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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Onu Andrew

Area of specialization:Molecular Biology

List of Selected Publications

1 Onu, A., Y. Saidu, M. J. Ladan, L. S. Bilbis, A. A. Aliero, and S. M. Sahabi, (2013) “Effect of Aqueous Stem Bark Extract of Khaya senegalensis on Some Biochemical, Haematological, and Histopathological Parameters of Rats,” Journal of Toxicology, Article ID 803835. doi:10.1155/2013/803835. Vol. 2013, Pg 1 – 9, ISSN: 1687-8191
2 Onu A., Saidu Yusuf, Ladan Muktar Jangabe, Bilbis Suleman Lawal and Aliero Aliyu Adamu (2013) “α-Glucosidase inhibitory potential of selected anti-diabetic plants used in North-Western Nigeria,” Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, vol 7 (12) 2010-2018. DOI: 10.5897/JMPR12. ISSN: 1996-0875
3 Yusuf Saidu, Suleiman Alhaji Muhammad, Abdullahi Yahaya Abbas, Onu A., Ibrahim Mohammed Tsado, Luba Muhammad (2017) In vitro Screening for Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B and Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV Inhibitors From Selected Nigerian Medicinal Plants. Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology, Vol. 6(2) 154-157. DOI 10.5455/jice.20161219011346. ISSN: 2146-8397
4 Abbas A.Y., Muhammad, I., Bilbis, L.S., Saidu, Y. and Onu, A. (2017) In vitro antimalarial activity of some Nigerian medicinal plants. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry; 6(6): 885-888 ISSN 2349 - 8234
5 A.Y. Abbas, I. Muhammad, M.B. Abdulrahman, L.S. Bilbis, Y. Saidu and A. Onu (2017) Possible Antidiabetic Mechanism of Action of Ex-maradi Okra Fruit Variety (Abelmoscusesculentus) on Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. DOI. http://dx.dol.org/10.4314/njbas.v2512.11 ISSN 0794 - 5698
6 Lawal Bilbis, Rabiu Umar Aliyu, Suleman Y Mudi, Yusuf Saidu, Onu A. (3rd May, 2017). Antimalarial Compound and Method of Production. US Patent Application Number 6250091 7 Lawal Suleman Bilbis, Rabiu Aliyu Umar, Suleman Mudi, Onu A., Yusuf Saidu, Umar Zaki Faruk, Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), Muktar Jangebe Ladan and Lawal Gusau Hassan (Date of Patent: 08/05/2018). Antimalarial Compound and Method of Production from Cassia Nigricans Thereof. RP:NG/P/2018/149.
8 Hassan, L. G., Msheila, H. E., Umar, K. J., Umar A. Umar and Onu, A. (2018) Nutritional and anti-nutrition analysis of Monechma ciliatum leaves. Research Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Vol 3 (3) ISSN 2536-7080. https://doi.org/10.31248/RJFSN2018.040
9 Hassan, L. G., Liman, M. G., Mshelia, H. E., Ogbiko, C., Babagana, A. and Onu A., (2018) Lupeol Acetate Isolated from n-Hexane Extract of Tapinanthus globiferus Leaf . ChemSearch Journal 9(1): 83 – 88. ISSN: 2276 – 707X.
10 Suleiman Ahmed Isa, Kasimu Ghandi Ibrahim, Onu A., Sagir Kaka Shinkafi, Rukayya Nuhu Ismail, and Tijjani Salihu Shinkafi (2019) Hypolipidemic And Antioxidant Effects of Camel Milk in High Fat Diet Fed Hyperlipidemic Rats. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, 3(2) 143-153 ISSN 2589 – 868X
11 Abdulhafiz Damilola Oso, Idris Bello, Yusuf Sa’idu and Onu A. (2019. Inhibitory Effect of the Stem Bark Extracts of Albizia chevalieri Harms on the Activity of Alpha-glucosidase Obtained from Aspergillus niger. European Journal of Medicinal Plants 27(2): 1-10, Article no.EJMP.24417 ISSN: 2231-0894, NLM ID: 101583475. DOI: 10.9734/EJMP/2019/v27i230107
12 C.A. Otitolaiye, A.M. Makusidi, Onu A., N.B Muhammad, H.B. Zainab (2019) Lipid Profile and Lipid Peroxidation Levels of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients (CKD) in Sokoto. Journal of Medicinal Science and Clinical Research, 7(05) 347-355. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i5.57 . ISSN: 2455-0450
13 Aminu I. Umar, Abubakar Tijjani, Rabiu S. U. Wasagu and Onu A. (2019) Isolation and Partial Characterisation of α- Amylase from Two Vegetables Consumed in Sokoto Metropolis. Caliphate Journal of Science & Technology (CaJoST). (2) 129-134 ISSN: 2705-313X (PRINT); 2705-3121 (ONLINE)
14 Abdulkadir Y. Sadiq, Lawal S. Bilbis, Onu A., Hassan Yusuf (2021). Synthesis and in vitro Anti- Trypanosomal Activity of Vanillic Acid and Para- Hydroxybenzoic Acid on T. congolense. The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 8(3):77-85. ISSN: 2349-7092. www.tpcj.org
15 Onu, A., Ayuba, S.A., Rabe, A.M., Abbas, A.Y., Hassan, L.G., Ladan, M.J., Bilbis L.S. and Saidu, Y. (2021) Pharmacokinetic Study of A Novel Anti-malaria CN005M and its Analogue MeCN005M in Albino Rat Model. Nigerian J of Basic and Applied Sciences. Accepted September 08th 2021 ISSN 2756 - 4843
16 Onu A. and Rabe Amina Musa (2021). khaya senegalensis has Inhibitory Activity Against α-Glucosidase. Caliphate Journal of Science & Technology (CaJoST). Vol 4 No.1 ISSN: 2705-313X (PRINT
17. Yahaya Tijani, Abubakar Shettima, Maryam Saleh Bukar, Miriam Watafua, Babagana Modu, Bulama Burah, Baba Sale Madu, Afiniki Mhya Bitrus, Andrew Onu and Hassan Zanna (2023) Assessment of Hepatotoxic Effects and Serum Enzyme Changes Induced by Naja melanoleuca Venom in Albino Rats. AJBAR Vol. 2(6): 166-174, ISSN: 2811-2881