Area of specialization: | Physical chemistry, Fuels |
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Phone: | 08062619123 |
List of Selected Publications
B. U. Bagudo, AU. Birnin -Yauri and U.Z. Farouq (2001) Determination of Some Hazardous Metals in Locally Made Aluminium Utensils; Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 10(1):45-52S.M. Dangoggo and B. U. Bagudo. (2004). Analysis of some fats and oils. The Beam 6: 42 – 45
B. U. Bagudo, S.M. Dangoggo and M.U. Dabai (2005). Macro and Micro nutrients in solid tannery wastes; Bulletin of the Sciences Association of Nigerian Proceedings of the 41st annual conference 26:464-468.
B. U. Bagudo, B. Garba, S.M. Dangoggo and L.G. Hassan (2006).” The Influence of Surface area on the MesophilicBiomethanization of selected organic wastes” Nigerian journal of renewable energy 14(1&2) 71-75
B. U. Bagudo, B. Garba, S.M. Dangoggo, L.G. Hassan and M. Aliyu. (2008) Fertilizer Quality of the Spent Slurries of Selected Organic Wastes Materials: Kabawa Journal of Science and Science Education 1(1): 5-15.
B. U. Bagudo, B. Garba, S.M. Dangoggo and L.G. Hassan (2008). Comparative Study of Biogas Production from Locally Sourced Substrate Material; Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences16(2) 262-266
A. K. Abdulsalam, H.N. Nawawi and B. U. Bagudo (2009). Comparative study of biogas production from Deer and cow dung into biogas Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy; 15(1) 135-139
Hassan L.G, Usman B.B. Kamba A.S. and Hassan S.W (2009). Protein and Amino Acid Composition of HASTA LA PASTA SPAGHETTI SQUACSH (Cucurbitapepo L.) Tropical and Subtropical Agrosystems 10: 295- 299
Dabai, M.U., Muhammad, C., Bagudo, B.U. and Musa, A. (2009). Studies on Effect of Rice Husk Ash as Cement Admixtures, Nigeria Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 17(2) 252-256
Hassan L.G., B.B. Usman, A.S. Kamba and S.W. Hassan (2009). Nutritional composition of vegetable spaghetti (hasta la pasta). Nigerian Food Journal .27(2)pp 41-49
B. U. Bagudo, S.M., Dangoggo L.G. Hassan and B. Garba (2010) “Influence of Catalyst (Yeast) on the Biomethanization of Selected Organic Waste Materials. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 18(2): 209 – 216.
Y. Yakubu, U.A. BirninYauri and B. U. Bagudo (2010). Study of Nutrient Content Variation in Bulb and Stalk of Onion (Allium Sepa) Cultivated in Aliero, Aliero. Kebbi State, Nigeria Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 18(1)Pp 83-89
Hannatu A. Sani, A.I. Tsafe, B.U. Bagudo and A.U. Itodo (2011) Toxic Metals Uptake By Spinach(SpinaceaOleracea) And Lettuce (Lactuca sativa ) Cultivated In Sokoto: A Comparative Study. Pakistn Journal Of Nutrition.10 (6) 572 – 576.
U.A. Birnin- Yauri, Y.Yahaya ,B.U.Bagudo and S.S. Noma (2011) Seasonal variation of nutrient content of some selected vegetables from Wamakko, Sokoto state Nigeria. Journal of soil science and environmental management2(4) 117 – 125
Adeola Akeem Akinpelu, Muhammad Chika and Bello Usman Bagudo (2011) Plants for medicinal uses (Lambert Academic Publishing Co. ISBN: 978-3-8443-0057-4
L.G. Hassan,B. U. Bagudo, A.A. Aliero, K.J. Umar , L. Abubakar and N.A. Sani (2011) :Evaluation of Nutrient and Anti nutrient content of Parkiabiglobosa (L) Flowers Journal Basic and Applied Sciences 19(1) 76-80
B. U. Bagudo, S.M., Dangoggo L.G. Hassan and B. Garba (2011) Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of Biogas samples from different organic wastes. (2011) Archives of Applied Sciece Research 3(5) 549-555
V.C. Okoh, L.G. Hassan, B. U. Bagudo P. O. Ikeh, A.D. Tambuwal and I. M. Danmallam;(2012) Comparative study of Biogas production from spinach and Pumpkin wastes. Nigerian Journal of Renewable Energy 16 (1 & 2) 86-90
Nafi’uTijjani, P.O.Ikeh, B. B. Usman, D.I. Malami and AlaereMatholo: Trace Elemental Analysis of Nigerian Petroleum Products Using AAS Method (2012) International Journal of scientific and Engineering Research 3(2) 1-5
Y. Yahay, U.A. Birnin-Yauri, B.U. Bagudo and S.S. Noma (2012) Quantification of Macro elements in selected Green vegetables and their soils from Aliero Agricultural Fields in AlieroKebbi State, Nigeria. Journal of soil science and Environmental management Vol. 3(8) 207-215
I.Muhammad, P.O, Ikeh, B.B. Usman, B.G. Danshehu, K. Salawu, D.A. Mikailu (2013)Determination of Vanadium, Nickel, Copper and Iron as Complexes of Bis-Acetylpivalyl Methane (Ethylene Diamine) in Nigerian Onshore and Offshore Crude Oils using HPLC. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 3(8) 105-111
S.M. Ahmad, U.A. Birnin- Yauri, B. U. Bagudo and D.M. Sahabi (2013) Comparative analysis on the nutritional values of crayfish and some insects. African Journal of Food Science and Technology 4(1)9-12
Y. Adejo, B. U. Bagudo, A. I. Tsafe and A. U. Itodo (2013) Physico- Chemical Quality Assessment of Groundwater within Gusau metropolis; International Journal of Modern Analytical And Separation Science2(1).1-19
Idris S. U. B.B. Usman, A. B. Muhammad, Atiku, F. A. and N, Tijjani (2013); Prediction of Aromatic hydrocarbon composition of Nigerian Crude from different oil wells. Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research
Idris S. U. B.B. Usman, A. B. Muhammad, Atiku, F. A. and N, Tijjani and I. Muhammad (2013); Determination of Saturated Hydrocarbon from Nigerian Crude oil from selected Oil wells: A comparative study. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy 3(5) 12-15
M.U. Dabai, B. U. Bagudo, L. M. Jodi and L. Ocheni,.(2013) ‘ Evaluation of Some Trace Metal Levels in the Water, Fish and Aquatic Plant in River Sokoto, North - Western Nigeria’ Asian Journal of Applied Sciences1(5) 195 - 199
B.U. Bagudo, S.M. Dangoggo and J. Usman (2014) Bioethanol Production Potentials of Andrpogongayanus: Annals of Biological Research 5(1) 106-111
B.U. Bagudo and O.D. Acheme (2014) Chemical Analysis of Locally Cultivated Garlic and its Oil; Der ChemicaSinica 5(1) 128-134
Yahaya Ahmed Iyaka1, *, Suleiman Idris1, RahmatallahAdenike Alawode1, Bello Usman Bagudo (2014) Nutrient content of selected edible leafy vegetables. American Journal of Applied Chemistry 2(3): 42-45
Muhammad Auwl Ahmad, Bello Usman Bagudo, A.D. Tamtuwal and Ahmad Uba.(2015),” Effect of key parameters on Bio-Ethanol production from country Mallow and Water Hyacinth, International Journal of Applied Chemistry. 11(3) pp 277-289
Abubakar DL, Bagudo BU, BirninYauri UA1, SahabiDMandGarba (2015) Post remediation assessment of trace Elements level in soils and plants of Dareta gold mining area, Zamfara State, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Chem Volume 2 • Issue 2 •
Nasiru Y, Muhammad A. B., Bagudo B.U. Alhassan M, Sulaiman M. and Sahabi Y. M. (2016) Investigation of the Extent of Wear Metals in Five Different Lubricating Oils Before and After Exposure to Engine Stress IOSR journal of Applied Chemistry volume 9, Issue 8Ver1
M. L. Mohammed, A. I. Tsafe*, B. U. Bagudo, K. M. Badamasi, M. U. Dabai, S. A. Zauro, M. N. Almustapha and A. S. Yelwa (2017) THE IMPACT OF DUMPSITES ON THE LEVELS OF HEAVY METALS IN WATER OBTAINED FROM ADJACENT WELLS Researchgate Dangoggo SM, Dhikrah I*, Sani NA, Baki AS, Bagudo BU and Jibrin MS (2018) Preparation and Characterization of Biodiesel Produced from Jatropha Seed Oil Using Sulphated Zirconia as Catalys., Industrial Chemistry: Open Access
Ibrahim DhikrahDangoggo SM, Sani NA, Baki AS, Bagudo BU and Jibrin MS (2018) Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Jatropha Seed Oil, UsingSulphated Zirconia as Catalyst
M. Z. Kyari, S. M. Danggoggo, B. B. Usman, A. B. Muhammad (2017). Optimization of Process Variables in the Biodiesel Production from Lophiralanceolata Seed Oil. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied SciencesVol 25, No 2
Nasiru Muhammad, Mahmoud Muhammad Garba, Ibrahim Muhammad Danmallam, Ismail Isah Rikoto, Bello Usman Bagudo (2017) Evaluation of high energy diets and fattening regimes on performance, carcass characteristics and fat production of Yankasa rams for use as alternative thermal storage medium; Scientific Journal of Animal Science; vol 6(9).
C. Muhammad, A.U. Muhammad, B.U. Bagudo, M. Mukhtar, A. B. Muhammad and M. Musa. (2018). Optimization of Biodiesel production from Neem seed oil using Sulfated Zirconia and ZnO by two step Transesterification. Journal of Energy and Environmental sustainability. 6(24-28)
A.U. Muhammad, C Muhammad, BU Bagudo, M Mukhtar, B Magaji, M Musa (2019) Assessment and optimization of biodiesel production from neem seed oil using sulfated zirconia catalyst (3)(3).
SABIU JIBRIN, MUHAMMAD, B.U., BAGUDO, B.U., , IDRIS, M.O., Muhammad.( 2019) Kinetic Empirical Modeling of Biodiesel Production from Ricinus Communis Using Refluxed Calcined Snail Shell as Catalyst. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, ISSN 2249-4626. Vol 18, No 3-B
M.U. Dabaia, M.A. Sokotoa, S.M. Dangoggoa, B.U. Bagudoa, U.A. Birnin-Yauria, L.G. Hassana, I. Sadab, A.L. Abubakar and cM.S. Jibrind. Chemical modification of vegetable oils for the production of biolubricants using trimethylolpropane: A review. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum Volume 29 issue 1
Alhassan Yahaya, Dahiru Amamatu Tambuwal, Sani Labaran Muhammad, Usman Bello Bagudo (2022) Upgrading Saw Dust (Vitellaria Paradoxa) Pyrolysis Oil Using Locally Developed Catalyst from Poultry Eggshell. Moroccan Journal of Chemistry