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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Prof. M. L. Riskuwa Shehu

Area of specialization:Environmental Microbiology

List of Selected Publications

1. M.L. Ibrahim, U.J.J. Ijah, S.B. Manga and A.B. Rabah (2008), “Occurrence of hydrocarbon Utilizing bacteria in the rhizosphere of Eucalyptus Camaldulensis, Lablab purpureus and Moringaoliefera. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 2(3): 21-26
2. A.B. Rabah, U.J.J. Ijah, S.B. Manga and M.L. Ibrahim (2008) Assessment of Physico-chemical and Microbiological Qualities of Abattoir wastewater in Sokoto, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 16 (2): 145-150 ISSN: 0794-5698 DOI: 10.5897/AJB
3. A.B. Rabah, S.B. Manga, M.L. Sani and M.L. Ibrahim (2009) Prevalence of bacteria associated with fingernails of primary school pupils in Sokoto metropolis. Nigerian Journal of basic and Applied Sciences 17 (1): 66-70 ISSN: 0794-5698
4. M.L. Ibrahim, U.J.J. Ijah, S.B. Manga and A.B. Rabah (2009), Biodegradation of Escravos light crude oil by Bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of Eucalyptus Camaldulensis, Lablab purpureus and Moringaoliefera Bipog3 conference proceedings April 1st-3rd 2009
5. A.B. Rabah and M.L. Ibrahim (2010) Physico-chemical and Microbiological characterization of soils laden with tannery effluents in Sokoto, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of basic and Applied Sciences 18 (1): 65-71 ISSN: 0794-5698 doi.org/10.4314/njbas.v18i1.56843
6. Manga, S.B., Ameh, I.G., Bashir, S., Muazu, A.G., Danjuma, B., Ibrahim, M. L., Abdullahi, K. and Mawak, J. (2010) Antibiotics susceptibility of Salmonella Isolates from Widal Test positive Patients at the Federal Medical Center, Gusau. Jos Journal of Medicine5 (1): 19-22 ISSN: 2006-0734 D0I: hdl.handle.net/123456789/602
7. Ahmed R.M., Kawo, A.H., Udeani, T.K.C., Manga, S.B., Ibrahim, M. L., and Danjuma, B. (2011) Sero-prevalence of cytomegalo virus antibodies in pregnant women attending two selected hospitals in Sokoto state, North-western Nigeria. Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 4 (1): 63-66. ISSN: 2006-6996 http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bajopas.v4i1.14
8. Tambuwal, F.M., Egwu, G.O., Sharubutu, G.H., Junaidu, A.U., Rambo, U.G., Ibrahim M. L. and Aliyu, R.M. (2011). An Appraisal of awareness of Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP) amongst settled farmers and pastoralists in the two cattle producing states (Sokoto and Kebbi), Nigeria. Nigerian Veterinery Journal 32 (3): 208-213 ISSN: 0331 - 3026
9. Ibrahim, M.L., Ijah, U.J.J., Auta, H.S. and Aliero, A.A. (2012) Upgrading the protein level of ‘ogi’ using Candida utilis NN4 isolated from ‘nono’ BEST Journal 9 (2): 127-131. ISSN: O794-9057
10. Rabah, A. B., Ibrahim, M.L., Ijah,U.J.J. and Manga, S.B. (2011) Assessment of the efficiency of yeast biofilter in the treatment of abattoir wastewater. African Journal of biotechnology 10 (46): 9347-9351 ISSN: 1684-5315 http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBX2013.13554
11. Bashir, S., Manga, S.B., Kawo, A.H., Muazu, A.G., Danjuma, B., Ibrahim, M.L., Abdullahi, A. and Mawak, J. (2011) Susceptibility profile of Salmonella typhi isolated from typhoid patients attending the Federal Medical Center, Gusau, Nigeria. International Journal of Biomedical and Health Sciences 7(4): 265-268. ISSN: 0794-4748
12. Umar, K. J., Rabah, A. B., Naála, M., Bello, M., Ibrahim, M. L. and Garba, M. (2011). Antibacterial and phytochemical screening of methanolic extracts of Celosia leptostachyaBenth leaves on some selected clinical isolates. Journal of Medicinal Plants, 5 (28): 6473-6476. ISSN: 1996-0875
13. AbdullahiBakoRabah, Maryam Lami Ibrahim, Udeme Joshua Josiah IjahanShu’aibuBala Manga. (2011). Assessment of the efficiency of a yeast biofilter in the treatment of abattoir wastewater.ISSN 1684-5315
14. Yerima, M.B., Umar, A.F., Shinkafi, S.A. and Ibrahim, M.L. (2012) Bioremediation of hydrocarbon pollution: A sustainable means of biodiversity conservation. Proceedings of International Conference on sustainable Development and Environmental protection 48-50.ISBN: 978-978-923-247-5
15. Aleiro, A.A., Ibrahim, A.D., Ibrahim, M.L., and Abdulkareem, A.A. (2013) Effects of processing methods on the nutritional quality of ‘dawadawanbatso’ (aondiment) produced from Cassia sieberiana seeds. The experiment 8(3): 490-498. ISSN: 2319-2119
16. Ibrahim, M.L., Ijah, U.J.J., Manga, S.B., Bilbis, L.S., Umar, S. (2013). Production and partial characterization of biosurfactant produced by crude oil degrading bacteria International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 81:28-34. ISSN: 0964-8305 doi:10.1016/j.ibiod.2012.11.012
17. Ibrahim, M.L. and Rabah, A.B. (2013). Screening bacteria isolated from diesel-contaminated soil for potentials to produce biosurfactants. Journal of Microbiology and Technology Research - ISSN: 2231 –3168
18. Ibrahim, M.L., Ijah, U.J.J., Manga, S.B., Bilbis, L.S. (2013). Phytoremediation of Escravos light crude oil contaminated soil using legumes, Proceedings of the 23rd International conference on soil, Water, Energy and Air, held March 18-21 2013, Mission Valley Marriot, San-Diego, California, USA. ISBN 978-0-9888932-0-7
19. Ibrahim, A.D., Rabah, A.B., Ibrahim, M.L., Magami, I.M., Isah, J.G. and Muzoh, O.I. Bacteriological and chemical properties of soil amended with fermented poultry bird feather International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 8(3): 1243-1248. ISSN: 1997-342X
20. Ibrahim, U.B., Ijah, U.J.J., Riskuwa, M.L. and Manga, S.B. (2014) Microbial and heavy metals qualities of agricultural soil of Tsafe local government area in Zamfara State, Nigeria Journal of Zoological and Bioscience Research, 1(2):18-30. ISSN: 2349-2856
21. Ibrahim, M.L. and Ijah, U.J.J. (2014) Biodegradation of crude oil by rhizosphere microorganisms In: Advances in Environmental Research eds. Justin A. Daniels Nova Science publishers Inc. New York, USA 35: 153-172. ISBN: 978-1-63321-774-4
22. Ismail, H.Y., Ijah, U.J.J., Riskuwa, M.L., Allamin, I.A and Isah, M.A. (2014) Assessment of phytoremediatioiation potentials of legumes in spent engine oil contaminated soil. European Journal of Environmental and safety science 2(): 59-64. ISSN: 1339-472X DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/ije.v3i2.10515
23. Ismail, H.Y., Ijah, U.J.J., Riskuwa, M.L., Allamin, I.A. (2014). Biodegradation of spent engine oil by bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of legumes grown in contaminated soil. International Journal of Environment 3(2): ISSN: 2091-2854
24. Allamin, I.A., Ijah, U.J.J.,Ismail, H.Y., Riskuwa, M.L. (2014). Occurrence of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria in soil in Kukawa, Borno State. International Journal of Environment 3(2): 36-47. ISSN: 2091-2854
25. Ibrahim, M.L. andAbdulhamid, A. (2015) Surface active phthalic acid ester produced by a rhizobacterial strain. Proceedings of the International conference on Biotechnology and Nanotechnology(ICBN) held on 23rd-24th February 2015, Paris, France. ISSN: 1307-6892
26.AbdullahiAdamu, Udeme J.J. Ijah, Maryam L. Riskuwa, Haruna Y. Ismail and Umar B. Ibahim (2015) Study on Biosurfactant production by two Bacillus species, International Journal of Scientific research in Knowledge 3(1): 013-020. ISSN: 2322-4541
27. AbdullahiAdamu, Udeme J.J. Ijah, Maryam L. Riskuwa, Haruna Y. Ismail and Umar B. Ibrahim (2015) Isolation of biosurfactant producing bacteria from tannery effluents in Sokoto Metropolis, Nigeria, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering and Technology 2(1): 366-377. ISSN: 2348-7968
28. Riskuwa-Shehu, M. L. Hussain, M. A. and Suleiman, M. (2015). Biodegradation of kerosene by bacteria isolated from contaminated soil in Sokoto metropolis. BEST JOURNAL 12(3): 77 – 82 ISSN: 0794-9057
29. Riskuwa-Shehu, M.L. and Ijah, U.J.J. (2016). Enhanced removal of crude oil in soil by mixed culture of Bacillus and Pseudomonas species, International Journal of Environmental Bioremediation and Biodegradation 4(1): 8-12 ISSN:DOI:12691/ijebb-4-1-2
30. Riskuwa-Shehu, M.L. Ijah, U.J.J., Manga, S.B., Bilbis, L.S. (2017) Evaluation of legumes for biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 1-10 ISSN: 1735-1472 doi:10.1007/s13762-017-1303-5
31.Oshatogbe, A.J., Ijah, U.J.J., Riskuwa, M.L. (2016) Bacteriological and physicochemical quality of water sources located in some slums in Sokoto metropolis, Sokoto state, Nigeria. International Journal of Original Research 2(4): 2016 DOI:IJOR10612MS
32. SayudiYahayaHaruna, Umar ZakiFaruq, AminuYakubuZubairu, Muhammad GidadoLiman and Maryam Lami Riskuwa (2018) Comparative studies on reduction of sulphur content of heavy crude oil using KMnO4 + H2O2/CH3COOH and KMnO4 + H2O2/HCOOH Via oxidative desuphurization (ODS), American Journal of applied Chemistry 6(1): 15-24 ISSN: 2330-8745 doi: 10.11648/j.ajac.20180601.13
33. Garba, Z.U., Riskuwa Shehu, ML.,Hussaini, A A. and Yusuf I. (2018) The Mathematical Dynamics of Screening and Treatment Failure in the Transmission of HIV/AIDS in Nigerian Economy, International Journal of Innovative Mathematics, Statistics & Energy Policies 6(1):24-39 ISSN: 2467-852X doi:
34. Riskuwa-Shehu, M.L. and Ismail, H.Y. (2018)Isolation of endophytic Bacteria and Phytoremediation of Soil Contaminated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using Cajanuscajan and Lablab purpureus, Bioremediation Science Technology Research 6(1): 26-30 ISSN:
35. Riskuwa-Shehu, M.L. and Ijah, U.J.J. (2018) Rhizospheric Microbe-Plant Exudate Formulation for Enhanced Restoration of Contaminated Agricultural Soil In: V. Kumar et al. (eds.), Phytobiont and Ecosystem Restitution, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 Pp ISBN: 978-981-13-1186-4 doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1187-1
36. Ismail HarunaYahaya, Riskuwa-Shehu Maryam Lami, Allamin Ibrahim Alkali, Ahmad Ali Farouq, Cathiong Stephen Abakwakn (2019) Biostimulation Potentials of Vigna Species (L.) in Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil, American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 7(1): 22-27 doi: 10.11648/j.bio.20190701.15 ISSN: 2328-5885
37. Maryam Lami Riskuwa Shehu, HarunaYahayaIsma’il and MaimunaSulaiman (2019) Biosorption of Heavy Metals by Oscillatoria Species. Microbiology Research Journal International 27(6): 1-8. DOI: 10.9734/MRJI/2019/v27i630114 ISSN: 2456-7043
38. M.L Riskuwa-Shehu, M.K Nata’ala and E.E. Baba (2019) Biocontrol potential of Bacillus thuringiensisIsolated from Soil against Mosquito Larva. South Asian Journal of Parasitology 2(3): 1-7, 2019; Article no.SAJP.48776
39. Yusuf, A. B., Riskuwa-Shehu, M.L., Turaki, A.A. and Muhammad, A. (2020) Role of microbial biofilms in abattoir waste water treatment for biogas production, Journal of innovative Research in life sciences 29 (1): 27-34 ISSN: 2705-3156
40. M. L. Riskuwa-Shehu, H. Y. Ismail, A. Y. Fardami, and U. B. Ibrahim (2021) PennisetumPurpureum Improved Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Removal In Weathered Petroleum Contaminated Soil. European Journal of Biology and Biotechnology ISSN (Online): 2506-8016
41. Aminu Yusuf Fardami, Abdullahi Hassan Kawo, SaniYahaya, Maryam LamiRiskuwa-Shehu, Ibrahim Lawal and HarunaYahaya Ismail (2022) Isolation and Screening of Biosurfactant-Producing Bacteriafrom Hydrocarbon-contaminated soil in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria. Journal of Biochemistry, Microbiolgy and Biotechnology 10(1): 52-57.