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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Professor Ja’afar Abubakar SADEEQ

List of Selected Publications

1.Ochepo, J., Osinubi, K.J.,and Sadeeq, J. A., (2013),“Statistical Evaluation of theEffect of Elapsetime on theStrength Properties of Lime-BagasseAsh Treated Black Cotton Soil”InternationalJournal of Engineering Research and Technology, Volume2, Issue1, January, 2013. (Index,DOI)
2. Lawan, A.,Kaura, J. M.,Sadeeq,J. A. and Aliyu, J., (2014) “Probabilistic Durability Analysis of Reinforced ConcreteMembers with Corroded Reinforcing Steel”,Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. (8), No. (3), July 2014, pp 303– 311, Published by: Jordan University of Science and Technology.(Index,DOI)
3. Sadeeq, J. A.,Kaura, J.M., Ochepo, J. and Rabilu , A.,(2014) “Recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP)with RiceHusk Ash (RHA)/Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Blend as Filter”,JordanJournal of Civil Engineering, Vol.(8), No. (4), October 2014, pp 473-481, Published by : Jordan University of Science and Technology.(Index,DOI)
4. Sadeeq, J. A.,Ochepo, J., Salahudeen, A. B. andTijjani, S. T., (2015), “Effect of Bagasse Ash on LimeStabilized Lateritic Soil”, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume9, No.2,April2015, pp 203-213, Published by : Jordan Universityof Scienceand Technology.(Index,DOI)
5. Sadeeq, J. A., Ochepo, J. and Salahudeen,A. B. (2015)“Assessment of Bagasse Ash Effect on theCaliforniaBearing Ration ofUsedOil Contaminated Lateritic Soils”, Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH)Vol. 34 No. 2,April, 2015, pp.223-231, Published by University of Nigeria, Nsukka.(Index,DOI)
6. Kigha, F., Sadeeq, J. A.and Abejide, O. S.,(2015), “Effectsof Temperaturelevels and Concrete Cover Thickness on Residual Strength Characteristics of FireExposed Reinforced Concrete Beams”, Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH)Vol. 34 No. 3, July 2015, pp.429-437, Published by University of Nigeria, Nsukka.(Index,DOI)
7. Sadeeq,J.A.,Ochepo,J.,Salahudeen,A.B.(2016);“Effectofusedoilcontamination andbagasse ashonsomegeotechnicalpropertiesof lateriticsoil”,LeonardoElectronic JournalofPracticesandTechnologies,ISSN1583-1078,Issue28,January-June2016,p.119-136, Published by AcademicDirect Publishing House. (Index,DOI)
8. Sadeeq, J. A.and Salahudeen, A. B (2016),“Geotechnical site investigation of federaluniversity Dutsin-Ma, KatsinaState”,AbubakarTafawa Balewa University Journal ofScience, Technology &Education (ATBU-JOSTE), Vol. 4 No.2, June, 2016, Pp. 140-148,ISSN: 2277-0011.(Index,DOI)
9. Sadeeq, J. A.and Salahudeen, A. B. (2016),“Geophysical exploration forMinnaCity Centrein NigerState”,Abubakar Tafawa BalewaUniversity Journal of Science, Technology& Education(ATBU-JOSTE), Vol. 4No.2, June, 2016, Pp. 197– 203, ISSN:2277-0011.(Index,DOI)
10. Salahudeen A. B. and Sadeeq, J. A. (2016),“Evaluation of bearing capacity and settlement of foundations”, Leonardo ElectronicJournal of Practices and Technologies (LEJPT), Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Issue 29, December, 2016. Pp.93-114,ISSN 1583-1078.(Index,DOI)
11. Sadeeq, J. A.and Salahudeen, A. B., Garba, B. (2016), "Geophysical investigation for groundwaterprospectingatthe permanent site ofFederal University, Lokoja, Kogi state, Nigeria" Environ Journal ofEnvironmentalStudies,Facultyof EnvironmentalDesign, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria,Vol. 4, No.1, May, 2016Pp. 161-169, ISSN: 1110-457X.(Index,DOI)
12. Sadeeq, J. A.and Salahudeen, A. B. (2016), "Geotechnical investigation ofthe permanent siteof Federal University, Lokoja, Kogi state, Nigeria"Environ Journal ofEnvironmental Studies, Facultyof EnvironmentalDesign, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Vol. 4,No.2, November, 2016Pp. 161-169, ISSN: 1110-457X.(Index,DOI)
13. Salahudeen, A. B. and Sadeeq, J. A.(2017), "Investigation ofshallow foundationsoil bearing capacity and settlement characteristics ofMinnaCity Centredevelopment site using Plaxis 2D software and empirical formulations", Nigerian Journal ofTechnology (NIJOTECH) Vol.36,No.3,July,2017,pp.663-670,Published by University of Nigeria, Nsukka.(Index,DOI)
14. Sadeeq, J. A.and Salahudeen, A. B.(2017), "Strength characteristics offoundation of soils at Federal UniversityLokoja based on Standard Penetration Test data",Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH)Vol.36,No.3,July,2017,pp.671-676,Published by University of Nigeria,Nsukka.(Index,DOI)
15. Salahudeen,A.B.andSadeeq,J.A.(2018),“AssessmentofGroundnutShellAshasAdmixtureinOrdinaryPortlandCementStabilizedLateriticSoil”,Savana,AJournalof theEnvironmentalandSocialSciences,Vol.24,No.2,May,2018,pp199-210 ISSN:0331-0523,Published by Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria.(Index,DOI)
16. Sadeeq, J.A. and Salahudeen A. B.(2018),“Geotechnical SiteInvestigation forProposedMinnaCityCentreDevelopmentinNigerState”,FUOYEJournalofEngineeringandTechnology,Volume3,Issue1,March2018,pp97–101,ISSN:2579-0617,PublishedbyFederal University, Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria.(Index,DOI)
17. Salahudeen,A.B.andSadeeq,J.A.(2018),“PerformanceofConcobAshasPertialReplacement of Portland Cement inLateritic Soil Stabilisation” EnvironmentalTechnologyandScienceJournal(ETSJ),Volume9,Issue1,June2018,pp123–133,ISSN2006-0459,PublishedbySchoolofEnvironmentalTechnology,FederalUniversity,Minna, Nigeria.(Index,DOI)
18. Salahudeen A. B. and Sadeeq, J. A.“Geophysical SiteInvestigation forGroundwater Prospecting in the Permanent Site of Federal University, Dutsin-Ma,Nigeria”,FUOYEJournalofEngineeringandTechnology,Volume3,Issue2,September2018, pp 35– 39, ISSN: 2579-0617, Published by Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria.(Index,DOI)
19. Salahudeen,A.B.andSadeeq,J.A.(2019).“Strengthimprovementofweaksubgrade soilusingcementandlime”,FUOYE,JournalofEngineeringand Technology,Volume 4, Issue 1,March2019,Pp.34–39,ISSN:2579-0617,.PublishedbyFederalUniversity, Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria.(Index,DOI)
20. Salahudeen, A. B. and Sadeeq, J. A. (2019). “Numerical modelling of foundation geometryeffectonsettlementandcomputationalmodeldevelopment,”NigerianJournal ofEngineeringandAppliedSciences(NJEAS), FederalUniversityof Technology,Minna, Nigeria, June2019.(Index,DOI)
21. Oluwatudimu,O.E,Sadeeq,J.AandOsinubi,K.J.(2020).“ImprovementoftheIndexand Compaction Characteristics of BlackCotton Soil with Palm Kernel Shell Ash”,InternationalJournalofEngineeringandManagementResearch,e-ISSN:2250-0758 p-ISSN:2394-6962,Volume-10,Issue-2(April2020),publishedby VandanaPublications, INDIA 1. ClarkeB. G. AndSadeeq, J. A., (1995), ‘‘APractical Guide to the Derivationof Undrained Shear Strength from PressuremeterTests’’,Proceedings of theConferenceon Advances in SiteInvestigation Practice, ICE, London, pp 559– 570.(Index,DOI)
2. Sadeeq, J. A.And Clarke, B. G., (1995)‘‘Non-linear BehaviourofClay from PressuremeterTests’’, Proceedings of the4thInternationalSymposium on Pressuremeter and Its New Avenues, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada,pp 223–230.(Index,DOI)
3. Sadeeq, J. A.,Ochepo, J. and Salahudeen,A. B., (2014), “Effect of used oilcontamination on the volumetricshrinkageof lateritic soils Proceedings of theThirdInternationalConferenceon Engineeringand Technology Research, LadokeAkintolaUniversity of Technology, Ogbomosho, Nigeria,ISBN: 978-2902-58-6 Volume 3, pp 167– 175.(Index,DOI)
4. Sadeeq, J. A., Ochepo, J. and Salahudeen,A. B. (2014),“Assessment of bagasse asheffect on thevolumetricshrinkageof lateritic soils forflexiblepavements”.Proceedingsof theNigeria Engineering Conference,AhmaduBello University, Zaria,Nigeria, pp 241-248.(Index,DOI)
5. Sadeeq,J.A.,OchepoJ.AndSalahudeen,A.B.,(2014),“EffectofBaggasseAshon Consolidation SettlementCharacteristicsof Lateritic Soil”,Proceedingsofthe National Conference onBridgingthegapbetweenAcademiaandIndustryinNigeria–Refocusing theEngineeringDiscipline, BayeroUniversity, Kano, pp573-587.(Index,DOI)
6. Sadeeq,J.A.andSalahudeen,A.B.,(2016),Useofdamsedimentassub-basematerialfor medium traffic flexible pavement construction”, Proceedings of the FourthInternationalConferenceonEngineeringandTechnologyResearch,LadokeAkintolaUniversity of Technology, Ogbomoso, ISBN:978-2902-58-6 Volume4, pp359 – 367.(Index,DOI)
7. Salahudeen,A. B.andSadeeq,J.A.,(2016), “Numericalmodelingof soilreinforcement usinggeogrids”,ProceedingsoftheFourthInternationalConference onEngineering and TechnologyResearch,LadokeAkintolaUniversityofTechnology,Ogbomoso,ISBN:978-2902-58-6 Volume4, pp345–358.(Index,DOI)
8. Salahudeen, A. B. andSadeeq, J. A.(2016), “Effect of ricehusk ash on theindex properties and hydraulicconductivity of lateritic soils forflexiblepavement construction”, Proceedings of the International Conferenceand Nigerian MaterialCongress 2016 (NIMACON 2016), MaterialScienceand TechnologySociety of Nigeria (MSN), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, pp. 1– 6, November 2016. 9. Salahudeen, A. B. andSadeeq, J. A.(2016), “Strength characteristics of lateritic soils treated with ricehusk ashfor earth roadconstruction”,Proceedingsof theInternational Conference and NigerianMaterialCongress 2016 (NIMACON 2016), MaterialScience and Technology Societyof Nigeria (MSN), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, pp. 7– 11, November 2016.(Index,DOI)
10. Sadeeq, J. A.and Salahudeen, A. B.,(2016),“Evaluation of Foundation Settlement Characteristics in thePermanent Siteof theFederal University of Technology Dutsin-Ma” Proceedings of the 2NDNational Conferenceon Bridging the gap between academia andindustry in Nigeria: Refocusing the engineering discipline – 2, ACICON 2016, Faculty ofEngineering, BayeroUniversity, Kano, Nigeria, 6th– 8thDecember, 2016.(Index,DOI)
11. Sadeeq, J. A., Haruna,M. I.,and Salahudeen, A. B. (2017), "GeotechnicalImprovement of Week Pavement Base Soilin BaureLGA ofKatsinaStateUsingLime", Proceedingsof the ConferenceonMaterials Scienceand TechnologySocietyof Nigeria (MNS),Published by KadunaStateChapter, of MaterialsScience andTechnologySociety ofNigeria,ISBN 978-060-609-31, pp. 77-82.(Index,DOI)
12. Sadeeq, J. A.,Adams, M. D., and Salahudeen,A. B. (2017), "Groundnut ShellAsh Modification ofLateritic", Proceedings of theConferenceonMaterials Scienceand Technology Societyof Nigeria (MNS),Published by KadunaStateChapter,of Materials Science andTechnologySociety ofNigeria,ISBN978-060-609-31, pp. 83-88.(Index,DOI)
13. Sadeeq, J. A.,Dangne,K. Z., and Salahudeen, A. B. (2017), "Modification of Lateritic SoilUsing Corncob Ash", Proceedings of theConferenceon Materials Scienceand Technology Societyof Nigeria (MNS), Published by Kaduna StateChapter,of Materials Science andTechnologySociety ofNigeria,ISBN978-060-609-31, pp. 89-94.(Index,DOI)
14. Salahudeen, A. B.and Sadeeq, J.A.(2018). “Computational model development and statistical analysis of padfoundation settlement”, Bookof Proceedings, National Engineering Conference,Theroleof engineering in the diversification of Nigerian economy,ISBN: 978-978-968-890-6,Faculty of Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, November 2018.(Index,DOI)
15. Salahudeen,A. B. andSadeeq, J. A. (2018), “Useof RiceHuskand Sawdust as CompositeMulching Material forOnion”,Proceedings of theNational Conferenceon the Roleof Engineering in the Diversification of Nigerian Economy2018 (ABU NEC2018), Faculty of Engineering,Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, pp. 4– 7, November2018.(Index,DOI)
16. Salahudeen, A. B.,Daffi, R. E., Ketkukah, T. S. and Sadeeq,J. A. (2019).‘Development of permeability model based on grain sizeparameters using modified Kozeny-Carman technique for practical application’, Bookof Proceedings, Internationalconferenceon Construction Practices in Nigerian– Issues, Prospects and Solutions, Nigerian Building and Road ResearchInstitute (NBRRI),Federal Ministry ofScience andTechnology, Abuja, Nigeria,July 2019. p 31.(Index,DOI)
17. Salahudeen,A. B. and Sadeeq, J. A.(2019). “Axial Compression ofSoilDeposit in Saki Oyo State UnderanIsolated Footing”,Bookof Proceedings, West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference, Seeking innovativeand sustainable Africandevelopment solutions, GhanaAcademyofArts and Sciences, Accra, Ghana, August 2019.(Index,DOI)
18. Salahudeen, A. B.and Sadeeq, J. A.(2019). “California BearingRatio Prediction of Modified BlackClay Using ArtificialNeural Networks”,Bookof Proceedings, West Africa BuiltEnvironment Research (WABER) Conference, Seeking innovativeand sustainableAfrican development solutions,GhanaAcademy ofArts and Sciences, Accra, Ghana, August 2019