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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Ass. Prof. Attahiru Shehu Mainiyo

Area of specialization:Qur’anic Studies

List of Selected Publications

1.Ibrahim, Y.Y. and Mainiyo, A.S. ‘On the Legality of horse meat: An Islamic Exposition’ in Al-Nahdah: Journal of Islamic Heritage, Centre for Islamic Studies, UDU, Sokoto, (2009) Vol. 6, Issue 1 & 2, Pp. 146- 158.
2. Ibrahim, Y.Y. and Mainiyo, A.S. ‘Shaykh ‘Uthman bin Foduye: A Religious magnet of yesterday and today’ in Studies in Islam Series II, Journal of Islamic Sciences and Muslim Development, Department of Islamic Studies, UDU, Sokoto, (2010), Pp. 15-28.
3. Mainiyo, A.S. & Sifawa, L.A. ‘Madrasat at-Tabshirul Ummah Islamiyyah Mainiyo and its Contributions to the Development of Islamic and Moral Education’ published in SONATAIS Journal, Vol. 1, Sokoto State Branch, Pp. 208-222.
4. Mainiyo, A.S. ‘The Story of Prophets Musa and Al-Khidr (AS) in the Qur’an: A Lesson for Muslim Teachers and Students’ in Studies in Islam Series IV, Journal of Islamic Sciences and Muslim Development, Department of Islamic Studies, UDU, Sokoto, (2011), ISSN: 2276-8858, Pp. 97-108.
5. Mainiyo, A.S. ‘Surah Al-Kahf: An Assessment of the Story of As’hab al- Kahf and its lessons for the Contemporary Muslims', in Al-Sahwa Islamic Journal, (a publication of Department of Islamic Studies, Kaduna Sate University), Series 1, (2012), Pp 19-25.
6.Invention, Volume 3, Issue 4, (April, 2014), ISSN, 2319-7722, (Online), ISSN, 2319-7714, (Print), www.ijhssi.org, Pp 44- 50.
7. Mainiyo, A.S. & Shuni, M.D, ‘An Analysis of the Mysterious Letters of the Qur’an’ in International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, Volume 3, Issue 4, (April, 2014), ISSN, 2319-7722, (Online), ISSN, 2319-7714, (Print), www.ijhssi.org, Pp 44- 50.
8. Mainiyo, A.S. ‘Concept of Knowledge in Islam and Its Eminence’ in Studies in Islam Series V, Journal of Islamic Sciences and Muslim Development, Department of Islamic Studies, UDU, Sokoto, (2011), Pp14-19.
9. Mainiyo, A.S. ‘Relevance of Surah al-Kahf in the Search for Knowledge’ in the International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science, (JRHSS), Volume 3, Issue 1, (January-2015), ISSN, 2321-9467, (Online), www.questjournals.org, Pp. 42-49.
10. Gada, A.M. and Mainiyo, A.S. 'Moon sighting in the Context of Qur'anic Revelation' in Studies in Islam Series VI, Journal of Islamic Sciences and Muslim Development, Department of Islamic Studies, UDU, Sokoto, (2012), ISSN, 2276-8858, Pp. 40-44.
11. Mainiyo, A.S. & Shuni, M.D, ‘Ethics in the Search for Knowledge: A Note to Muslim Students’, in International Organization of Scientific Research- Journal of Humanities and Social Science. (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 20, Issue 1, Ver. IV, (January, 2015), (On net), Pp. 10-15.
12. Shuni, M.D. & Mainiyo, A.S. 'Justice and its Relevance in Curtailing Security Challenges in Nigeria', in International Organization of Scientific Research- Journal of Humanities and Social Science, (IOSR- JHSS) Vol. 19, Issue 4, Ver. III, (On net), PP. 27-31.
13. Mahmud, M.D. & Mainiyo, A.S. 'Islamic Law in Modern World: Using Technology in Islamic Criminal Justice System' in International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science, (JRHSS), Volume 3, Issue 8, August, 2015, (On net), Pp. 1-6.
14. Mainiyo, A.S. ‘Qur'an and Other Divine Books: An Exposition’ in “The Islamic Quarterly, Journal of Islamic Perspectives, 4 th Quarter, 1436/2015, Vol. 59, No. 4, ISSN: 0021-1842, (On net), Pp. 363-384.
15. Mainiyo, A.S. ‘The Role of Islamic Aqidah and its Impact on the Lives of Muslims’ published in Voyages: Journal of Religious Studies, Vol. 1, No.1, Dec, 2015, ISSN, 2504-9046, Pp. 117-123.
16. Mainiyo, A.S. ‘Problems of Morality in Nigerian Education System and the Prospects of Islamic Moral Values, in International Journal of Theology and Reformed Tradition (IJTRT), Vol. 7, 2015, ISSN: 2141- 8179, (On net), Pp. 140-152.
17. Mainiyo, A.S. ‘Qur'an and Other Divine Books: An Analytical Study’ in a chapter titled Islamic Culture and Other Religions,” Seminar Wahyu Asas Tamadun IV, Pringkat Antarabangsa, Negeri Sembilan, SWAT, 6-7 Oktober, 2015 ISBN: 978-967-440-232-7, (On net), Pp. 1136-1153.
18. Mainiyo, A.S. and Abubakar B.‘ A Survey on the Contribution of Goni Muhammad Bello Boyi to the Development of Qur’anic Studies in Sokoto Metropolis, in International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 6, Issue -8, 2016, ISSN:2249-2496, (On net), www.ijmra.us, Pp.166-179.
19. Mainiyo, A.S. and Shuni, M.D. ‘The Position of Isra’iliyyat in the Islamic Tradition: The Emerging Trends, in Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (GIIRJ), Vol. 4 (10), October (2016), ISSN: 2347-6915, (On net), www.internationaljournal.co.in, Pp. 5-18 20. Mainiyo, A.S. and Abdullahi, M.S. ‘Impact of Isra’iliyyat Reports on the Islamic Creed of Contemporary Muslims, in Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2017, (On net), www.ajol.info/index.php/ijrs, Pp. 67-82.
21. Mainiyo, A.S. and A.Y. Adam, ‘The Role of Qur’anic Recitation Competition in Promoting Social Cohesion Among the Muslims: A Case Study of North-Western Nigeria, in Book of Proceedings of the First National Conference on ‘The Qur’anic Recitation Competition in Nigeria, CIS-UDUS, 2017, Pp. 245-252.
22. Mainiyo, A.S. ‘The Essence of the Revelation: An Appraisal of the Contents of the Qur’an’ in Journal of University Scholars in Religions (JUSREL), Issue 8, Vol. 1., 2018, ISSN: 2315-5884, (On net), Pp. 1-14.
23. Mainiyo, A.S. and Abdullahi, M.S. ‘Qur’anic Aqidah Narratives as Effective Tools in Evolving Prototypical Contemporary Muslims: A Study of North-West Nigeria’ in International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, (IJSRP), Vol. 8, Issue 11, November, 2018, ISSN: 2250-3153, (On net), DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.8.11. 2018.p8332, http://www.dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.8.11.2018.p8332, Pp. 260-275.
24. Mainiyo, A.S. and Abdullahi, M.S. ‘Inter Religious Harmony as a tool in Building Moral Components of the Nigerian Army Fighting Force: The Islamic Perspective in International Journal of Information Research and Review, Vol. 05, Issue 12, December, 2018, ISSN: 2349-9141, (On net), Pp. 5984-5991.
25. Mainiyo, A.S. and Gidadawa, A.B. ‘Immoral Acts and Their Resultant Effect Among the Muslim Society: An Islamic Exposition in International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, (IJSRP), Vol. 9, Issue 4, April, 2019, ISSN: 2250-3153, (On net), DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.9.04. 2019.p8857, Pp. 440-448.
26. Mainiyo, A.S. and Altine, A. ‘The Views of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi and Shaykh Yusuf Al-Qardawi on the Maqasid Al-Qur’an (Aims of the Qur’an): An Analytical and comparative Study’ in IAR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, (IARC), Vol. 1, Issue 1, (May-June, 2020): ISSN: 2708-6267, (On net), http://www.iarconsortium.org/journal- info/IARJHSS, Pp. 45-53.
27. Mainiyo, A.S. et al, ‘Role of Qur’an and Hadith in Character Building towards Re-Evolving Prototypical Muslim Society’ in Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, (SJHSS), Vol. 6, Issue 7, (July, 2021): ISSN: 2415-6248, (On net), ISSN: 2415-6256 (Print), DOI: 10.36348/SJHSS. 2021.v06i07.003, Pp. 220-228.
28. Maishanu, I.M., and Mainiyo, A.S. ‘Shari’ah as a Complete Way of Life and Challenges of Secularism in Nigeria’ in Degel: The Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Vol. 19, Issue 2, (July, 2021): ISSN: 2672-9316, (Online), 0794-9316, (Print), Pp. 136-151.
29. Mainiyo, A.S. and Tijjani, I. ‘A Discussion of Ibn Sina’s Contributions in the Field of Science and Philosophy’ in Gadau Journal of Arts and Humanities, Vol. 4, No. 2. (December, 2021): ISSN: 3307-6612, Pp. 176- 187.
30. Sule, M.M, and Mainiyo, A.S. ‘Effectiveness of Social Media Platforms in Disseminating Qur’anic Teachings among Contemporary Muslims’ in Spektra: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial, Vol. 5, No.1, P-ISSN: 0853-4314, E-ISSN: 3025-1737, (2023), Pp. 47-64.
31. Mainiyo, A.S. ‘Unveiling the Qur’anic Hidden Matters Between Prophet Musa and Al-Khidr: Lessons for Muslim Teachers and Students’ in “The Faces of Islam”, International Conference of BKMT and AS-SYAFIYAH ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY, Jakarta, 20 th February, 2023, Vol.1, No. 1, (2023): ISSN: Pp. 45-55.
32. Mainiyo, A.S. ‘Impact of Qur’anic Narratives in Surah Al-Kahf on the Life of Muslims in North-West, Nigeria’ in Al-Risalah: Journal Studi Agama Dan Pemikiran Islam, Vol. 14, No. 2, (2023): P-ISSN 2085-5818, E-ISSN 2686-2107, DOI: https://doi.org/10.34005/alrisalah.v14i2.2658: Pp. 299-315.
33. Mainiyo, A.S. and Altine, A. ‘Modern Technology in Teaching and Memorization of the Glorious Qur’an’ in Degel: The Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Vol. 20, (Nos1&2), (June & December, 2023): ISSN: 2672-9316, (Online), ISSN: 0794-9316, (Print), Pp. 268-284.
34. Mainiyo, A.S. and Sule, M.M, ‘Impact of Qur’anic Moral Excellence on the Lives of Muslim Society’ in Demak Universal Journal of Islam and Sharia (Deujis) Vol. 1, No.3, E-ISSN: 2988-3539, (2023), DOI: https://doi.org/10.61455/deujis.v1i01.73, Pp. 188-205.

Book Publication:

1. Mainiyo, A.S. (2018), ‘Significance of Qur’anic Narratives in Surah Al- Kahf and Their Relevance to the Contemporary Time’ accepted for publication by the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto under Tetfund grant.
2. Mainiyo, A.S. (2023), ‘The Relevance of Qur’anic Aqidah Narratives on the Lives of Contemporary Muslims in North-West Nigeria: An Analytical Study’ accepted for publication by the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto under Tetfund grant.

List of conferences/workshops/seminar Papers

1. A Three-Day Economic Empowerment Workshop organized by MCAN Western zone, Ibadan, Oyo state. 2006.
2. A Three-Day Economic Empowerment Workshop organized by MCAN Western Zone, Ibadan, Oyo state. 2007.
3. A Two-Day Manpower Development Course (MDC) organized by Da'awah Institute of Nigeria (DIN), Minna, Nigeria. 2007
4. A Five-Day Induction Programme organized by Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. 2008.
5. 28 th National Conference on the Challenges of Moon Sighting and Preservation of Arabic Manuscripts in Nigeria organized by National Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS), Osun state, 2009.
6. International Seminar on Arabic Manuscripts in West Africa: Their Preservation and Publication organized by the Department of Arabic Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto 2010.
7. 29 th National Conference on Arabic/Islamic Studies and the Challenges of Quality Assurance in the Nigerian Education System organized by National Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS), Katsina state, 2011.
8. 31 st National Conference on Security and Peace Building in Nigeria: The Role of Arabic and Islamic Studies organized by National Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS), Kwara state, 2013.
9. A One Day Workshop on Online Journal Management System (OJM) organized by Academic Journals in the University, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. 2013.
10. A Three Day Workshop on Ethical Reform Programme organized by Da'wah Institute of Nigeria (DIN), Minna, Nigeria. 2014.
11. 32 nd National Conference on the Interpretation of Arabic/Islamic Texts and Religious Tolerance organized by National Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS), Sokoto state, 2014.
12. 1 st National Conference on Qur'anic Recitation Competition organized by Center for Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, 2015 13. 1 st National Conference of Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, 2016.
14. A Five-Day Workshop on Shari’ah Intelligence: An Introduction to Usul al-Fiqh and Maqasid al-Shari’ah organized by Da'wah Institute of Nigeria (DIN), Minna, Nigeria. 2016.
15. A One-Day Dialogue Programme between Muslims and Christians organized by the Muslim World League, Africa Office, under the auspices of Office of the President- General, Sokoto Nigeria, 2016.
16. A One-Day Sokoto State CBN Anchor Borrowers Program (ABP), Training of Farmers on Financial Literacy and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) 2017.
17. A Three-Day workshop on Media Literacy Against Violence Extremism Narratives organized by NEYIF 2022.
18. A Five-Day Workshop on Shari’ah and Arabic Language organized by Ummul-Qura University, Saudi Arabia 2022.
19. A Three-Day Retreat, organized by the IIIT West Africa Regional Office, Kaduna, 9 th -12 th February, 2024.

Academic Metrics (ORCID, LinkedIn, Google scholar, ResearchGate, Web of science, Scopus, etc).

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/attahir-shehu-mainiyo- 42774202a6 Goggle Scholar: shehu.mainiyo@udusok.edu.ng Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Attahir-Shehu- Mainiyo