Prof. Mukhtar Umar Bunza

Area of specialization: | Religion & Middle Eastern Studies |
Email: | |
Phone: | 08036202201 |
List of Selected Publications
List of publications with links to the publishers |
I. Authored and Edited books: |
1. Bunza, M. U., Christian Missions Among Muslims: Sokoto Province, Nigeria, 1935-1990, Africa World Press, NJ, USA, 2007, 273 +x preliminary=283 Pages, ISBN: 1-59221-523-X(hardcover), ISBN:1-59221-523-8 (paperback) |
2. Gwandu A.A., A. S. Mikailu, S.W. Juanidu, Argungu, D. M., Muhammad, S.S., Shuni M.M., Bunza, M. U., (eds.) The Sokoto Caliphate: A Legacy of Scholarship and Good Governance, published by the Centre for Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, 2006, (ISBN978-2076-27-9) |
3. Mikailu, A. S., Bunza M. U., and Maishanu I. M., (eds.), Islam and the Fundamentals of Peaceful Co-existence in Nigeria, Proceedings of International Conference, organized by the Sokoto State Government and World Muslim League, 2014, (ISBN: 978-978-938-154-8) |
4. Yandaki, A.I., Maishanu, H.M., & Bunza, M. U., (eds), A History of Yauri Kingdom from 1411 to its Emirate Status,Gaskiya Corporation, Zaria: 2015, (ISBN:978-978-53847-2-7). |
5. Bunza, M. U., Gwandu Emirate: The Domain of Mallam Abdullahi Fodiyo since 1805, GEDA, 2016, =675 Pages= ISBN: 978-978-157- |
6. Bunza, M. U., Maishanu, I. M., & Ibrahim, S.S., (eds), Nigeria in Search of Stability: The Role of History, Religion and Language,Published by the Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria, 2020, (876 Pages) (ISBN: 978-978-58566-5-1) |
7. Bunza, M. U., Gender, Religion and Grassroots Development in Nigeria: Diagraming the Role of the Federation of Muslim Women Associations (FOMWAN) and the Christian Zumuntar Mata, Occasional Publication Series of the University Bayreuth, Germany, forthcoming, 2023 |
II.Book Reviews |
8. Bunza, M. U., (Book Review), Banes, A. E., Making Headway: The Introduction of Western Civilization in Colonial Northern Nigeria, Rochester, NY: University Press, 2009, AfricanAffairs, Oxford Journals, available online at 2011, No. 10. 1093 |
9. Bunza, M. U. (Book Review), Alexander Thurston, Salafism in Nigeria,the International African Library, Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, September, 2016. ISBN: 97881107157439, in Islam, Preaching and Politics, available at online at |
III. Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals National and International |
10. Bunza, M. U. “Colonialism, Shari’ah and Muslims: The Northern Nigerian Experience”, Albayan: Journal of Islamic Research, Vol.2, No.1, 1995, pp. 37-49 (ISSN:1116-7077) |
11. Bunza, M. U., “A Historical Survey on Medicinal Literature of Sultan Muhammad Bello (1787-1837)”, TARIHI Journal, Sokoto State History Bureau, 1996, pp. 45-52. (ISSN:1118-0943) |
12. Bunza, M. U. “A Survey on the Jihadists View on the Origin of Sokoto Jihad as Depicted in their Literature”, The Beam: Journal of Arts & Science, Vol. 1 No. 1 1997, pp. 118-124. (ISSN: 1118-5953) |
13. Bunza, M.U., and Junaidu, S. U., “Community Effort in Revamping Education Sector in Sokoto State: Motivation Through History”, The Beam: Journal of Arts & Science, 1997, Vol.1 No.1, pp.10-18. (ISSN: 1118-5953) |
14. Bunza, M. U. and Junaidu, S.U, “Christian Missionary Activities in Sokoto State: An Evaluation of their Impact on the Development of Western Education”, The Beam: Journal of Arts & Science, Vol. 2 No.1, 1997, PP.21-29. (ISSN: 1118-5953) |
15. Bunza, M. U., “Corruption and Instability in Nigeria’s Political History 1966-to Date”, The Beam: Journal of Arts & Science, Vol.2 No.1, 1997, pp. 122-129. (ISSN: 1118-5953) |
16. Bunza, M. U., “Science in the History of the Sokoto Caliphate: A Reflection on the Nubdhah fi adwiyat al-Didan(Treatise on the Treatment of Worms) of Sultan Muhammad Bello”, Degel: Journal of FAIS, Vol. 2, September 1999, pp. 37-41. (ISSN: 0794-9316) |
17. Bunza, M.U., “The Hausa Factor in Christian Proselytization in Northern Nigeria”, Hausa Studies: Journal of the Department of Nigerian Languages, Vol.1, No.1, 1999, pp. 262-270. (ISSN: 978-34885) |
18. Usman, M.T. & Bunza, M. U., “A Short Note on Islamic Perspective on History Writing”, Degel : Journal of FAIS, Vol. III, 2000, pp. 190-198. (ISSN: 0794-9316). |
19. Bunza, M. U., “Islamism vs. Secularism: A Religious-political Struggle in Modern Nigeria”, Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, Republic of Romania (available on line, /JSRI) No.2, Summer, 2002, pp.49-65. (ISSN: 1583-0039) |
20. Bunza, M. U., “Political Islam under British Colonial Administration in Sokoto Province 1903-1950s”, in Journal of Islamic Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa, Vol. 22, 2002, (Special Issue), pp.66-81. (ISSN: 0257-7062) |
21. Bunza, M. U. & Muhammad, S., “The Role of Muslim Scholars in Preservation and Utilization of Medicinal Plants in Northern Nigeria: A Study of Qaul al –Senna, of Sultan Muhammad Bello, 1787-1837”, in Degel Journal of FAIS, Vol. VI, August, 2003, pp.73-80. (ISSN: 0794-9316) |
22. Bunza, M. U., “Muslims and the Modern State in Nigeria: A Study of the Impact of Foreign Religious Literature, 1980s- 1990s”, Islam Et Societes Au Sud Du Sahara,17-18, 2004, Paris, pp.49-63. (ISSN: 0984-7685 & ISBN:2-7351-1055-9). |
23. Bunza, M. U., “The North African Factor in Tajdeed Tradition in Hausaland, Northern Nigeria” in The Journal of North African Studies, Taylor & Francis Group Oxford, United Kingdom, Vol. 10, No. 3-4, September-December, 2005, pp. 325-338. (ISSN: 1362-9387) |
24. Bunza, M.U. “Girmace Shrine among the Dakarkari in Zuru: An Examination of African Traditional Religion in Northwestern Nigeria”, KADA Journal of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Arts, Kaduna State University, Kaduna, Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007, pp. 33-40. |
25. Bunza, M. U., “The Contribution of Waziri Junaidu bin Bukhari (1906-1997) to the Development of History in the 20th Century Nigeria’, Maiduguri Journal of Arts and Social Sciences,MAJASS, Vol. 6, No. 1, June, 2008, pp. 265-279 |
26. Bunza, M.U., and Alhaji, A. S., ‘The RikonKabi after the Fall of Birnin Kebbi (circa, 1805): A Historical Survey of the Lower Region’, ZAJOLA, Zaria Journal of Liberal Arts, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Vol.2, No. 2, 2008, pp. 35-47 |
27. Bunza, M. U. and Ashafa, A.M., ‘The Ethno-political Elements of Religious Conflicts in Nigeria: A Preliminary Inquiry’, Kaduna Journal of Historical Studies, KJHS, Vol. 2, No.1, September, 2010, pp. 205-222. (ISSN: 2141-1832) |
28. Bunza, M.U. and Ashafa, A.M., ‘Religion, and the New Roles of Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Hausa and Ebira Muslim Communities in Northern Nigeria 1930s-1980s’, Journal for Study of Religions and Ideologies, (Romania) Vol. 9, No. 27, (Winter 2010), pp. 302-331 |
29. Ashafa, A.M. and Bunza, M.U., ‘Attaining the Millennium Development Goals on Achaba: The Impact on Poverty Eradication in Northern Nigeria’, CONTEXT: Journal of Social & Cultural Studies, Volume 13, No 1, 2010, (ISSN: 1119-9229). pp. 59-69 |
30. Bunza, M.U., “Arabic Medicinal Manuscripts of Northern Nigeria: A Descriptive List” Annual Review of Islam in Africa, University of Cape Town, issue no. 11, 2012, pp. 92-96 |
31. Jumare, I.M., and Bunza, M.U., “Waziri Junaidu (1906-1997) and the Making of Arabic Manuscript Library in Sokoto: A Historical Overview”, in Arewa House Journal, Vol. I, No. I, December, 2012, pp. 54-77. (ISSN: 2315-7577) |
32. Bunza, M. U., “The Application of Islamic Law and Legacies of Good Governance in the Sokoto Caliphate, Nigeria (1804-1903): Lessons for Contemporary Period”, EJIMEL: Electronic Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Laws, University of Zurich, Switzerland., 2013, pp. 84-101. |
33. Bunza, M. U., ‘The Maghrebian Scholarship and the Development of Muslim Intelligentsias in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of the Central Bilad al-Sudan”, History Research, USA, ISSN 2159-550X, May 2013, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 342-352 |
34. Kware, A. A., and Bunza, M. U., “Towards A Rethink of the History and Challenges of Nigerian Federalism”, Sokoto Journal of History, Vol. II, June 2013, pp. 78- 93 |
35. Bunza, M. U., &Kware, A. A., “A Critical Study of the Cultural Impact of Western Imperialism among the Muslim Hausa Women of Northern Nigeria”, The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society,Common Ground Publishing, University of Illinois Research Park, 2001, South First Street, USA, October 2015, pp. 47-58 |
36. Bunza, M. U., “Islamic Education in Nigeria: A Brief History of Stability and Transformation”, Scholars World – IRMJCR, India, Volume III, Issue I, January 2015, pp. 38-46. Online ISSN: 2320-3145 |
37. Bunza, M. U., “The New Role of Ulama’ in Nigeria: Focus on the Post 1999 Democratic Dispensation”, Aljamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies, University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2014, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 391-415 |
38. Bunza, M. U., & Usman A. F., “Religion, Ethnicity, Identity Question and the Muslim Youth in Nigeria: A Historical Reconnaissance”, in Scholars World–IRMJCR, India, Vol. IV, Issue II, May 2015, pp. 46-56. Online ISSN: 2320-3145 |
39. Bunza, M. U., &Labbo Abdullahi, “Christian Missionary Medical Services: An Assessment of Sudan Interior Mission (SIM) in Argungu Emirate of Northern Nigeria, 1935-1960”, in POLAC Historical Review, Journal of the Department of History and International Studies, Nigerian Police Academy, Wudil, Kano State, Vol. 1, No. 1, July-December, 2015, pp. 52-69. ISSN: 2476-8049, |
40. Bunza, M. U. “Intellectual Factor in African Diplomatic History: Sokoto and Borno Sultanates, 1786-1871”, Sociology International Journal, Medcrave Publications, Vol. 2 Issue 3, June, 2018, pp. 215-223 |
41. Bunza, M. U. and Jamilu Shehu, “Sudan Interior Mission (SIM): An Evangelical Operation for a Unique Task in Northern Nigeria to 1960” Journal of Religion and Theology, Volume 2, Issue 4, 2018, pp. 29-37. ISSN: 2637-5907 |
42. Bunza, M.U. and Shehu Jamilu., “Curing or Converting Them? A Critical Study of Christian Mission Leprosarium in the Muslim Emirates of Sokoto and Katsina”, Journal of Religion and Theology, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 48-55, ISSN: 2637-5907 |
43. Bunza, M. U., “Neither in the Name of Jesus nor Muhammad: A Critical Evaluation of the role Religion in Religious Encounters in Nigeria”, Bulletin of Ecumenical Theology, Volume 27, 2015Duquesne University, USA, pp. 48-85. |
44. Bunza, M. U. and Labbo Abdullahi, ‘Inculcating the Culture of Peace and Tolerance among Youth in the Zinder/Damagaram Region of Niger Republic: Another alternative for West African Counter Insurgency Efforts in the 21st Century’ in Sociology International Journal, Vol. 4., issue 5, 2020, pp. 124-128. |
45. Bunza, M. U. and Labbo Abdullahi, “Fight against Disease of the Body to Safeguard the Spirit: An Evaluation of the Joint Anti-Leprosy Campaign of Sudan Interior Mission (SIM) and Governments in Sokoto Area of Northern Nigeria, 1919-1975”, Journal of Religion and Theology, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2019, pp. 57-62. |
46. Bunza, M. U., &Abdulkarim, L., “An Islamic Statecraft in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Study of the Structure and Operations of Governance in the Sokoto Caliphate, Nigeria (1804-1903) (Sahra Altı Afrika'da İslami Bir Devlet Yönetimi: Nijerya'daki Sokoto Hilafetinde Yönetimin Yapısı ve İşlemleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme (1804-1903)”, IN ARAŞTIRMA VE İNCELEME RESEARCH, Journal of Islamic Research, Vol. 20, April 2021 , pp.1-20 |
47. Bunza, M. U., &Abdulkarim, L., ‘Scientific Education Among Muslims In Northern Nigeria: The Influence of Middle Eastern And Mediterranean Scholarship’, DINAMIKA, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2021, PP. 1-19. |
IV. Chapters in Books and Conference Proceedings |
48. Bunza, M.U., “The Islamic State: A Panacea to Nigeria’s Political Impasse” in Gwandu, A. A. (ed.), Islam and Contemporary World Politics, a Proceeding of the International Conference on Islam and Political Challenges of Modern times, 1997, pp. 145-155. (ISSN: 1117-5982) |
49. Bunza, M. U. and Junaidu, S. U. “Sourcing Indigenous Materials for Science and Technical Education for the Year 2010: Lessons from the Pre-colonial Northern Nigeria”, Technical Education and Vision 2010, Proceeding of the Second National Conference on Technical Education and Vision 2010, 1997, pp. 202-210. |
50. Bunza, M.U., “Muslim- Christian Relations in Northern Nigeria: A Comment” in Yakubu, A.M., Jumare, A. I., Saeed, A. G., (eds.), Northern Nigeria: A Century of Transformation, Kaduna: theArewa House, 2005, pp. 492-507. ISBN: 978-135 142X |
51. Bunza, M. U., “The Iranian Model of Political Islamic Movement in Nigeria, (1979-2002)” in Gomez-Perez, M. (ed.) L’islam Politique au sud du Sahara: Identities, Discourse et Enjeux, Karthala, Paris 2005, pp. 227-242. ISBN: 2-84586-615-1 |
52. Bunza, M.U., “A Reflection on the 200 Years of the Sakkwato Caliphate”, in Gwandu A. A., et al (eds.), The Sokoto Caliphate: A Legacy of Scholarship and Good Governance, Published by the Centre for Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University , Sokoto, 2006, pp. 87-98. ISBN: 978-2076-27-9 |
53. Bunza, M.U., “Religious Tolerance in the Sokoto Caliphate: Lessons for the Nigerian State”, in Boboyi H. and Yakubu, A.M. (eds.), The Sokoto Caliphate: History and Legacies, 1804-2004, Baraka Press, Published by the Arewa House Kaduna, Vol. II, 2006, pp. 251-269. ISBN: 978-135-168-3 |
54. Bunza, M.U., ‘Shari’ah in the History and Political Development of Nigeria”, in Adekunle, J. O., (ed.), Religion in Politics: Secularism and National Integration in Modern Nigeria, Africa World Press/Red Sea Press, Publishers, NJ, USA, 2009, pp. 137-158. |
55. Bunza, M.U., “An Overview of Medicinal Arabic Manuscripts of the Sokoto Caliphate”, in El-Miskin, T., et al. (eds.), Nigeria’s Intellectual Heritage: Preserving Nigeria’s Scholarly and Literary Traditions and Arabic/Ajami Manuscript Heritage, Nigeria Arabic Manuscript Project, 2009, pp.36-51. |
56. Bunza, M. U., ‘Arabic Manuscripts as Alternative Sources in the Re-Construction of Northern Nigerian History’, Jumare I.M., and Y.Y. Ibrahim, (eds.), Arabic Manuscripts and Ajami Potentials for the Development of New Knowledge, Published by Arewa House Kaduna, and Ford Foundation, 2010, pp. 123-134 |
57. Bunza, M.U., ‘Toyin Falola: A Historian in the Study of Religions’, in Afolabi, N., (ed.), Toyin Falola: The Man, the Mask, the Muse, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, USA, 2010, pp. 243-262 |
58. Bunza, M. U., “The Qur’an and the Principle of Historical Method and Inquiry: A Preliminary Study’, in Nasir, B.M., Kamarudden, A. T., and Rahman, Z. (eds.), Science and Technology from Islamic Perspective (CISTP), Eduxplore: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2011, pp. 61-75 ISBN: 978-967-10583-1-2 |
59. Bunza, M. U., “Initiative for Quality Leadership and Sustainable Development: A Model From an African Islamic Polity, (Sokoto Caliphate, Nigeria)’, in Nasir, B.M., Kamarudden, A. T., and Rahman, Z. (eds.), Islamic Political Systems, Eduxplore: Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia, 2011, pp. 1-16. ISBN: 978-967-10583-1-2 |
60. Bunza, M.U., “Migration and Itinerancy among the Ulama’a in West Africa: The Making of Trans-National Muslim Intelligentsia in Nigeria”, in Harrak F., Ross E., and Anegay, S., (eds.), Religion et Migration, Publication de L’ Institute des Etudes Africaines, Rabat, Morocco, 2012, pp. 65-80. ISBN:978-9981-37-064-7 |
61. Bunza, M. U., ‘The Significance of the Doctrinal Disputation between Muhammad al-Amin al-Kanemi and the Leadership of the Sokoto Caliphate, 1804-1817’, in El-Miskeen, T.,, (eds), Kanem-Borno: A Thousand Years of Heritage, Vol. 1., Kraft Books, Ibadan, 2013, pp. 357-385, ISBN:978-978-918-013-4 |
62. Bunza, M. U., “Exploring the Relevance of Historical Account for Understanding the Meaning and Message of the Holy Qur’an”, in Acar, H. A. (ed.), Proceedings of International Symposium on Rethinking the Qur’an, published by the Research Institute for Philosophical Foundation of Disciplines, Ankara, Turkey, 2013, pp. 202- 216. The same article also published by Muslim World League, Bulletin, May 2015. |
63. Bunza, M. U., “Development and Challenges of Islamic Institutions in Nigeria”, in Mikailu, A. S. et al, (eds.), Islam and Fundamentals of Peaceful Co-existence in Nigeria, Proceedings of International Conference on Peaceful Co-existence in Nigeria, 2014, pp. 9-34 |
64. Junaidu, S. W., & Bunza, M. U., “Peaceful Coexistence and Bridge Building in a Plural Society: The Example of the Sokoto Caliphate’, in Mikailu, A. S. et al, (eds.), Islam and the Fundamentals of Peaceful Co-existence in Nigeria, Proceedings of International Conference on Peaceful Co-existence in Nigeria, 2014, pp. 209-228. |
65. Mustafa, A. R., & Bunza, M. U., “Contemporary Islamic Sects and Movements and Religious Politics in Northern Nigeria”, in Mustafa, A. R., (eds.), Sects and Social Disorder in Northern Nigeria, published by Boydell & Brewer Publishers, United Kingdom, 2015, pp. 23-36. |
66. Bunza, M. U., and Ashafa, A.M., ‘Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa: A Legacy of Leadership and Good Governance’, in Julius O. Adekunle and Apollos Nwauwa (eds.), Nigerian Political Leaders and Nation-Building: Visions, Actions, and Legacies, Published by Goldline and Jacobs Publishing, New Jersey USA, 2015, pp. 95-105 |
67. Bunza, M. U., “Liberality in the Sokoto Caliphate: The Relevance of Islamic Institutions in Governance and Political Culture in Nigeria”, in Wali, M. A., Zagga, I. M. B., and Kura, S. Y. B., (eds.), Islam and Governance in Nigeria: Trends and Challenges, Vol. II, published by Wali Foundation and Political Science Department, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria, 2015, pp.78-94. ISBN: 978-978-956-854-3 |
68. Bunza, M. U., ‘Challenges of Religious Dialogue in Multi-ethnic Society: The Case of Nigeria’, in Edmund Chia, (ed.), Path to Dialogue in our Age: A Proceedings of International Conference on Inter-Faith Dialogue, Organized by the Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, 2014, Vol. I, (International Perspective), pp.101-126. The article is also published by Palgrave Macmillan, Chia, E. K., (ed.), Inter-faith Dialogue: Global Perspectives, 2016, pp. 59-72 |
69. Yandaki, A. I., Bunza, M. U., &Wara, M.A., “Yauri and Her Neighbors”, in Yandaki, A.I., Maishanu, H.M., & Bunza, M. U., (eds.), A History of Yauri Kingdom from 1411 to its Emirate Status,Gaskiya Corporation, Zaria: 2015. ISBN: 978-978-53847-2-7, pp. 98-116. |
70. Bunza, M U., ‘Arabic Manuscripts Tradition as Civilizational Assets for Africa : A Glimpse for Contemporary Exploration into some Nigerian Manuscript Treasures’ in Viera Pawliková-Vilhanová in collaboration with Martina Bucková (eds) AD FONTES Reflections on Sources of Africa’s Pasts, their Preservation, Publication and/or Digitisation, Published by Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press 2019, pp. 45-80 |
71. Bunza, M. U. & Mustafa A. R., “Muslim Actors and Groups in North-West Nigeria”, in Mustafa A. R., &Ehirhardt, D., (eds.), Creed and Governance: Muslim, Christian and Society in Northern Nigeria, Oxford, forthcoming. |
72. Bunza, M. U., &Wara, M. A., “Religion and Society in Yauri Emirate”, in Yandaki, A.I., Maishanu, H.M., & Bunza, M. U., (eds.), A History of Yauri Kingdom from 1411 to its Emirate Status, Gaskiya Corporation, Zaria: 2015. ISBN:978-978-53847-2-7, pp.135-152. |
73. Bunza, M. U., “Change of the Guard: Vagaries in Dosso-Zarma Relations with Kebbi Kingdom and Gwandu Emirate, 1820s-1880s”, in Bako, A., Boureimah A. G., (eds.), Dosso-Kebbi-Sokoto Relations Proceedings of International Symposium on the relations between Kebbi (Argungu) and Zigui (Dosso), Abdou Moumouni University, Niamey, Niger Republic, 2016, ISBN: 978-978-956-929-8, pp. 144-159. |
74. Bunza, M. U., “Sultan Muhammad Bello, 1778-1837”, in Jumare, I. M., Abba, A., & Shehu, S., (eds.), The Sokoto Sultans, Kaduna, 2016, pp. 37-54. ISBN: 978-978-956-924-3 |
75. Bunza, M. U., “Sultan Abubakar Atiku, 1779-1844”, in Jumare, I. M., Abba, A., & Shehu, S., (eds.), The Sokoto Sultans, Kaduna, 2016, pp.55-63. ISBN: 978-978-956-924-3 |
76. Bunza, M. U., “Muslims Contribution to the Study and Development of Medical Sciences in the 19th Century Nigeria: A Preliminary Account”, in a Book of Proceedings of 7th International Congress of the International Society of the History of Islamic Medicine, and 4th Fez Congress on History of Medicine, jointly organized by the University of Muhammed Ben Abdallah, Morocco, the International Society of the History of Medicine, and the Foundation for Science, Technology and Civilization, UK, (FSTC) 24th to 28th October 2016, forthcoming. |
77. Bunza, M.U., “The Maradi Factor in the Sokoto Caliphate: Some Lessons for Inter-and Intra-Communal Co-existence in Nigeria and Niger”, in Saadou, Mahamane and Addo, Mahamane(eds.), Intercommunity Coexistence and Peace Building in the History of Maradi Region, University of Maradi, Niger Republic, 2017, pp. 118-131. (ISBN: 979-10-699-0365-4) |
78. Bunza, M. U., “Nigeria and Challenges of Security and Integration; Some Insights from the History of the Sokoto Caliphate”, in Bunza, M. U., Maishanu, I. M., and Sarkin Sudan, I. A. (eds.), Nigeria in Search of Stability: The Relevance of History, Language and Religion,Pyla-mak, Kaduna, 2020, published by Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, pp. 14-27(ISBN:978-978-58566-5-1) |
79. Bunza, M. U., “Islam in Kabi Kingdom: Beyond the Horizon”, in Bunza, M. U., Argungu, D. M., and Rufai, M. A., (eds.), History, People, Religion and Culture of Kabi Kingdom since 1515, Proceedings of Conference on Kabi Kingdom, 2017, forthcoming. |
80. Bunza, M. U., “The question of Tolerance and Accommodation in the Political Structure of Kabi Kingdom: A Study of the Office of Dikko since 1515”, in Bunza, M. U., Argungu, D. M., and Rufai, M. A., (eds.), History, People, Religion and Culture of Kabi Kingdom since 1515,Proceedings of Conference on Kabi Kingdom, 2017, forthcoming. |
81. Bunza, M. U., “Nigeria and Niger in the Swirl of Religious Extremism: Towards a Joint effort against the Activities of Boko Haram”, in Addo, Muhammane and Youssoufou, H. D., (eds.),Security, Migration and Behavior Change for Development of the Region of Tahoua, Niger Republic, 2018, pp. 25-40. ISBN: 978-2-9564788 |
82. Bunza, M. U., “Islamic Movement (Shiite) in Nigeria”, in Kate, Fleet et’al (eds.), Encyclopedia of Islam Three, Brill: Boston, 2019, pp. 83-85. ISSN: 1873-9830, ISBN: 978-90-04-38663-1 |
83. Bunza, M. U., “Islamic Education from North to West Africa’, in Toyin Falola &JamaineAbidogun (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of African Education and Indigenous Knowledge, Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, 2019. |
84. Bunza, M. U., ‘Religious Movements and Security Agencies in Nigeria: A Historical Survey of Harmonious and Implacable Relation’, inAshafa, M. A., and Jibrin, H., (eds), The Nigerian Army in a Democracy since 1999: Kaduna, 2020, pp.525-555. |
85. Bunza, M. U., and Kotorkoshi, A., “Islam and Ancient Sacred Places in Hausaland: The Case of Kotorkoshi Sacred Mountains’, in Adekunle, J. O., and Ogundayo, B. J., (eds), African Sacred Spaces: Culture, History, and Change,LEXINGTON Books, USA, 2019. |
86. Bunza, M. U., ‘Secularism, Kemalism and the dislodgement of Political Islam in the Muslim Societies of the defunct Sokoto Caliphate (Nigeria) since 1903’, in SumeyyeSakariyya,(ed) Secularism and Transnational Kemalism, published by CIES, Leeds, University, UK, forthcoming, 2023. |
87. Jumare, I. M., and Bunza, M. U., ‘Malam Abdullahi Fodiyo and the Flagbearers in the Western axis of Sokoto Caliphate’, in Aliyu, S. S., and Jumare, I. M., (eds), Flagbearers in the Sokoto Caliphate, Arewa House Kaduna, 2023, forthcoming. |
88. Jumare, I. M., and Bunza, M. U., ‘Sultan Muhammad Bello and the Making of Flagbearers in the Eastern Axis of the Sokoto Caliphate’, in Aliyu, S. S. and Jumare, I. M., (eds), Flagbearers in the Sokoto Caliphate, Arewa House Kaduna, 2023, forthcoming. |
89. Bunza, M. U., ‘Decolonizing the Post-Colonial Africa for Contemporary and Future: Towards Conceptualizing and Reconnoitering the Decolonizing Philosophy of Prof. Toyin Falola’, in Wekesa, T. (ed), Proceedings of International Conference on Post-Colonial Africa: Historical and Contemporary Realities, organized by the Kenyatta University, Kenya, 10th -12th May 2023 |
List of conferences/workshops/seminar Papers |
1. Bunza, M. U., “The New World Order and the Plights of the Developing Nations” A Departmental Seminar Organized by the Department of History & Government, State College of Arts and Science, Sokoto, 4th April, 1993 |
2. Maitafsir, M. G. & Bunza, M. U., “Students’ Perception of Science and their Educational Achievements in Secondary Schools (in Sokoto State): A Correlate of Islamic Stand on Scientific Knowledge.” Paper presented at the first International Conference on Islam and the Development of Science and Technology, Organized by Islamic Foundation for Science in Conjunction with the Center for Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, 9th–12th January, 1994 |
3. Bunza, M.U. “Muslim-Christian Relationship in Northern Nigeria: An Historical Perspective” presented at National Seminar on Muslim and Islamic Scholarship in the 20th Century, Organized by the C.I.S. UDUS, 12th –14th August, 1994. |
4. Bunza, M. U., “The Islamic State System: A Panacea to Nigeria’s Political Impasse?”, paper presented at the International Conference on Islam and Political Challenges of Modern Times organized by the Department of Islamic Studies, UDUS and the Center of Islamic Research, Sokoto, at the Congregation Hall, City Campus, UDUS, 12TH -15th November, 1995. |
5. Bunza, M. U., “Muslim Woman and Colonialism: A Critical Study of the Cultural Impact of British Imperialism among the Hausa Muslim Women in Northern Nigeria” Paper Presented at the Departmental Seminar Organized by Department of History, Government and Sociology, HABCAS, Sokoto, 13th April 1998 |
6. Bunza, M. U. “Curing or converting them? A Mission Leprosarium in Amanawa (Sokoto)” Presented at West Africa International Seminar Series, Anthropology Laboratory, University College London, London, Friday 26th October2001 |
7. Bunza, M. U., “A Brief Account of the SIM Activities in Sokoto before 1960” Presented at Africa Department Seminar Series, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London, 27thNovember, 2001. |
8. Bunza, M.U., ‘Muslim Responses to Modern of State in Nigeria: The Influence of Foreign Religious Literature’, paper presented at the International Colloquium Organized by the International Institute of Islamic Thought in Africa, PAS, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA, 12th -15th May, 2002. |
9. Bunza, M. U.,” Is Christianity a Challenge? An Assessment of Muslims’ Responses to Christian Missions in Northern Nigeria” Presented at Garrett Evangelical Seminary, Sheridan, Evanston, USA, June 12, 2002 |
10. Bunza, M. U., “Voices of the Rebels: A Study of the Muslim Brothers (Shiites) in Nigeria circa. 1979-2000” Presented at International Conference on Political Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa, Universite Paris, 28th - 29th October, 2002, Paris, France. |
11. Bunza, M.U., ‘The Changing Pattern of Muslim Christian Relations in Northern Nigeria, 1980-2000’, paper presented at the International Conference on the Transformation of Northern Nigeria, 1903-2003, organized by the Arewa House in conjunction with History Departments UDU, Sokoto, ABU, Zaria and Bayero University, Kano, 13th -17th March, 2003. |
12. Bunza, M.U., ‘Religious Tolerance in the Sokoto Caliphate: A Lesson for Contemporary Nigeria’, paper presented at the International Bi-centenary conference on the History and Legacies of the Sokoto Caliphate, International Conference Center, Abuja, 17th -22nd June, 2004. |
13. Bunza, M.U., ‘Trans-Saharan Islamism: Past and Present Experiences in the Central Bilad al-Sudan’, paper presented at the International Conference organized by the Center for Trans-Saharan Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 2nd-5th July, 2004 |
14. Bunza, M. U., ‘Two Hundred Years of the Sokoto Caliphate: A Survey’, paper presented at the National Sokoto Conference on the Bi-Centenary of the Sokoto Caliphate organized by the Sokoto Sultanate Council and the Sokoto State Government, at Attahiru Bafarawa Institute for Qur’an and General Studies, 23rd -25rd August, 2004 |
15. Bunza, M. U., “The Appropriation of the Sacred of the Profane: A Study of the Role of Non-religious Forces in Religious Conflicts in Modern Nigeria” presented at National Conference on Peaceful Co-existence, Pluralism and Nation building, organized by the Sokoto State Government in collaboration with Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, December 14-16, 2004 |
16. Bunza, M. U., “Prospects of Nigerian Federalism”, being a lead paper presented at National Conference on Issues in Nigerian Federalism organized by School of Arts and Social Studies, Niger State College of Education, Kontagora, Niger State, 25th August to 2nd September, 2005 |
17. Bunza M. U., ‘A Note on the Islamization and Islamic Revolutionary Trends in the Muslim areas of West Africa’, presented at Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania as part of the Summer School Seminars at the Faculty of History, Department of Systematic Philosophy, organized by RESET and SACRI, 4th -6th September, 2005. |
18. Bunza, M. U. “An Overview of Medicinal Arabic Manuscripts of the Sokoto Caliphate”, presented at the International Conference on Literary Tradition in Nigeria, Organized by the Arewa House and the US Embassy Abuja, Nigeria, at Arewa House Kaduna 6th -8th March 2007. |
19. Bunza, M.U., ‘Shaikh al-Amin al-Kanemi versus the Sokoto Jihad Movement: Lessons for Contemporary Nigerians’, paper presented at the International Colloquium for Borno Millennium and Yarwa Centenary organized by Borno Historical and Cultural Foundation, Maiduguri, 12th to 14th November, 2007 |
20. Bunza, M.U., ‘Value, Relevance and Preservation of Arabic Medicinal Manuscripts of the Sokoto Caliphate’, paper presented at the Stake Holders Forum on National Preservation and Conservation Policy for Heritage Collections organized by the National Commission for Museums and Monuments, Abuja, at the International Conference Center, Abuja, 27th -29th October, 2008. |
21. Bunza, M. U., ‘The Challenge of Globalization and Growing Internationalization of Muslim Activities in Post-Cold War Era’, paper presented at the National Conference on Religion and International Relations in the Post-Cold War Era, organized by the Department of Political Science and Center for Peace Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, in honor of outgoing Vice Chancellor Prof. Tijjani M. Bande, 15th – 18th January, 2009 |
22. Bunza, M. U., ‘The Sokoto Caliphate and Challenges of Democratization in Nigeria’, paper presented at the occasion of the conferment of Honorary Fellow of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, on His Eminence the Sultan of Sokoto, Alh. Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, mni, at the Sultan Moccido Institute, Sokoto, 7th March 2009. |
23. Bunza M. U., ‘Arabic Manuscripts as Alternative Sources in the Re-Construction of Northern Nigerian History’, Paper presented at the International Conference on Exploring Nigeria’s Arabic/Ajami Manuscript Resources for Development of New Knowledge, organized by the Arewa House, in conjunction with the Ford Foundation, at Arewa House, Kaduna, 7th -8th May, 2009 |
24. Bunza, M. U., ‘The Sokoto Caliphate and the Legacies of Good Governance: Lessons for the Democratic Nigeria’, paper presented at the International Conference on Islam in Nigeria since independence, (1960-2010), organized by the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, June 21st -23rd 2010 |
25. Bunza, M.U., ‘Tolerance, Respect for Opposition, and Freedom of Opinion and Conscience in an African Islamic State: The Contemporary Relevance of The Polity of The Sokoto Caliphate’, Paper Presented at The First Festschrift Conference Organized by the Bayero University Kano, in Honor of Professor Dahiru Yahya, 19th –20th October 2010 |
26. Bunza, M.U., “Migration and Itinerancy among the Ulama’a in West Africa: The Making of Transnational Muslim Intelligentsia in Nigeria”, paper presented at the International Colloquium on Religion and Migration, organized by the Center for African Studies, Muhammad V University, Rabat, Morocco, 25th – 27th November, 2010. |
27. Bunza, M.U., “Exploring Africa’s Ancient Manuscripts Potentials for Self-reliance and Development: A Historical Survey of the 19th Century Arabic Manuscripts in Nigeria”, paper presented at the International Conference on African Manuscripts Heritage, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, 16-20 December, 2010. |
28. Bunza, M. U., “The Qur’an and the Principle of Historical Method and Inquiry: A Preliminary Study’, Paper for presentation at International Conference on Science and Technology from Islamic Perspective, organized by the National Scholars Association of Malaysia, (ILMUAN), Kuala Lumpur, 28th -30th November, 2011. |
29. Bunza, M. U., “Initiative for Quality Leadership and Sustainable Development: A Model from An African Islamic Polity, (Sokoto Caliphate, Nigeria)’, paper for presentation at the International Conference on Islamic Political Systems, National Scholars Association, (ILMUAN), Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 28th -30th November, 2011 |
30. Bunza, M. U., “Religion, Ethnicity, Identity Question and the Muslim Youth in Nigeria: A Historical Reconnaissance”, paper presented at the Departmental Seminar, organized by the Department of History, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, on 6thJune, 2012. |
31. Bunza, M. U., “ The Onus of Civil Society Organizations in a Waning State: Religious Institutions in Anti-Corruption Campaign in Nigeria”, paper presented at the 57th Congress of the Historical Society of Nigeria, at Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria, 28th -31th October 2012. |
32. Bunza, M. U., “Exploring the Relevance of Historical Accounts for Understanding the Message and Content of the Holy Qur’an”, paper presented at the international colloquium, on Rethinking the Qur’an, organized by the Research Institute for Philosophical Foundation of Disciplines, Ankara, Turkey, 3-5th May, 2013 |
33. Bunza, M. U., ‘Challenges of Religious Dialogue in Multi-ethnic Society: The Case of Nigeria’, Being a paper for presentation at International Conference on Inter-faith Dialogue organized by the Australia Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia, 25-30th May 2014 |
34. Bunza, M. U., “Faith and Conservationism: Plants and Medicine in some Selected Treatises in Sokoto Literature”, Being a paper for the Fourth African Association for the Study of Religion (AASR) International Conference, presented at the Department of Contemporary Islam, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 4th August 2014 |
35. Bunza, M. U., “The New Role of Ulama’ in Nigeria: Focus on the Post 1999 Democratic Dispensation”, Being a paper presented at the 7th Al-Jami’ah Forum on “Ulama in Contemporary Muslim Societies”, organized by Yogyakarta State Islamic University, Indonesia, 27th to 28th November 2014. |
36. Bunza, M. U., “Change of the Guard: Vagaries in Dosso-Zarma Relations with Kebbi Kingdom and Gwandu Emirate, 1820s-1880s’, paper presented at the International Symposium on the relations between Kebbi (Argungu) and Zigui (Dosso), organized by the Department of History, Abdou Moumouni University, Niamey, Niger Republic, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, and Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Nigeria, 14th – 17th December, 2014 at Dosso, Niger Republic. |
37. Bunza, M. U., “The Sokoto Caliphate and Challenges of Development in the 21st Century Nigeria: A Glimpse on the Perspectives of SaniZaharadden”, paper presented at the International Festschrift in honor of Professor Emeritus Sani Zahradden, at Bayero University, Kano, 14th – 18th May 2015. |
38. Bunza, M. U., “Islam Response to British Imperialism: The Nigeria –Sudan Experiences’ paper presented at the International Conference on Nigeria-Sudan Relations organized the Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria, the University of Dalanj, and Omdurman Islamic University, Khartoum, Sudan, 9th – 11th June 2015. |
39. Bunza, M. U., “Towards an Integrated, Sustainable and Quality Assured Islamic University System in the Circumstances of Scarce Resources: The Salame University Experience in the Sokoto Caliphate”, paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Islamic Universities, Integration of Knowledge and Challenge of Quality Assurance, organized by the International Institute of Islamic Thought, IIIT, Nigeria Office, at Mambayya House, Bayero University, Kano 18th - 20th August 2015. |
40. Bunza, M. U., “The Maradi Factor in the Sokoto Caliphate: Lessons for Inter and Intra-communal Co-existence in Nigeria and Niger”, paper presented at the University of Maradi, MaradiKwalliya, from December 14th -16th 2015. |
41. Bunza, M. U., “Security Challenges and Responsible Leadership in the Sokoto Caliphate: Lessons for Contemporary Nigeria”, paper presented at the First National Conference organized by the Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria, 1st – 3rd March, 2016 |
42. Bunza, M. U., “Challenges of Religious Dialogue in Northern Nigeria: An Assessment of Muslim-Christian Relations”, paper presented at the International Conference on ‘How Do We See Each Other’ organized by the Center for Inter-Religious Dialogue, Ahalvarra University Spain, 27th – 29th March 2016. |
43. Bunza, M. U., “The Influence of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Medical Literature on the Study and Practice of Medicine among Muslims in the 19th Century Northern Nigeria”, paper presented at the International Conference Medical Ethics and History, University of Istanbul, Turkey, 25th – 28th June 2016. |
44. Bunza, M. U., “Medical study and Practice in the 19th Century Hausaland”, paper presented at the International Congress on History of Medicine and Muslim Medicine Heritage at the Muhammed ben Abdullah University, Fez, Morocco, 24th – 28thOctober 2016. |
45. Bunza, M. U., ‘On the relevance of the Political Structure and Administration of the Sokoto Caliphate’, paper presented at the International Conference on the Tenth Anniversary of the 20th Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, 3rd -5th November 2016. |
46. Bunza, M. U., “Ulama’ and Talaba Migratory trends in West Africa: Agadez and its Role in the Making of the Sokoto intelligentsia”, paper presented at the International Colloquium organized by the University of Agadez, Niger Republic, 12th – 16th December 2016. |
47. Bunza, M. U., “Scramble for Space and Influence in Muslim West Africa: Iran and the emergence of Shiite Politico-Religious Doctrine in Nigeria”, paper presented at the International Colloquium organized by the French Ministry of Defence, Paris, April, 20, 2017. |
48. Bunza, M. U., “Islam in Kabi Kingdom: Beyond the Horizon”, paper presented at the second National Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, on the History, People, Religion and Culture of Kabi Kingdom since 1515, 10th -12th July 2017. |
49. Bunza, M. U., “The Question of Tolerance and Accommodation in the Political Structure of Kabi Kingdom: A Study of the Office of Dikko since 1515”, paper presented at the second National Conference of the Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, on the History, People, Religion and Culture of Kabi Kingdom since 1515, 10th -12th July 2017. |
50. Bunza, M. U., “Nigeria and Niger in the Swirl of Religious Extremism: Towards a Joint against the Activities of Boko Haram”, Paper presented at the International Colloquium “Security, Migration and Behavior Change for Development of the Region of Tahoua”, TahouSakola, University of Tahoua, Niger Republic from 14th -16th December, 2017 |
51. Bunza, M. U., “Religious NGOs and Grassroots Development: Some Selected Case Studies in the Northwest Nigeria”, paper presented at the at International Conference on Professor Toyin Falola @65 held at the University of Ibadan, 29-31 January 2018 |
52. Bunza, M. U., “The Role of Intellectuals and African Future: Exploration into the Contribution of Prof. Toyin Falola in Historical Scholarship”, a commissioned lead paper presented at the International Conference on Professor Toyin Falola @65 held at the University of Ibadan, 29-31 January 2018 |
53. Bunza, M. U., “Insurgency and Phenomenon of Boko Haram in Nigeria: A Reconnaissance”, a Keynote address delivered at the opening ceremony of an International Conference on Insurgency and Phenomenon of Boko Haram in Nigeria organized by the Bayero University Kano Center for Islamic Civilization and Interfaith Dialogue in collaboration with IIIT Nigeria, 13th to 16th November 2018 at the Government House Kano. |
54. Bunza, M. U., “Indigenization and Customization of Islamic Education: Towards understanding the roots of Islamization and Islamism in the Central Bilad al-Sudan”, paper presented at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth, Germany, at Room, S121(GW1), Monday 14th October 2019. |
55. Bunza, M. U., ‘Women as Agents of Religious Change in Muslim Northern Nigeria: decoding Past as Present in Social Change’, presented at the seminar presented at the at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth, Germany, BA, 25th October, 2019 |
56. Bunza, M. U., and Daniya, U. A., “Songhai/ Sonay in the History of Hausaland: Making Relevance in Modern History of Nigeria and Niger”, paper presented at the International Colloquium, Tllaberi, Tchandallo, Republic of Niger, 13-15 December 2019. |
57. Bunza, M. U., ‘Security and Tolerance in the Sokoto Caliphate: Lessons for Contemporary Countries’, occasional presentations organized by the IIIT, International Institute Islamic Thought, BUK, 17th May, 2020, online webinar |
58. Bunza, M. U., ‘COVID-19, Social and Economic Crisis: Challenges of Jon Security, Social Protection and People’s Welfare’, paper presented at the Annual Worker’s Day (May Day) celebration, organized by the Nigeria Labor Congress, NLC, Kebbi State Chapter, on 1st May 2021 at Presidential Lodge, Birnin Kebbi |
59. Bunza, M. U., ‘Research Methodology’, presented at Workshop on Research Methodology organized by the Sokoto State University, Sokoto Central Research and Publications Committee, on 12 My 2021 |
60. Bunza, M. U., ‘On the Sokoto Caliphate by Prof. D M Last: A Review’, presented at the 11th Anniversary Tribute to Sultan Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar as 20th Sultan of Sokoto, at International Conference Center, Sokoto, on 11th May 2022. |
61. Bunza, M. U., ‘Secularism, Kemalism and the dislodgement of Political Islam in the Muslim Societies of the defunct Sokoto Caliphate (Nigeria) since 1903’, being a proposal for a Workshop on Secularism, Transnational Kemalism Online Workshop/Special Issue organized by the Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies, (CERS), Leeds University, 30 the – 31st May 2022 |
62. Bunza, M. U., ‘Decolonizing the Post-Colonial Africa for Contemporary and Future: Towards Conceptualizing and Reconnoitering the Decolonizing Philosophy of Prof. Toyin Falola, being a paper presented at the International Conference, The Toyin Falola at 70, on the theme: Post-Colonial Africa: Historical and Contemporary Realities, organized by the Kenyatta University, Kenya, 10th -12th May 2023 |
Academic Metrics (ORCID, LinkedIn, Google scholar, ResearchGate, Web of science, Scopus, etc). |