Prof. A. B.Rabah

Brief Biography
Rabah, Abdullahi Bako is a Professor of Environmental Microbiology in the Faculty of Chemical and Life Sciences. He attended the prestigious Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria where he obtained BSc (1996), MSc (2008) and PhD (2012) all from Microbiology Department of the University. He joined the services of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto in 2006 as a Graduate Assistant and rose through the rank to attained the highest rank of Professor of Environmental Microbiology in 2023. He served as the Departmental Examination Officer (7 years), Examination Officer, School of Matriculation Studies (5 years), Ag. Head of Department (4 years) and is currently the Postgraduate Studies Coordinator of the Faculty of Chemical and Life Sciences. He has successfully supervised over 150 Undergraduate students, 23 MSc students and 4 PhD students to completion. He is currently involved in supervising a number of Postgraduate students in different status in the University. He has over 36 publications to his name in many local and international journals. He has attended a number of National and International conferences/workshops and webinars. His area of research/specialization is in waste control and management especially in bioconversion of wastes to value-added products. He is a member of Nigerian Society of Microbiology, Biotechnology Society of Nigeria, Mycotoxicology Society of Nigeria, Nigerian Environmental Society, Science Association of Nigeria and American Society of Microbiology. Professor Rabah is happily married and blessed with Children. His main hobbies are reading ad travelling.
Area of specialization: | Applied & Environmental Microbiology |
Email: | |
Phone: | +2348065631286 |
List of Selected Publications
1 Rabah, A. B., Ijah, U. J. J., Manga, S. B., and Ibrahim, M. L. (2008). Assessment of Physico-chemical and microbiological qualities of abattoir wastewater in Sokoto, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 16 (2), 145-150: ISSN 0794-5698: v16i2.62 M. L. Ibrahim, U. J. J. Ijah, S. B. Manga and A. B. Rabah. (2008). Occurrence of Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria in the Rhizosphere of Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Lablab purpureus and Moringa oleifera. International Journal of Pure and Applied Science, 2 (3): 21 – 26. ISSN: 1597 – 9261
3 Rabah, A. B., Manga, S. B., Sani, M. L., and Ibrahim, M. L. (2009). Prevalence of Bacteria associated with fingernails of Primary School Pupils in Sokoto Metropolis. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 17 (1), 66-70: ISSN 0794-5696: v17i1.6
4 Rabah, A. B., and Ibrahim, M. L. (2010). Physicochemical and microbiological characterization of soil laden with tannery effluents in Sokoto metropolis, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 18 (1): 65-71: ISSN 0794-5698: v18i1.56843
5 Rabah, A. B., Oyeleke, S. B., Manga, S. B., Hassan, L. G. and Ijah, U. J. J. (2010). Microbiological and physicochemical assessment of soil contaminated with abattoir effluents in Sokoto metropolis, Nigeria. Science World Journal, 5 (3): 1-4: ISSN 1597-6343
6 Rabah, A. B., Baki, A. S., Hassan, L. G., Musa, M. and Ibrahim, A. D. (2010). Production of Biogas using abattoir waste at different retention time. Science World Journal, 5 (4): 23-26: ISSN 1597-6343
7 Liman B., Ibrahim M., Ibrahim N.T., and Rabah, A. B. (2010). Effect of mahogany (Khaya senegalensis L) leaf extract on root-knot nematode of tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum L.). Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 18 (2): 272-276: ISSN 0794-5698: v18i2.64338
8 Ibrahim M., Rabah, A. B., Liman B., and Ibrahim N.T. (2011). Effect of temperature and relative humidity on the growth of Helminthosporium fulvum. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 19 (1): 127-129: ISSN 0794-5698: v19i1.69357
9 Oyeleke, S. B., Ibrahim, A. D., Manga, S. B., Rabah, A. B., Auta, H. and Ladan, F. (2011). Production of bacterial amylase by Bacillus species from rice husk dumpsites in Sokoto metropolis, Nigeria. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 5 (1): 380-385: ISSN 1991-8631: (Short Communication)
10 Rabah, A. B., Ibrahim, M. L., Ijah, U. J. J and Manga, S. B. (2011). Assessment of the efficiency of a yeast biofilter in the treatment of abattoir wastewater. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10 (46): 9347-9351: ISSN 1684-5315, DOI: 10.5897/AJB
11 Ibrahim, A. D., Jumare, F. I., Manga, S. B., Rabah, A. B. and Karaye, I. U. (2011). Studies on Bioethanol production using Gardenia erubescens fruits as substrate. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research, 6 (2): 99-105: ISSN 0973-2683: Indexed in Google Scholar, JournalSeek, EBSCOhost ICI and Index Copernicus.
12 Ibrahim, A. D., Okafor, I., Oyeleke, S. B., Rabah, A. B., Auta, H. and Muh’d U-K. (2011). Amylase production by Aspergillus niger cultured on Adansonia digitata seed powder. Developmental Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2 (2): 75-83: ISSN 0976-5867
13 Rabah, A. B., Oyeleke, S. B., Manga, S. B. and Hassan, L. G. (2011). Microbial pretreatment of rice husk and groundnut shell for bioethanol production. International Research Journal of Microbiology, 2 (8): 253-258: ISSN 2141-5463.
14 Umar, K. J., Rabah, A. B., Naála, M., Bello, M., Ibrahim, M. L. and Garba, M. (2011). Antibacterial and phytochemical screening of methanolic extracts of Celosia leptostachya Benth leaves on some selected clinical isolates. Journal of Medicinal Plants, 5 (28): 6473-6476: ISSN 1996-0875, DOI: 10.5897/JMPR10.231
15 Rabah, A. B., Oyeleke, S. B., Manga, S. B. and Hassan, L. G. (2011). Dilute acid pretreatment of millet and guineacorn husks for bioethanol production. International Research Journal of Microbiology, 2 (10): 460-465: ISSN 2141-5463.
16 Rabah, A. B., Oyeleke, S. B., Manga, S. B., Hassan, L. G., Ibrahim, A. D. and Shehu, K. (2011). Role of Pleorotus oestreatus and Gloeophyllum sepiarium in the hydrolysis of some selected agrowastes. International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 7 (4): 509-514: ISSN 0973-2691: Indexed in EBSCOhost, GOOGLE Scholar, JournalSeek, J-Gate, ICI and Index Copernicus.
17 Rabah, A. B., Oyeleke, S. B., Manga, S. B. and Hassan, L. G. (2011). Utilization of millet and guineacorn husks for bioethanol production. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5 (31): 5721-5724: ISSN 1996-0808, DOI: 10.5897/AJMR11.1127
18 Manga, S. B., Kawo, A. H., Rabah, A. B., Usman, A. A., Dabai, A. I. and Bala, J. A. (2012). Assessment of larvicidal activities of Bacillus species isolated from soil against the mosquito Aedes aegyptia (Diptera: Culicidae) in Sokoto, Northwestern Nigeria. Ife Journal of Science, 14 (2): 305 – 308: ISSN 0794-4896
19 Rabah, A. B., Adeyemi, A. K., Ladan, M. U., Umar, A. I., Usman, A. A. and Manga, S. S. (2013). Prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis in selected secondary schools of Aliero Local Government Area, Kebbi State, Nigeria. Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics, 10 (4): 159-163: ISSN 0794-9057
20 A. D. Ibrahim, A. B. Rabah., M. L. Ibrahim., I. M. Magami., J. G. Isah. and O. I. M. Uzoh. (2014). Bacteriological and chemical properties of soil amended with fermented poultry bird feather, International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. 8 (3): 1243-1248: ISSN 1991-8631 (Short Communication)
21 Usman, A. A., Kawo, A. H., Odeh, A. P. and Rabah, A. B. (2014). Studies on microorganisms associated with Noma disease (Cancrum oris): A case study of Noma children Hospital, Sokoto State, Nigeria, Journal of Zoological and Bioscience Research, 1 (3): 15-19: ISSN 2349-2856
22 Rabah, A. B., Oyeleke, S. B., Manga, S. B. and Hassan, L. G. (2014). Utilization of rice husks and groundnut shells for bioethanol production. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 5 (4): 367 – 369: ISSN: 2010 – 0264; DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2014.V5.511
23 Rabah, A. B., Dabai, A. I., Agbo, O. D. and Fardami, A. Y. (2014). Bacteriological and Nutritional Assessment of ‘Kunun-Aya’(Tiger Nuts; Cyperus esculentus var sativa) Drinks Sold in Sokoto, Nigeria. Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics; 11(4): 440-444: ISSN 0794-9057
24 Usman, A. A., Manga, S. B., Shinkafi, S. A., Rabah, A. B., Gambo, A. and Odeh, P. A. (2014). Fungi Associated With Carpets and Floor Dust Samples As a Indicator of Indoor Air Quality. Annals of Biological Sciences: 2(4): 16 – 19. ISSN 2348-1927: Indexed in Index Copernicus, Worldcat and ROAD.
25 Rabah, A. B. and Bello, H. (2015). Production and Characterization of Biosurfactants from Abattoir Wastewater. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 5(7): 187 – 190: ISSN 2225 – 093X https:/
26 Dabai, M. U., Habib, B., Faruk, U. Z. and Rabah, A. B. (2018). Comparative Analysis on Trace Metals in Atmospheric and Vacuum Residue. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science: III (XI): 50 - 52. ISSN 2454 – 6194, Indexed in Google scholar,, getCITED etc
27 F. I. Jumare, A. M. Magashi, A. B. Rabah, A. M. Sokoto and M. U. Hizbullahi (2019). Biohydrolysis of Banana and Plaintain Peels for the Production of Biofuel. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 3 (2): 1 – 11. ISSN: 2581 – 8368 DOI: 10.9734/JENRR/2019/v3i23009
28 Bilkisu, Adedoyin, Aminu Muhammad, Sani Muhammad Dangoggo, Abdullahi Rabah, George Sharples, Lutfun Nahar, Satyajit Sarker. (2019). Chemical Composition and Bioactivity of the Essential Oil of Cassia singuena Flowers Growing in Nigeria. Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research, 5 (3): 1 – 7. eISSN: 2423 – 4494; pISSN 2423 – 4486; DOI: 10.18502/pbr.v5i3.2110
29 Garga, M. A., Manga, S. B., Rabah, A. B., Tahir, H., Abdullahi, M., Ahmad, M., Abdullahi, H. A., Bako, I., Abdulrahman, S. A.. and Mukhtar, U. F. (2019). Antibacterial Activity and Phytochemical Screening of Moringa oleifera LAM. Leaves and Seeds Extracts on Staphyllococcus aureus. International Journal of Research – Granthaalayah, 7 (11): 276 – 284. ISSN: 2350-0530 (online), 2394 – 3629 (print),
30 Aliyu Abubakar Shehu, Onwuka Gerald Ike, Abdullahi Bako Rabah and Nasiru Lawal. (2020): Environmental and Socio-Economic Factors as Drivers of Tuberculosis in Nigeria: Paradigm to Adapt Mathematical Approach for Research and Interventions. International Journal of Research Publications, 57 (1): 90 – 107: ISSN: 2708 – 3578 (Online): DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1005717 20201336
31 A. S. Muhammad, H. Bello, I. Bello, A. M. Nasiru, I. U. Muhammad, A. Sanda, S. A. Anka, A. B. Rabah, Y. Garba and T. S. Bello. (2020). Isolation and Identification of Bacteria Associated with Pre and Post Processing of Groundnut Cake in Sokoto State, North-Western Nigeria, Journal o Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 10 (12): ISSN: 2225 - 093X (Online), 2224: 3208 (Paper): DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/10-12-03
32 Dabai, M. U., Habib, B., Faruk, U. Z. and Rabah, A. B. (2020). Comparative Study Characterization of Atmospheric and Vacuum Oil Residue from KRPC, Kaduna, Nigeria. International Journal of Chemical and BiologicalSciences: 2 (1): 01 - 04. Online ISSN 2664 – 6773, Print ISSN: 2664 - 6765 Indexed in Google scholar,, getCITED etc
33 Umar Balarabe Ibrahim, Abdullahi Bako Rabah, Abdulkadir Abdulmunim Usman, Ali Saleh, Ayeni Joshua Oluwatosin and Abdullahi Hassan Kawo. (2021). Optimization of Phenol Degradation by Streptococcus epidermidis Using One Factor at a Time Methodology. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences (15) 2: 137 – 147. E – ISSN: 2146 – 0108, Indexed in Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, WorldCat, Genamics etc.
34 Haruna Yahaya Ismail, Ahmad Ali Farouq, Abdullahi Bako Rabah, Aminu Bayawa Muhammad, Ibrahim Alkali Allamin, Umar Balarabe Ibrahim and Usman Ali Bukar. (2021). Microbe – Assisted Phytoremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons, A chapter in Handbook of Research on Microbial Remediation and Microbial Biotechnology For Sustainable Soil; A Volume in Advances in Environmental Engineering and Green Technologies Book Seroes. pp 386 – 416 Published by the IGI Global Publishers of Timely Knowledge, eISBN: 2326 – 9170, ISBN: 9781799870623, DOI: 10.4018//978 -1 - 7998 – 7062 – 3, Ch015.
35 Ismail, H. Y., Farouq, A. A., Rabah, A. B., Muhammad, A. B. and Aliyu, R. U. (2021). Effect of Soil Contamination with Crude Petroleum on Cowpea: An Insight into the Prospects of Crop Production in Nigerian Frontier Basins, Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Studies, 2 (2): 50 – 62, ISSN: 2710-140, DOI: 10.32996/jeas
36 A. A. Farouq, H. Y. Ismail, A. B. Rabah, A. B. Muhammad, U. B. Ibrahim and A. Y. Fardami. (2022). Cowpea Induced Physicochemical and Biological Changes in Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil, Plant and Soil, 477 (1 – 2): 759 - 777;
37. Haruna Yahaya Ismail, Ahmad Ali Farouq, Abdullahi Bako Rabah, Aminu Bayawa Muhammad, Rabiu Umar Aliyu, Aliyu Sarkin Baki, Ibrahim Alkali Allamin and Usman Ali Bukar. (2024). Phytoremediation of crude oil-contaminated soil using Vigna unguiculata and associated bacteria. International Journal of Phytoremediation, DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2024.2389559
38. Aminu Muhammad Gusau, Abdullahi Bako Rabah, Aminu Yusuf Fardami and Ibrahim Muhammad Magami. (2024). Molecular Identification of Potent Chromium Reducing Bacteria Isolated from Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil within Sokoto Metropolis. UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research, Conference Special Issue, 9 (3): 365 – 373; DOI:
1 Manga, S. B., Bashir, S., Muazu, A. G., Amos, Y., Bako, A. R., and Ameh, I. G. (2007). Isolation of Salmonella typhi isolates from patients and assessment of their susceptibility and resistance patterns to some antibiotic. A paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. 28th-31st October 2007
. 2 Wasagu, R. S., Muhammad, C., and Rabah, A. B. (2007). Bacteriological assessment of Beef from different selling centers in Sokoto metropolis. A paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. 28th-31st October 2007.
3 Rabah, A. B., Manga, S. B., and Ibrahim, M. L. (2007). Comparative studies on antibacterial activity of Cassia occidentalis (Linn) and Chloramphenicol on Salmonella typhi. A paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. 28th-31st October 2007
4 Manga, S. B., Ameh, I. G., Bako, A. R., Dangoggo, S. M., and Galadima, M. (2007). Larvicidal efficacy of stock Bacillus sphaericus on local species of Anopheles mosquitoes in Sokoto. A paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. 28th-31st October 2007
5 Manga, S. B., Bashir, S., Muazu, A. G., Amos, Y., Bako, A. R., Ameh, I. G. and Maryam, L. (2007). Antibiotic sensitivity of Salmonella isolates from patients at Federal Medical Center, Gusau. A paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. 28th-31st October 2007
6 Farouq, A. A., Hoshea, M. G., Rabah, A. B., and Muhammad, S. (2007). The screening of Ficus exaspirata and Ficus gnaphalocarpa for antifungal activity against ringworm (Tinea capitis) infection. A paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. 28th-31st October 2007
7 Muhammad, C., Mukhtar, M., Wasagu, R. S. U., and Rabah, A. B. Antimicrobial activity of crude aqueous extracts of Ocimum gradissimum. A paper presented at the 28th Annual Scientific Conference and General Meeting of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. 24th-26th November 2008
8 M. L. Ibrahim, S. B. Manga, A. B. RABAH, and U. J. J. Ijah. (2009). Biodegradation of Escravos Light Crude Oil by Bacteria Isolated from Rhizosphere of Eucalyptus camadulensis, Lablab purpureus, and Moringa oleifera. A paper presented at the International Conference, Workshop and Exhibition on Biotechnologies for Improved Production of Oil and Gas in the Gulf of Guinea held at the Nicon Luxury, Abuja, Nigeria, 1 April- 3 April 2009.
9 Manga, S.B., Kawo, A.H., Rabah, A.B., Usman,A.A., Dabai, A.I. and Rogo, L.D. (2011). Studies on the larvicidal potentials of some Bacillus species isolated from soil in Sokoto, Nigeria. A paper presented at the 35 national annual conference and general meeting organized by the Nigerian Society for Microbiology held at Bayero th University, Kano, Nigeria between 9 and th 13 October, 2011. Book of abstracts, p29.
10 Usman, A. A., Kawo, A. H., Rabah, A. B., and Odeh, A. P. (2013). Studies on microorganisms associated with noma disease (Concrum oris). Case study of noma children hospital, Sokoto. A paper presented at the 6th annual conference of Mycological Society of Nigeria held at Chike Okoli Centre, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria between 10th – 13th June 2013.
11 Usman, A. A., Manga, S. B., Shinkafi, S. A., Rabah, A. B., Gambo, A., and Odeh, A. P. (2013). Fungi associated with carpets and floor dust samples as an indicator of indoor air quality. A paper presented at the 6th annual conference of Mycological Society of Nigeria held at Chike Okoli Centre, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria between 1oth – 13th June 2013.
12 U. J. J. Ijah, U. B. Ibrahim, R. A. Suru, A. B. Rabah and M. L. Riskuwa. (2016). Bacterial Contamination of Stored Drinking Water in Some Farming Communities in Sokoto, Nigeria. A paper presented at the 39th Annual Scientific Conference and General Meeting of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology held at University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 19th – 23rd September, 2016.
13 Garga, M. A., Manga, S. B., Ibrahim, M. A., Rabah, A. B., Faruq, U. Z. and Fardami, A. Y. (2017). Antibacterial Activity and Phytochemical Screening of Moringa oleifera Lam Leaves and Stem Extracts on Some Clinical Bacterial Isolates. A paper presented at the 40th Annual Scientific Conference and General Meeting of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology held at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, 5th – 10th December, 2017.
14 M. L. Riskuwa-Shehu, H. Y. Ismail, A. B. Rabah, and R. H. Abdulwahab. (2017). Heavy Metal Resistance by Endophytic Bacteria Isolated from Guava (Psidium guajava) and Mango (Magnifera indica) Leaves. A paper presented at the 40th Annual Scientific Conference and General Meeting of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology held at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, 5th – 10th December, 2017.
15 Balkisu, A, Adedoyin, Aminu, B. Muhammad, Sani, M. Dangoggo, Abdullahi, B. Rabah, George, P. Sharples, Satyajit, D. Sarker. (2018). GC-FID and GC-MS Analyses and Bioactivity Assessment of the Essential Oil of Cassia singueana Delile Flower. A paper presented at the 22nd International Congress of Biopharm, Horgen, Switzerland, 25th – 27th June, 2018.
16 Adedoyin Bilkisu Ajoke, Aminu, B. Muhammad, Sani, M. Dangoggo, Abdullahi, B. Rabah, Lutfun, Nahar, George, P. Sharples, Satyajit, D. Sarker. (2018). Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Compounds from Cassia singueana L. A paper presented at the Young Scientists’ Meeting on Advances in Phytochemical Analysis (Trends in Natural Products Research), Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2nd – 5th July, 2018.
17 Ismail, H. Y., Farouq, A. A., Rabah, A. B. and Muhammad, A. B. (2019). Climate Change: The Role and Response of Microbes. A paper presented at the 53rd Annual Conference of Science Association of Nigeria held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, 14th – 18th July, 2019.
18 M. N. Almustapha, G. Muhammad, M. G. Liman, A. B. Rabah, M. L. Muhammad, A. M. Sokoto and L. G. Hassan. (2019). Conversion of Hemicellulose From Maize Cobs to Furfural. A paper presented at the 53rd Annual Conference of Science Association of Nigeria held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, 14th – 18th July, 2019.
19 Riskuwa-Shehu, M. L., Rabah, A. B., Isma’il, H. Y. and Salaudeen R. Heavy Metal Tolerance by Bacteria Isolated From Tannery Effluents. A paper presented at the 42nd Annual Conference and General Meeting of the Nigerian Society For Microbiology held at Crawford University, Igbesa, Ogun State, 3rd – 6th September 2019.
20 M. U. Dabai, B. Habib, U. Z. Faruk and Rabah, A. B. (2020). Comparative Study on Characterization of Atmospheric and Vacuum Oil Residue from KRPC, Kaduna, Nigeria; A paper presented at the 5th Annual Symposium of the American Chemical Society (ACS), Nigeria International Chemical Sciences Chapter held at the Auditorium (Red Carpet), Sokoto State University, Sokoto, 1st to 4th March 2020.
1 Biohydrogen Production: An Insight into Thermophilic Bacteria ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 31 October 2020
2 Natural Antioxidants: Natural Defense Against Oxidative Stress ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 05 November 2020
3 Dual Channel Pentaplexing for Detection of up to Nine Candida species, in a Single Tube qPCR Assay ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 07 November 2020
4 Give Evidence for Your Thesis: Paper Novelty Using Bibliometric Analysis ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 12 November 2020
5 Secondary Metabolomics Targeting the Bio-actives from a Haystack ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 13 November 2020
6 Phage Therapy as a Promising Strategy to Fight Multi-Drug Resistant Bacterial Infections ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 27 November 2020
7 Non-Polyene Antifungal Antibiotic Produced by Catellatospora citrea. AK 49 ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 28 November 2020
8 Bioinformatics: Past, Present and Future Faculty of Applied Sciences, AIMST University, Malaysia, 03 December 2020
9 Harnessing Big Data in Enhancing Public Health Research ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 05 December 2020
10 Clostridium perfringens and Faecal Coliforms as Indicators of Sewage Pollution in Rivers and Coastal Oceans ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 05 December 2020
11 Non-Ribosomal Peptides and Polyketides of Burkholderia: New Compounds Potentially Implicated in Biocontrol and Pharmaceuticals ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 10 December 2020
12 Covid – 19 Vaccines Updates ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 11 December 2020
13 Bioactive Molecules from Medicinal Mushrooms Applications and Industrial Production ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 12 December 2020
14 Circadian Physiology A Tale of Many Clocks ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 18 December 2020.
15 Bio-Risk Management: Risk Characterization and Evaluation ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 25 December 2020.
16 Immunology and Immunodiagnosis of Autoimmune Disorders ASM & UTHM, Johor, Malaysia, 02 January 2021.
17 Leadership and Talent Development I AIMST Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS) Alumni Webinar Series, 07 January 2021.
18 Leadership and Talent Development II AIMST Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS) Alumni Webinar Series, 08 January 2021.
19 Intellectual Property Protection, Ownership and Transfer Office of the DVC (Research, Innovation & Development), UDUS, 15 November 2021.
LinkedIn ID: - a - b - rabah - rabah - 38253960
ORCID ID: - 0002 - 0275 - 5808
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