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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Prof. M. I. Said

Brief Biography

Professor Mansur Sa’id was born in Zaira, Kaduna State. He obtained Bachelor of Laws Upper Second and Master of Laws from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in 1986 and 1995 and PhD in Law from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto in 2007. Prof. Sa’id has extensive post-call to Bar combined legal practice, teaching and research experience. He was a principal partner in Ahmadu Sa’id Association Legal Consultants along western Bye pass, Sokoto and now he is the principal partner in Mansur & Mansur Attorneys at No 20 Waziri Abbas Unguwar Rogo Area Sokoto. He rose from Assistant Lecturer in March 1989 to Professor in October, 2011 in the Faculty of Law, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. In the course of his teaching carrer in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Prof. Sa’id has published more than forty Publications and Presented more than fifty Papers at different Workshops, Seminars and Confrences. He had authored two Books currently in use as Teaching and Learning materials in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions. Prof. Sa’id has taught more than twenty five different courses and Supervised and or examined a number of Masters and PhD students in Usmanu Danfodiyo and other Universities in Nigeria. Prof. Sa’id has also served and is still serving as External Examiner and Assessor to many Law Faculties in Nigeria. He was one time Chairman, Sokoto State Revenue Recovery Tribunal; One time President of Nigerian Association of Law Teachers; One time Member of Governing Board of Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies; He has held several Administrative and Academic Positions, among which are; He was former Head of Department of Islamic Law, UDUS; former Dean of Law, UDUS; Member of Governing Council of UDUS; Member of the Council of Legal Educations; Member of Council of Legal Education Committee on the Review of Curriculum of Law Degree in Nigeria; He is the immediate Past Deputy Vice Chancellor (Adminstration), Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Prof. Sa’id was cited on page 697 in the “New who’s in Nigeria” Published by International Biographical Centre, Lagos in 1999. Prof. Sa’id is happily married with two wives and eleven children. Prof. Sa’id is one of the contributors of chapter one and sixteen

Area of specialization:Islamic Criminal Law and Administration, Islamic Property Law, Constitutional Law and Humanitarian Law

List of Selected Publications

1. M. T. Usman and M I. Sa’id: “Persistence of Bara And Almajiranci  in some Parts of Northern Nigeria In the 20th Century” in M. L. Ahmadu Bashar and G.A. Gusau (Eds) 1990 in Nature and Methodology of Islamic Sociology.pp 74-91 (ISBN-978-028-706-x).

2. M. I. Sa’id and 2 others “Dynamics of Social and Economic Rights in Nigeria” Published in the Book of proceedings of Nigerian Association of Law teachers Conference (NALT) held at Nigeria institute of advanced legal studies, Lagos 1994 p. 19-28

3. M. I. Said, A critique of The Provisions of Chapter IX of the 1995 Draft Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria:  Paper presented at a Workshop on the Draft Constitution held at the House of assembly complex, Sokoto on 22nd August, 1995.

4. M. I. Said, The Legal Basis Objective and Criteria of Creation of State and Its Relevance to the Political Process: paper presented at the national Conference on the 1995 constitution held at faculty of Law, ABU, Zaria on 6th September, 1995

5. M. I. Said, Improving The Quality of Work life in Nigeria: Paper delivered at a workshop on productivity challenges organized by National productivity Centre, Sokoto, held at the state assembly complex, Sokoto in May, 1995

6. M. I. Said, Legal Options for Road Accident Victims in Nigeria: paper delivered at a workshop organized by Zonal Command of the Federal Road Safety Corp, Sokoto, held at the State Assembly complex, Sokoto in March, 1996.

7. M. I. Said, Law and Corruption in Nigeria: Paper delivered at NALT Conference held at Port Harcourt from 26th – 29th October, 1997

8. M. I. Said, Sokoto State Environmental Laws on Deforestation, Wild Animal and Pest Control A Critiques: Paper presented at a workshop organized by Sokoto State Environment Protection Agency, held at Federal Secretariat complex on 11th November, 1997

9. M.I. Said, Human Rights and Good Governance in Nigeria: paper delivered at a seminar organized by National Human 1998.Rights Commission, Abuja and Faculty of Law, UDUS held at Permanent Site, UDUS, on 10th April, 1998.

10. M.I. Sa’id “Application of the Laws of Mortgage in Islam: A Re-Examination of Some Jurisprudential Issues. “Published in M.L.A Bashar and A. S. Mika’il (Eds) 1999, in Fiqh  and Economic, pp. 26 38 (ISBN-978-028-705-1)

11. M. I. Sa’id “Secularism And The Nigerian Legal System: What Options For The Muslims? In A.A. Gwandu (Ed) Islam and contemporary World Politics,  pp. 191 200 (ISBN-111-5982).

12. M. I. Sa’id “History, Growth and Academic Development of Faculty of Law,” In M.A. Iliya and others (Eds.) UDUS at 25: Progress Problems and prospects,  pp. 143-147 (ISBN 978-32473-2-3

13. M.I. Sa’id “The Implications of Culture and Tradition in Divorce; Implications For Marriage Stability.”  In I.A. Malumfashi and S.A. Yakasai (Eds) 2002, Rights of Windows and Divorcees in Hausa/Fulani Society.  pp. 71-82 (ISBN-798-36144-1-DX)

14. M.I. Sa’id “Shariah and the Constitution: Legal Issues in Perspective” in Z. I. Oseni (Ed) 2003, A Digest on Islamic Law and Jurisprudence in Nigeria:  pp.189-197, (Darun-nur publishers, Auchi).

15. M. I. Sa’id and two others “Islam and Democracy in Nigeria” Published in the “proceedings of 39th Annual NALT Conference held at Faculty of Law, University of Maiduguri”, between 13th – 15th October, 2003, pp. 138-150

16. M. I. Sa’id “Legal Framework of Islamic Banking in Nigeria” in C.U. Aliyu and A.S. Abdullahi (Eds) 2004.  In Issues in Economics. Pp. 104-114 (978-36144-7-9)

17. M. I. Sa’id “Re-aligning the Provision of the Child Rights Act with Socio Cultural and Religious Values: An Analysis through the Spectacles of Shar’ah.” UDUS Law Journal (2005) Vol. No. 6 pp 128-194 (ISBN 1595-4242)

18. M. I. Sa’id “The Role of Islamic State in the Promotion and Protection of Socio Economic Rights Under the Shariah” in J.N. Ezeilo and others (Eds) in Human Rights protection in the administration of shari’ah justice system.  2006 (ISBN 978-8078-00-1).

19. M. I. Sa’id “Majority Rule and Minority Rights in Islam” in N.O. Yaqub and others (Eds) proceedings of the workshop on Islamic Political theory and Applications.  Chapter 14

20. M. I. Sa’id “The Almajiri Child at Crossroad: Responsibilities of Parents and the state in protecting and promoting his right to survival under the law” in Journal of Islamic Law, ABU Zaria (2008) Vol..iv-v, pp.49-64.

21. M. I. Said, “Law Making Process of The State Legislature” paper presented at a workshop organized for Kebbi State Legislators held at Zaranda Hotel, Bauchi between 24 – 26 June, 2008

22. M. I. Said, “The Oversight Function of the State Legislature”   Paper presented at a workshop organized for Kebbi State Legislators held at Zaranda Hotel, Bauchi between 24th – 26th 2008

23. M. I. Sa’id “Protecting Rights of the Accused Persons ThroughShar’ah Procedural Guarantees.” UDUS Law Journal Vol.7 (2009) pp. 175-184 (ISBN 1595 4242).

24. M. I. Sa’id “Application of Islamic Criminal Law In Nigeria” in M.L. Ahmadu and others (Eds) in Contemporary Issues in Islamic Jurisprudence,  2009 pp. 65-81, (ISBN -978-978-085-778-3)

25. M. I. Sa’id “Ta’azir Punishment and Its Relevance in Modern Times.” In M.L. Ahmadu and M.I. Sa’id (Eds) Nigerian Law and Practice in a Globalizing World,”  2010, pp. 193-200 (ISBN 978-978-48583-1)

26. M.L. Ahmadu, M.J. Umar, M.I. Sa’id and others “Implementing the federal Character Principle in Nigeria: Challenges and prospects,”  Published in the “Proceeding of Annual NALT Conference held at the Faculty of Law, Abia State University, Uturu, Umuahia, 2009.

27. M. I. Sa’id “Child Rights In Islam.” In M. L. Ahmadu and others (Eds.) Essays in Honour of Chief Judge of Kebbi State, Hon. Justice Ibrahim Umar.

28. M. I. Sa’id “Pre-Marital Screening Against HIV/Aid and Sickle Cell Disease: An Islamic Law Perspective,”  in UDUS JICL) UDUS Journal for Islamic and Comparative Law (UDUSJICL) Vol. II, 2010 pp.39-50.ISBN 978-978-971-960-2

29. M. I. Sa’id and M. L. Ahmadu “Domestic Violence in Nigeria: Legal and Islamic Law Perspectives.” UDUSJICL Vol. pp. 160-166 ISBN 978-978-971-960-2

30. M. I. Sa’id and M. D. Mahmud, “Whither The Law of Adultery in Islam: A Need for Redefinition? UDUSJICL pp. 38-50 ISBN 978-978-971-960-2

31. M. I. Said, Marriage at the Extremes of Ages: Religio-Legal Perspective.,  Paper presented at Faculty of Law seminar series November, 2010.,

32. M. I. Said, Nigeria at Crossroad, Leadership and Followership: The Missing Link.  Paper presented at a National Conference organized by Nigerian Association of Muslim Law Teachers held at O.A.U. Ile-Ife between 4th – 6th November, 2010.

33. M. I. Sa’id,  “Islamic Criminal Law and Practice in Nigeria.” A Book for Tertiary Level Students; Published by UDUS Press Ltd, 2011 (ISBN 978-97850254-9-1).

34. M. I. Sa’id and K. G. Muhammad “An Introduction to Islamic Law of Contract.” A book published for tertiary level students by UDUS Press Ltd, 2011 ISBN 978-978-971-961-9

35. M. I. Sa’id “Imperative of Judicial Reform in the Application of Shari’ah“ In M.U,. Bunza and other (Eds.) Proceedings of workshop on Shariah Implementation in the North West, May, 2011 Sokoto

36. M. I. Sa’id “Theories of Punishment in Islamic Law”, in M.L. Ahmadu, Legal Prisms: Directions in Nigerian Law and Practice, 2012 pp. 72 -80 ISBN 978-978-923-015-0

37. M. I. Said, The procedure for the House of Assembly and Role of Legislative Staff under the Constitution: Paper presented at a workshop for staff of Kebbi State House of Assembly held at Argungu from9th – 11th January, 2012

38. M. I. Said, Same Sex Marriage in Nigeria: Religio-Legal Implications:  Paper presented at a conference organized by the Muslim Lawyers Association of Nigeria held at the National Mosque Auditorium in Abuja August, 2013

39. M. I. Said, Functions, Rights, Duties and Immunities of A Legislator:  Paper presented at a workshop for Legislators of Kebbi State held at Giginya Hotel, Sokoto on 5thand 6th September, 2015

40. M. I. Said, Islamic Family Law at the Cross-Roads: The Sense and Non-Sense of Codification through Legislation:  Paper presented on 17th May, 2017 at a Public Lecture at UDUS Auditorium, organized by the Muslim Community Seminar Committee of UsmanuDanfodiyo University, Sokoto

41. M. I. Said, The Role of Clerks and Secretaries in Enhancing Legislative Functions:  Paper presented at a workshop for staff of Kebbi State House of Assembly held at Argungu from 9th – 11th November, 2017

42. M. I. Said, The House of Assembly Procedure over Budgeting and Appropriation:  Paper presented at a workshop for staff of Kebbi State House of Assembly at Argungu from 9th – 11th November, 2017

43. M. I. Said, Muslim and Political Future of Nigeria: Past, Present and Future Interventions:  Paper presented at a conference organized by Supreme Council for Sharia’ah in Nigeria at the Jama’atNasir’l Islam Headquarters, Kaduna on 27th January, 2018.

44. M. I. Said, Review of social media activities in Zamfara state for the year 2018 an appraisal. Paper presented at a workshop organized by Zamfara state government in Gusau on 2nd January 2019.

45. M. I. Said, An assessment of the rules relating to the documentation of partnership contract in Islamic law: paper presented at the annual judges conference organized by centre for Islamic legal studies held at A.B.U hotels, congo between 11th - 12th December 2019.

46. M. I. Said, Access to justice in Area court: Islamic law perspective: paper presented at a workshop for area court judges at Arewa house Kaduna, on Wednesday 28th August, 2019.

47. M. I. Said, Media and the law: paper presented at the workshop organized by Sokoto State Government for media practitioners held at Cabinet Office Auditorium on 4 September 2019.

48. M. I. Said, Historical Developments of Islamic Law in Nigeria: A paper presented at the National Conference organized by Department of Islamic Law, Faculty of Law, University of Ilorin to commemorate the retirement of Prof. Abdulqadir Zubair from the university services held at the main auditorium, University of Ilorin, Ilorin between 24th-26th February, 2020