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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Dr. Yusuf Alkali Ibrahim

Area of specialization:Neuropharmacology
Email: yusuf.alkali@udusok.edu.ng

List of Selected Publications

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1. A.M Alhassan., A Uba., C, Muhammad., H.L Bako., I, Malami., Q.U Ahmed., Y.I Alkali (2022). In-vitro cytotoxicity Effects and Bioactive Constituents of choloroform extract of Vernonia glaberrinaWelw. Ex.oHoffin (Astraceae). Nigerian Journal of basic and applied sciences 30(1):77-80. ISSN6794-5698. Doi:http//doi.org/10.4314/injbas.v3011.110.5

2. Abubakarm Muhammad Amali, Yusuf Ibrahim Alkali, Ahmad Hadiza, Hussein Yahaya Ungokore, Ahmed Olowokere (2019). In-vitro antibacterial activity of different stem bark extracts and fractions of Lophiralanceolata. Scholars international journal of traditional and complementary medicines. ISSN: 2617-3891. Doi: 10.21276/sijtcm.2019.2.6.3 3. Abubakarm Muhammad Amali, Yusuf Ibrahim Alkali, Abubakar Muhammad Ramadan, Jibril Salim, Almustapha Zainab (2019). In vitro Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of methanol leaf extract of and fractions of Termainaliacatappa L. Saudi journal of pathology and microbiology. ISSN: 2518-3362. Doi: 10.21276sjpm.2019.4.8.11

4. Yusuf Ibrahim Alkali, Abdulgafar O. Jimoh, Kabiru Abubakar, Yerima Musa (2018).Antischizophrenic and Central Nervous System Depressant Effect of Methanol Leaf Extract of Cassia singueana (fransen) in Wistar Rats and Mice. Australian Journal of Science and Technology:2:4,(ISSNN: 2208-6404).

5. Kabiru Abubakar, Yusuf Ibrahim Alkali, Musa Muhammad Kabir, A’isha Abubakar Alhaji, Ugwah-OguejioforChinenye Jane, IyaboMobolawa Adebisi, MilicentLadi Umaru (2018). Anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of methanol stem bark extract of Bombax buonopozense. Australian Journal of Science and Technology, 2:2. (ISSNN: 2208-6404).

6. Ahmed, H. A. and Alkali I. Y (2018). Isolation and antibiotic susceptibility test of bacteria from healthcare workers and hospital environment. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences: 04(01), 044–047 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.30574/gscbps.2018.4.1.0047) (ISSNN: 2581-3250).

7. Yusuf Ibrahim Alkali, Abdulgafar O. Jimoh and Umar Muhammad (2018). Acute and Sub-chronic Toxicity Studies of Methanol Leaf Extract of Cassia singueana F. (fresen) in Wistar Rats. Journal of Herbal Medicine. Vol. 4 No. 2:06. (DOI:10.21767/2472-0151.100038). (ISSN: 2472-0151)

8. Ahmed H. A and Alkali I. Y (2018). In-silico molecular docking studies of some phytochemicals against peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ). GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences: 05(02), 001–005 (DOI:https://doi.org/10.30574/gscbps.2018.5.2.0085) (ISSN: 2581-3250)

9. Ahmed H.A, Alkali I. Y, Mahmud A.F (2018) In-silico Molecular Docking Studies of Some Phytochemicals against Dipeptidyl peptidase 4. International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences: Volume 1, Issue 6, pp. 65-68 (ISSNN:2581-3277)

10. Chinenye J. Ugwah-Oguejiofor, Yusuf I. Alkali,Oguejiofor M. Ugwah, Kabiru Abubakar (2013). Anti-diarrheal potential of the aqueous root extract of ZiziphusabyssinicaA. Rich. Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy (SAJP): 2(5):419-423 (ISSN: 2320-4206).

11. Aliyu Hamidu Ahmed and Yusuf Ibrahim Alkali(2019). Computational Investigation of Selected Phytochemicals as Potential Antidiabetic Agents Targeting Sodium/Glucose transporter2 (SGT2). International Journal of Modern Pharmaceutical Research.IJMP3(1), 01-06. (ISSN: 2319-5878).

12. Yerima Musa and Yusuf Ibrahim Alkali (2019). Evaluation of Antidiabetic Effects of Saponins Extracted from Methanol Leaf Extract of Cammiphorakerstingii Engl. Asian journal of Applied Sciences. 12(4): 180-184.(ISSN 1996-3343). DOI: 10.3923/ajaps.2019.

13. Alkali Yusuf Ibrahim ,Kabiru Abubakar , Yerima Musa, Aliyu Hamidu Ahmed, Maryam Haruna Gada and Fateema Yusuf Maitambar. Anxiolytic and antidepressant potential of methanol leaf extract of Cassia singueana f.(fabaceae). GCS Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 07(02), 007–015 (-ISSN: 2581-3250).

14. Umaru Millicent Ladi, Abubakar Kabiru, Uyaiabasi Gabriel Noblefather, TijjaniRabiuGiaze, Alkali Yusuf Ibrahim, Adebisi IyaboMobolawa, AlebiosuOluranti Celestina, Sahabi SoddikMalami, Abdullahi Suleiman, HaliluMshelia Emmanuel (2021). Acute and Sub-Acute Toxicity Studies ofAqueous Leaf Extract of Launaeataraxacifolia(Willd.) in Wistar Rats. Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 12(1), 95-101. DOI:10.5455/jcmr.2021.12.01.11 (ISSN: 2146-8397).

List of conferences/workshops/seminar Papers

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1. Ibrahim Y.A and Hamid A.A (2021). N-methyl D-aspartate receptor as potential pharmacological target in ameliorating the cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. West African Society for Pharmacology. 42nd Annual conference, Zaria 2021.

2. A.H Ahmed., K.Y Musa., A. Ahmed., M. Lawal., Y.I Alkali and A.F Mahmud (2020). Isolation, Characterization and Molecular docking studies of Oleanolic acid from stem bark of Aubrevilleakerstingii.American chemical society, Nigeria international chemical sciences chapter, 5th symposium sokoto 2020.

3. Ahmed A.H and Alkali Y.I (2019). Evaluation of some phytochemicals as potential antidiabetic drugs targeting sodium/ glucose transporter -2 using in silico studies. Nation association of Pharmacist in Academia (NAPA), 17th scientific conference Abuja 2019.

4. Ahmed A.H., Musa K.Y., Ahmed A., Alkali Y.I and Mahmud A.F (2020). Isolatio, Characterization and Molcular docking analysis of lupeol from stem bark of Aubrevilleakerstingii (Harms) pellerge (Fabaceae) targeting 11beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 (11b-HSD1). Nation association of Pharmacist in Academia (NAPA), 18th scientific conference.

Academic Metrics (ORCID, LinkedIn, Google scholar, ResearchGate, Web of science, Scopus, etc).

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ORCID:http://orcid.org/0009-0009-3522-6505?lang=en. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yusuf-alkali-155b0518b. Google scholar: Google Scholar: Citation 23 h-index: ; i10-index: