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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Dr. Yakubu Na-Allah

Area of specialization:Ruminant Animals Production & Feed Resources

List of Selected Publications

  • 1. W. A. HASSAN, AND Y. NA-ALLAH (2001). URBAN CATTLE PRODUCTION: STOCK OWNERSHIP, HERD STRUCTURE AND GRAZING MANAGEMENT IN SOKOTO. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 3 (1). 51 – 61 (ISSB: 1595 093X). Indexed in Agora, AJOL, DOAJ, DRJI, Google scholar, Hinari, Index Copernicus International, Index scholar, Index Veterinarius, International Scientific Indexing, JournalSeeker and Scopemed).
  • 2. Y. NA – ALLAH, H. M. TUKUR, S. A. MAIGANDI AND A. I. DANEJI (2003). REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF SHEEP AND GOATS UNDER TRADITIONAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN ZAMFARA GRAZING RESERVE, NORTH-WESTERN NIGERIA. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 5 (1). 18 – 21 (ISSN: 1595 093X). Indexed in Agora, AJOL, DOAJ, DRJI, Google scholar, Hinari, Index Copernicus, Index scholar, Index Veterinarius, International Scientific Indexing, JournalSeeker and Scopemed.
  • 3. Y. NA – ALLAH, S. A. MAIGANDI, H. M. TUKUR AND A. I. DANEJI (2004). BODY WEIGHTS AND WEIGHT GAINS OF LAMBS UNDER THE TRADITIONAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN THE VILLAGES OF ZAMFARA GRAZING RESERVE, NORTH - WESTERN NIGERIA. In: H. M. Tukur, W. A Hassan, S. A. Maigandi, J. K. Ipinjolu, A. I Daneji, K. M. Baba and B. R. Olorede (Eds). Sustaining Livestock Production under Changing economic fortunes. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) held 21 –25 March, 2004, at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. Pp 370 – 373 (ISSN: 1596-5570).
  • 4. Y. NA – ALLAH, H. M. Tukur, S. A. Maigandi and A. I. Daneji (2004). Body Weights And Weight Gains Of Kids Under The Traditional Management Systems In The Villages Of Zamfara Grazing Reserve, North - Western Nigeria. In: Ogunji, J.O., Osakwe, I.I., Ewa, V.U., Alaku, S.O., Otuma, M.O., and Nweze, B.O. (Eds). Self Sufficiency of Protein in Nigeria: A Reality or A mirage. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN) held 13 –16 Sept., 2004, at Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria. Pp 149 -152 (ISBN NO: 978-37140-7-4).
  • 5. Y. NA-ALLAH, B. S. MALAMI, M. JIBIR, B. Z. ABUBAKAR, M. YAKUBU, H. G. AHMAD AND R. H. DAUDU (2004). SUSTAINABLE STRATEGY FOR RESOLVING PASTORALISTS – FARMERS CONFLICTS: A CASE STUDY OF SHAMUSHALLE COMMUNITY IN ZAMFARA GRAZING RESERVE, NIGERIA. In: H. M. Tukur, W. A Hassan, S. A. Maigandi, J. K. Ipinjolu, A. I. Daneji, K. M. Baba and B. R. Olorede (Eds). Sustaining Livestock Production under Changing Economic Fortunes. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) held 21 –25 March, 2004, at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. Pp 370 – 373 (ISSN: 1596-5570).
  • 6. A. A. Yakubu, Y. NA-ALLAH, M. Jibir and A. L. Ala (2006). Socio-Economics of Pigeon Rearing: A Case Study of Nasarawa Local Government Area of Kano State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 4: (I) 16 - 19 (ISSN 1597-3077).
  • 7. Na-Allah, Y., Malami, B. S and Madawaki, U. (2007). Camel Production Among Sedentary Farmers in Some Selected Local Government Areas of Sokoto State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 15: (1 & 2) 38 – 47 (ISSN 0794-5698). Indexed in AJOL.
  • 8. Na-Allah, Y. and Jibrin, D. (2007). Effects of Location and Sieving on Proximate Composition of Rice Milling By-Products (Rmb) In North-Western Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 15: (1 & 2) 54 – 59 (ISSN 0794-5698). Indexed in AJOL.
  • 10. Adamu, Y. A., Umaru, M. A., Bello, A., Garba, S., Abdullahi, A. U., Adamu, M. K., Na-Allah, Y. and S. Ukashatu (2012). MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM OF AFRICAN ZEBU CATTLE. Biological and Environmental Science Journal for the Tropics, 9: (4). 33 – 36 (ISSN 0794 9057).
  • 11. S. Garba, Y. NA-ALLAH, A. U. Abdullahi, M. Jibir and A. Bello (2012). TRADITIONAL METHODS OF PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS AND POST – PREGNANCY MANAGEMENT AMONG CATTLE KEEPERS IN SOKOTO STATE, NIGERIA. In: I. I. Bitto, F. G. Kaankuka and S Attah (eds.), Sustainable Animal Production for National Food Security and Poverty Alleviation. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) held 18 - 21 March, 2012, at University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria. Pp 600 – 602 (ISSN 1596-5570).
  • 12. Na-Allah, Y., Zamnao, A., Garba, S. and Abdullahi, A. U. (2014). Pre-weaning growth of lambs under village management system in Konni Local Government Area of Tahoua State in Niger republic. International Journal of Applied Agricultural and Apicultural Research (IJAAAR), 10: (1 & 2) 1 – 9 (ISSN 0331 – 5428, e-ISSN 2360 – 7505). Indexed in AJOL.
  • 13. Abdulkadir, D. I., Na-Allah, Y and Bala, A. G. (2014). A REVIEW: THE USE OF SORGHUM AS SUBSTITUTE TO MAIZE IN POULTRY FEED PRODUCTION. In: Adamu Idris Tanko, Kabir Mustapha Umar, Abdulwahab Salisu Shaibu (Eds.). Climate Change and Food Security in African Drylands. Proceedinds of the 1st International Conference on Drylands held at the Centre for Dryland Agriculture (CDA), Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria; 8th – 12th December, 2014. Pp 17 – 27 (ISBN: 9789788203575 9788203574).
  • 14. Y. NA – ALLAH, H. M. Tukur and S. A. Maigandi (2014). BODY WEIGHT CHANGES OF SHEEP UNDER AGRO-PASTORAL SYSTEM IN ZAMFARA GRAZING RESERVE, NORTH - WESTERN NIGERIA. Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 10 (1 & 2) 7 - 13 (ISSN 1595 465X).
  • 15. Y. NA – ALLAH, B. S. Malami, S. A. Maigandi and H. G. Ahmed (2014). SOME PRODUCTIVITY INDICES OF DABAGI FARM RANGELAND IN SOKOTO, NORTH - WESTERN NIGERIA. Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 10 (1 & 2) 15 – 26 (ISSN 1595 465X).
  • 16. Y. NA – ALLAH, S. A. Maigandi and H. M. Tukur (2015). BODY WEIGHT CHANGES OF GOATS UNDER AGRO-PASTORAL SYSTEM IN ZAMFARA GRAZING RESERVE, NORTH - WESTERN NIGERIA. Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 11 (1 & 2) 31 - 36 (ISSN 1595 465X).
  • 17. Y. NA-ALLAH, I. Salifou, D. I. Abdulkadir, and A. I. Salisu (2015). PERFORMANCE OF UDA LAMBS FED RICE-MILLING BY-PRODUCT (RMB) IN SOKOTO, NIGERIA. Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 11 (1 & 2). 37 - 43 (ISSN 1595 465X).
  • 18. A. I Salisu, Y. NA-ALLAH, N. Muhammad and A. D. Isah (2017). EVALUATION OF MINERAL COMPOSITION OF HERBAGE IN DABAGI FARM RANGELAND SOKOTO. In: Ososanya, T. O., Bawa G. S., Yashim, S. M. and Owosibo, A. O. (Eds.). Sustainable Livestock Production for National Development. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH JOINT ANNUAL MEETING OF ANIMAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA & NIGERIAN INSTITUTE OF ANIMAL SCIENCE (ASAN-NIAS) held 10 –14 Sept., 2007, at NAF Conference Centre, Ahmadu Bello Way, Kado, Abuja, Nigeria. Pp 646 - 649 (ISBN 978-3477722).
  • 19. Na-Allah, Y. Nasiru, I. and Muftau, M. A. (2017). Effect of row spacing and level of fertilizer on performance of Columbus grass (Sorghum almum Parodi) in dry savannah zone of Sokoto, Nigeria. Scholarly Journal of Agricultural Science, 4: 107 – 114. Available at: http://www.scholarly-journals.com/SJAS (ISSN 2276-7118). Indexed in Genamics, JournalSeek, Index Copernicus International, DRIJ, DAIJ.
  • 20. Y. NA-ALLAH, A. Bello and N. Kabir (2017). Evaluation of nutrient and anti-nutritional factors of leaves of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) in Sokoto, Nigeria. Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science, 5 (12): 433 – 437 (DRJAFS 2336270914). DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3521796, https//directresearchpublishers.org/drjafs/ (ISSN 2354-4174). Indexed in Sciencecentral, Research Journal Seeker, RoMEO Journal database.
  • 21. Y. NA-ALLAH, A. Bello and M. H. Adeshina (2018). Evaluation of growth and herbage yield of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana Kunth) as affected by nitrogen fertilizer and inter row spacing in Sokoto, Nigeria. Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science, 6 (12): 404 – 413 (DRJAFS 2157013684). DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3521796, https//directresearchpublishers.org/drjafs/ (ISSN 2354-4174). Indexed in Sciencecentral, Research Journal Seeker, RoMEO Journal database.
  • 22. Y. NA-ALLAH, A. Bello and Nasiru, S. (2018). Evaluation of growth and herbage yield of Columbus grass (Sorghum almum) as affected by nitrogen fertilizer and inter row spacing in Sokoto, Nigeria. Scholarly Journal of Agricultural Science, 8 (2): 24 – 31. Available at: http://www.scholarly-journals.com/SJAS (ISSN 2276-7118). Indexed in Genamics, JournalSeek, Index Copernicus International, DRIJ, DAIJ.
  • 23. Yusuf. A. L. and Na-Allah, Y. (2018). Rumen fermentation profile and microbial population of boar goats supplemented with diets containing varying mixtures of Andrographis paniculata and Croton lobata (apcl) leaves mixture. Scholarly Journal of Agricultural Science 8 (3): 32 - 38. Available at:http://www.scholarly-journals.com/SJAS (ISSN 2276-7118). Indexed in Genamics, JournalSeek, Index Copernicus International, DRIJ, DAIJ
  • 24. Y. NA-ALLAH and A. Bello (2019). The Potentials of Rhodes Grass (Chloris gayana Kunth) as Drought Resistant Perenial Forage Grass in Nigeria. American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research. 6 (2): 188 – 194 (AJBSR.MS.ID.001025, DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR2019.0601025). Available at: https://biomedgrid.com/pdf/AJBSR.MS.ID.001025.pdf, https://dx.doi.org/10.34297/AJBSR.2019.06.001025 (ISSN: 2642-1747). Indexed in Crossref, ICMJE, ResearchBib, Publons, Scilit, Sciforum, Worldcat, JURN & DRJI.
  • 25. Allah, YN. and Tijani, N. (2019). Evaluation of Millet Bran for Yield, Proximate and Phytochemical Compounds as Influenced by Varieties and Processing Methods in Sokoto, Nigeria. Open Access Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(5): 1 – 6. Available at: https://www.medwinpublishers.com/OAJAR/OAJAR16000234.pdf (ISSN: 2474-8846, DOI 10.23880/oajar-16000234). Indexed in Google scholar, ResearchBib, ASI, ISI, Worldcat, Crossref, Publons & Scilit.
  • 26. Na-Allah, Y. Nasiru, I. and Bello A. (2019). Fresh Herbage Marketing At Kwalkwalawa Market During Dry Season In Sokoto, Nigeria. Agricultural Research International Journal, 1 (3): 1 - 6. Available at: https://omspinternational.com/Omsp_controller/current_issue_abbsr/15 & https://omspinternational.com/assets/upload/post5df30e031a956.pdf (ISSN: 2689-4696).
  • 27. MUFTAU, M.A., KWAIDO, A.A., AYUBA, M.S., KADI, N., TAMBUWAL, A. AND NAALLAH, Y. (2019). PRODUCTION AND UTILIZATION OF CROP RESIDUES FOR RUMINANT FEEDING IN ALIERO LGA OF KEBBI STATE, NIGERIA. Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, 18 (1): 31 – 38. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4314/jard.v18i1.4 (eISSN: 1596 5511). Indexed in AJOL.
  • 28. Garba, Y., Yakubu, A. I., Ahmed, H. G., Noma, S. S., Na-Allah, Y. (2019). Soil Textural Class and Stem Cutting Effects on the Growth of Chicken weed (Portulaca quadrifida L.) in Sudan Savannah, Nigeria. LAPAI International Journal of Agriculture (LAIJA), 1(2) 252 – 270 (ISSN: 2705-2869).
  • 29. M. B. Bislava, M. Jibir, Y. NA-ALLAH, B. A. Ibrahim and K. T. Orayaga (2020). EFFECT OF SUPPLEMENTING CURRY, MINT AND PAWPAW LEAVES ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND CARCASS YIELD OF SPENT LAYERS. Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 6 (1). 49 - 55 (ISSN 1595 465X Print, 2695-236X Online).
  • 30. Misbau Alaba Muftau, Bello Shehu Malami, Umar Yushau Gwandu, Muhammad Ibrahim Ribah and Yakubu NaAllah (2020). Effect of Different Sowing Methods on Growth and Fodder Yield of Switch Grass (Panicum virgiatum. L) in Jega Semi-arid Zone of Kebbi State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A (JAST-A), 10 (2): 34 -38. Available at: http://www.davidpublishing.org/journals_info.asp?jld=1799 (ISSN: 2161 6256). Indexed in Google Scholar, EBSCO, Copernicus, etc.