Student Affairs Division

Since the establishment of the University, Student Affairs was a unit operating under the office of the Registrar till 1991 when it was brought under the office of the Vice-Chancellor and headed by the Dean. The Division is responsible for the general social wellbeing and physical development of students on the Campuses and as well it ensures Students Discipline. Thus, the division attend to all matters relating to students’ academic, social, and physical activities as well as inter and intra unions’ relations within the University campuses. The Division is also responsible for students’ accommodation in both permanent site and city campus of the University.
However, the division has three Deputy Deans:
- Main Campus
- City Campus
- Private Hostels
The Main campus of the university is situated in Dundaye district of Wamakko Local Government Area of Sokoto state about 7 kilometres away from Sokoto city. The campus houses numerous academic faculties, Departments, Research Centres, and various administrative units of the university. Further, main campus has larger concentration of student population. Main campus has students’ accommodation of more than four thousand students in 12 halls of residence of both graduate and undergraduate students, and of both gender.
The city campus was the temporary site of the University, where the University academic and administrative activities were first housed since its establishment in 1975. The city campus complex houses college of health Sciences and some related medical faculties and has students’ accommodation under the supervision of the Deputy Dean II (City Campus). The city campus has three clusters of students’ accommodation: city campus, Teaching Hospital and School of Basic and Advanced Studies (Sahara). Traditionally, accommodation in both city campus and School of Basic and Advanced Studies (Sahara) are basically meant for pre-clinical students, while accommodations in the Teaching Hospital is for clinical students.
There are various private hostels on the permanent site, in fact, almost every surrounding village on the permanent site has a private hostel or room(s); these include Shama village, Gidan Yaro, Gidan Bubu, Dan-Dutse, Gumburawa, Gidan Sule, Gidan Hamidu, Bakin Gulbi, Kwalkwalawa and a host of others. Thus, the number of private hostels/accommodations being contended with involves more than two thousand rooms. However, notable private residential hostels are Binji Groups of Hostels and 80K Group of Hostels all situated in the Shama village. Furthermore, when all the villages are combined, they provide residential accommodation to more than five thousand (5,000) students of the university.