Prof. Y. M. Abdullahi
Area of specialization: | Entomology |
Email: |, |
Phone: | 08036029239/08080871341 |
List of Selected Publications
Google Scholar: Citation: 91 h-index: 4 i10-index: 2LinkedIn ID: 1. Abdullahi Y.M. and S. Muhammad. (2004) Effects of some plant powders on Cowpea Weevil Callosobrchus maculatus during storage. African Journal of Biotech 3 (1) 67-70
2. Yahaya, M.M., Yahaya, M.A., Bandiya, H.M., Sulaiman, B. and Magami, I.M. (2009). Mortality of Musca domestica (Lin.) larvae (Diptera: Muscidae) according to crowding and feeding regimes. Katsina Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 1(1):1-6
3. Danjumma, B. J., N. D. Ibrahim, Q. Majeed, M. A. Yahaya, H. M. Bandiya and M. M. Yahaya (2009). Toxicidal efficacy of Azadirachta indica (A. Juss) Kernel and Occimum bacillicum (Linn.) Leaf against Maize grain Weevil (Sitophlus zeamais Motsch.). Journ of Agric. and Environment 6 (2) 26-29.
4. Abdullahi, K., Abubakar, U., Daneji, A. I., Adamu, T., Abdullahi, Y. M. Bandiya, H. M. and Hassan, S. W. (2010). Anopheles gambiae in Sokoto, North-Western Nigeria. Nigerian Jour of Parasitology.Volume 31 (2) 118-122.
5. Yahaya M. Abdullahi (2012). Insects: Are they really our enemies? ESN Newsletter 29:17.
6. Yahaya, M.M., Bandiya, H.M., and Yahaya, M.A. (2013) Efficacy of Selected Seed Oils against the Fecundity of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchiudae). The Experiment 8 (4) 513-521 15
7. Nwaogu J. Yahaya M. A. and Bandiya H. M. (2013) Insecticidal efficacy of oil extract of Balanites aegyptiaca seeds and cashew nuts against Callosobruchus maculates Fab. (Coleopteran: Bruchidae) African Journal of Agricultural Research 8(25) 3285-3288
8. H. M. Bandiya, Q. Majeed, N. D. Ibrahim, M. M Yahaya and M. A. Yahaya (2013)Intra- colonial population of Macrotermes bellicose (Smeathman) [Isoptera:Termitidae]in Sokoto Semi-Aris Zone of North- Westaern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 21(1): 55-59
9. Shehu A., Abdullahi, K., Mshelia, H. E., Yahaya M. A., Liman, B. and Tanko K. (2014). Ethnozoological Survey of Insects Used in Traditional Healing Practices in Sokoto State. Proceedings of International Conference on Humanities, Science and Sustainable Development Vol 6 (4). International Research and Development Institute, Uyo, Nigeria
10. Yahaya, M. A.; Gwandu, H. A and Aisha, S. M. (2014) Laboratory Evaluation of Cashew nut (Anacardiumoccidentalel.) Shell Oil and Leaf Powder for the control of Cowpea Weevil, CallosobruchusmaculatusF. During Storage. Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal For Tropics Vol. 11 :4 428-432
11. S. A. Fana, M. D. A BunzaandYahaya M. A (2015) Malaria and Insecticide Treated Nets Usage Among under- five Children in Argungu, Kebbi State, North West Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology Vol. 36 (1): 17-21
12. Baki AS, Muhammad UK, Farouq AA, Gambo A, Bello A, Yahaya MA, Ahmad US and Zaid S (2017) Evaluation of Fungus from Traditional Fermented Cow Milk and Their Application in the production of Biosurfctant. Clinical Biotechnology and Microbiology Vol. 1(5): 198-206
13. Yahaya Muhammad Abdullahi, Ibrahim Muhammad Magami, Ahmed Audu and Muhammad Murtala Mainasara (2018) Prevalence of Ticks on Camels and Cattle Brought to Dodoru Market Kebbi State, Nigeria TraektoriâNauki=Path of Science, Vol. 4, No 4:3001- 3004 DOI 10.22178pos.33-4 ISSN 2413-9009
14. Alkali K, Abdullahi K, Mshelia HE, Yahaya MA, Abubakar N and Tarbutu A. G. (2018) Comparative Study of Antiplasdodial Activity of Aqueous Leaves Extract of Azadirachta indica (A. Juss), Senna occidentalis (Linn) and Standard Antimalaria on Multiplication of Plasmodium falciparum (Laveran). Res Journal of Zoology 1:2.
15. Shuaibu, T.1 and Yahaya, M. A (2018).A Review on the Insecticidal Properties of Some Plant Materials used against Dermestes maculatus infestation on stored Smoked Fish in Nigeria. DutseJournal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS), Vol. 4 No. 2. ISSN (Print): 2476- 8316 ISSN (Online): 2635-3490
19.Alkali K, Abdullahi K, Mshelia HE, Yahaya MA, Abubakar N, Tarbutu AG (2018) In vitro antiplasmodial activity of aqueous leaves extract of Azadirachta indica (Juss), Senna occidentalis (Linn) against combination therapy of both plants extract on the multiplication of Plasmodium falciparum (Laveran) International Journal of Zoology Studies 01-04 16
20. Obi E, Okoh F, Blaufuss S, Olapeju B, Akilah J, Okoko OO, Okechukwu A, Marie M, Popoola K, Yahaya MA, Uneke CJ, Awolola S, Pigeon O, Babalola S, Koenker H and Kilan A (2020) Monitoring the Durability of the Long Lasting Insecticidal Net DawaPlus® 2.0 in three different locations in Nigeria Malaria Journal19:124
21. Yahaya, MA, Fana SA, Umar YS and Batagarawa US.(2020) Prevalence of Mosquitoes in Gidan Yunfa Community of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria TraektoriâNauki=Path of Science, Vol 6 No. 58001-8006 doi: 10.22178/pos.58-10 ISSN 2413- 9009
22. Bandiya HM, Yahaya MA, Shindi HA, Bello A and Baki AS (2020) Colour Preference by Mosquitoes in Water Board Station at Runjin Sambo Area, Sokoto Asian Journal of Biology 9(2): 8-13; Article no.AJOB.56045 ISSN: 2456-7124 Doi: 10.9734/AJOB/2020/v9i230082
23. Maikano FA, Lema SY, Yahaya MA, Suleiman J and Ibrahim J (2020) Studies on Malaria Vector Population Density in Three Selected Areas in Sokoto Metropolitan, Sokoto State - Nigeria International Journal of Tropical Disease and Health 41(8): 11-17; Article no. IJTDH.54301 ISSN: 2278–1005, NLM ID: 101632866 doi: 10.9734/IJTDH/2020/v41i830305
24. Yahaya MA, Fana, SA, Bandiya, HM, Batagarawa, US, Zulkarnain M and Uthman HL. (2022) Susceptibility status of Aedes aegypti to pyrethroids in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Main Campus, Sokoto, Nigeria International Journal of Mosquito Research; 9(2): 30-36 DOI:
25. Yahaya Muhammad Abdullahi, Sani Abdullahi Fana and Usman Salisu Batagarawa (2022) Efficacy of Chlorfenapyr and Clothianidin insecticides against Permethrin resistant Anopheles gambiae s.l. in GidanYaro Village, Sokoto Nigeria. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences. 15 (4): 227-234, ISSN: 1996-3351
26. Yahaya MA and Fana SA (2022) Malaria Vector Abundance and Insecticides Susceptibility Status in Gidan-Yero Village, Sokoto State, Nigeria Journal of Applied Sciences ISSN 1812-5654 DOI: 10.3923/jas.2022.XX.XX (In Press)
27. M. A. Yahaya, Q. Majeed, M.M. Yahaya, H.M. Bandiya, J. Abdullahi and B. J. Danjumma (2022) Laboratory Evaluation of Plant Oils on Egg Viability, Fecundity and Mortality of Cowpea Weevil Callosobruchus maculatus Fabr. (Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). Asian Journal of Research in Zoology X(X): XX-XX, 20YY; Article no.AJRIZ.90065 ISSN: 2582-466X (Accepted for Publication)