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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The Most Peaceful University in Nigeria

Dr. Zakiyya. Y. Y. Ibrahim

Area of specialization:Natural Products Chemistry

List of Selected Publications

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1. M., and Ya'u, J. (2015). Phytochemical and Anti-nociceptive Studies on the Leaf Extracts of Ochna sclnveinfnrthiana (ochnaceae). International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry (IJAPBC); 4(4): 838-843 http://www.ijapbc.com/files/04-12-15/19-4338.pdf

2. Ibrahim, Z. Y. Y., Abdullahi, M. I., Musa, A. M., Maje, I. M., Yusuf, A. J. and Aliyu, I. M. (2015). Acute Toxicity Profile and Plasmodium Berghei Inhibitory Activity of Ochna schweinfurthiana. (F. Hoffm) ochnaceae Leaf Extract in Laboratory Animals. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (IJPSR); 6(10): 1302-1306 http://www.ijpsr.info/docs/IJPSR15-06-10-014.pdf

3. Ibrahim M. Aliyu, Abdulkadir U. Zezi, Muhammed G. Magaji, Ibrahim Abdu-Aguye, Zakiyyah Y. Y. Ibrahim, Ibrahim Atiku, Abdulrahman Muntaka (2017). Anti-histaminic and bronchodilatory activities of aqueous and methanol extracts of Calotropis procera (Ait) R.Br. root bark on allergic asthma in rodents. J. Pharmacy & Bioresources 14(2), 128-136. http://ajol.info/index.php/jpb

4. Ibrahim M. Aliyu, Abdulkadir U. Zezi, Zakiyyah Y.Y. Ibrahim, Adamu Abdulrahman and Umar F. Shehu (2017). Immune-mediated Anti-inflammatory Activity of Root Bark Extracts of Calotropis procera (Ait) R.Br. in Rodents. Afr. J. Pharmacol. Ther. 6(1): 14-19. http://www.uonbi.ac.ke/journals/kesobap/

5. A.J. Yusuf, M.I. Abdullahi, A.K. Haruna, A.M. Musa, Z.Y.Y. Ibrahim, A. Uba (2015). Acute Toxicity Studies and Evaluation of Analgesic Property of the Methanol Stem Bark Extract of Neocarya macrophylla - Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 5 (1): 61-64 ISSN 2231-3354 https://www.japsonline.com

6. A Uba, M. I. Abdullahi, A. J. Yusuf, Z.Y.Y. Ibrahim, M. Lawal, Nasir I. and F. T. Abdullahi (2015). Mineral profile, proximate and amino acid composition of three dates varieties (Phoenix Dactylifera L.)-Der Pharma Chemica, 7(5):48-53 ISSN 0975-413X www.derpharmachemica.com

7. M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. Umar, A. M. Alhassan, A. J. Yusuf, A. Yunusa, S. S. Bello, I. Nasir, Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, K. M. Musa and M. Aminu. (2015). Studies on phytochemical constituents, toxicity, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Vernonia glaberrima, Der Pharma Chemica, 7(7):273-278 ISSN 0975-413X www.derpharmachemica.com

8. M. I. Abdullahi, A. K. Haruna, A. M. Musa, M. A. Alhassan, A. Umar, A. J. Yusuf, A. Uba and Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim. 2015. Preliminary phytochemical and antimicrobial evaluations of the methanolic leaf extract of Ochna kibbiensis Hutz and Dalz (Ochnaceae) - Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 7(2):626-631 ISSN 0975-7384 www.jopcr.com

9. A J. Yusuf, M. I. Abdullahi, A. K. Haruna, A. M. Musa, M. S. Abdullahi, Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, M. E. Halilu and Odiba O. J. (2015). Phytochemical and antimicrobial evaluations of the methanol stem bark extract of Neocarya macrophylla, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 7(1):477-481 ISSN 0975-7384 www.jopcr.com

10. Yusuf A. J., Alebiosu C. O., Ibrahim Z. Y. Y. and Mailafiya M. M. (2015). Efficacy of crude extracts and fractions of Citrullus lanatus against some selected micro-organisms. Sky Journal of Microbiology Research. 3(5): 067-072 http://skyjournals.org/

11. Abdullahi M. I., Uba A, Alebiosu C. O., Alhassan A. M., Mode S., Umar A., Nasir I., Bello S. S., Ibrahim Z. Y. Y., Yunusa A. and Yusuf A. J. (2015). Antimicrobial Properties of the methanol leaf extract of Vernonia glaberrima. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 9(37): 914-918 www.academicjournals.org/AJPP

12. M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. Yunusa, H. A. Kaita, A. H. Yaro, S. Hassan, A. M. Alhassan, A. Umar, I. Nasir, Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, C. O. Alebiosu and A. J. Yusuf (2015). Evaluation of the Antimalarial Effect of the Methanolic Leaf Extract of Vernonia glaberrima (Asteraceae). IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS). 10(5): 06-09 www.iosrjournals.org

13. Malami I., Jagaba N. M., Abubakar I. B., Muhammad A., Alhassan A. M., Waziri P. M., Ibrahim Z. Y. Y., Mshelia H. E. and Nefai M. S. (2020). Integration of medicinal plants into the traditional system of medicine for the treatment of cancer in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Heliyon 6(2020) e04830 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04830 https://www.cell.com


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1. Yusuf A. J., Alebiosu C. O. and Ibrahim Z. Y. Y. Evaluation of antimicrobial Activities of Fractions from Leaves of Citrulluslanatus (Curcurbitaceae)” 38th Nigerian Society for Microbiology (NSM) conference, Multipurpose Hall, University of Lagos, Nigeria, 1st-5th September, 2015. (Poster presentation

2. M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. Umar, A. M. Alhassan, A. J. Yusuf, S. S. Bello, I. Nasir and Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim (2015). Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activities of the Methanolic Leaf Extract of Vernoniaglaberrima in rodents. Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia, 13th National Conference and Scientific Meeting, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. (Poster presentation).

3. Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, M. I. Abdullahi, A. M. Musa, A. J. Yusuf, I. M. Maje and I. M. Aliyu (2015). Phytochemical, Toxicological and Antimalarial Studies on Methanol leaf extract of Ochnaschweinfurthiana. Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia, 13th National Conference and Scientific Meeting, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. (Poster presentation)

4. Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, A. M. Musa, M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. J. Yusuf, M. G. Magaji and J. Ya’u (2015). Effect of Ochnaschweinfurthiana(Ochnaceae) Leaf Extract on Chemically-induced and Mechanically-induced Pain in Mice. 38th Annual Conference of the West African Society for Pharmacology - SocieteOuestAfricaine de Pharmacologie (WASP-SOAP). Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 18th – 22nd October, 2015.

5. Halilu, M. E., Mathias, S. N., Lawal, M., Uba, A. and Ibrahim, Z. Y. Y. (2015). Ethnomedical Application of Mistletoe (Tapinanthusglobiferus) growing on some host plants in Sokoto State, Nigeria. 13th Scientific Conference of the Nigerian Society of Pharmacognosy in conjunction with Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC). Raw Materials Research and Development Council(RMRDC), Maitama, Abuja. 24th-27th February, 2016

6. Uba A., Yusuf, A.J., Lawal, M., Ibrahim, Z. Y. Y. and Gele, A. M. (2015). Preliminary antibacterial evaluation on crude extract and fractions of Acacia siberiana(Fabaceae) bark. 13th Scientific Conference of the Nigerian Society of Pharmacognosy in conjunction with Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC) . Raw Materials Research and Development Council(RMRDC), Maitama, Abuja. 24th-27th February, 2016

7. M. I. Abdullahi, A. Uba, A. J. Yusuf, Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, I. Nasir, A.M. Alhasan and A. Umar (2015). Biological Investigations of Vernoniaglaberimma. 38th International Conference of Chemical Society of Nigeria & 5th Congress of FASC, International Conference Centre in Abuja, Federal Capital Territory (ABUJA 2015). 6th – 11th September 2015.

8. Yusuf A.J., Mailafiya M.M., Okolo E.A. and Ibrahim Z.Y.Y. (2015). Toxicological and Analgesic Studies of Some Medicinal Plants in Northern Nigeria. 38th Annual Conference of the West African Society for Pharmacology - SocieteOuestAfricaine de Pharmacologie (WASP-SOAP). Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 18th – 22nd October, 2015.

9. Yusuf A. J., Abdullahi M. I., Haruna A. K., Musa A. M., Uba A., Nasir I., Yahaya M., Mailafiya M. M., Halilu M. E. and Ibrahim Z. Y. Y. (2015). Snake Venom Neutralization of Stem Bark of Neocaryamacrophylla. Maiden Conference/Congress of TSN organized by the Federal University of BirninKebbi (FUBK) in collaboration with Toxicology Society of Nigeria (TSN). Banquet Hall, Presidential Lodge, BirninKebbi, Nigeria. 22nd – 25th November, 2015.

10. Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, A. M. Musa, M. I. Sule and M. I. Abdullahi (2021). In-vivo Antiplasmodial Studies of the Methanol Stembark Extract of Ochnamembranacea(Oliv) Ochnaceae. 42nd Annual Conference of the West African Society for Pharmacology - SocieteOuestAfricaine de Pharmacologie (WASP-SOAP). Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. 26th-30th October, 2021

11. Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, A. M. Musa, M. I. Sule and M. I. Abdullahi (2021). In vitro Study of the HaeminPolymerisation Inhibitory Activity of Extract and Fractions of leaves of Ochnamembranacea(Oliv) Ochnaceae. 5th Annual International Conference of the Society for Medicinal Plants and Economic Development (SOMPED). 24th-26th August, 2021 (Virtual)

12. I. M. Aliyu, J. Ya’u, M. B. Sani, S. Mustapha, M. Mohammed, M. Abdulrahman, Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim and A. D. Ahmed (2019). Mast Cell Stabilizing Activity of Azithromycin in Wistar Rats. 41st Annual Conference of the West African Society for Pharmacology - SocieteOuestAfricaine de Pharmacologie (WASP-SOAP). Department of Pharmacology, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers-Nigeria. 22nd-26th October, 2019

13. Z. Y. Y. Ibrahim, A. M. Musa, M. I. Abdullahi and M. I. Sule (2020). AntiplasmodialBiflavonoid from Ochnamembranacea(Tiegh) Ochnaceae. 43rd\Annual International Conference of Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN). Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Abuja-Nigeria. 22nd-27th November, 2020

14. Aliyu, I. M., Ya’u, J., Danjuma, N. M., Mustapha, S., Mohammed, M. and Ibrahim, Z. Y. Y. (2022). Ethnobotanical Survey on Medicinal Plants used in the Management of Asthma in North-Western Nigeria. 20th Annual National Scientific Conference of the Nigeria Association of Pharmacists in Academia (NAPA), Faculty of Pharmacy, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife. 15th-19th August, 2022


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