanda and Muhammad Bashir bello [2020] Histopathological Studies on the Effects Ethanolic of senna italica treatment of Rats Infected with Hymenolopis diminuta, journal of advance in Biology & Biotechnology
⦁ A Sanda and I Nouhou (2011) Mathematical Modeling of the draying of jatropha curcus A Sanda is a Lecturer at the Department of Physics Faculty of Science and I. Nouho is with Sokoto Energy Research Centre Usmanu Danfodio University, Sokoto
⦁ A Sanda amd B.L Aliero (2012) Diversification of Feedstock for Biogas Generation, Nigerian journal of renewable energy, 13(1-2): 40-44
⦁ Muhammad AS Mohammed IU Ahmed m Bello I Haliru BS. Bagudo HA. Sanda A (2018) Isolation and identification of fungi associated with the spoilage of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L) and banana (Musa sapientum L)in Sokoto Metropolis Journal of applied biotechnology 5(3): 72-82
⦁ Anka SA, Sanda A (2020) Single Trees Litter Contribution to Soil Physiochemical Properties in Sudan Savanna Ecosystem, North- Western Nigeria, 9(5) :226
⦁ A sanda H.k shehu (2005) and analysis of tree plant materials for their ability to general biogas Nigerian Journal of renewable energy, 13( 1-2)
⦁ A. Sanda [2019] Effects of Bio- fertilizer on the Early Group of Maize in North- Western Nigeria
⦁ Sanda A [2012] Jatropha plantation development and maintenance committee 16-18 April
⦁ Sanda Aminu [2013] Jatropha plantation development and maintenance committee University of ilorin
⦁ Sanda A. and Tambawal A. D [2012] Bio Diesel Potentials of Jatropha curcasn in Sokoto State University of Ilorin
⦁ Aminu Sanda [2010] Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development in Africa
⦁ A. Sanda, B Garba and AD Tambuwal et al [2001] Biogas Generation using Cow, Goat, and chicken Dung Obafemi Awolowo university, ILE- IFE
⦁ Comfort Onaja and A. Sanda [2023] Effect of shelterbelts on microclimatic factors and soil physicochemical properties in semi- arid ecological zone
⦁ M Bawa A. Sanda [2010] a paper presented at the renewable energy conference for sustainable development Heald at Nigeria University in Nsuka Sokoto energy research Centre Usamanu Danfodio University, sokoto
⦁ Aminu Sanda [2018] Attended the 36th national solar energy forum [NASEF 2018] held on November 14th , 2018 at university of Nigeria Nsukka
⦁ A. Sanda [2017] Biennial African international renewable energy conference
⦁ A Sanda [2021] As a resource person during the Nigeria corps Army education corps second national education summit
⦁ Aminu Sanda [2007] First aid usmanu danfodio university, Sokoto
⦁ Dr Sanda Aminu [2019] Science association of Nigeria
⦁ Aminu Sanda [2012] National workshop on biodiesel from jatropha curcas; role of biofuel policy on sustainable energy development in Nigeria
⦁ A Sanda [2017] 25th Annual conference of the botanical society of Nigeria
⦁ A. Sanda (2017) 6-8 February 2nd Biennial Africa international renewable energy workshop, usmanu danfodiyo university sokoto