Mustapha Aliyu
Brief Biography
My Name is Mustapha Aliyu I was born on 25th August, 1988 in Sokoto state, married with one wife and one daughter I am the 1st Person in the family of Mal. Aliyu Ahmed, my mother name is Malama Zuwaira. I attended my primary school in University Model Primary School in 1997 to 2003 then I join my secondary school at Nagarta College Sokoto in 2003 to 2009. Then I proceeded to Usmanu Danfodiyo University Network (UDUNET) were I obtained my Professional Diploma in Computer Science in 2009. In the year 2014 I went to Sokoto State Education Development Trust Fund (SEDTF) were I obtained Certificate in Computer Studies, then I process to The Polytechnic of Sokoto State for my National Diploma in Computer Science from 2015-2016. I later got Employment with Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto as Computer Operator II in Faculty of Agricultural Science, Department of Agricultural Economics from 17th October 2017 to date.
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