Prof. U. B. Kyiogwom
Area of specialization: | Agric Development and Policy |
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Phone: | +2348036117667 |
List of Selected Publications
- Kyiogwom, U. B. (1982): Rural Development Administration in Nigeria. An Overview, in, L Ega I. K. Atala and J. M. Baba (eds), Rural Development Policies in Nigeria, NRSA Publication pp.270-281.
- Momoh, M. and Kyiogwom, U. B. (1989): Fuelwood as a source of Energy in Low Income Homes. Farfaru Multi-discilinary Journal vol.3 pp.85-191
- Baba, K. M., Kyiogwom, U. B. and Rikin, E. U (1992): Economics of the use of Animal as source of farm power in the North Eastern sub-region of Nigeria. Energy and Environment vol.1 pp.17-19.
- Kyiogwom, U. B. (1996): Technology general in Agriculture for sustainable development, whither the improved maize technology in the Northern Guinea savannah of Nigeria. In, Fola-Adedoyin, S. and Aihonsu J. O. Y (eds) sustainable Development in Nigeria. An Agenda for the third |Republic NRSA publication pp.81-87
- Kyiogwom, U. B., Bello, H. M. and Maigandi, S. A (1999): Socio-economics of pastoral production and its environmental effect in a Semi Aril, Republic Area of Nigeria, Nigerian Rural Sociologist, vol.3 pp.67-72.
- Kyiogwom, U. B., Bello, H. M. and Maigandi, S. A. (1996); Socio-economic aspects and environmental impact of Government Grazing Reserve in Sokoto Staate, Nigeria. In Zerfas N.P and Hatziminaoglou (eds). The optimal exploitation of Marginal Mediterranean Areas by extensive ruminant production system. Proceeding of an international Symposium organized by HSAP and EAAP. Thessaloniki, Greece, June 18th-20th, 1994 pp.58-60.
- Mijindadi, B. A. and Kyiogwom, U. B. (1990): An analysis of maturity Structure and Subsidy on Agricultural Loans by Commercial banks in Nigeria, Journal of Rural Sociology, Vol.2 pp 75-80.
- Kyiogwom, U. B. (1998): The role of Rural Financial markets in Agricultural Development in Developing Countries. An overview Journal of Rural Sociology vol.2 pp. 128-133.
- Kyiogwom, U. B. (1996): Modern Agricultural technology and its effect on Income Distribution among farmers in the Northern Guinea, Savanna of Nigeria. In Biershenk, I Poy Le Meur and M. Von-Oppen (eds) Institution and Technology for Rural development in West African Margraf, Verlag Weikershim Germany. Pp. 153-161.
- Kyiogwom, U. B.: Rades, M. J. and Garba, B (1997): Economics of household energy consumption and itss environmental implication in semi arid areas of Northern Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Renewal Energy pp. 60-63
- Kyiogwom U. B. and Bello, H. M. (1998): The role of women in pastoral production in Zamfara Reserve, Prospect for pastoralism in West Africa pp. 96-101
- Kyiogwom, U. B., Umar B. F and Bello, H. M. (1998): The use o indigenous knowledge in land classification and management among farmers in Zamfara Reserve, Prospect for pastoralism in West Africa pp. 220-227
- Umar, B. F and Kyiogwom, U. B. (1996): Indigenous soil classification and management practices in semi-arid areas of Northern Nigeria. In, B. R. Sing(ed) Management of marginal lands in Nigeria pp. 33-38
- Kyiogwom, U. B. (1998): FEAP and Rural Development in Nigeria. In A.D Sheidu, M. S. Birnin Yauri and M. Maishanu (eds), Managing the Nigerian economy perspective on the 1998 National Budget pp.7-75
- Kyiogwom, U. B, Ogungbile, O. and Voh, J. P. (2000): Agricultural Technology Generation and Diffusion Lessons of experiences from improved maize technology in the Northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. In Renard G. Kreig, S. and Von Oppens, M,. (eds), Farmers and scientist in a changing environment, assessing research in West Africa, Margraf Verlag Germany, pp. 47-56.
- Hoffman, I. D., Gerling, D., Kyiogwom, U. B. and Bielfold, A. M. (2000): Farmer Management strategies to maintain soil fertility in remote areas in North Western Nigeria’ Agricultural Ecosystem and Environment No. 86 pp 263-275.
- Kyiogwom, U. B. (2001): Modern agricultural technology, size of holding and income distribution nexus among farmers in the Northern Guinea savann of Nigeria; International Journal of research in Science and Education Vol. 1. pp.59-65.
- Tukur, H. M. and Kyiogwom, U. B (2000) Growth and Development of the faculty of Agriculture, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, M. A. Iliya, A. A. Salawu, I. M. Jummare and W. Akin Hassan (Eds), Usmanu Danfodiyo University at 25th progress and prospect pp. 128-132
- Dandare, S. Kyiogwom U. B. and Bello, H. M. (2002): An Evaluation of Cowpea storage Cost among Farmers in some selected Local Government areas in Sokoto State; Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol. 3 No. 2 pp.193-200
- Kyiogwom, U. B. and Abubakar, G.. (2002): Factors affecting the use of modern Agricultural Technologies in Wushishi LGA of Niger State’ International Journal of Business and Common Market Studies Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 39-45
- Dandare, S., Kyiogwom, U. B. and Bello, H. M. (2001): Evaluation of Cowpea storage Losses among Farmers in the Northern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria; Journal of Basic and Applied Science Vol. 9 pp. 217-224
- Kyiogwom U. B., M. O. Alayande and I, Mamman (2002): Economic Effect of Ectoparasitess on Leather production in Sokoto Metropolis , Nigeria, Journal of Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology, Vol. 2, pp. 137-141.
- K. M., Baba, I. Muhammad, U. B., Kyiogwom U. B and H. M., Bello (2001) (eds); Rural Resources Development and Sustainability. A proceeding of Nigerian Rural Sociological Association held at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto 5th-8th March, 1996
- A M. , Maikasuwa andU. B. Kyiogwom (2007): Impact of HIV/AIDS on cattle production in Sokoto State, Nigeria, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Studies, Vol. 5 No. 3 pp.51-55.
- Yakubu, A. A, I. O. Oladosu andU. B. Kyiogwom (2006): Rural employment Generation and poverty Alleviation through small scale processing ventures in Nigeria. The case of Rice processing, Book of proceedings 2006 Annual Conference, Nigerian Association of Agric. Economist (NAAE) LAUTECH, Ogbomosho, 27th-30th Nov. pp. 373-379
- Karatu, H. A.,U. B. Kyiogwom and M. A. Maikasuwa (2007): Evaluation of factors influencing access of farmers to Agricultural Banks in Sokoto metropolis, Sokoto State. Proceeding of 9th Annual Conference of NAAE, ATBU, Nov. 5th 8th, pp. 90-93
- A. T. Yahaya, K. M. Baba,U. B. Kyiogwom. and A. Singh (2008): Effect of weeds on the profitability of millet (penisetium glancum and Groundnuts (Arachis hypogea) crops in mixed cropping systems. Nigeria Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 16(2), pp.208-215
- Maikasuwa, A. A.,U. B. Kyiogwom and I. Muhammed (2007): Impact of HIV/AIDS on Goat production in Sokoto State Nigeria. Proceeding of the 9th Annual National Conference NAAE ATBU, Bauchi Nov. 5th-8th, pp. 255-260.
- Muhammad, I,U. B. Kyiogwom, W. A. Hassan, A. L. Ala and S. D. Dogon Daji (Eds) (2009); Sustaining Agricultural growth to meet national Economic Development Goal. A proceeding of the Farm Management Association of Nigeria (FAMAN) held at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, 14th – 17th December
- Haruna, B, U. B., Kyiogwom, I. D. Sanchi and A. Singh (2009); Resources use efficiency in cotton production in selected Local Government Areas of Zamfara State. In I. Muhammad et al (Eds), Sustaining Agricultural Growth to meet national Economic Develoopment goal. A proceeding of the 23rd Annual Conference of FAMAN, U. D. U. Sokoto 14th-17th, December.
- U. B. Kyiogwom and A. A. Yakubu (2010): Risk management strategies in cotton production in Bungudu and Tsafe Local Government Areas oif Zamfara State, Nigerian, Journal of Agriculture and Environment vol.6 No. 1 and 2 pp. 11-16
- Hassan, A. L. Ala andU. B. Kyiogwom (2010): Comparative Analysis of Resource use efficiency in maize production involving local and improved varieties in Zamfara State, Nigeria; Journal of Agriculture and Environment, Vol. 6 Nos.1 and 2, pp. 17-24
- Yusuf, M.,U. B. Kyiogwom, J. O. Olukosi and C. U. Aliyu (2009): Factors affecting the supply of locally produced rice in Zamfara state. In, I. Muhammad et al (Eds); Sustaining Agricultural growth to meet national Economic development goal. A proceeding of the 23rd Annual Conference of FAMAN, U.D.U, Sokoto 14th -17th December, pp. 122-126
- Abubakar,U. B. Kyiogwom and M. A, Maikasuwa (2009): Impact Assessment of small-scale irrigation scheme on resource productivity in onion production. A case study of National Fadama Development programme in Zamfara State, Nigeria, In, I. Muhammad et al (Eds); Sustaining agricultural growth to meet National Economic Development goal. Proceeding of the 23rd Annual Conference of FAMAN, U.D.U, Sokoto 14th -17th December, pp. 348-357.
- Hayatu, B, U, B, Kyiogwom and S, D, Dogon Daji (2009): Economic Analysis of local Fish marketing in Sokoto state. In, I. Muhammad et al (Eds); Sustaining agricultural growth to meet National Economic Development goal. A proceeding of the 23rd Annual Conference of FAMAN, U. D. U., Sokoto, 14th-17th December, pp. 622-625.
- Shuaib, A. U.,U. B. Kyiogwom and K. M. Baba (2009): Resource use efficiency of modern Beekeeping in selected local government areas of Kano State, Nigeria. In, I. Muhammad et al (Eds); Sustaining agricultural growth to meet National Economic development goal. A proceeding of the 23rd Annual Conference of FAMAN, U. D. U., Sokoto 14th-17th December, pp. 630-634
- Maikasuwa, M. A.,U. B. Kyiogwom, and A. L. Ala (2009): Impact of HIV/AIDS on sheep production in Sokoto State, Nigeria, In, Muhammad et al (Eds); Sustaining agricultural growth to meet National economic Development goal. A proceeding of the 23rd Annual Conference of FAMAN, U.D.U., Sokoto, 14th-17th DecemberPp. 641-646.
- Ala, L; Anthony, J .I and Kyiogwom, U. B ( 2011 ): Inputs structure and utilization among sugarcane producers in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Farm Management Vol. 12 No. 2, Pp 51-56
- Ala, L; Anthony, J. I and Kyiogwom, U. B ( 2011 ): Economics of sugarcane production in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Chanllenges and prospects. In, Oddedina, S. A ; Osuntade, O.B; Adebayo, K ; Awodun, M.O and Fapohunda, O.O ( Eds ); Policy and Agricultural Development in Nigeria; challenges and prospects. A proceeding of the 25th Farm Management Association of Nigeria ( FAMAN ) Conference ( Akure 2011 ), held at Federal College of Agriculture, Akure, 5-8th Sept.
- I.M.S, Inuwa, U. B.Kyiogwom, A,L,Ala, M,A,Maikasuwa and N, D.Nasiru (2011). Profitability analysis of rice processing and marketing in Kano State, Nigeria.Jounal of Bsic and Applied science, 19( 2) Pp. 293¬298
- Mohammed K, Abdullahi, Usman B, Kyiogwom, Likita Tanko and Muawiya Jibir ( 2014). Consumption preference for dairy products in an urban setting. A study of Sokoto Metropolis, International journal of innovative research anddevelopment,vol.3, Issue 11, Pp. 308¬314
- Mohammed K. Abdullahi, Usman B. Kyiogwom, Likita Tanko and Muawiya Jibril ( 2014 ).Dairy product consumption prevalence in Northern Nigeria: A Study of Sokoto Metropolis, International journal of innovative research and development,Vol. 3 Issue 13, Pp 460-468
- Mohammed K. Abdullahi, Usman B. Kyiogwom, Likita Tanko and Muayiwa Jibril ( 2015 ). An Analysis of pre-packaged dairy products consumption in Sokoto state, Nigeria, Sokoto journal of the social science, Vol. 5, No. 1, Pp 225-238.