H. B. Bature

Area of specialization: | Natural Products/Medicinal Chemistry |
Email: | hafsatu.buhari@udusok.edu.ng |
Phone: | 08036538741 |
List of Selected Publications
Ogbiko C, Dabai MU, Amanado M, Echo EVC and Bature B. H (2017); Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents of the Methanol Whole Plant Extract of Elytraria marginata (Vahl). Afican Journal of Biomedical Research Vol 20(September 2017); 317-320 ISSN:1119-5096.Abubakar Sani Yelwa, Halilu Emmanuel Mshelia, Ogbiko Cyril, Sherifat Ibrahim Lawal, Hafsatu Buhari Bature, Abdullahi Shamsiya and Emem Roland Christiana (2017); Phytochemical Screening, acute toxicity study and evaluation of invitro antimicrobial activities of the fractions of Dacryodes edulis against selected clinical bacterial isolates. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2017. 6 (4): 1910-1915 ISSN: 2349-8234.
Achimugu Dickson Musa, Cyril Ogbiko, Musa Usman Dabai, Ibeabuchi Jude Ali, Abubakar Sani Yelwa and Hafsatu Buhari Bature (2019); Stachytarpheta indica Leaf Extract: Oral Acute Toxicity, in vitro Phytochemical and Antimicrobial potentials. Earthline Journal of Chemical Sciences 2019, vol 2, Number 1, August 2019, pp 163-167. ISSN: 2581-9003.
Cyril Ogbiko, Dickson Musa, Musa Usman Dabai, Ibeabuchi Jude Ali, Abubakar Sani Yelwa and Hafsatu Buhari Bature (2019). Phytochemical, Quantitative Proximate and in vitro Anti-inflammatory Study of the Crude Methanol Extract of Stachytarpheta indica Leaves (verbenacea). Earthline Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol 2,(1),pp 153-162.ISSN: 2581-9003.
Bature Hafsatu Buhari, Ogbiko Cyril, Yelwa Abubakar Sani, Isah AbdulAlim Muhammad and Ladan Wurno Abdulrahman (2020). Phytochemical Screening and in Vitro Antioxidant Activity of the chloroform Leaf Extract of Cassie singueana (Fabaceae). Chemical society of Nigeria (CSN) Zaria Chapter.13th Chemclass conference Book of Proceedings. pp 117-180. ISSN: 987-978-53357-0-4.
Bandi Iklima Ibrahim, Yahaya Shamsudeen, Bature Hafsatu Buhari, Dabai Musa Usman, Adamu Samira Shehu, Shehu Ibrahim,Atiku Faruk Abubakar and Adiya,Zainab Ibrahim Sarkin Gobir (2021) Physiochemical properties of biodiesel produced from ogbonno(irvingia gabonesis) seed oil. Journal of Biological Research and Biotechnology vol 19 no.1; pp 1210-1216.ISSN: 1596-7409.
S Yahaya*, Z.I.S.G Adiya, S.S. Adamu , H. B Bature, I.B Ibrahim (2021) Swelling Behaviour of Starch-g-Acrylic Acid Hydrogel and its Potential Application in Removal of Rhodamine B and Alkali Blue Dyes. Nigerian journal of technological development, vol. 18, no.2.
A.A. Isah, M. E. Halilu, H. B. Bature, S. A. Zauro, J. Sani, M. K. Nata’ala and A. Salisu (2022). Antibacterial, Phytochemical and Preliminary Toxicity Profile Studies of N-hexane Chloroform, Ethyl Acetate and Methanol Extracts of Andira inermis Stem Bark (Leguminosea). Chemical Science International Journal.31(1): 1-7,; Article no.CSIJ.56484 ISSN: 2456-706X.
Bature, H. B, Tsafe A. I., Zauro, S. A., Yusuf, A. J (2022). Effect of Neocarya macrophylla leaves extracts on murine model of pain. FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) ISSN online: 2616-1370 ISSN print: 2645 - 2944 Vol. 6 No. 5, October, pp 264 - 269 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33003/fjs-2022-0605-1752.
Bature HB, Isah AM, Adamu SS, Umar MJ (2022). Acute Toxicity study of the Chloroform Leaf Extract of Neocarya macropylla (sabine) prance (chrysobalanacea. Book of Proceedings of the 1st Faculty of Science International Conference FSIC 2022 Vol. 2, 24-26 Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna Nigeria. ISBN: 978978794658.
A. M. Isah, HB Bature., S. Yahaya. II. Bandi, B. Magaji. AU Muhammad (2023). A Review of the synthesis and biological Acitivities of Magic Moiety: Pyridazinone. International Journal of Advanced Research. Doi: 10.21474/IJAR01.ISSN No. 2320-5407.
Isah Yusuf Shinkafi, Fatima Gambo Suraj, Shamsudeen Yahaya, Zainab Ibrahim Sarkin Gobir Adiya, Imrana Ibrahim, Musa Aliyu, Hafsatu Buhari Bature, Samira shehu Adamu, Zulyadaini Yahuza Abba and Yakubu Musa (2023). Synthesis, Characterization and isothermal Studies of Mg_Fe Layered Hydroxide with Bentonite Clay for the Removal Alizarin Blue Dye from Aqeous Solution. Caliphate Journal of Science and Technology
Google Scholar ID https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=bwzpjesAAAAJ LinkedIn ID www.linkedin.com/in/hafsatu-buhari-bature-b99945252 ResearchGate ID https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bature-Hafsatu-Buhari ORCID https://orcid.org/0009-0009-9883-4946