Prof. Tukur Adamu

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List of Selected Publications
1. Adamu, T.; C.G. Vajime, and M. Galadima (1996) A survey of Onchocerciasis in the Bukkuyum District of Sokoto State, Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Basic and Appl. Sciences (1 &2): 31 – 39.2. Abdullahi, K. and T. Adamu (1996) Effect of Sinefungin on Amastigote form of Leismania Denovani. Nig. Journal of Basic and Appl. Sciences (1 & 2) 19 – 25.
3. Garba, H.S.; T. Adamu and A.O. Ayuk, (1997) Prevalence of Haemoparasite in Sheeps presented for Slaughter at Sokoto Abattoir. Nig. Journal of Basic and Appl. Sciences (7:4) 43 - 46.
4. Adamu, T. and U. Abubakar, (1998) The Incidence of Fascioliasis in the Bakolori Irrigation Project Area Zamfara State Nigeria. The Beam: Journal of Arts and Science Vol. 4: 128 – 130.
5. Adamu, T. and M. Galadima, (1998) Epidemiological study of Schistosomiasis in the Bakolori Irrigation Project Area of Zamfara State. Prevalence and Intensity of Schistosoma Haemotobium infection. Nigeria Journal of Parasitology. Vol. 19: 73 – 75.
6. Abubakar, U.; T. Adamu and M.D. Magaji (2000) Distribution of Nematodes Associated with the Roots of Cawpea in the Savannah region of Northern Nigeria. Nig. Journal of Basic and Appl. Sciences Vol. 8: 63 – 70.
7. Adamu, T.; M. Galadima, and U. Abubakar (2000) A study of Fresh water Snails Vectors of Schistosomiasis in the Bakolori Irrigation Project Area, Zamfara State, Nigeria Bioscience Research Communication Vol. 13:563 - 565.
8. Adamu, T. and M. Galadima (2000) Concentration of some Immunoglobulin in Onchocerciasis infected and non-infected person. The Bean: Journal of Arts and Sciences Vol.5 (1):64-66.
9. Adamu, T.; U. Abubakar and S.A. Shinkafi (2003) Malaria infection among pregnant women in Sokoto metropolis, Nigeria. The Beam: Journal of Arts and Science,Vol.6:8-10
10. Adamu, T. and M. Galadima (2001) Epidemological studies on Schistosomiasis in the Bakolori Irrigation project area, Zamfara State Nigeria (II) Community Belief and Attitudes towards urinary Schistosomiasis. Nig. Journal of Basic and Appl. Sciences vol. 10 (1):213 - 217.
11. Abubakar, U. and T. Adamu (2001) Prevalence of Schistosomiasis in two Communities of Dundaye District of Sokoto State Nigeria. Nig. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Vol. 10 (1): 53 - 57.
12. Mohammed, K.; U. Abubakar and T. Adamu (2001) Prevalence of Intestinal Parasite among Paediatric Age-group in some selected Local Government Areas of Sokoto State, Nigeria. Nig. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Vol. 10 (1): 167 - 179.
13. Abubakar, U. and T. Adamu (2001): A note on the Resistances of some Cowpea Cultivas to Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita chitwood), Journal of Agric. And Environment, 2(2): 319 – 322.
14. Daniel, A.A. T. Adamu, U. Abubakar and D.A. Dakul (2001): Preliminary Studies on Schistosomiasis in Zuru Emirate of Kebbi State, Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 22:41 – 53.
15. Adamu, T., U. Abubakar and C. Danga (2001): Schistosomiasis in Wurno District of Sokoto State, Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 22:110 – 113.
16. Adamu, T., U. Abubakar and M. Galadima (2001): The Use of Reagent Strip and Questionnaire in Rapid Assessment of Urinary Schistosomiasis, Journal of Tropical Biosciences, Vol. 1(1): 138-140.
17. Abubakar, U., Adamu, T. (2004): Contro of Meloidogyne incognita (kofoid and white) chitwood of tomato. Lycopersicun esculentum (mill).Using camel dung.Journal of Tropical Biosciences 4:1-3
18. Abubakar, U.; Adamu,T. and Manga, S.B.(2004): Control of Meloidogyne incongnita (kofoid and white) chitwood root-knote Nematode of Lycopersicum esculentus (tomato) using cawdung and urine. African Journal of Biotechnoloy 3(8):379-381.
19. Adamu, T. and Abubakar, U. (2003): Preliminary studies on the local names, prevailing beliefs, and treatment practices of some common parasitic diseases in rural areas of Sokoto, Kebbi, and Zamfara, states, Nigeria .The Nigeria Journal of parasitology.24:103-108
20. Bello, Y.M.; Adamu, T.; Abubakar. U. and Muhammed, A.A (2000): Urinary Schistosomiasis in four villages around Goronyo Dam, Sokoto state, Nigeria. The Nigeria Journal of parasitology.24:109- 114.
21. Adamu, T.; Abubakar, U.; Lawal, M. and Aliyu, B.A. (2005): Intestinal Helminths Parasites among School Children in Wamakko local Government area of Sokoto state, Nigeria. THE ZOOLOGIST. 3 (1): 35 – 39.
22. Adamu, T. (2005): Assessment of visible haematuria as a screening test for Urinary Schistosomiasis. Bulletin of the Science Association of Nigeria, 26: 214 – 217.
23. Bala A. Y; Adamu T.; Abubakar U.; and Ladan M.J. (2005): The efficacy of the leaf extract of Cassia occidentalis LINN in the treatment of Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in Wister Albino Rats. Bulletin of the Science Association of Nigeria, 26: 224 – 233.
24. Mohammed K.; Chukuedo A.A. and Adamu T. (2005): Prevalence of HIV/AIDS infection among Pregnant Women attending anti-natal clinics at specialist Hospital Sokoto. Bulletin of the Science Association of Nigeria, 26: 294 - 298.
25. Mohammed, K.; Chukwedo, A. A. and Adamu, T. (2005): Prevalence of Hepatitis B Antigens among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at the Specialist Hospital Sokoto. Bulletin of the Science Association of Nigeria, 26: 290 - 293.
26. Bala, A.Y., Adamu, T., Abubakar, U. and Ladan M. J. (2006): Preliminary study on the use of Aloe vera and Coriandrum sativum on the treatment of Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in albino rats. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 14 (1 and 2): 16-22.
27. Abubakar, U., Adamu, T. and Isiaku, N. T. (2006): Prevalence of Urinary Schistosomiasis among inhabitants of four localities of Wamakko Local Government Area of Sokoto State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 14 (1 and 2): 23-27.
28. Bunza, M.D.A., Abubakar, U. Adamu, T. and Daneji, A.I. (2007): Prevalence of ruminant Fascioliasis in Kebbi State Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 15
29. Ameh I.G.; Ukatu V.E.; Adamu T. and Muazu S(2008) Skin microfilariae and clinical manifestations of Onchocerciasis in some villages at Kwanji distric of kebbi state,Nigeria. Jos Journal of medicine.2(1):
30. Jodi M.S.; Abubakar U Adamu T., and Gusau M.A. (2008): Effect of ethanol root extract of Gardenia sokotensis on the level of parasitamia in Trypanosoma brucei brucei infected rabbits. Sokoto journal of veterinary Sciences, 7(1):17-22
31. Bala, A. Y. and Adamu, T. (2008): Anti-diarrhoeal activity of Psidium guajava aqueous leaf extract in. experimental animals. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 12(2):185-187.
32. Badamasi, M. Z., Adamu, T. and Bala, A. Y. (2008): Species abundance and colour preference of oviposition by mosquitoes in man – made containers under field conditions in Sokoto, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences12(2):188-191.
33. Adamu, T (2009): From Biology to Parasitology through Zoology: The Exitements and Challenges of a life Journey. The Tenth inaugural lecture of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto.University press, Sokoto.
34. Abdullahi, K., Abubakar, U., Adamu, T., Daneji, A. I., Aliyu, R. U., Jiya, N., Ibrahim, M. T. O. and Nataala, S. U. (2009): Malaria in Sokoto North western Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology 8 (23):
35. Banao T.O., Adamu, T., Abubakar, U., Ladan M. J., Bala, A. Y and Mu’Awiyya, U.L (2010): The prevalent of malaria in Maradi, Niger Republic. The Nigeria Journal of parasitology 31(1):31-35.
36. Bunza M.D.A., Abubakar U., Adamu T., and Daneji A. I. (2010): Traumatic Hepatitis due to Fasciolasis among animals slaughtered at central abattoirs of four agricultural zones, Kebbi state, Nigeria. Katsina Journal of pure and Applied Science 2(1&2):54-61
37. Saidu A.R., Bunza M.D.A., Abubakar U., Adamu T., and Ladan, M. J. (2010): Gender and Age specific Prevalence of opportunistic infections in seropositive HIV patients attending major hospitals of Kebbi State, Nigeria. Katsina Journal of pure and Applied Science 2(1&2):38-43
38. Abdullahi, K., Abubakar, U., Daneji, A. I., Adamu, T., Abdullahi, Y. M., Bandiya, H. M. and Hassan, S. W. (2010): Anopheles gambiae in Sokoto, northwestern Nigeria.Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 31 (2): 118 – 122.
39. Bala, A. Y., Adamu, T., Abubakar, U. and Ladan, M. J. (2010): Inhibition of Trypanosoma brucei brucei by extracts from Waltheria indica L. (Sleepy morning). Research Journal of Parasitology, 2010. ISSN 1816 – 4943. DOI: 10.3923/jp.2010.
40. Bala, A. Y., Adamu, T., Abubakar, U. and Ladan, M. J. and Bunza, M.D.A (2011): Effect of the ethanol extract of Waltheria indica on parasitaemia and glucose level of Trypanosoma brucei infected rats. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 32 (1): 79 – 85.
41. Badamasi, M. Z., Adamu, T., Abubakar, U., Ladan, M.J. and Bala, A. Y. ( 2011): Antimalarial activities and Phytochemical analysis of the aqueous stem bark extract of Prosopis Africana(Kirya) agaist Plasmodium species. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 32 (2): 271 – 275.
42. Bala A Y., Adamu, T and Ladan M J (2011): Amelioration of trypanosome-infection-induced alterations in Resume Cholesterol. Triglycerides and Proteins by Hydro-ethanolic Extract of Waltheria indicia in Rats. Research Journal of Parasitology 6(4): 127-135
43. Ladan MU, Abubakar U, Abdullahi K, Bunza MDA, Ladan MJ and Adamu T (2012): Studies on Urinary schistosomiasis in selected villages around Guasau Dam site, Zamfara State, Nigeria. Nig. Journal of Basic and Appl. Sciences vol. 20 (3):189 – 194
44. Shinkafi B Y, Adamu T, Abdullahi K, Manga S B and Bala A Y (2013): Schistosomiasis in communities around Zobe dam, Dutsinma, Katsina State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 34 (1): 15 –19.
45. Ladan MU, Abubakar U, Adamu T, Bunza MDA, Karaye I U and Magami I M (2013): Perception and treatment practices of Urinary Schistosomiasis infection among the inhabitants of selected villages, near Gusau Dam Site, Zamfara State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, Vol. 34 (1):113-118
46. Muhammad U K, Adamu T, Binji Z and M. A Isah (2014): Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Extended Spectrum of B- Lactamase Producing Bacteria Isolated from Wound Infection in some selected Hospitals in Sokoto metropolis, Nigeria. International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries. Vol. 4(2)
47. Muhammad U K, Adamu T., Binji Z and M A Isah (2014): Prevalence of Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from Surgical site and Wound Infection among Patients Admitted in some selected Hospitals in Sokoto Metropolis, Nigeria. International Journal of Environment . Vol. 3(3):89-100
48. Usman A I, Abdulhamid Ahmed, Adamu, T ( 2016): Schistosomiasis among School children Living in Endemic Communities around Kwanar Areh Dam, Rimi Local Government Area, Katsina State, Nigeria. International Journal of science and research(IJSR) Vol.7(12):758-764
49. Attah D D, Danladi Y K, Adamu T and Muhammad A. A. (1017): Anthehelminthic Activity of Ethanol Extract of Pseudocedrela kotschyi(Dry- zone Cedar) against Haemonchus contortus Infection in Sokoto Red goat.International Journal of medical evaluation and physical Report,2(1)27-40
50. Chiroma A, Adamu T,Bandiya H.M.,Rabah A.B and Mabu J.M(2018): Phytochemical Screening of Terminalia avicennioide(Guill and perr). A potential pharmaceutical ingredient. Dutse Journal of pure and Applied Sciences(DUJOPAS) Vol.4(2)301-309
51. Adamu Tukur , Ladan mu’awiyya umar, Moyi sirajo Ismaila (2018) Clinical manifestation of lymphatic filariasis in bungudu local government,Zamfara state Nigeria Vol.09 issue 08, pp.8515-8522
52. Muawiyya Umar Ladan ,Tukur Adamu Sirajo Ismail Moyi (2018) Seroprevalence of Lymphatic Filariasis in six communities of Bungudu local government ,Zamfara State ,Nigeria. Int.j pure app. Biosci. 6(3); 11-18
53. Chiroma A, Adamu T. and Jibril M. M (2019):Studies on trypanocidal efficacy of Aqueous Stem Bark extract of terminalia Avicenninoides(Guill and perr) in Rats Infected with trypanosome Evansi. Dutse Journal of pure and Applied Sciences(DUJOPAS) Vol.5(2a)245-250
54. Ladan, M.U., Adamu T.,Bala A.Y., Bunza M.D.,Attah O. A.,Moyi S.I., and Ibrahim H. A., (2019): Intestinal Helminthiasis of Chicken (Gallus gallus domestica) Slaughtered at Sokoto Vegetables Market, Sokoto State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, Vol. 40(1): 110-115
55. Muawiyya U L, T Adamu, A Y Bala, M J Ladan, (2019) Sero- prevalence of lymphatic filariasis in six communities of Talata Mafara local Government Area, Zamfara State, Nigeria . Research Journal of Parasitology 14(1):1-6
56. Dalijan H.A, Adamu T, Yahaya M.M, Isah B. A, and Sulaiman J (2020) : Prevelance of intestinal parasite in relation to risk Factors Among school aged children Gwandu Local government Area of Kebbi State. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2020,7(2): 80-85
57. Dalijan H.A, Adamu T, Yahaya M.M, Isah B. A, and Sulaiman J (2020) : Prevelance of intestinal parasite in school aged pupils in Gwandu Local government Area of Kebbi State. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2020,7(2):91-94
58. Sani M, Aliyu M, Adamu T, Sanda A, and Bello M B (2020): Histophatological studies on the effects of ethanolic leaf extract of Senna italic treatment of Rats infected with Hymenolopis diminuta. Journal of advances in Biology and Biotechnology 23(2):38-47
59. Aliyu M, Sani M, Adamu T, Sanda A, and Gobir L G (2020): In vivo Anthelminthic Activity of Ethanolic leaf Extract of Senna italic on Rats with Hymenolopis diminuta infection. Advances in Research 21(8):18-27
60. Attah D D, Adamu T, Abubakar U, Muhammad A A, Bala A Y and Alaku I A(2019): In Vitro evaluation of anthelmintic activity of some medicinal plants used in Zuru Emirate agaist adult Haemonchus contortus. journal of innovative research in life sciences.1(1)25-30
61. Dalijan H.A, Adamu T, Yahaya M.M, Isah B. A, and Sulaiman J (2020) : Prevelance of intestinal parasite in relation to risk Factors Among school aged children Gwandu Local government Area of Kebbi State. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2020,7(2)80-85
62. Dalijan H.A, Adamu T, Yahaya M.M, Isah B. A, and Sulaiman J (2020) : Prevelance of intestinal parasite in school aged pupils in Gwandu Local government Area of Kebbi State. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2020,7(2):91-94
63. Sani M, Aliyu M, Adamu T, Sanda A, and Bello M B (2020): Histophatological studies on the effects of ethanolic leaf extract of Senna italic treatment of Rats infected with Hymenolopis diminuta. Journal of advances in Biology and Biotechnology 23(2):38-47
64. Aliyu M, Sani M, Adamu T, Sanda A, and Gobir L G (2020): In vivo Anthelminthic Activity of Ethanolic leaf Extract of Senna italic on Rats with Hymenolopis diminuta infection. Advances in Research 21(8):18-27
65. Ukatu V E, Abubaka U, Adamu T, Daneji A I, Attah A O and Nenge I (2020) Epidemiolgical and parasitological studies on lymphatic filariasis in Argungu Local Government area of Kebbi state, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, Vol. 41(1): 35-40
66. . Ladan M.U and Adamu T (2023): Study on Breeding sites, Diseases Transmission and control of Mosquitoes in Zamfara State, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences 16(2):167-174