Brief Biography
My name is Mohammed Abacha, from Borno state, I attended Primary to University education in Maiduguri, Borno state, where I obtained a B Rad. Degree certificate. Did one year internship training/NYSC at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH). I was employed as an assistant lecturer in 2013-14 and I obtained my MSc in Medical Imaging at the University of Bradford, England UK. By this I rose to the rank of Lecturer I.Area of specialization: | Medical imaging |
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List of Selected Publications
1. Mohammed Abacha, Isma’il Salima, Sadiq Abubakar Audu, Abubakar Umar, Gurama Aminu Dahiru, Yusuf Iliyasu Izge, Mohammed Dahiru, Sule Muhammad Baba, Gele Ibrahim Haruna, Abdulkadir Muhammad Kabir, Akpaniwo Godfrey Mfoniso. (2020). Chest xray findings Among Adults Patients Attending Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital Sokoto North-western Nigeria. Annals of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. ISSN: 2714-4674 (Online) 2714-4666 (Print) Vol 1, Issue 2, December, 2020. DOI:10.47838/acem.26011977.127122020.asmeda.1.122. Mohammed Abacha, Isah Mustapha Nma, Sadiq Abubakar Audu, Abubakar Umar, Mohammed Dahiru, Danfulani Mohammed, Sule Muhammad Baba, Gele Ibrahim Haruna, Nwobi Ivor Chigozie, Goni Musa Mohammed (2020). Patients and Patients’ Relatives perception of Cleanliness in Radiology Department of a Nigerian Teaching Hospital. Annals of Basic and Medical Sciences. ISSN: 2782-7550 (Print) 2782-7542 (Online), 1(1) pp 36-39. DOI:10.51658/ABMS.202011.7
3. Mohammed A, Sidi AA, Sadiq AA, Abubakar U, Mohammed D, Gurama AD, Yusuf II, Nwobi IC, Njiti MM, Mohammed YM. Sule MB, Gele IH (2021). Knowledge and Awareness of Breast Cancer Screening Methods Among Final Year Female Students in a Nigerian University. Caliphate Medical Journal (CMJ). ISSN: 2346-7198.
4. Mohammed Abacha, Shehu M. Bello, Chest x-ray findings of paediatric patients seen at a Teaching Hospital in North-western Nigeria. Kanem J Med Sci 2022; 16(2): 85 – 91. DOI:10.36020/kjms.2022.1602.002
5. Sadiq Abubakar Audu, Miftaudeen Mutiat Nike, Ibrahim Rumaysa, Mohammed Abacha, Umar Abubakar, Miftaudeen Basirat. (2017). X-ray film Reject Repeat Analysis as a Quality Indicator at a tertiary Health Center in Northwestern Nigeria. Journal of Association of Radiographers of Nigeria (JARN). ISSN: 1115-7976 vol 31, Issue 1, November, 2017.
6. Sadiq AA, Miftaudeen MN, Mohammed A, Akpaniwo GM, Girei A, Garba I, Nwobi IC (2017). Reject-repeat analysis of plain radiographs as a quality indicator at University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH). European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. ISSN 2394-3211, 4(2).
7. Akpaniwo G.M, Sadiq A.A, Danfulani M, Abubakar U, Mohammed A, Iliyasu Y.I, Shehu O.P (2018). Challenges faced by undergraduate students in Sokoto Northwest Nigeria, during long vacation clinical posting. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research. 8 (2) pp. 29-36.
8. L. A Jamil, M. T. O Ibrahim, B. A Isah, A. Chika, K. J Awosan, A. Mohammed (2018). Health Managers Knowledge of Essential Drugs in Primary Health Care Centres in Sokoto, Northwest Nigeria. International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health. 30(4): xx-xx, 2018; Article no.IJTDH.39854 ISSN: 2278-1005, NLM ID: 101632866. DOI:10.9734/IJTDH/2018/39854
9. Abubakar U, Broch L, Ugwu AC, Audu SA, Danfulani M, Mohammed A, Abba M, Miftaudeen NM. Development and Optimization of surface and volume radiofrequency coils suitable for fast field cycling magnetic resonance imaging (FFC-MRI). J Rad & Radiat Sci, 2018; 32 (1): 46-56. DOI:10.48153/jrrs.v32i1.223230
10. Abubakar Umar, Anthony Chukwuka Ugwu, Sadiq Abubakar Audu, Abubakar Auwal, Danfulani Mohammed, Mohammed Abacha, Ali Alhaji Modu, Mohammed Dahiru (2018). Evaluation of the Pattern of Sonographic Detectable Adnexal Masses in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital. DOI:10.9790/0853-1705036165
11. Muhammad Baba Sule, Ibrahim Haruna Gele, Yakubu Bababa Shirama, Mohammed Abacha (2020). Dandy-Walker Malformation with an Occipital Cephalocele in an Infant. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Vol. 14(5): TD04-TD05.
12. Abubakar Umar, Okpoebo Chidinma Justina, Nwodo Victor Kelechi, Akpaniwo Mfoniso Godfrey, Sadiq Abubakar Audu, Mohammed Abacha, Mohammed Dahiru (2018). Evaluation of the Adequacy of Plain Abdominal xray Examination Request seen in a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital. International Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Research (IJDMSR), 2(9): 55-60. ISSN:2393-073X.[Ra1]_(SL)_PF1(AG_KM)_PFA(KM)_PB(AG_KM)_PN(SL).pdf
13. U Abubakar, A. Ibrahim, V. K Nwodo, A. A Sadiq, G. M Akpaniwo, A. Mohammed, D. Mohammed, I. I Yusuf, A. D Gurama (2019). Assessment of the Quality of Postero-anterior Chest Radiographs Seen in a North-west Nigerian Tertiary Hospital. Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 21(1): 1-7. ISSN: 2394-8613.
14. Abubakar U, Yaroko A.A, Muhammad A, Sadiq A.A, Akpaniwo G. M, Mohammed A, Mohammed D, Yusuf I. I, Gurama A. D (2019). Common X-ray Findings for Paranasal Sinuses and Postnasal Space in Two Hospitals in Sokoto Metropolis. Nigerian Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy, 8(1): 62-66. ISSN: 15497-8613.
15. U. Abubakar, S. M Marafa, V. K Nwodo, A.A Sadiq, G. M Akpaniwo, A. Mohammed, D. Mohammed, I. I, Yusuf and A.D Gurama (2019). Common Findings in Ultrasound Examination of the Liver and Kidney in Sokoto Metropolis. Asian Journal of Medicine and Health, 15(3): 1-8. ISSN: 2456-8414.
16. Akpaniwo G. Mfoniso, Suleiman A. Munir, Nwobi I. Chigozie, Yunusa G. Haruna, Sadiq A. Abubakar, Abubakar Umar, Mohammed Abacha, Iliyasu Y. Izge. Patient Xray Entrance Surface dose at a Tertiary Hospital in Sokoto Northwestern Nigeria. Journal of Radiography and Radiation Sciences, 33(1): 1-5. ISSN: 1115-7976. DOI:10.48153/jrrs.v33i1.223073
17. Ibrahim Haruna Gele, Muhammad Baba Sule, Sadisu Mohammed Ma'aji, Abubakar Musa, Mohammed Abacha (2020). Role of Radiologist in Diagnosis of Neonatal Small Left Colon Syndrome. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: 14(7): TD01 - TD02.,bowel%20with%20air%20fluid%20levels.
18. Sule MB, Gele IH, Sa’idu SA, Ma’aji SM, Shirama YB, Mohammed A. Diagnostic mammography in Sokoto: A review of 123 cases. N Niger J Clin Res 2021; 10:53-57. DOI: 10.4103/nnjcr.nnjcr_52_19
19. Sule M.B., Shamaki AMB, Gele I.H, Shirama Y.B, Ribah M.M, Abacha M. (2021) Tension Pneumoperitoneum in a Female Patient Misdiagnosed as a Case of Congestive Cardiac Failure: a Case Report. J, Heart and Vasculature 1(5); DOI: 10.31579/JHV-2021/023
20. Sule MB, Gele IH, Shirama YB, Rubah MM, Aliyu AZ, Abacha M (2021) Multiple Colonic Radiopaque Foreign Bodies in a 7 – year – Old Child. The Plain Radiogrphic Features and A Case Report. J. Gastroenterology Pancreatology and Hepatobiliary disorders. 5(4) DOI: 10.31579/2641-5194/035
21. Muhammad Baba Sule, Ibrahim Haruna Gele, Yakubu Bababa Shirama, Abacha Mohammed (2021). Post Traumatic Tension Pneumocephalus in a Nigerian Male: A Case Report. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 10(1); RC08 – RC09.[Ra1]_SHU_PF1(AG_SHU)_PFA(SHU)_PB(AG_SHU)_PN(SHU).pdf
22. SULE, M.B., GELE, I.H., SHIRAMA, Y.B. and ABACHA, M., 2020. Type II Proximal Focal Femoral Deficiency in a Three-Year-Old Female: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, 14(10).[Ra1]_F(SHU)_PF1(ShG_SHU_Ss_KM)_PFA(Ss_KM)_PN(SL).pdf
23. Abdulkadir, M.K., Izge, I.Y., Yunusa, G.H., Mohammed, A. and Osman, N.D., 2021. Evaluation of age-based radiation dose in paediatric patients received from head CT examination at a tertiary hospital, Nigeria. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 182, p.109380.
24. Sule M Baba, Shamaki AMB1, Ibrahim HG2, Yakubu BS2, Ribah MM, Mohammed A. (2021) A Case of Congenital Urethrovaginal Fistula in a Female Child with Suspected Imperforate Hymen: A Case Report. International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews. 8(2); DOI: 10.31579/2690-4861/145
25. Sule MB, Gele IH, Shirama YB, Ribah MM, Aliyu AZ, Abacha M. (2021). Dextrocardia with Situs Inversus in an 18 – Year – Old Nigerian Female. The Computed Tomographic Findings and a Case Report. J Thoracic Diseases and Cardiothoracic Surgery, 2(2); DOI: 10.31579/2693-2156/025
26. Sule MB, Gele IH, Shirama YB, Ribah MM, Aliyu AZ, Abacha M. (2021) Anencephaly in A 32 Weeks old Intrauterine Fetus: The Ultrasonographic Findings and a Case Report. J. Clinical Pediatrics and Mother Health, 1 (2); Doi:10.31579/jcpmh.2021/009
27. Sule MB, Gele IH, Faruk KU, Ribah MM, Aliyu AZ, Abacha M (2022) Giant Urinary Bladder Calculus In a Male Child With Features of Urethral Stricture: Radiologic Findings and A Case Report, J, Clinical Medical Reviews and Reports. 4(1); DOI: 10.31579/2690-8794/110
28. Umar A, Ango YA, Ochie K, Nura IM, Audu SA, Mohammed A, et al. Computed Tomography Findings Amongst Adult Patients for Paranasal Sinuses at a Teaching Hospital in North West Nigeria. J Radiol Med Imaging. 2023; 6(1): 1090.
29. Abubakar U, Ahmad MM, Al-Amin UA, Sadiq AA, Mohammed A, Mohammed D, Izge IY, Sidi M. Evaluation of Radiation Dose to the Thyroid Gland on Infant Patients Undergoing Anteroposterior Chest X-Ray at a Tertiary Hospital in North-Western Nigeria. African Scientific Reports. 2023 Apr 29:85-. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/ASR_85.pdf
30. Shamaki AMB, Gele IH, Shirama YB, Ribah MM, and Abacha M, (2023). Gallstone Ileus. The Radiographic findings In An Elderly Patient: A Case Report, J Clinical Research and Reports, 14(1); DOI: 10.31579/2690-1919/330
List of conferences/workshops/seminar Papers
1. Mohammed Abacha, Culpan D Gary, Foster Beverly, Danfulani Mohammed, Abubakar Umar, Sadiq A Audu, Akpaniwo G Mfoniso. Diagnostic Accuracy of Computed Tomography (CT) Scan in the Diagnosis of Patients with Suspected or Established Dementia. Presented at the 49th Association of Radiographers of Nigeria (ARN) Annual Conference and Scientific Workshop
2. Mohammed Abacha, Nwobi I Chigozie, Garba Idriss, Ma'aji S Mohammed, Ali A Modu, Sadiq A Audu, Abubakar Umar, Akpaniwo G Mfoniso, Girei A Mohammed, Miftaudeen M Nike, Mohammed Y Mohammed. Evaluation of Image Quality of Plain Chest Radiographs at University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, Maiduguri-Nigeria. Presented at the 49th Association of Radiographers of Nigeria (ARN) Annual Conference and Scientific Workshop
3. Sadiq Abubakar Audu, Lionel Broch, Abubakar Umar, Mohammed Abacha, Akpaniwo Godfrey Mfoniso. Design and development of a multi-channel radiofrequency (4-channel receive and a transmit) coil for use on a fast-field Cycling Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FFC-MRI).Presented at the 49th Association of Radiographers of Nigeria (ARN) Annual Conference and Scientific Workshop
4. Sadiq A Audu, Miftaudeen N Mutiat, Ibrahim Rumaysa, Mohammed Abacha, Umar Abubakar, Miftaudeen Basirat. X-ray film Reject Repeat Analysis as a Quality Indicator at a tertiary Health Center in Northwestern Nigeria. Presented at the 49th Association of Radiographers of Nigeria (ARN) Annual Conference and Scientific Workshop
5. Abubakar Umar, Ugwu C Anthony, Nwobi I Chigozie, Sadiq A Audu, Mohammed Abacha, Ali A Modu, Akpaniwo G Mfoniso. Prevalence of Ultrasound-detectable Adnexal Masses Among Women undergoing Gynaecological Sonography at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, Nigeria Presented at the 49th Association of Radiographers of Nigeria (ARN) Annual Conference and Scientific Workshop
6. Abubakar U, Ugwu AC, Buba E, Sadiq AA, Mohammed A, Akpaniwo GM. Sonographic Findings of Hepatobiliary System and Spleen in Sickle Cell Disease Patients and their Relationship with some Haematological parameters at Federal Teaching Hospital Gombe. Presented at the Association of Radiologist in Nigeria (ARIN) Annual General meeting and Maiden Scientific Conference.
7. Akpaniwo GM, Munir AS, Nwobi IC, Yunusa GH, Abubakar U, Sadiq AA, Mohammed A, Mohammed D, Yusuf I (2019). Assessment of Patient Entrance Surface Dose in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital Sokoto in Comparison with Diagnostic Reference Level. Presented at the Annual general meeting and Scientific Conference Organized by Association of Specialists Medical Doctors in Academics (ASMEDA). 13th March, 2019. Boardroom, CHS, UDU, Sokoto.
8. Abdullahi AZ, Abacha M, Adamu H, Mohammed D, Abubakar U, Abubakar S, Gurama AD, Izge IY (2023). Knowledge, Awareness and Perception Towards the use of Mammography Among Female Students in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences UDU Sokoto. Presented at the College of Health Sciences Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto Maiden Scientific Conference & Alumni AGM. 15th July, 2023. New CHS, Auditorium UDU, Sokoto.
9. Sada SB, Abacha M, Bakare AT, Mohammed D, Abubakar U, Abubakar S, Gurama AD, Izge IY, Jimoh OS (2023). Is MRI superior to CT in Detecting Vascular Components to Dementia? A Systematic Literature Review. Presented at the College of Health Sciences Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto Maiden Scientific Conference & Alumni AGM. 15th July, 2023. New CHS, Auditorium UDU, Sokoto.
10. Yahaya S, Abacha M, Isah BA, Mohammed D, Abubakar U, Abubakar S, Gurama AD, Izge IY (2023). Practical Approach to the Diagnosis of Adult Brain Tumours usin Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): A Systematic Literature Review. Presented at the College of Health Sciences Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto Maiden Scientific Conference & Alumni AGM. 15th July, 2023. New CHS, Auditorium UDU, Sokoto.
11. Usman NF, Mohammed A, Nuhu KS, Dahiru M, Abubakar UC, Audu SA, Aminu DG, Iliyasu YI (2023). Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Arcuate Fasciculus in Stroke Patients: A Systematic Literature Review. Presented at the College of Health Sciences Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto Maiden Scientific Conference & Alumni AGM. 15th July, 2023. New CHS, Auditorium UDU, Sokoto.
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