Prof. L. S. Bilbis

Brief Biography
Professor Lawal Suleman Bilbis obtained a PhD in Biological Chemistry from the University of Essex, Colchester in 1992, and rose to become a Professor of Biochemistry in 2002 at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS).
Bilbis has to his credit over 100 research publications in journals across the globe. His research papers are in the areas of protein chemistry, clinical and paediatric nutrition, elucidation of mechanism of action of antidiabetic, antihypertensive and antimalarial agents. His main research focus is however on oxidative stress and pathogenesis of traumatic brain injury, stroke, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
He has presented more than 70 research papers at conferences across the world and has 3 patents to his credit. He has attracted grants to support his research from agencies across the world, and has supervised to completion dozens of PhD and M.Sc. theses. He was a Research Fellow at the King Khalid Military Academy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (1996-1998). Bilbis was on the Executive Council of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NSBMB) between 1995 and 2011. He was the National President of the Society between 2007 and 2011.
Currently he is on the Executive Council of Federated African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He is a Fellow of Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (FNSBMB), Science Association of Nigeria (FSAN), Solar Energy Society of Nigeria (FSESN) and African Scientific Institute (FASI). He was the Head, Department of Biochemistry, Deputy Dean, Dean of Science, Director University Development Affairs and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) of UDUS and the Pioneer Vice Chancellor of Federal University Birnin kebbi. Bilbis is currently the Vice Chancellor of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He is happily married with children and grandchildren.
He is accessible at Google Scholar
Area of specialization: | Enzymology |
Email: | |
Phone: | +234(0)8034227001 |
List of Selected Publications
- 1. Lawal S. Bilbis, Riskuwa A. Shehu, M. A. S. Al-Tufail, A. M. H. Aljoufi and G. S. Bailey. Purification and some properties of a hydrophilic prokallikrein and a hydrophobic prokallikrein from sheep kidney cortex. (1994) Braz. J. Med. Bio. Res. 27:1897-1904..
- 2 . L. S. Bilbis, D. A. Almustafa, R. A. Shehu and M. G. Abubakar (1995) Antinutritional factors in selected legumes and vegetables consumed in Sokoto. Nig. J. Biochem Mol.Biol. 10 : 13 -15.
- 3 D. A. Almustafa, L. S. Bilbis, J. M Rades and M. K. Abubakar (1995) Chemicalcomposition of some oil seeds grown in Northern Nigeria. Nig. J. Biochem. and Mol.Biol. 10: 39 - 43.
- 4. Lawal S. Bilbis, Muazu A. Gusau and M. Abubakar (1995) Preliminary Studies ofantidote to snake venom from plant based materials. Nig. J. Biochem. and Mol. Biol. 10:63-65.
- 5. M. J. Ladan, L. S. Bilbis and M. Lawal. Nutrient Composition of some Green LeafyVegetable consumed in Sokoto (1996) Nig. J. Basic Appl. Sc. 5 (1&2) 39-44.
- 6. Lawal S. Bilbis, Riskuwa A. Shehu and Abubakar M.K. Purification of Albumin fromsheep kidney cortex (1997) Nig. J. Basic Appl. Sc. Vol. 6:1-6.
- 7. Abubakar, M. K. Bilbis, L. S. and Lawal, M. Purification and Characterization of Hexokinase from white yam (D. Alata) (1997) Nig. J. Basic Appl. Sc. 6:41-50.
- 8. Al-Hamidi, A. A. A., Bilbis, L. S. and Duhaiman A. S. Purification and partialcharacterization of cationic trypsin from camel pancreas.(1998) Saud. J. Chem. Soc. 2:13- 20.
- 9. R.A. Shehu, L. S. Bilbis, R. H. Sonbol and G.S. Bailey (1998). Partial purification ofkallikrein from sheep pancreas. King Abdulaziz University Journal of EducationalSciences vol. II 49-57
- 10. Gusau, M. A. Lawal, M. and Bilbis, L. S. Kinetics studies of Nitrate reductase frommillet seedling (1998) Nig. J. Basic. Appl. Sc. 7:19-26.
- 11. M. Lawal and L. S. Bilbis and M.K. Abubakar (1999) Studies on cytochrome c:cytochrome c oxidase complex. Biokemistri. 9(2) A 137-146
- 12. L. S. Bilbis, A. M. H. Aljoufi, A. A. A. Al-Hamidi and G. S. Bailey (1999) Acomparative qualitative study of kinin-releasing and kinin-degrading enzymatic activitiesin snake venoms. Nig. J. Biochem. and Mol. Biol. 14:71-73.
- 13. M. K. Abubakar, L. S. Bilbis and R. A. Shehu (1999) Microsecond laser flash photolysisof CO-Complex of bovine heart cytochrome C-oxidase. Nig.J. Biochem. and Mol. Biol.14:49-53.
- 14. M. K. Abubakar, M. Lawal and L. S. Bilbis (1999) Thermodynamic parameters of pH dependent optical transition in bovine heart cytochrome C oxidase. Nig. J. Biochem. andMol.Biol.ol. 14 :105-111
- 15. M. K. Abubakar, M. Lawal and L. S. Bilbis (1999) Spectral relaxation of pulsed cytochrome C oxidase. Nig. J. Biochem. and Mol. Biol.14:11-19.
- 16. Y.Saidu, L.S. Bibis and M.L. Ibrahim (1999). Some biochemical and haematological parameters of rats fed two locally prepared weaning foods. Biokemistri. 9 (2) 137-146.
- 17. Bilbis L. S., Shehu, R. A. and Lawal M. (2000). Serum total cholesterol and triacylglyceride in Kwashiorko children. Biokemistri vol. 10 (1)
- 18. L. S. Bilbis, R. A. Shehu and M. K. Abubakar (2000). Purification andCharacterizations of a1-Protease Inhibitor from Camel Plasma. Nig. J. Biochem. and Mol. Biol. Vol.15(1):25-32.
- 19. R. A. Shehu, L. S. Bilbis and M. K. Abubakar (2000). Purification and Characterization of x-Crystallin/Quinone Oxidoreductase from Camel liver. Nig. J. Biochem. and Mol. Biol. Vol. 15(1):105-110.
- 20. Saidu, Y., Bilbis, L.S., Mahuta, S.D. and Wasagu, R.S. (2000) Comparative study of Rhodanese activity in some tissue of a day old day and 12 weeks old domestic fowl (G. domesticus). Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Volume 15(2): 173-174.
- 21. L. S. Bilbis, R. A. Shehu and M. K. Abubakar (2001). Purification and Partial Characterization of Trypsin Inhibitor from Water Melon seeds. Nig. J. Biochem. And Mol. Biol. Vol. 16:99-104.
- 22. L. S. Bilbis, R. A. Shehu and M. G. Abubakar (2002) Hypoglycemic and Hypolipidaemic effects of aqueous extracts of Arachis hypogea in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Phytomedicine 9:553-555
- 23. R. A. Shehu, L. S. Bilbis and A. Y. Abbas (2002) Treatment of snakebites by the traditional methods: Any justification? (2002) Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences Vol. 4 (1) Supplement: S37-S40
- 24. U.Z. Faruq, A. A. Zuru, F. W. Abdulrahman and L. S. Bilbis (2002). Preliminary screening of Sclerocaryabirrea bark as snake venom antidote against Naja nigricolis. Nig. J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Vol. 17
- 25. Ummu-kaltum, M. H., Hassan, S. W. Umar, R. A. and Bilbis L. S. (2002) screening of antimicrobial properties of some medicinal plants. Nig. J. basic. Appl. Sc. 11:41-48.
- 26. R. A. Shehu and L. S. Bilbis (2002) Inhibition of Camel lens _crystallin/NADH:Quinoneoxidoreductase activity by 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid. Nig. J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Vol. 17:101-104
- 27. R. S. U. Wasagu, M. Lawal, L. S. Bilbis, M. J. Ladan and U. Abubakar (2003) Biochemical and toxicological studies in Wild Cowpea (Dekindtiana varpubesceer). Nig. J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Vol. 18:37-42
- 28. A.Y. Abbas, Y. Saidu, L.S., Bilbis, D.M., Sahabi and U-K H. Muhammad (2003). Serum Vitamin A and Iron levels of Noma (Concrumoris) Patients Attending Noma Children Sokoto, Nigeria. Nig. J. basic. Appl. Sc. 12: 67-73 29.
- 29. L.S. Bilbis, Y. Saidu and R.U. Aliyu (2003) Serum Vitamin A and Zinc levels of somepreschool Children in Sokoto metropolis of Nigeria. Biokimistri, 13 and14: 31-36
- 30. M.T. Yakubu, L.S. Bilbis, M. Lawal and M.A. Akanji (2003) Evaluation of SelectedParameters of rat liver and kidney function following repeated administration ofYohimbineBiokimistri 15(no.2): 50-56.
- 31. Y. Saidu, L.S. Bilbis, R.A. Shehu and D.M. Sahabi (2003) Proximate Composition and some Mineral Elements Content of Calababash (Leginereavulgaries) Seeds Biochem. Mol. Biol. 18:87-89.
- 32. Musa T. Yakubu, Lawal S. Bilbis, Mansur Lawal and Musbau A. Akanji (2003). Evaluation of Selected Parameters of rat liver and kidney functions following repeated administration of Yohimbine. Biokemistri 15(2):50-56
- 33. M.T. Yakubu, L.S. Bilbis, M. Lawal and M.A. Akanji (2003) Effect of Repeated Administration of Sildenafil Citrate (Viagra) on selected Enzyme Activity of the Liver and Kidney of Male Abino Rats. Nig. J. Pure& Appl. Sci. 18:1395-1400.
- 34. Yakubu, M.T., Bilbis, L.S., Lawal, M. and Akanji, M.A. (2003) Changes in Selected Enzyme Activities of Rat Liver Following Repeated Administration of Yohimbine. NISEB Journal 3(2): 59-63
- 35. I.K. Matazu, L.S. Bilbis and R.A. Shehu (2004) Detection of Some Antisickling agents insome commonly consumed foodstuff. Nig. J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. 19:
- 36. N.M. Jiya, I.K. Matazu, L.S. Bilbis and R.A Shehu (2005). Serum Levels of antioxidant Vitamins in foetal haemoglobin (HbF) Persistent Sickle Cell Anaemia Children inSokoto, Nigeria Annals of African Medicne 4(4): 168-171
- 37. M. Aliyu, M.Lawal, F. Mojiminiyi, Y. Saidu and L.S. Bilbis (2005). Serum antioxidant vitamins levels in non-insulin-dependent diabetic mellitus subjects in Sokoto, Nigeria. Biokemistri 17(2):107-114.
- 38. Umar, R.A, Ladan, M.J., Saidu, Y. Muhammad, A.T., Bilbis, L.S. and Ahmed J.M. (2005) Parasitaemia and Xanthine Oxidase Activity in Malaria Patients. Bulletin of SAN Vol. 26:519-523
- 39. Yakubu, M.T., Bilbis, L.S., Lawal, M. and Akanji, M.A.(2005) Response of Male Rat Liver and Heart Aminotransferase to Chronic Administration of YohimbineCentrepoint (Science Edition) 1:124-134
- 40. Hassan, S.W., Umar, R.A., Lawal, M. Bilbis L.S. and Muhammad, B.Y (2006). Evaluation of Antifungal activity of FicussyconmorusL. (Moraceae) Biological and Environmental Science Journal For the Tropics 3(2):18-25
- 41. Hassan, S.W., Umar, R.A., Lawal, M., Bilbis, L.S., Muhammad, B.Y. and Dabai, Y.U. (2006) Evaluation of antibacterial activity and Phytochemical analysis of roots extracts of Bosciaangustifolia. African Journal of Biotechnology 5: (18) 1602-1607
- 42. S.A. Habibullah, L.S. Bilbis, M.J. Ladan, O.P. Ajagbonna and Y. Saidu (2006). Aqueous extract of Hibiscus sadriffa Calyces reduces serum triglycerides but increases serum and egg yolk cholesterol of Shiks brown laying hens. Asian Journal of Biochemistry 2(1):42- 49
- 43. S.W. Hassan, R.A. Umar, M.Lawal, L.S. Bilbis, B.Y. Muhammad, U.Z. Faruk and A.A. Ebbo (2006). Effect of Alkaloids and Aqueous Ethanol extracts of Roots of Bosciaangustifolia on Hepatorenal Functions in albino Rats. Asian Journal of Biochemistry 1(4):287-296.
- 44. M.T. Yakubu, L.S. Bilbis, M.Lawal and M.A. Akanji (2006) Effects of Repeated Administration of Damiana on Selected Kidney functions of Male Rats. The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences 13(2): 20-23.
- 45. Y. Saidu, M. Lawal, S.A., Isezua, R.A. Shehu, D.M. Sahabi and L.S. Bilbis(2007). Partial Purification and Elucidation of Mechanism of Hypoglycemic agent of Aqueous Leaf Extract of albizziachevalieri Harms (Leguminosae). Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 2 (6):513-523.
- 46. Y. Saidu, L.S. Bilbis, M. Lawal, S.A. Isezua, S.W. Hassan and A.Y. Abbas (2007) Acute and Sub-Chronic Toxicity Studies of Crude Aqueous Extract of albizziachevalieri Harms (Leguminosae). Asian Journal of Biochemistry 2(4):224-236.
- 47. M.T. Adewumi, C.H. Njoku, Y. Saidu, M.K. Abubakar, R.A. Shehu and L.S. Bilbis(2007). Serum Chromium, Copper and Manganese Levels of Diabetic Subjects in Katsina, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Biochemistry 2(4):284-288.
- 48. James, S.A., Bilbis, L.S. and Muhammad, B.Y. (2007). The Effects of Catharanthus roseu (L) Aqueous leaf extract on Some Liver Enzymes, Serum protein and Vital organs. Science World Journal 2(1)
- 49. James, S.A., Bilbis, L.S. and Muhammad, B.Y. (2007). Phytochemical Studies and antibacterial Activities of aqueous of leaf extract of Catharanthusroseu.
- 50. Y. Saidu, L.S. Bilbis, M. Lawal, S.A. Isezuo and R.A. Umar (2007). Haematotoxicity Study of Leaf Extract of AlbizziachevalieriHarms (Leguminosae); BiochemiaMedica; 17(2): 203 – 211
- 51. S A Isezuo, Y Saidu, S Anas, B U Tambuwal and L S Bilbis( 2008). Salt taste perception and relationship with blood pressure in type 2 diabetics; Journal of Human Hypertension; 22: 432-434
- 52. S A Isezuo, Y Saidu, S Anas, B Tambuwal and L S Bilbis( 2008). Comparative analysis of Salt taste perception among diabetics, hypertensives and diabetic hypertensives; Nigerian Medical Practitioner; 52(1/2): 7-10
- 53. Saidu Yusuf, Bilbis L.S., Isezuo, S.A., Habibullah S.A., Ladan M.J. and Lawal M (2009); The Hypolipidaemic Effects of the Partially Purified “Hypoglycaemic Agent” of Aqueous Leaf Extract of AlbizziachevalieriHarms.; Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology; 5(1): 37-43
- 54. Dallatu, M.K.,Anaja, P.O. Bilbis, L.S and Mojiminiyi, F.B.O. (2009). Antixodant Micronutrients Potentials in Strengthening the Antioxidant Defences in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 8(1): 89-94.
- 55. Dallatu, M. K., Anaja, P.O. Bilbis, L.S. and Mojiminiyi, F.B.O. (2009). Enhancement of Renal and Liver Indices of Diabetic Rats Supplemented with Antioxidant Micronutrients. Nigerian Biomedical Sciences Journal. 5(2): 32-35.
- 56. Dallatu, M.K., Anaja, P.O. Bilbis, L.S and Mojiminiyi, F.B.O. (2009). Lipid Profile and Antioxidant Status of Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats Supplemented with Micronutrients. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 17(1): 112-117.
- 57. Dallatu, M.K., Anaja, P.O. Bilbis, L.S,Mojiminiyi, F.B.O., Mohammed A. and Tanko, Y. (2010). Heamatological and Antioxidant Properties of Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats Supplemented with Antioxidant Micronutrients. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences.18(1): 106-111.
- 58. Dallatu, M.K., Anaja, P.O. Bilbis, L.S, Mojiminiyi, F.B.O. (2010). Role of Antioxidant Micronutrients Supplementation on Some Immune Parameters of Alloxan-Induced Rats. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 8(1): 89-94.
- 59. Dallatu, M.K., Anaja, P.O. Bilbis, L.S, Mojiminiyi, F.B.O. (2010). Hepatocellular Indices of Diabetic Rats Supplemented with Antioxidant Micronutrients. Journal of Pharmacology and Tropical Therapeutics. 1 (1): 17-20.
- 60. Lawal .S. Bilbis, Dorcas. B. Idowu, Yusuf Saidu, Mansur Lawal, Chibueze H. Njoku (2010). Serum levels of Antioxidant Vitamins and Mineral Elements of HIV positive Subjects in Sokoto Nigeria; Annals of African Medicine; 9(4): 235-239
- 61. Y. Saidu, F.C. Nwachukwu, L.S. Bilbis, U.Z. Faruk and A.Y. Abbas (2010).Hypoglycaemic and Hypolipidemic Effects of Root Extracts of Albizzia chevalieri in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats; Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science ;18(1):72-78
- 62. Y. Saidu, F.C. Nwachukwu, L.S. Bilbis, U.Z. Faruk and A.Y. Abbas (2010). Toxicity Profile of Crude Aqueous Root Extracts of Albizzia chevalieri Harms in Albino Rats; Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science ; 18(2):72-78
- 63. K. Ahmad, L. S Bilbis, Y. Saidu, A. Y. Abbas, A. Bello and U. Wali (2011). Effect of Copper, Manganese and Zinc With Antioxidant Vitamins on Pulse Rate and Lipid Profile of Salt-Loaded Albino Rats; , Nigeria; Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science ; 19(1):151-154 64. Dallatu, M.K., Anaja, P.O. Bilbis, L.S, Mojiminiyi, F.B.O. Mainasara,A.S. (2011).Influence of Antioxidant Vitamins on Blood Glucose Control and Body Wastages of Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci.5 (4): 1676-1681.
- 65. Lawal Suleiman Bilbis, Yusuf Saidu, Suleiman Muhammad and YunusaAdamu (2012). Effect of Antioxidant Vitamins A, C and E in the Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome in Albino Rats. Biochemistry Research International. 2012 (678582): 1-7
- 66. S.A. Muhammad, L. S. Bilbis, Y. Saidu and Y. Adamu (2012). Effect of Antioxidant Mineral Elements Supplementation in the Treatment of Hypertension in Albino Rats. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2012 (134723): 1-8
- 67. Yusuf Saidu, Lawal S. Bilbis, Suleiman Alhaji Muhammad, Muazu K Nasir (2012). Serum Lipid Profile and Antioxidant Status of salt-Induced hypertensive rats treated with an Antioxidant rich Nutriceutical. Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology. 8 (1): 47 – 54
- 68. Lawal Suleman Bilbis, Yusuf Saidu, Kabiru Ahmad, Atteeque Umar Baba and Aishat Mohmmed Shuaib. (2012). Effect of antioxidants supplementations in salt-induced dyslipidaemia in albino rats. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences.6 (4): 1506 -1512
- 69. A. Onu, Y. Saidu, M.J. Ladan, L.S. Bilbis, A.A. Aliero and S.M. Sahabi (2013). Effect of Aqueous Stem Bark Extract of Khayasenegalensis on Some Biochemical, Haematological, and Histopathological Parameters of Rats. Journal of Toxicology:Volume 2013, Article ID 803835, 9 pages
- 70. Gaafar M Ishaq, Yusuf Saidu, Lawal S Bilbis, Suleiman A Muhammad, Nasir Jinjir, Bello B Shehu (2013) Effects of α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid in the severity and management of traumatic brain injury in albino rats.. J Neurosci Rural Pract 2013;4:292-7
- 71. Erhabor, O., Isaac I.Z, Tambuwal, K.U., Abdulrahaman, Y. Udomarh P.F., Mainasara, A.S., Dallatu, M.K, Uko, E.K, Shehu, R.A., Bilbis, L.S. (2013). Glycated Haemoglobin As An Index of Diabetic Control in Patients Attending The Specialist Hospital in Sokoto, Nigeria. International Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Care. 1 (8) : 23-28.
- 72. Isaac I.Z, Mainasara, A.S., Erhabor O Omojuyigbe, S.T. Dallatu, MK, Bilbis, L.S. Adias, T.C. (2013). Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Among Children Attending the Emergency Paediatric Unit of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto, Nigeria. International Journal of General Medicine. 6 : 557-562
- 73. Onu Andrew, Saidu Yusuf, Ladan Muktar Jangabe, Bilbis Suleman Lawal and AlieroAliyuAdamu (2013) “α-Glucosidase inhibitory potential of selected anti-diabetic plants used in North-Western Nigeria,” Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, 2013, DOI: 10.5897/JMPR12.
- 74. A.S. Muhammad, Y. Saidu, L.S. Bilbis, A. Onu, S.A. Isezuo, S. Sahabi. (2014). Effect of Dried Lake Salt (Kanwa) on Lipid profile and Heart Histology of Female Albino Rats. Nigerian J of Basic and Applied Sciences. 22(3&4): 73-78 DOI:
- 75. L.S. Bilbis, S. A. Muhammad and Y. Saidu. (2014). The Potentials of Antioxidant Micronutrients in the Management of Metabolic Syndrome. Journal of Antioxidant Activity. 1(1): 1-21
- 76. Yeldu MH, Mainasara AS, Dallatu MK, Sani, B. Bilbis LS, Njoku CH and Das SC (2015). Assessment of Antioxidant Micronutrients Levels in HIV/AIDS Patients in Sokoto, North Western Nigeria. Jacobs Journal of Internal Medicine. 1(3).013
- 77. Suleiman, N., Bilbis, L. S., Saidu, Y., Nasiru, J. I., Dallatu, M. K., Sahabi, S. M., Ngaski, A. A., Garba, B., Yakubu, A. S. and Bulama, I. (2015). Effects of Some Low Molecular Mass Antioxidants in the Management of Traumatic Brain Injury in Albino Rats. International Journal of Current Research, ISSN: 0975-833X, Vol. 7, Issue 07, July 2015, pp. 18492-18499.
- 8. Yeldu M.H., Mainasara A.S., Dallatu M.K., Sani B., Bilbis L.S., and Njoku C.H., Das S.C. (2015): Assessment of Antioxidant Micronutrients Levels in HIV/AIDS Patients in Sokoto, North Western Nigeria. Jacobs Journal of Internal Medicine, 1(3): 013.
- 79. Yeldu, M.H., Das, S.C., Mainasara, A.S., Bilbis, L.S., Saidu, Y., Njoku, C.H. (2015): Effects of Micronutrients Supplementation on Antioxidant Vitamins and Minerals in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-positive Subjects in Sokoto, Nigeria. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2(5): 918-938. ISSN 3294-3211, SJIF Impact Factor 2.026
- 80. A. Panti Abubakar, B. Umar Atteeque, U. Rabiu A, Y. Saidu, L. S. Bilbis, C. Egondu Shehu, K.Tinau and M. Hassan (2015) Evaluation of Oxidative stress, antioxidants, Gonadotrophins and Prolactin in Infertile women. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics Vol.131, supplement 5
- 81. B. R. Alkali, A. I. Daneji, A. A. Magaji, L. S. Bilbis. (2015). Clinical Symptoms of Human Rotavirus Infection Observed in Children in Sokoto, Nigeria. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Virology Volume 2015, Article ID 890957, 6 pages.
- 82. Haoua Sabo, Hassimi Sadou, Ibrahim Adamou Amoukou, Mousbahou Malam Alma, Ramatou Seini Sidikou, Mahamane Saadou, Bilbis Lawal Suleman (2015). Determination and Comparison of the Amino Acid Composition of Seventeen Lagenaria siceraria Varieties and One Variety of Citrullus colocynthis Seed Flours. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 14 (2): 100-106, 2015 ISSN 1680-5194.
- 83. Yeldu, M. H., Das, S. C., Bilbis, L. S., Saidu, Y. and Njoku, C. H. (2016): Effects of Micronutrient Supplementation on CD4+ Cell Count and Anthropometric Parameters in HIV-positive Adults on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and Treatment Naïve in Sokoto, Nigeria. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 12(1): 1-9, Article no. BJMMR.21736 ISSN: 2231-0614, NLM ID: 101570965
- 84. Suleiman, N., Bulama, I., Bilbis, L. S. and Saidu, Y. (2016). Effects of Mannitol and Uric acid on Lipid Peroxidation and Level of Creatine Kinase in albino rats induced with Traumatic Brain Injury. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, ISSN: 2394-3211, 3(8), 179- 183.
- 85. Sabiu Murtala Dambazau, Yusuf Saidu, Lawal Sulaiman Bilbis, Auwal Idris, Hafsat Ibrahim Dogara, Umar Aliyu Umar. (2016). Lipid Profiles and Liver Function Parameters of Postpartum Rats Administered Dry Lake Salt (Kanwa) .Journal of Scientific Research & Reports 10(4): 1-8, 2016; Article no.JSRR.23765 ISSN: 2320-0227
- 86. Yusuf Saidu, Suleiman Alhaji Muhammad, Lawal Suleiman Bilbis and Babangida Muhammad Sani. (2016). Inhibitory activity of fractions of Senna nigricans toward protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B and dipeptidyl peptidase IV. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 10(18);242-247<
- 87. Anas Ahmad Sabir, Abdulgafar Jimoh, Sandra Omozehio Iwuala, Simeon Alabi Isezuo, lawal Suleman Bilbis, Kaoje Umar Aminu, Sani Atta Abubakar and Yusuf Saidu (2016). Metabolic Syndrome in Urban City of North-Western Nigeria: Prevalence and Determinants. PanAfrican Medical Journal. 23:19 doi: 10.11604/pamj.2016.23.19.5806
88. AA Sabir, LS Bilbis, Y. Saidu A Jimoh, SO Iwuala, SA Isezuo, AUKaoje and SA Abubakar (2016). Oxidative Stress Among Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome in Sokoto, North-Western Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Medicine. 19 (1): 128 -132DOI: 10.4103/1119-3077.173705
- 89. Nnamah, NK, Anaja, PO, Bilbis,LS, Mungadi,IA and Dallatu,MK (2016) Evaluation of Serum Sarcosine, Total and Free Testosterone Levels in Patients with Prostate Disorders in Sokoto, Nigeria . British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 15(11): 1-6,
- 90. Dallatu,MK, Bilbis, LS ,Anaja, PO and Mojiminiyi,FBO. (2016) Interaction of Hypoxia inducible factor 1α (HIF 1-α) and Perixosome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPAR-α) in the protection against ischemia reperfusion injury in the rat kidney. SJMLS:(1)166-173.
- 91. B. R. Alkali, A. I. Daneji, A. A. Magaji, L. S. Bilbis, F. Bande. (2016). Molecular Characterization of Human Rotavirus from Children with Diarrhoeal Disease in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Molecular Biology International.
- 92. Nnamah, NK,Anaja, PO, Mungadi, IA , Bilbis,LS and Dallatu,MK (2016) Prostate specific antigen (PSA) and sarcosine levels In Patients With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Disorders In Sokoto, Nigeria. Am. J. PharmTech Res. 2016;6(2)
- 93. H. L. Muhammad, R. A. Shehu, L. S. Bilbis, S. M. Dangoggo. (2016). Comparative Bioaccumulative Potential of Copper Cadmium and Lead by Gymnarchus niloticus and Heterobranchus bidorsalis in Pollution Prone Aquatic Environments of North-Western Nigeria. American Chemical Science Journal 12(2): 1-10, 2016, Article no.ACSJ.21591 ISSN: 2249-0205.
- 94. Yeldu, M. H., Das, S. C., Mainasara, A.S., Bilbis, L. S., Saidu, Y. and Njoku, C. H. (2017): Effects of Micronutrient Supplementation on Lipid Peroxidation and Enzymatic Antioxidant System in Blood of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-infected Adults in Sokoto, Nigeria. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 19 (10): 1-12. DOI: 10.9734/BJMMR/2017/25180; Article No.BJMMR.25180; ISSN:2231-0614, NLM ID: 101570965; Index in Worldcat, Index Copernicus and Biofuel Abstract.
- 95. Riskuwa-Shehu , M. L., Ijah, U. J., S. B. Manga, Bilbis, L. S. (2017) Evaluation of the Use of Legumes for Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 14(11)
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