Prof. Lawal Abdulkareem
Area of specialization: | Theology |
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List of Selected Publications
List of publications with links to the publishers
1. Abdulkareem L, “Asabiyyah Prejudice and its Harmful Effects on Muslim Community” In International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation (International Science Index) Journal, April, 17 2015,, Lisbon Portugal, pp663-667, eISSN: 1307-6892 (Index)
2. Abdulkareem L, “Riddah (Apostasy): The Misconceived Phenomenon” In Proceedings of TheIRES 4 th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (IRES) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 16 th July, 2015, pp54-58 ISBN: 978-93-85465- 56-7, DOI ONLINE NO- IJMAS-IRAJ-DOIONLINE-2976.
3. Abdulkareem L, “Types of Riddah Prevalent Among the Hausa Muslim Community: The Case of Kebbi State, Nigeria” In DEGEL: The Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, (Vol. 11), ISSN: 0794-9316 December, 2015, pp151-160 (Index).
4. Abdulkareem L, “Adequate Study and Application of Islamic Law: A Mechanism for National Advancement in Nigeria in the 21 st Century” In International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) Online Journal, Vol. II, Issue, XI, November, 2018 Page No 182-185. ISSN 2456186 (Index) DOI:47772/IJRISS.
5. Abdulkareem L, “Religious and Regional Crisis in the Nigerian Federalism: Problems, Causes and Remedy” In International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) Online Journal, Vol. II, Issue, XI, November, 2018, Page No 186-191, ISSN 2456186 (Index) DOI:47772/IJRISS.
6. Abdulkareem L, “Application of Shari'ah in the Current Nigerian Democratic System: Issues at Stake” In EAS Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies by East African Scholars Publisher, Kenya. Online Journal, Volume 1/ Issue-5 / Sept-Oct-2019 Page No 335- 340, ISSN: 2663-0958 (Print) & ISSN: 2663-6743 (Online) (Index) DOI: 10.36349/EASJHCS.2019.v01i05.009.
7. Abdulkareem L, “The Role of Islamic Studies in Combating Political Violence Among the Diverse Muslim Groups in Nigeria” In EAS Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies by East African Scholars Publisher, Kenya. Online Journal, Volume 1/ Issue-5 / Sept-Oct-2019, Page No 341-346, ISSN: 2663-0958 (Print) & ISSN: 2663-6743 (Online) (Index) DOI: 10.36349/EASJHCS.2019.v01i05.010.
8. Abdulkareem L, “The Problems Militating Against the Realization of The Objectives of Islamic Studies in Nigerian Post Primary Schools” In South Asian Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences by South Asian Research Publication, Bangladesh. Online Journal, Volume- 1/ Issue-3 /Oct-Nov-2019, Page No 303-306, ISSN: 2664-4002 (Print) & ISSN: 2664-6714 (Online) (Index) DOI: 10.36346/SARJHSS.2019.v01i03.018.
9. Abdulkareem L, “Ethno-Religious Crisis in Nigeria: Causes and Remedy from Islamic Perspectives” In East African Scholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature, Volume 2/Issue-6/June- 2020, Page NO 211-217 ISSN: 2617-443X (Print) & ISSN: 2617-7250 (Online) (Index) DOI:10.36349/EASJEHL.2020.v03i06.029.
10. Abdulkareem L, “Application of Islamic Economic System: A Panacea to Economic Recession in Nigeria” In Edited Conference Proceedings by National Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS), Held at: Lagos State University, LASU, Lagos, 24 th - 29 th December, 2017, Page No 48-58, ISBN:978-978- 56841-1-7.
11. Abdulkareem L, “Interpretations of Some Verses of the Glorious Qur'an Related to Asabiyyah Prejudice by Four Eminent Scholars in Their Tafsir Works” In International Academic Research (IAR) Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Kenya, ISSN Print: 2708-6259 ISSN Online: 2708-6267, 2021: 2(2): Page No. 92-104 (Index) DOI: 10.47310/iarjhss.2021.vo2i02.013.
12. Abdulkareem L, “Application of the Teachings of Islam: A Panacea to All Matters Related to Asabiyyah Prejudice Among Muslim Community” In International Academic Research (IAR) Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Kenya, ISSN Print: 2708-6259 ISSN Online: 2708-6267, 2021; 2(2): Page No. 105-115 (Index) DOI:10.47310/iarjahss.2021.vo2i02.015.
13. Abdulkareem L, “Islamic Banking in Nigeria: Principles, Problems and Prospects” In IAR Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Kenya, ISSN Print:2709-3328, ISSN Online: 27093336, 2021; 2(2): Page No. 1-7 (Index) DOI: 10.47310/iarjhcs.2021.vo2i02.001.
14. Abdulkareem L, “Asabiyyah As A Major Threat to The Unity and Peaceful Coexistence of the Muslim World Since the Death of the Prophet (Saw)” In IAR Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Kenya, ISSN Print:2709-3328, ISSN Online: 27093336, 2021; 2(2): Page No. 25-32 (Index) April, 30/2021, DOI:10.47310/iarjahcs.2021.vo2i02.007.
15. Abdulkareem L, “The Impact of Sectarian Prejudice Between Izala Movement and Tariqah Brotherhood on Muslim Communities in Kebbi State, Nigeria” In Al-Ishraq Journal of the Departments of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Vol. 12, October, 2020, ISSN: 2006-6554, pp66-79.
16. Abdulkareem L, “Tribal and Emirate Dichotomy and Their Effects on Muslim Community: Case Study of Zuru and Gwandu Emirates of Kebbi State, Nigeria” In Al-Ishraq Journal of the Departments of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Vol. 12, October, 2020 ISSN: 2006-6554, pp91-104.
17. Abdulkareem L, “Assessment of Some Faithless Acts Commonly Found Among Muslims: The Case of Kebbi State, Nigeria” In Himlayan Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, ISSN Print:2709-3362X, ISSN Online: 2709-3638, DOI: 10.47310/Hjhcs.2021.v02i05.003.
18. Abdulkareem L & Yahaya Sulaiman, “Condemnation of Riddah Acts in Hausa Land by Sheikh ‘Uthman Bin Foduye: Lessons to the Contemporary Muslim Community” In Himlayan Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, ISSN Print:2709-3362X, ISSN Online: 2709-3638, DOI: 10.47310/Hjhcs.2021.v02i05.004.
19. Abdulkareem L, “Islamic Religious Studies: An Instrument of Peace, Unity and Stability in Nigeria” In South Asian Research Journal Of Humanities and Social Sciences, ISSN 2664-4002 (Print) & ISSN 2664-6714 (Online), DOI: 10.36346/SARJHSS.2019.v01i03.019.
20. Abdulkareem L, “The Significance of Islamic Moral Education in Nigeria for National Advancement” In Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences, ISSN: 2394-451X (Print) & Open Access, Volume-6, Issue- 6, June, 2020 (Index).
21. Muhammad M. S & Abdulkareem L, “Muslim Scholars and the World of Social Media: Opportunities and Challenges” In Islamic Communication Journal, vol 5, no 2 (2020): 223-238,, 2541-5182 (print): 2615-3580 (online).
22. Attahir S. M, Abdulkareem L & Mukhtar A, “Role of Qur'an and Hadith in Character Building towards Re-evolving Prototypical Muslim Society” In Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, ISSN 2415-6256 (Print), 2415-6248 (online), Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, DOI: 10.36348/sjhss.2021.v06i07.003.
23. Abdulkareem L, “Islamic Moral Education in Post Primary School: An Instrument of Societal Reform”- In Journal of University Scholars in Religions (JUSREL), Issue 8. Vol. 1. 2018, ISSN: 2315- 5884.
24. Abdulkareem L, “The Status of Muslim Woman in the Glorious Qur'an”-In Cross-Currents: An International Peer Reviewed Journal & Social Sciences, Volume 6/Issue-6/June-2020, page NO 74-84 ISSN: 2394-451X (Print) & Open Access.
25. Abdulkareem L & Yahaya Sulaiman, “Assessment of the Relationship Between Shi’ah Brothers And Izala Movement in Kebbi State, Nigeria”- In International Academic Journal of Education & Literature, ISSN Print: 2708-5112, ISSN Online: 2708- 5120, vol. 2 iss-6 (Nov-Dec, 2021) pp 16-21, DOI:10.47310/iajel.2021.v02i06.003.
26. Mukhtar, U.B & Abdulkareem L “Scientific Education Among Muslims in Northern Nigeria: The Influence of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Scholarship”, In Dinamika Ilmu, Vol.21 No. 1, 2021, P-ISSN: 1411-3031; E-ISSN: 2442-9651, DOI: http//
27. Abdulkareem L “المقارنة بين آيات القرآن والإنجيل حول موقف عيسى” In International Academic Journal of Education & Literature, ISSN Print: 2708-5112, ISSN Online: 2708-5120, vol- 2 iss-6 (Nov-Dec, 2021) pp 1-9, DOI:10.47310/iajel.2021.v02i06.001.
28. Abdulkareem L “"اللواط وأضراره في المجتمع In Al-Aqlam Journal of Arabic Language, Literature and Culture, University of Maiduguri, Vol 20 N0 32 (Dec, 2019) pp84-95.
29. Abdulkareem L “"الرشوة والسحت وأثرهما السيئ في انهيار الأمة: قارة إفريقيا نموذجا In Al-Aqlam Journal of Arabic Language, Literature and Culture, University of Maiduguri, Vol 20 N0 32 (Dec, 2019) pp96- 104
List of conferences/workshops/seminar Papers
1. 23 rd Annual National Conference organized by Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic studies (NATAIS) at Congregation Hall City Campus, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto between 30 th August, 2004 and 3 rd September, 2004 (15 th -18 th Rajab 1425AH) Theme: Global Terrorism and Arabic/Islamic Scholarship.
2. 1 st National Conference organized by the School of Education, Federal College Of Education (Technical), Gusau, held from Monday, 27 th to Thursday 30 th June, 2005. Theme: Promotion sustainable Peace Through Teacher Education Programmes.
3. 7 th Annual National Conference organized by the School of Education, Federal College of Education, Kano held from 18 th – 21 st July, 2005.
4. 4 th National Conference organized by Federal College of Education, Katsina, on “Education for National Advancement in the 21 st Century”, held from 26 th - 29 th July, 2005. Theme: Education for National Advancement in the 21 st Century.
5. 2 nd National Conference organized by School of Arts and Social Sciences, Federal College of Education, Kontagora, Niger State, held from 29 th August- 2 nd September, 2005 Theme: Nigerian Federalism: Issues and Problems.
6. A paper presented at the 24 th Annual National Conference organized by Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic studies (NATAIS) held at Engr. AbdulKhadir A. Kure Lecture Theatre “B” Niger State College of Education, Minna, from 14 th Nov. – 18 th Nov. 2005 (13 th - 17 th Shawwal 1426AH) Theme: Education Crisis in Nigeria: Arabic & Islamic Studies Perspectives.
7. 8 th Annual National Conference organized by the School of Education, Federal College of Education, Kano held from 26 th - 29 th June, 2006.
8. 2 nd Annual National Conference organized by School of Arts and Social Sciences, Federal College of Education, Kano, on “Contemporary Issues and Sustenance of Democracy in Nigeria”, from 10 th - 14 th July, 2006 Theme: Contemporary Issues and Sustenance of Democracy in Nigeria.
9. 25 th Annual National Conference organized by Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic studies (NATAIS), on “The Muslim Woman and the Challenges of the Contemporary Society”, held at the National Mosque, Abuja, from 6 th - 10 th November, 2006 (16 th -19 th Shawwal 1427AH) Theme: The Muslim Woman and the Challenges of the Contemporary Society.
10. Divisional Conference organized by Diploma Studies Division of College of Basic and Advanced Studies, Yelwa- Yauri, Kebbi State, held on 22 nd September, 2008.
11. 17 th International Conference on Arabic and Islamic Studies held in Lisbon, Portugal on 16 th – 17 th April, 2015. 12. 4 th International Conference organized by Education and Social Sciences (IRES) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 16 th July, 2015.
13. 35 th Annual National Conference organized by Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic studies (NATAIS) Held at: Lagos State University, LASU, Lagos, 24 th - 29 th December, 2017.
14. 36 th Annual National Conference organized by Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic studies (NATAIS) Held at: Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, on 7 th - 12 th October, 2018 (Muharram/Safar, 1440 A.H). Theme: Deradicalization and the Role of Arabic and Islamic Studies.