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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Engr. Haruna Abubakar

Area of specialization:Hydrology & Civil Engineering

List of Selected Publications

1.Haruna, Abubakar, Pierre-André Garambois, Hélène Roux, Pierre Javelle, and Maxime Jay-Allemand. "Does Flash Flood Model Performance Increase with Complexity? Signature and Sensitivity-Based Comparison of Conceptual and Process-Oriented Models on French Mediterranean Cases." Hydrology 9, no. 8 (2022): 141. DOI: 10.3390/hydrology9080141(Index,DOI)
2.Haruna, Abubakar, Juliette Blanchet, and Anne‐Catherine Favre. "Modelling Intensity‐Duration‐Frequency curves for the whole range of non‐zero precipitation: A comparison of models." Water Resources Research: e2022WR033362. DOI: 10.1029/2022WR033362(Index,DOI)
3.Haruna, Abubakar, Juliette Blanchet, and Anne-Catherine Favre. "Performance-based comparison of regionalization methods to improve the at-site estimates of daily precipitation." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 26.10 (2022): 2797-2811. DOI: 10.5194/hess-26-2797-2022(Index,DOI)
4.Haruna, Abubakar, Juliette Blanchet, and Anne‐Catherine Favre. "Modeling Areal Precipitation Hazard: A Data-drivenApproach to Model Intensity-Duration-Area-FrequencyRelationships using the Full Range of Non-ZeroPrecipitation in Switzerland".2023. hal-04168691Water Resources Research (under review)(Index,DOI)
5. Umar Alfa, Abubakar Haruna. "Time Series Analysis for Annual Precipitation in North Central Nigeria." International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. 2023. ISSN:2456-2165https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10013593(Index,DOI)
6. Umar Alfa, Abubakar Haruna. "Characterizing Daily Precipitation Extremes in North Central of Nigeria." International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. 2023. ISSN:2456-2165https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10016257(Index,DOI)
7. Bello M.T, Abubakar Haruna, Nurudeen Yusuf. "Chlorine Evolution Simulation and Temperature Effect on Residual Chlorine." International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 2023. ISSN:2229-5518. https://www.ijser.org/journal-volume14-issue9-September-2023-edition.aspx(Index,DOI)
8. Bello M.T, Abubakar Haruna, Nurudeen Yusuf. "Designing Water Distribution Network for Sokoto." International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 2023. . ISSN:2229-5518. https://www.ijser.org/journal-volume14-issue9-September-2023-edition.aspx List of conferences/workshops/seminar Papers 1. Haruna, Abubakar, Juliette Blanchet, and Anne‐Catherine Favre. "Modelling Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves for the whole range of precipitation" EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2313, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2313 , 2023.(Index,DOI)
2. Haruna, Abubakar, Juliette Blanchet, and Anne‐Catherine Favre. "Modelling the distribution of Areal Precipitation across Duration using the Extended Generalized Pareto Distribution" (13th conference on Extreme Value Analysis, Probabilistic and Statistical Models and their Applications, Bocconi University)(Index,DOI)
3. Garambois, Pierre-André, Abubakar Haruna, Hélène Roux, Pierre Javelle, and Maxime Jay-Allemand. "Signature & sensitivity-based comparison of conceptual and process-oriented models GR4H, MARINE and SMASH on French Mediterranean flash floods." In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, pp. EGU21-11101. 2021. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11101(Index,DOI)
4. Haruna, Abubakar, Juliette Blanchet, and Anne‐Catherine Favre. "Modeling Areal Precipitation Risks: A Data-driven Approach to model Intensity-Duration-Area-Frequency Relationships in Switzerland" (12th International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas. Pontresina, Switzerland) (29-November – 2ndDecember, 2023) Academic Metrics (ORCID, LinkedIn, Google scholar, ResearchGate, Web of science, Scopus, etc). https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0508-6734 https://www.linkedin.com/in/abubakar-haruna-a4337b157/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Abubakar_Haruna12 https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=_wzRlzsAAAAJ