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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Dr. R. A. Abdurrashid

Area of specialization:Finance and Energy Economics

List of Selected Publications

  • 1 Revisiting the concept of environmental Kuznets curve in period of energy disaster and deteriorating income: Empirical evidence from Japan Energy Policy (94), Pp. 274–284. Elsevier. 5.17 Impact Factor. 2016
  • 2. An empirical appraisal of conventional and Islamic banking systems in Nigeria: Who does the cap fit? Sokoto Journal of Management Studies Vol. 11(1) Pp.11-36. 2015
  • 3. Does the need for economic growth influence energy consumption and CO2 emissions in Nigeria? Evidence from the innovation accounting test. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (62) Pp.1209–1225 Elsevier. 12.011 Impact Factor. 2016
  • 4. Effects of Financial Development, Economic Growth and Trade on Electricity Consumption: Evidence from Post-Fukushima Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (54), Pp. 1073–1084. Elsevier. 12.011 Impact Factor. 2016
  • 5.Effects of Financial Development, Economic Growth and Trade on Electricity Consumption: Evidence from Post-Fukushima Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (54), Pp. 1073–1084. Elsevier. 12.011 Impact Factor.. 2015
  • 6. Do the dynamics of financial development spur economic growth in Nigeria’s contemporal growth struggle? A fact beyond the figures. Quality & Quantity, 49, Pp.365-384. Springer. 1.7 Impact Factor.. 2015
  • 7. Are linear and nonlinear exchange rate exposures aggravating agents to corporate bankruptcy in Nigeria? New evidence from the U test analysis. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. Vol. 5(1) Pp. 212-229. SCOPUS. 2015
  • 8. Could the expanding economic growth and Trade Openness of the United Kingdom pose a threat to its existing energy predicaments? International Journal of Energy economics and policy, 5(1), Pp.121-137. SCOPUS. 2015
  • 9.Are the Contentious Issues of Exchange Rate Misalignment in Nigeria a Prelude to the Country’s Currency Crisis? International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(3), 716-731. SCOPUS 2015
  • 10. BEconometric prediction on the effects of financial development and Trade openness on the German energy consumption: A startling new revelation from the dataset. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 5(1), Pp. 182-196. SCOPUS. 2015
  • 11. The relationship between air pollution, fossil fuel energy consumption and water resources in the panel of selected Asia-pacific countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 21(19), Pp. 11395–11400. Springer 3.10 Impact Factor. 2014
  • 12. An econometric estimation and prediction of the effects of nominal devaluation on real devaluation: does the Marshal-Larner (M-L) assumptions fits in Nigeria? International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues Vol. 4(4) 2014, Pp.819-835. SCOPUS. 2014
  • 13. Are the periods of currency collapse an impediment to entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial haven? Evidence from regional comparison. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues Vol.4(4) Pp.886-908. SCOPUS. 2014
  • 14 A startling new empirical finding on the nexus between financial development and economic growth in Kenya. World Applied Sciences Journal 28, Pp.147-161. SCOPUS. 2013
  • 15. TAn econometric modeling and prediction of the pattern of corporate failure in periods of financial and currency crisis: A conceptual analysis on the Asian continents. World Applied Sciences Journal 28, Pp.162-181. SCOPUS. 2013
  • 16. Is financial development a factor to the leading growth profile of the South African economy? Measuring and uncovering the hidden secret. International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, Vol. 1 (9) pp. 99-112. 2013
  • 17. Application of Marginal Costing Techniques in the Reformed Banking Sector in Nigeria: An Appraisals of Problems and Prospects. Readings in Management studies, Vol. 2 Faculty of Management Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Printed by whales J Adverts Limited Sokoto, Nigeria. ISBN: 978-978-911-624-9. 2007
  • 18. Modalities towards the Establishment of Islamic Banking System as a Panacea to Banking Crisis in Nigeria. Readings in Management studies, Vol. 2 Faculty of Management Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Printed by whales J Adverts Limited Sokoto, Nigeria. ISBN: 978-978-911-624-9. 2009.
  • 19. “Towards Enhancing Accountability and Transparency in Nigeria’s Public Sector Accounting System: An Overview” Financial Management, Accountability and Transparency in the public Sector. A Book of Readings Published by the Faculty of Management Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Printed by Millennium Printing Technology No.4, Emir Yahaya Road, Sokoto, Nigeria. ISBN:978-36244-8-7. 2004
  • 20. Revisiting the contention of Nigeria’s exchange rate misalignment: Is the country in currency crisis? 5th International Conference on Business and Economic Research, ICBER, Pullman hotel Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, ISBN No: 978-967-5705-13-7. .2004
  • 21. An econometric estimation and prediction of the effects of nominal devaluation on real devaluation: Does the Marshal-Larner (M-L) assumptions fits in Nigeria? 5th International Conference on Business and Economic Research, ICBER, Pullman hotel Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, ISBN No: 978-967-5705-13-7. 2014
  • 22. Does financial development add to energy consumption in South Africa? An application of structural break cointegration and the innovation accounting test. 5th International Conference on Business and Economic Research, ICBER, Pullman hotel Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, ISBN No: 978-967-5705-13-7. 2014
  • 23. An Application of the Concept of Catastrophe Theory in Determining the Effects of Macroeconomic Conditions on Corporate Survival: Evidence from Pre and Post Crisis Era: International Conference on Economics and Business Research (ICEBR), Park Royal Hotel Penang ISBN No: 978-967-033-409-9.. 2013
  • 24. Uncovering a new shift to the paradigm of corporate bankruptcy in the contemporal epoch: International Conference on Economics and Business Research (ICEBR), Park Royal Hotel Penang ISBN No: 978-967-033-409-9. 2013.
  • 25. Is Financial development a factor to the leading growth profile of the South African economy? Measuring and uncovering the hidden secret. An international conference on Economic, Finance and Management Outlooks ICEFMO. Parl International hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-969-9347-14-6. 2013
  • 26. Revisiting the contention of the FD/GDP nexus of the Sudanese economy in the contemporal epoch: A new startling empirical result. An international Conference on Economic, Finance and Management Outlooks ICEFMO. Parl International Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-969-9347-14-6. 2013
  • 27. A New Startling Empirical Finding of the nexus between financial development and economic growth in Kenya. An international Conference on Economic, Finance and Management Outlooks ICEFMO. Parl International Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-969-9347-14-6. 2013
  • 28. An Econometric Modeling and Prediction of the Pattern of Corporate Failure in Periods of Financial and Currency Crisis: A Conceptual Analysis on the Asian Continents. An international conference on Economic, Finance and Management Outlooks ICEFMO. Parl International Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-969-9347-14-6. 2013
  • 29. an application of panel ARDL in analyzing the dynamics of financial development and economic growth in 38 Sub-Saharan African continents, Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference Vol. 2, Hotel Putra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-967-11350-2-0. 2013.
  • 30. Do the dynamics of financial development spur economic growth in Nigeria’s contemporal economic growth struggle? A fact beyond the figures, Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference Vol. 2, Hotel Putra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-967-11350-2-0. 2013
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  • 31. Modeling the pattern of corporate failure in the Asian context: A conceptual dilemma, 13 South East Asian Conventions EAEA, Grand Capthorne, Waterfront Hotel Singapore, organized by Nanyang Technological University and the Asian Development Bank. 2012
  • 32. The Contribution of Renewable Energy Consumption to Economic Growth: A Cointegration and Causality Analysis for German Economy. Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference Vol. 5, Hotel Putra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 29-30. ISBN 978-967-11350-4-4 1. 2014.
  • 33. The Contribution of Renewable Energy Consumption to Economic Growth: A Cointegration and Causality Analysis for German Economy. Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference Vol. 5, Hotel Putra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 29-30. ISBN 978-967-11350-4-4 1..2014
  • 34. Is electricity demand a factor in enhancing financial development, trade and economic growth in Japan? New evidence from combined Cointegration and Structural Break test. Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference Vol. 5, Hotel Putra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 29-30. ISBN 978-967-11350-4-4 1.
  • 35. Is energy consumption a factor in enhancing financial development, trade and economic growth in the advanced economies? Fresh evidence from French. Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference Vol. 5, Hotel Putra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 29-30. ISBN 978-967-11350-4-4 1. 2014
  • 36. The 10th Malaysian plan: Is natural gas consumption, labour and capital of any hope? Facts within and beyond the data set. 3rd International Conference on Management, Economics and Finance (ICMEF 2014) proceeding 27 -28 October 2014. Primula Beach Hotel, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-0167-5705-16-8. WEBSITE: www.internationalconference.com.my. 2014
  • 37. Environmental Kuznets Curve in Japan after the Fukushima crisis: Fresh evidence from the innovative accounting and the impulse response test. 3rd International Conference on Management, Economics and Finance (ICMEF 2014) proceeding 27-28 October 2014. Primula Beach Hotel, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-0167-5705-16-8. WEBSITE: www.internationalconference.com.my 2014
  • 38. Does the need for economic growth influence energy consumption and CO2 emissions in Nigeria? Fresh evidence from combined cointegration and the impulse response test. 3rd International Conference on Management, Economics and Finance (ICMEF 2014) proceeding 27 -28 October 2014. Primula Beach Hotel, KualaTerengganu, Malaysia.ISBN:978-0167-5705-16-8. 2014
  • 39. Linkages between Financial Development, Trade Openness and Energy Demand: Fresh evidence from Germany. International Conference on Business, Economics, Energy and Environmental Sciences (ICBEEES) 19-21st September 2014, Armada Hotel, Kuala Lumpur., ISSN 2312-8879. 2014
  • 40. Linkages between Trade Openness, Economic Growth and Energy Demand: Fresh evidence from the United Kingdom. International Conference on Business, Economics, Energy and Environmental Sciences (ICBEEES) 19-21st September 2014, Armada Hotel, Kuala Lumpur., ISSN 2312-8879 2014.
  • 41. Linkages between Financial Development, Economic Growth and Energy Demand: Fresh evidence from the United Kingdom. International Conference on Business, Economics, Energy and Environmental Sciences (ICBEEES) 19-21st September 2014, Armada Hotel, Kuala Lumpur., ISSN 2312-8879. 2014
  • 42 . Globalisation and energy consumption in Saudi Arabia: An estimation of their asymmetric nexus to the country’s economic growth. Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference Vol. 7 Hotel Putra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December, 12-13th, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISSN 2312-8879. 2015,
  • 43. Globalization and energy consumption in South Africa: New evidence from residual-based tests for cointegration in models with regime shift. Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference Vol. 7 Hotel Putra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December, 12-13th, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2015
  • 44. Estimating the impacts of the developed financial sector of the United Kingdom on energy consumption: Facts beyond the figures. Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference Vol. 7 Hotel Putra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December, 12-13th, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2014
  • 45,“Distinguishing between the first best and second best policy and identifying the implications to the Nigeria welfare economic policy makers”: Being a seminar paper presentation organized by the College of administration and management studies seminar organizing committee. Held on 17th March 2002 at the Ahmed Umar Lecture Theater, Hassan Katsina Polytechnic. 2002
  • 46. “The process and procedures of instituting effective management development in public and private sector organizations in Nigeria” Being a paper presented at the biannual national seminar organized by the Association of Senior Staffs of Polytechnics ASSUP held at the Ahmed Umar Lecture Theater on 18th March, 2002.
  • '47 .An overview of the impact and implications of distressed banks on the growth and development of Nigerian economy” Being a seminar paper presented at the College of administration and management studies, seminar organizing committee. Held on 10th to 11th March 2003 at Ahmed Umar Lecture Theater, Hassan Katsina Polytechnic 2003
  • 48.An analysis of macroeconomic development from the great depression of 1930 to present and the lesson to be gained out of it in the Nigerian Economic Environment” Being paper presented at the biannual national seminar organized by the Association of Senior Staffs of Polytechnics ASSUP. 17th march, 2004
  • 49. entrepreneur before locating his business organization in Nigeria”: Paper presented at a seminar at the Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic organized by the College of administration and management studies local seminar organizing committee, held on the 16th day of March 2004.
  • 50. international Trade and Trade restrictions in Nigeria: A re- assessment of the impacts and implications to the Nigerian economic growth. Being a paper presented at the national seminar titled “NigeriaTaxation and divestment: Assessment of their implication towards sustainable economic growth in Nigeria”. A paper presented at postgraduate student orientation at the department of accounting and finance, faculty of management sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto on the 23rd day of August 2006. n Welfare Quality Improvement Problems and Prospects”. Organized by the National Association of Nigerian Polytechnics held at Ahmed Umar Lecture Theater, at the Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic on the 18th day of March 2002..
  • 51. “Taxation and divestment: Assessment of their implication towards sustainable economic growth in Nigeria”. A paper presented at postgraduate student orientation at the department of accounting and finance, faculty of management sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto on the 23rd day of August 2006.
  • 52. Introduction to the historical and conceptual origin of economic recession: The lessons and modalities of re-adjustments in Nigeria”. A paper presented at postgraduate student orieAn empirical appraisal of conventional and Islamic banking systems in Nigeria: Who does the cap fit? 1st faculty of Management National Conference: Management of the Nigerian economy in the 21st Century Issues and perspective in Islam. Held on the 25th November, 2016, at the Faculty of Management Science board room, UDUS, Sokoto, Nigeria.ntation at the Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic. 3rd day of February 2007..
  • 53. An empirical appraisal of conventional and Islamic banking systems in Nigeria: Who does the cap fit? 1st faculty of Management National Conference: Management of the Nigerian economy in the 21st Century Issues and perspective in Islam. Held on the 25th November, 2016, at the Faculty of Management Science board room, UDUS, Sokoto, Nigeria.