Dr. Nafiu Lawal
Area of specialization: | Molecular Virology, Immunology and Infectious Disease |
Email: | nafiu.lawal@udusok.edu.ng |
Phone: | +2348030593816 |
List of Selected Publications
- 1. Immunogenicity and Protective Efficacy of Nucleic Acid-Based Vaccines Against COVID-19: A Systematic Review.
- 2. Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profiling of Salmonella Isolated from Poultry Products Sold in Sokoto Metropolis, Nigeria.
- 3. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of orf virus isolated from goats in Sokoto metropolis, Nigeria
- 4. Propagation and Molecular Characterization of Bioreactor Adapted Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Isolates of Malaysia.
- 5. Adaptation and Molecular Characterization of Two Malaysian Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Isolates Adapted in BGM-70 Cell Line
1 ORCID: 0000-0002-9044-0565
2. Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citaattions?hl=en&user=GnnD9hIAAAAJ
3. ResearchGate:www.researchgate.net/profile/Nafiu-Lawal-2
4. LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/nafi-u-lawal-456785a2/
5. Facebook:https://web.facebook.com/nafiu.lawal.108