Prof. Sani Umar Musa

Area of specialization: | Lexicography |
Email: | |
Phone: | 08036007584 |
List of Selected Publications
Ba’du Al-Mashakil Al-Latiy Tuwajihu Al-Mutakallmu Bil-Hausa Fi Nutq Al-Aswat Al-Arabiyyah Waba’adu Al-Iqtitahat Lihalliha. Being a paper Published in “Al-Lisan El-Arabi” Journal of Ratab Morocco 1993. Page 112-199. |
Daur al-wasa’il al-Tarbawiyah fi Tadris al-lughah al-‘arabiyyah fi Naijiriya.” MALAM JOURNAL of the Department of Arabic U.D.U.S. Vol. III May 1995. Page 108-119. |
Aswat al-Lughaht al-‘arabiyyah wa ahmiyyatuha fi tilawati al-Qura’an al-Karim “Being a paper published in ZACAIS Journal of the Humanities “ZAJOTH” Nigeria ISSN 118-2377 Volume I No.1 Page 13-22. |
Ahmiyyatu Ilm al-lughah al-Tatbiqi Li mudarris al-lughah al-arabiyyah ka lughat thanayah”. Being a paper published in “Al-Nahdah” Journal of Islamic Heritage, C.I.S. U.D.U.S. Vol. II. No. 1 1998. Page 190-205. |
Daurul Hamza wa ‘alamat al-Tarqeem fil khat al’arabi. Being a paperPublished in “DEGEL Journal” a Journal of F.A.I.S. Vol: II September, 1999 page 159-161. |
“Complementary aspects of Islamic social framework. “Being a paper published in the book titled: Nature and Methodology of Islamic Sociology U.D.U.S: Dec. 1999. Page 132-141. |
Kaifiyyatul istifadah Bi’ilm al-lughah al-Taqabuli takhata al-sautiyyah fi tadrisi. Being a paper Published in “ALNAHDA” journal “A journal December 1999, Issue. Page 125-133. |
Juristic views on revenue and expedition from the Jihad: An Assessment of contemporary revenue. Being a paper Published in the book, Fiqh & Economics U.D.U.S. Dec. 1999. page 49-53. |
Nizam al-maqta Fi al-lughati alarabiyyah. Being a paper published in “Malam Journal” a journal of the Department of Arabic U.D.U.S Vol. IV May, 2000. Page 115-128. |
Arabic Lexicography in Nigeria: Being a paper published in DEGEL, Journal of F.A.I.S U.D.U.S. Vol III June 2000 page 230-237. |
Al-Maktabatul Arabiyyah wa dauruha fi takwini shakhthiyyatin muthaqqafah. Being a research published in Al-Nahda Journal, C.I.S, UDUS Volume 3 No 1 & 2, page 117-126 |
Daurul Lughal Arabiyyah fi Dirasatish Sahri’ah. Being a publication in MALAM JOURNAL of Arabic and Linguistics of the Department of Arabic U.D.U.S, May, 2003 |
The Role Of Zabarmawa In Dissemination Of Arabic & Islamic Knowledge: A Case Study Of Sokoto City Of Northern Nigeria. For Presentation at the International Symposium on the Relations between Kabi (Argungu) and Zigui (Dosso) from 14th to 16th December, 2014 |