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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Prof. Uthman A. AbdulQadir

Brief Biography

Uthman A. AbdulQadir had after acquiring Primary and Secondary education attended Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Sokoto State, University of Jos, Plateau State and the Bayero University Kano, Kano State where he obtained BSc. (Sociology; 1994), MSc. (Sociology; 2002) and PhD (Sociology; 2014) respectively. He was promoted Senior Lecturer in January, 2016 and currently lectures in the Department of Sociology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS) and is also a visitor at Sokoto State University, Sokoto, Sokoto State and Federal University Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State. At UDUS, AbdulQadir has variously served as Examination Officer, Department of Sociology (2002-2004). Member, Examination Monitoring Committee (2002 - 2004 and 2014 - date) Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. His area of research/scholarly interests (teaching and researcher) include sociology of law, criminology, sociology of medicine/religion with a number of publications and other related papers reflecting these areas. Dr. AbdulQadir has supervised over seven Masters students, one PhD student, and currently supervising three PhD candidates and twenty-eight Masters. He has over fifty publications in reputable outlets apart from papers presented at National and International Conferences. He was variously a Supervisor and Consultant for several projects such as the democratization at grassroots in Nigeria (2013). Heterosexuality within the context of Examination for initiation for at National Level (I.W. 2004). He was an external Monitoring Officer Sokoto State for National Examination Council (NECO), SSCE from 2016 to date; he is also a panelist, for National Council of Colleges (NCCE) of Education to accredit Arts and Social Science Courses, College of Education Arochukwu Abia State from 2nd July to 7th July 2017. He is a member of the Anthropological and Sociological Association of Nigeria (NASA). As an erstwhile member of the Nigeria Association of Sociological and Anthropological Association (NASA) had attended National Conferences at Zaria 2010, Lagos, 2015, Kaduna, 2016 and Ibadan, 2017. Married with Seven (7) children, AbdulQadir enjoys travelling, walking and animal husbandry. He has visited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. AbdulQadir has been a regular contributor on social affairs and social policy issues on Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) channels, Rima Radio, Rima F.M. 97.7, Vision F.M. 92.1, Garkuwa FM 95.5, Caliphate Radio, Nagari FM 91.9 Sokoto, Freedom Radio Kano, Rima Television, British Broadcasting Cooperation (BBC), Voice of America (VOA), Al-Jazeera Service and is an active columnist for ‘Da’awah’ column and Shehu’s Legacy on The Path Newspaper Sokoto from 1996 to date, and a Public Relations Officer (P.R.O) for Parents Teachers Association (P.T.A), Federal Government College, (F.G.C) Sokoto from 2016 to date as well as a member, Technical Committee on the State of Emergency of Education Sokoto State 2016 to date, he speaks fluently in Hausa and English languages.
UTHMAN A. ABDULQADIR – CV SUMMARY Uthman A. AbdulQadir attended Primary Schools at Sokoto, Tambuwal and Argungu, Secondary Schools at Government Secondary School, Shuni. He went to the State College of Arts and Science (SCAS) Sokoto, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, University of Jos and Bayero University Kano, Nigeria and obtained BSc. (Sociology, 1994), MSc. (Sociology; 2002) and PhD (Sociology; 2014). He currently lectures Sociology at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto and also serves as a Visiting Senior Lecturer at Sokoto State University, Sokoto and Federal University Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State. Previously, he had served as Examinations Officer, Department of Sociology from 2002 to April, 2004 and also Member Examination Monitoring Committee (2002 – 2004 and November, 2014 to date). He was variously a Supervisor and Consultant to various projects such as INEC, UNFPA, Child Health Initiative, PPRINN, MNCH (2013). His areas of research/scholarly interests (Teaching and Research) include Sociology of Law, Criminology, Sociology of Religion and Sociology of Health and Medicine, with a number of publications, and research papers reflecting these interests. As an erstwhile member of the Nigerian Association of Sociological and Anthropological Association (NASA) and Social Science Council of Nigeria had attended their National Conferences at Zaria, 2010, Lagos, 2015 Kaduna 2016 and Ibadan, 2017. At State and National levels, he was an External Monitoring Officer for National Examination Council (NECO) SSCE, Sokoto State from June/July 2016 to date. He was nominated as a Panelist by the National Council of College of Education (NCCE) to accredit Arts and Social Science Courses, College of Education Arochukwu, Abia State from 2nd July to 7th July, 2016. He was also a Supervisor with the Technical Committee on Education on the Declaration of Emergency in Education, Sokoto State from 2016 – to date.

Area of specialization:Sociology of Law, Criminology, History of Sokoto Caliphate, Islamic Social Thought

List of Selected Publications

1. AbdulQadir, U.A.( 1999),”Sociological Division of Responsibilities of Husband and Wife in Islamic Family System”, DEGEL, Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies UDU,Sokoto,Vol.11,September,1999,Pp 82 -88.
2. AbdulQadir, U. A .(2000), ”The Role of the Ummah (Islamic Community) in Solving Contemporary Problems”. DEGEL Journal of Arts and Islamic Studies UDU, Sokoto, Vol.III, September, 2000, Pp 50 – 58.
3. AbdulQadir, U. A.(2001),”The Role of the Ummah in the Promotion of Science” Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies (JAIS), Vol. II, No.3. April/May 2001.Pp. 9 – 25. 4. AbdulQadir, U.A.(2003),”Conventional Socialization and Muslim Society: The Need for an Islamic Perspective”, DEGEL, Journal of Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies,Vol.V1,August,2003,Pp 81 – 90.
5. AbdulQadir,U.A. (2010) The Socio- Economic Status of Women in Northern Nigeria: An Analysis of the 1804 Jihad Movement in Al – Ijtihad The Journal of the Islamization of Knowledge and Contemporary Issues Volume 8.No.1, January 2010.(Nigeria office),Kano: The International Institute of Islamic Thought(IIIT). Pp 10 - 28.
6. AbdulQadir, U.A. (2015), “Dymanics and Politics of the Implementation of Shari’ah Legal System in Sokoto State (2000 – 2010), Nigerian Association of Sociology and Anthropology (NASA), Ibadan.
7. Maigari, M.A., AbdulQadir, U.A., (2016), Public Perception on Internal Security Management of Jos Crises 2001 – 2014, International Journal of Social Research (IOSR), Journal of India Article id: K63075, (www.iosrjournals.org)
8. AbdulQadir, U.A., (2016), “Traditional Rulers and Security Administration in Nigeria: Challenges for the 21st Century”, IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, (IOSR – JHSS), Vol.21, Issue 8, e-ISSN: 2279-0837, PISSN: 2279-0845 www.iosrjournals.org DOI:10.9790/0837-2108060111.
9. AbdulQadir, U.A., (2016), “The Role of Nigerian Civil Defence Corps in Security Administration in Nigeria: Challenges for the 21st Century”, IOSR, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences: (IOSR: JHSS), Vol. 21, Issue 9, (August 2016), PP01 – 05, e-ISSN: 2279-0837, P-ISSN:2279-0845, www.iosrjournals.org
10. AbdulQadir, U.A., (2016) “Women and the Utilization of Reproductive Healthcare Services in Sokoto Metropolis”, Bayero Journal of Social and Management Sciences (BAJOSAMS), Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria, Vol.19, Number 2, December, 2016: 295-310, ISSN: 2141-9450.
11. AbdulQadir, U.A. (2016), ‘Evolution and Transformation of the Shari’ah Legal System: A Northern Nigerian Experience for Sustainable Development’, Nigerian Association of Sociology and Anthropology (NASA), (Forth-coming).
12. AbdulQadir, U.A., (2016), ‘A Sociological Overview of Shari’ah’, Journal of Islamic Law (HUJIL), Department of Islamic Law, Faculty of Law, Al-Hikmah University Ilorin Kwara State-Nigeria, Vol.1, No.1, June 2017: 65 – 82.
13. Maigari, A.M., AbdulQadir, U.A. (2017), “A Non-Military Approach in the Management of Protracted Crises in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria”, Journal of Conflict and Integration, South Korea (Vol.1) No.2 (2017).
14. Maigari, A.M., AbdulQadir, U.A. (2017), “Insurgency, Militancy and Achieving Sustainable Development in Africa: Experience from Nigeria”, Global Journal of Sociology , Current Issues, Turkey, Vol.2, Issue 2, December, 2017, Pp. 76-89, ISSN (Online): 2521-0793; ISSN (Print): 2521-0785, www.gjsoc.eu, Turkey.
15. AbdulQadir, U.A., (2017), ‘Shari’ah Implementation in Nigeria: A Reflections on the Views of Academics Journalist, Some Non-Muslims and Expatriate Scholars’, International Journal of Law, Humanities and Social Science (IJLHSS), E-ISSN:2521-0793. P-ISSN: 2521-0785, 27/8 A Topkhana Road, Daka-1000 Bangaladish, www.ijihss.com
16. AbdulQadir, U.A. (2018), “Gender Analysis of the Nigerian Health Sector”, International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Studies, (IJHAS), Vol.3, No.2, May, 2018: 59 – 69.
17. AbdulQadir, U.A.., A. M. Maigari, (2018), “Restructuring Nigeria: Beyond Political Rhetoric and the Moral Panic”, International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Studies, (IJHASS), Vol.15, No.3, 2018.
18. AbdulQadir, U.A., (2018), “British Colonial Encounter with Sokoto Caliphate with Particular Reference to the Shari’ah Legal System (1905 – 1906)”, International Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, ISSN (Paper), 2224-3240, ISSN (Online) 2224-3259, Vol.70, 2018: pp. 8 – 15, Index, www.iiste.org
19. AbdulQadir, U.A., (2016), ‘The Role of Shari’ah Legal System in the Fight Against Corruption: An Analytical Evidence’, Journal of Crime and Security, Federal University Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria, Volum 2, No.1, August, 2018.
20. AbdulQadir, U.A. (2018), “Implementation of the Shari’ah Legal System in Sokoto State: Issues and Controversies from the Sociological Perspectives”, Journal of Islamic Law, Faculty of Law al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, Vol.II, No.1, June, 2018: 61-78, ISSN: 2616-0935.
21. Mohammed Haruna Awais and AbdulQadir, U.A. (2015),’Utilization of Family Planning among Married Women in Sokoto Metropolis”, International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (IJHAS), Vol.3, Number 2, AJRCC, Publishing Corporation, May, 2018: 59-69, Author Index, Charmai, India, (forth-coming).
22. AbdulQadir, U,A, (2016), ‘The Effective Appraisal between Shari’ah Legal System and Penal Code of Northern Nigeria: Exploring the Best Option for Eradicating Corruption, Nigerian Association of Sociology and Anthropology (NASA), (Forth-coming).
23. AbdulQadir, U.A., (2016), “The Role of Shari’ah Legal System in the Fight Against Corruption: Analytical Evidence from KSA and Malaysia”. Journal of Crime and Security, Federal University Duste, Jigawa State (Forth-coming).
24. AbdulQadir, U.A., (2017), ‘The Shari’ah Court System in Nigeria: Procedures and Practices’, Jos Journal of Social Issues, Journal of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Jos, (Forth-coming).
25. AbdulQadir, U.A., (2017), ‘Conflicts Between the Media and the Executive Arm of Government’, Journal of Science and Humanities, Vol. No., Federal University of Gashua, (FUG), Yobe State, Nigeria (Forthcoming).
26. Maigari, A.M., U.A. Karofi, M.M. Yelwa., U.A. AbdulQadir, (2019), “Seeing the End from the Beginning: An Early Childhood in Violent Area”, Journal of Education in Emergencies, https://www.editorialmanager.com/jeie/. Index (forth-coming).
27. AbdulQadir, U.A. (2018), “The Role of Traditional Rulers and faith Leaders in the Democratic Process in Nigeria: Sensitisation and Mobilization on Voter Registration”, Jos Journal of Social Issues,(forth-coming.
28. S.H. Sidi, A. Hashim, B.Z. Abubakar, O.J. Ladebo, AbdulQadir, U.A., F.J. Yelwa (2020), “Effect of Participation in Community and Social Development Project ob Rural Livelihood Enhancement in North West Nigeria”, International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) 87/89 Sector 8 Pratas, Vol. 5, Issue -, Naggar Japur, India, January- February 2020:31-41, ISSN: 2456-1878 https//do:doi:org/10.22161/ijeab.51.5 www.ijeab.com Index.
29. AbdulQadir, U.A. (2018), “Jurisprudence: A Sociological Review
30. AbdulQadir, U.A. (2018), “The Future of Political Parties in Nigeria: Issues and Challenges for 21st Century.
31. AbdulQadir, U.A. 2018), “Reserve Force: Neglected Components of Security Sector in Nigeria”, Jos Journal of Social Issues, Vol/12, No.1, September, 2019: 50 – 61 Jos, Department of Sociology University of Jos, Nigeria.
32. Maigari, A., AbdulQadir, U.A. (2019), “Prevalence of Kidnapping in Nigeria: A Sociological Insights”.
33. Maigari, A.M., AbdulQadir, U.A. (2019), “Social Media in Emergency and Abducted School Girls in Sociology and Anthropology”
34. Jibril, U. AbdulQadir, U.A. (2011),’Conflicts Between the Media and the Executive Arm of Government’ Paper presented at a Two-Day Workshop on ‘The Relationship Between Politicians and Journalists, Organized by Hameen Global Ventures Limited Sokoto ,from 15th-16th June 2011,at Sultan Maccido Institute for Quranic and General Studies, Sokoto, (Forth-coming).
35. Adam, Adam Yusuf (2006), “Origin and Purpose Lead: A Conparative Analysis of Islamic Law and Lex Human”, Degel: The Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Vol.13, December. 2016:17.
36. AbdulQadir, U.A., (2019), “Social Media in an Emergency: Use of Social Media in Rescuing Abducted Students”, https://doi.org/10.3126/dsaj.V1310.22188 (doi:103126/dsajv1310:22188 B) Chapters in Books
37. AbdulQadir, U.A.(2005), “Gender, Equity and Reproductive Health: Issues and Challenges for Sustainable Development “,in Modo, I.V.O. Sustainable Development in Africa :A Book of Readings, Uyo: Cultural Research Publishers, Pp 153 – 167.
38. Abdul-Qadir, U.A. and Best, E.G.(2007), “Socio-Cultural Obstacles to Engendering Democracy in Nigeria”, in Okpeh, O. Okpeh,Jnr and Dung Pam Sha, Power, Gender and Politics. Makurdi: Aboki Publishers, 2006,Pp 234 – 244.
39. AbdulQadir, U.A. (2010),” A Brief Overview on the Contributions of Abdullahi Fodiyo’s Kitab Masalihil Insani Book on the well – being of Mankind to the Promotion of Medical Profession”, In Yan Daki,A.I., A.M.Gada, and Mallam, M.T., Essays on the Contributions of Sokoto Jihad Leaders to Science- Based Knowledge. Kaduna; Naobic Print Publishers, 2010,Pp 20-25.
40. AbdulQadir, U.A.and Zakari, Y.A.(2012),’Trade Unionism and Workers Welfare” in Bayero, A.S.M., N.M. Yauri, M.N. Tukur, M.M. Maishanu, M.U. Alti, D.O. Abdussalam, (eds), Readings in Management Studies, Volume 4 Published by Faculty of Management Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, ISBN: 978978 909 1713, Pp 118-128.
41. AbdulQadir, U.A. (2017), “Shari’ah Legal System in Nigeria and Republic of Sudan: A Comparative Analysis” in M.L. Ahmadu., A.M. Bachaka (2018) (eds.) Perspectives on Nigerian Laws: Essays in Honour of Justice Ibrahim Umar Former Chief Judge, Kebbi State, ISBN 978-978-963-557-3, Sokoto-Nigeria, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Press, pp. 247-254.
42. AbdulQadir, U.A. (2015), ‘Preliminary Observations on the Implementation of Shari’ah in Sokoto State”, in M.A. Wali, M.B. Zagga, S.Y.B. Kura (eds) Islam and Governance in Nigeria: Trends and Challenges, Vol.II, Kaduna: Data and Image Technology, pp.329-341 ISBN 978-978-956-844-2.
43. AbdulQadir, U.A. (2017), ‘Shari’ah (Islamic Legal System) and the Administration of the Criminal Justice System in Nigeria’, in Aderinto Adeyinka A. (eds) Criminal Justice System in Nigeria, Ibadan: Spectrum Publishers (Forth-coming).
44. AbdulQadir, U.A., Dangiwa, A.L., (2019), “Incidence of Kidnapping in Nigeria: A Review in M.M. Namadi, Mageed, O.H. (eds) Sociological Insights on the Contemporary Social Problems in Nigeria, Book of Reading, Department of Sociology, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria.