Dr. I. Y. Tafinta
Area of specialization: | GENERAL MYCOLOGY |
Email: | Ibrahim.yusuf@udusok.edu.ng |
Phone: | +2348065416393, +2348059448855 |
List of Selected Publications
Tafinta I.Y., Shehu K, Abdulganiyyu H., Rabe A. M. and Usman A. (2013); Isolation and identification of Fungi associated with the spoilage of sweet orange (CitrusssinensisL.) fruits, in Sokoto State. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science (NJBAS). ISSN: 0794-5698. 21(3): 193- 196.Shehu K., Dan-Azumi, E. and TafintaI.Y. (2013); Effects of Fungal infection on the nutritional composition of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) fruits. Biological and Environmental Science Journal for the Tropics.ISSN: 0794-9057. 10(4):71- 73 Shehu, K., Ashiru, S., Aliero, A.A. and Tafinta, Y.I. (2014); Prevalence of Superficial Mycoses among pupils in rural areas of Zamfara State. Annals of Biological Sciences. ISSN: 2348-1927. 2(2): 5- 9
Ibrahim, M., Shehu, K., Sambo, S., Tukur, U., Umar, I.A. and Tafinta, Y.I. (2014); Identification of fungi associated with storage rots of Irish Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers in Sokoto Metropolis. Annals of Biological Sciences. ISSN: 2348-1927. 2(2): 1- 4
Shehu, K. and Tafinta, I.Y. (2014): Identification of fungi associated with fruit rots of coconut (Cocus nucifera L.) in Sokoto State, North-Western Nigeria. Journal of Zoological and Biosciences. ISSN: 2349-2856.1(1): 20- 23
Musa A. R., Aleiro B. L., Aleiro A. A and Tafinta Y. I. (2014): Larvicidal and insecticidal effect of Camelgrass (Cymbopogon schoenanthus) oil on anopheles mosquito. Annals of Biological Sciences. ISSN: 2348-1927. 2(1): 19- 22
Ibrahim, M., Shehu, K., Tafinta, I.Y., Imam, U.A. and Hassana, Y.I. (2014); Efficacy of some Plant Extract on Growth and Germination of Rhizopus stolonifera and Fusarium oxysporum Isolated from Rotten Irish Potato Tubers. Annals of Biological Sciences. ISSN: 2348-1927. 2(3): 63- 67
Muhammad, M.T., Abdullahi, K., Shehu, K., and Tafinta, I.Y. (2014); Fungi associated with Razor Bumps in Sokoto Metropolis, Nigeria. Annals of Biological Sciences. ISSN: 2349-1927.2(4): 48- 50
A.R. Musa, B. Tukur, Shehu, K., H. Shehu and Tafinta, I.Y. (2015); Isolation and Characterization of Fungi Associated with Dry Meat (Kilishi) in Four Selected Zone of Sokoto Metropolis. In Book in Proceeding of 1st Annual International Conference of Faculty of Science, Northwest University, Kano- Nigeria. ISSN: 978-978-53550-5-5.1(1): Pp: 334- 338
M. Umar, M. B. Mustapha, I. B. Mohammed, A.A. Aliko, I.Y.Tafinta, and B. Adenuga(2016); Prevalence of Dermatophytic Infections Among Students of Nigerian Higher Institution Using Occlusive Leather Footwear. International; Archives of Current Research International. ISSN: 2454-7077. 4(3): 1-11
Umar, M., Yaya, A.A., Yusuf, G., Tafinta,I.Y., Aliko, A.A., Jobbi, D.Y. and Lawal, G.(2016); Biochemical Characterization and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Trends of Proteus mirabilis Isolated from Patients Suspected with Urinary Tract Infections Attending Sickbay Hospital, Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria. Annals of Biological Sciences. ISSN: 2348-1927. 4(2): 1-8
S.A. Yusif, I. Muhammad, N.G. Hayatu, M.M. Sauwa, I.Y.Tafinta, M.A. Mohammed, S.A. Lukman, G.A. Abubakar and A.M.Hussain (2016); Effects of Biochar and Rhizobium Inoculation on Nodulation and Growth of Groundnut in Sokoto State, Nigeria.Journal of Applied Life Sciences International. ISSN: 2394-1103. 9(2): 1-9
Abubakar, N., Shehu, K., Yahaya, M.M., Tafinta, I.Y., and Imonikhe, M.A. (2016); Phytochemical Screening and Thin Layer Chromatographic Studies of Guiera senegalensis G.F. Gmel (Egyptian mimosa). Annals of Biological Sciences. ISSN: 2348-1927. 4(1): 26-30
M. Umar, I. B. Mohammed, J. O. Oko, I.Y. Tafinta, A.A.Aliko and D.Y. Jobbi (2016); Phytochemical Analysis and Antimicrobial Effects of Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon citratus) Obtained from Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research. 1(2): 1-8
I.Y. Tafinta, K. Shehu, H. M. Maishanu, S. S. Noma, S. A. Yusif, M. Umar and N. Abubakar (2018); Isolation and Identification of Soil Mycoflora in the Upland and Lowland Soils of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Sokoto State. South Asian Journal of Research in Microbiology, SCIENCE DORMAIN International. 1(2):1-7. ISSN: 2454- 7077
Tafinta, I.Y., Rabe, A. M., Danfulani, J. S., Batagarawa, U. S., Umar, M. and Ocheni, P. (2018); Isolation of fungi associated with date palm (Phoenix dacttylifera Linn) fruits consumed within Sokoto Metropolis. Merit Research Journal of Microbiology and Biological Science. 6(8):103-107. ISSN: 2408- 7076
M Umar, CP Nkemelu, MR Sagir, SY Mohammed, GK Ajiya, IB Mohammed, AA Yaya, AA Kigbu, SA Ojo, IM Abdulkarim, IY Tafinta & IC Amuta (2018). Evaluation of phytochemical, antimicrobial activities and toxicological analysis of scent leaf (Ocimum gratissimum L.) leaf extracts. Asian Journal of Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 7(3): 1- 11
IY Tafinta, NH Okoye, US Batagarawa, II Hamma, M Abubakar (2020). Phytochemical screening and antifungal activities of cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn.) leaves extract on some fungal isolates. Asian Plant Research Journal. 5(3): 30- 37
AA Aliko, AA Manga, SM Zakari, H Haruna, IY Tafinta, M Umar (2017). COMPARATIVE EFFECT OF AQUEOUS SEAWEED EXTRACT AND IBAON FRUIT ABSCISSION IN WATERMELON AND OKRA. Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS). Vol. 3 No. 2
Ibrahim Yusuf Tafinta, Muhammad Adamu, Habsatu Shehu, Hajara Ahmad (2023). Isolation and Identification of Fungi Associated with Dried Meat Sold at Sokoto Metropolis. UMYU Scientifica. 2(2): 74- 79
Garba Uba, Motharasan Manogaran, Ibrahim Yusuf Tafinta, Isam M Abu Zeid, Mohd Yunus Shukor, Nur Adeela Yasid (2022), Response Surface Method for the Optimization of Bacillus sp. strain ZEID-14 Growth on Acrylamide as a Nitrogen Source. Asian Journal of Plant Biology. 4(2): 16- 27
U Hassan, U Ja’afar & T Ibrahim (2021), Morphological Characterization of Tomato Genotypes (Solanum lycopersicum L). International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability. 6(3): 58- 64
Ja’afar Umar* Ibrahim Tafinta and Hassan Usman (2020), Screening of Salt Tolerant Genes in Tomato Genotypes Using Microsatellites. Academia Journal of Biotechnology. 8(10): 244- 247.
Tafinta, I. Y., Rabe, A. M., Danfulani, J. S., Batagarawa, U. S., Umar, M. & Ocheni (2018). Isolation of fungi associated with date palm dacttylifera Linn) fruits consumed within Sokoto Metropolis. Merit Research Journals. 6(8): 103- 107
IY Tafinta, S Habsatu (2020). Influence of Physicochemical Parameters on the Distribution of Soil Mycoflora from Lowland and Upland Soils. Savanna Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 2(1): 35- 40
II Hamma, IY Tafinta, A Abdulmalik, J Theophilus & M Abubakar (2018). Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of the crude extract of scent leaf (Ocimum gratissimum) on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Asian Plant Research Journal. 5(2): 1- 7
conferences/workshops/seminar Papers Tafinta, I.Y., Shehu K, and Rabe A. M.; Fungi associated with the spoilage of sweet orange (CitrusssinensisL.) fruits, in Sokoto State. Annual conference of Phytopathological society of Nigeria Northern chapter (PSN_NC) at UMYU, Katsina. September, 2013
Shehu K, Tafinta, I.Y. and A. A. Faruq.; Microbiological quality of precut watermelon fruits (Citrullus lanatus(Thumb), in Sokoto metropolis. Annual conference of Phytopathological society of Nigeria Northern chapter (PSN_NC) at UMYU, Katsina. September, 2013
Amina R. M., Aliero, A. A., Tafinta, I. Y. and Shehu, M. M.; Larvicidal and insecticidal effect of Camel grass (Cymbopogonschoenanthus) oil on anopheles mosquito. 22nd annual BOSON conference, Nsukka, 2013
Shehu K, Zakari, S. and Tafinta, I.Y.; An assessment of physico-chemical and microbiological properties of wet-land soil of Niger state, Nigeria. 6th Annual conference of Mycological society of Nigeria (MYCOSON) at NNAMDI AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY, AWKA. June, 2013
Tafinta I.Y. and Mutairu Y. O.; Fungal air quality assessment of the mycology, microbiology and biochemistry laboratories of Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. 25thAnnual conference of Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON) at UDU, Sokoto. July, 2017
Aliko, A. A., Manga A. A., Haruna, H., Tafinta I.Y. and Umar, M.; Comparative effects of aqueous seaweed extract and IBA on fruit abscission in Watermelon and Okra. 25thAnnual conference of Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON) at UDU, Sokoto. July, 2017
Skype: Ibrahim.yusuf08 Twitter: @Tafinta_IY Google Scholarhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ctdAehcAAAAJ&hl=en ORCID ID:https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8814-912X