Maryam Mainasara Mikailu

Area of specialization: | Physiology of Farm Animals |
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Phone: | +2348067009399 |
List of Selected Publications
- 1. N. Muhammad, S. Altine, A. Abubakar, U. M. Chafe and M. M. Mikailu (2014). Carcass Characteristics of Layer Japanese Quails Fed Varying Protein Levels in a Semi-Arid Environment. Journal of Animal Genetic and Research, 2(2). Pp 5-9. ISSN: 2330-3433.
- 2. S. Garba, A. G. Isa, A. U. Abdullahi, M. M. Mikailu, A. M. Isa, N. Halilu and M. Jibir (2014).Factors Militating Against Consumption of Rabbit Meat in Sokoto Metropolis, Sokoto State, Nigeria. Presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria, held at University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria. November 24th-27th, 110-112.
- 3. N. Muhammad, S. Altine, A. Abubakar, U. M. Chafe and M. M. Mikailu (2015). Effect of Varying Protein Levels and Preservation Method and Duration On Egg Production Performance and External Egg Qualities of Japanese Quails in a Semi Arid Environment. Vol. 5, Issue 4, 941-947. ISSN: 2349-0357.
- 4. M. M. Mikailu, K. M. Aljameel, S. A. Maigandi, N. Muhammad and I. A. Abubakar (2016). Haematological Response of Rabbits to Graded Levels of Mormodica balsamina (L.) (Balsam Apple). Global Journal of Animal Scientific Research, 4 (1), Pp 36-43. ISSN: 2345-4385.
- 5. M. M. Mikailu, K. M. Aljameel, S. A. Maigandi, N. Muhammad and I. A. Abubakar (2016). Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Rabbits Fed Graded Levels of Balsam Apple (Mormodica balsamina L.) International Journal of Livestock Research. 6(5), Pp 99-107. ISSN: 2277-1964.
- 6. Mikailu M. M., N. Muhammad, K. M. Aljameel, S. A. Maigandi, I. A. Abubakar AND M. L. Abubakar. (2016). Serum Biochemistry of Rabbits Fed Graded Levels of Balsam Apple (Mormodica balsamina L.) presented at the 21st Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria, Held at Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. 18th-22nd Sept, 2016. 978 34777 22
- 7. I. Musa, K. M. Aljameel, N. Muhammad, S. A. Maigandi, S. Buhari and M. M. Mikailu (2016). Haematological and Serum Chemistry of Uda Rams With Graded Levels of Xylopia aethiopica (Ethiopian Pepper). Journal of Applied Life Science International. 6(4), Pp 1-6. ISSN: 2394-1103.
- 8. Yusuf A. L., Mikailu M. M., Anka M. S. And Y. A. Bashar and (2016). Carcass Characteristics and Meat Yield of Goat Fed Diets Containing Mixtures of Andrographis paniculata (Burm..f.) wall exness and croton lobatus L. Whole Plant. Presented at the 21st Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria, Held at Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. 18th-22nd Sept, 2016. Pp 197-201. ISSN: 978 34777 22.
- 9. M. M. Mikailu., S. T. Mahuta., and K. M. Jameel (2019). Prevalence of helminthes in cattles slaughtered during rainy season in sokoto abattoir. Presented at the 24th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria, Held at Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria. 6th-8th Sept, 2019 197-20 ISSN: 978 34777 22.
- 10. M. L. ABUBAKAR AND M. MIKAILU (2019). Comparative Estimation of Cholesterol Content in the Eggs af Local Breed Hen, Guinea Fowl, Quail And Dove. Presented at the 44th Annual Conference of National Society of Animal Production held at Abuja, FCT. Nigeria. 13-15th March pp 77-80
- 11. M.L. ABUBAKAR, M. MIKAILU, and A.A SANI (2020). Effect of Feeding Whole Millet on the Performance Of Layer Birds. Internation Journal of Innovative Science And Research Technology. Volume 5, issue 6. ISSN No:-2456-2165 pp13-15