Veterinary Teaching Hospital

(Veterinary Teaching Hospital)
The Veterinary Teaching Hospital is an independent but integral part of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, established in 1992. The Hospital is made up of Large and Small animal and Avian clinics, Records, Pharmacy, Surgery, Ultrasound and Radiographic units. The services of these clinics facilitated in conjunction with the Department of Veterinary Surgery, Parasitology and Entomology, Pathology, Microbiology,Theriogenology and Central laboratory respectively. Similarly maintains an outstation clinic located at Achida for effective disease surveillance, rural community services and rural clinical services for Vet.Medical students.
The primary function of the VTH, is to serve as centre of excellence for the provision of high quality Veterinary services and training of Veterinary Doctors in their final clinical years. The centre also accept referral of clinical cases and runs consultancy and ambulatory services to public. The Veterinary Teaching Hospital in conjunction with the Usmanu Danfodiyo University consultancy services runs a 2-year Diploma programme in animal health and production for servicing field workers, which also serve as pre degree programme.
In conjunction with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine the VTH coordinate clinical conferences for Vet Medical students on weekly basis and provide facilities for conducting research for both undergraduate and post graduate students.
Our Mission
To provide qualitative undergraduate and postgraduate training in Veterinary Sciences and to ensure that it serves as a Centre of Excellence in research and Veterinary services.
Our Vision
To be a Centre of Excellence in teaching and research in Veterinary Sciences; to enhance livelihood and health of the human population.